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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10618560 No.10618560 [Reply] [Original]

Will you leave this board once you make your "fuck you" money?

>> No.10618566

No one here will ever make "Fuck you" money.

>> No.10618584
File: 105 KB, 887x560, A869288C-229F-4C41-AA18-5EFC6BF68723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already have and still here. Fuck you.

>> No.10618609
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Nop. Nowhere else would people call my honest thoughts a jewish psyop.

>> No.10618618

Yeah, im a CEO at a fortune 500 company. Frogposters are beneath me:)

>> No.10618639

lmao fucking wagecuck bitch.

>> No.10618650

No, I like it here

>> No.10618654

No. You guys are my only frens.

>> No.10618656
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The board is a death trap

>> No.10618658

I was halfway there bros... Fuck. But I'd probably still be on here. I can't give up the image board habit.

>> No.10618675

Never. /biz/ is my home now, my fucked up abusive broken home

>> No.10618694

I'll try to help in any way I can.

>> No.10618747

No, but I'd probably just lurk and occasionally post myself next to expensive things while fudding the next eth/link/whatever

>> No.10618770

Lots of people already have and did.

>> No.10618843

Will never leave no matter what happens

>> No.10618850
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>> No.10618877

Nah, I'll be back to laugh at everyone who missed out and dispense oldfag advice

>> No.10618986

The fuck does everyone keep using this name for?

>> No.10619004

to piss the cripple off

>> No.10619012

more like "fuck me" money amirite XDDDDDDDDDD?

>> No.10619019

it's all one person bud

>> No.10619031
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at first they tell you tits or gtfo
then they tell you to kill yourself
then they join you :O

>> No.10619036

Have to stay here to organize lambo races on the moon.

>> No.10619504

>t. no "fuck you" money
hey, at least you got dubs though

>> No.10619524

He gets it

>> No.10619557

No I will make a thread everyday from my Link Yacht laughing at the few nolinkers left who haven't killed themselves.

>> No.10619651

I will continue to post and lurk from my 5K PC in my Prague penthouse, while a high quality eastern European tranny escort serves me a drink

>> No.10620159


>> No.10620173

Im the richest guy in this board and I still shitpost.

>> No.10620200

Jeff Bezos here. I love /biz/.
How do you do, fellow kids?

>> No.10620211

How much is that? I'm well into 6 figures down from 7 on december but I'm still here
It's not like I have any friends or hobbies so I can't really leave

>> No.10620215

I will come back every day and flaunt my hedonism. I will rub it in all the newfags' faces and they will worship me. I will maintain contact with all my fellow Holofags and have cocaine parties weekly.

>> No.10620224

/fit/ people have this concept of graduating from their board. The next step would be either /fa/ or /s4s/ for pure formless shitposting

>> No.10620233


>> No.10620238


>thinks he's too good for pepe memes
Whatever you are in the real world, on here you're just another wagecucking Plebbit faggot.

>> No.10620255

Nah, even with a fucking billion I would honestly still just sit at the computer all day long.

>> No.10620258


>> No.10620264

Hey Shatner, meet me on Arthas server in WoW.

>> No.10620440

Nope, don't have much time outside of work at the moment so honestly I'd probably spend a little more time here.

>> No.10620481

No. I will come back to make fun of wagies and nocoiners.

>> No.10620794
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Never ever forever.

>> No.10620812

I've been shitposting on 4chan for more than a decade at this point. I'm just going to double down on it with more freetime.

>> No.10620839

Probably will still pop by from time to time. Had some good times here. But, won't be nearly as frequent. I think part of why I come here so much is because of my stress, anxiety, and depression over my current financial state. It's a nice escape which helps me cope with that. If those pressures were gone I would probably be more productive in terms of family and work life.

>> No.10620852

Probably not. This is one of the few boards left where you can say what you want without getting banned with over-moderation and heavy reportfags with fragile feelings.

>> No.10621340

Give me some Eth or linkes. My mom has cancer I can't buy any.


>> No.10621494

No, here forever

>> No.10621514

sent ;)

>> No.10621577
File: 88 KB, 440x292, 482805F6-4515-4678-8C05-98AFE33A51F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stacy he thinks people can just willingly leave the chans
>omg lol what an incel

>> No.10621612

There are max 100 people that posts on this board. Same shit over and over.

>> No.10622453
File: 83 KB, 1024x518, 1493937265633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no have too many frens here

>> No.10623538 [DELETED] 

Send LINK to prove fren

>> No.10623628
File: 80 KB, 500x461, Bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess other people do know what it's like

>> No.10623643
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Im below investment
Do you think I care about the money?
I'm here for the fucking memes

>> No.10623661

t. january buyer brainlet

>> No.10623681

I can't wait for the day that I give up home internet. What a waste of time. What an addiction.

>> No.10623737

I'm not here to learn how to make money. I'm here to laugh at plebs.

>> No.10623822

I want to fit in

>> No.10623860


>> No.10624100

Depends. If Link actually takes off this place will probably become a cesspit of tourists trying to get in on the next big thing, fuck that noise. Otherwise bear market biz is comfy so I'll hang around then, bull market biz is fun for a week or so but very repetitive and peak pajeet. I doubt I'll be on here as much but there really is no escape from 4chan.

>> No.10624152

>thinks he'll make it

>> No.10624223

I only need fuck you money to spend more time here, instead of normieville, so no.

>> No.10624250
File: 110 KB, 800x459, 8BC0AFF3-9BAF-4BDD-B9D9-02D27BE40BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k link marine reporting in. I promise I’ll lead my army to the promise land like George Washington himsel nobody will stand in our way. Fuck you is what you’ll be saying when we have all the money

>> No.10624714

Underrated post

>> No.10624744

Based Bateman

>> No.10624853

Nailed it.

>> No.10625477
File: 118 KB, 379x278, dont-forget-youre-here-forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10625482

I will. About to buy my first house. in 10 year when I pay off the mortgage, I'm gonna buy another and have someone pay me rent for the old one. Then in 8 years once I pay that off, I'm going to do it again.

By the time im 55, I'll be living in one house while having three others, all providing me a stready stream of income once the loan is paid off.

Considering the way the economy and housing market is going, this alone will put me in the top 20% of wealth distribution

>> No.10625514
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Will visit even more because I don't need to work anymore

>> No.10625527

nah already done it a few times. Especially during the crypto days some people dont wana let go and its gtood to laugh at them

>> No.10625597

I want to make my "fuck you" money explicitly so I can shitpost about on /biz/.

>> No.10625661

I went traveling for 2 months off crypto gains, I think I checked biz once the whole time. Felt pretty good.

>> No.10625692


How much money does it take to call it "fuck you" money? I calculated that $500,000 is enough that I can live off of my money forever.

>> No.10625825

Dude I make a solid amount of money, i love shitposting. It's just therapeutic, I'm never gonna want to stop doing it.