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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10618135 No.10618135 [Reply] [Original]

Are there actual NEETs browsing this board?

>> No.10618138

I'm a NEET but my time is ending, rope soon thanks to crypto

>> No.10618141

I browse at work desu.

>> No.10618146

the real question is, are there actual wagies browisng this board?

>> No.10618158
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Howdy partner

>> No.10618162

can u set up a livestream and post the link on /biz/? as far as I know this board had no livestream so far. would be great if it would be some digibyte or chainlink brainlet. sure it would moon afterwards like crazy.

>> No.10618163

>actually works.

>> No.10618169

yes. im a 30 yo neet. Im not lying i really am

>> No.10618174



pick one

>> No.10618176


>> No.10618178
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>> No.10618180

What's life like?
When do you plan to kill yourself?

>> No.10618181
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>sure it would moon afterwards like crazy

>> No.10618194

i refuse to work for jews

>> No.10618196

I'm hybrid. I work online, but put in very few hours and make $130-$150k/yr (usd). It truly is the best of both worlds.

>> No.10618200

naw it sucks

life is suffering. Im in my head every minute of the day thinking about how much of a peice of shit i am. Only time i get a break from it is when im being distracted by 4chan,news and sleep.

>> No.10618254

32 here
i just play wow and drink tea all day. Life is shit and a waste of time for me, I think it is all pointless unless you have a woman and a family and i don't see myself ever having one. If crypto doesn't save me i will kill myself someday
Even then, getting riches would just delay it, i'd still be the same lonely miserable anti-social retard and kms after 2 years give or take.

>> No.10618265

>i just play wow and drink tea all day. Life is shit and a waste of time for me, I think it is all pointless unless you have a woman and a family and i don't see myself ever having one. If crypto doesn't save me i will kill myself someday
>Even then, getting riches would just delay it, i'd still be the same lonely miserable anti-social retard and kms after 2 years give or take.

yeah i have the same mindset. I used to play wow but switched to dota. Nothing fucking matters and everyone is going to die anyway. How do you get pussy? Funny enough i actually cuck guys that are into that thing

>> No.10618279

>I work online, but put in very few hours and make $130-$150k/yr (usd)
Explain how, please.

>> No.10618296

ofcourse i look at charts all day everyday

>> No.10618306

Why, there's so much fun to do in the world.

>> No.10618321

>i just play wow and drink tea all day
if you're able to somehow be financially supported by doing this, you're literally living the dream (your version of it anyway). The only constraint to our current lives is the economic system we live in. Your conscious experience in life is all that you have. And if you enjoy playing video games, there's literally nothing "wrong" with that. Find a way to do what you love and secure it for as long as possible.

I work remotely for a major tech company. I used to have to go into an office. But for the past 7 years I've worked remotely and consider myself very lucky

>> No.10618334

>And if you enjoy playing video games, there's literally nothing "wrong" with that. Find a way to do what you love and secure it for as long as possible.
thik about what you're saying though. He willing giveing himself to the matrix.

>> No.10618342

>Your conscious experience in life is all that you have. And if you enjoy playing video games, there's literally nothing "wrong" with that.

This is what NEET basedboys actually believe. I guess my initial response to this thread was a lot more true than I anticipated. >>10618178

>> No.10618352

Ive been applying to wagecuck jobs all summer. Got rejected by all of them.

>> No.10618356
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29 yo here, never had a job never will

>> No.10618364

we all die in the end. So why is someone enjoying what they do not greater than someone forcing themselves to conform to a lifestlyle of philosophical suffering? (e.g. I better get up at 5am and "work hard" for my boss)

>> No.10618365

we have truly gone downhill

>> No.10618373

I had a gf for a while, long distance and have paid for hookers, but cba anymore and just watch porn.
I'm not really interested in anything others seem to call "fun".

>> No.10618396

im not saying that at all. He should just know what he doing. I do the same shit im aware of it. Im actually trying to quite games and focus on trading.Thats a whole nother game in of itself.

switch to doublelist. Just fuck guys wives. Its far better you fuck them and let the husband deal with emotional stuff. Im stopping though. I feel like trash after the fact

>> No.10618407

Yes but how is working your youth away to retire in your 60s gonna do you any good? Good luck having fun when your old and decrpit. Youll be staring at the huge balance in your savings account and wishing you could trade it all to get your youth back.

Thats the trick of capitalism. It tricks you into thinking the most important asset is money but its actually time.

>> No.10618411
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I'm actually a part-time wagie (I work weekends and holidays mostly) but I roleplay as a NEET and I frequently participate in "Ragie wagie" threads, I even sometimes browse at work. I find the whole thing to be really amusing.

>> No.10618422

Yes, any inquiry unsettling your mind?

>> No.10618426

>Good luck having fun when your old and decrpit.
Nice projection faggot. I do client SEO from literally anywhere I want and pull in nearly 6 figures a year. Only brainlets wagecuck and only losers think it's okay to just "play videogames" because that's what "feels good". A balanced life and being of service to society is the only way to truly /make it/ once you're independently, financially independently.

>> No.10618429

hi NEET here

>> No.10618436


>> No.10618447

The trick is to balance both. While some people are happy sitting on a computer and playing vidja all day, I enjoy traveling and having experiences / memories. Those cost a bit more money.

I have enough to just quit and never work again if I want to be a shut in. I'd rather balance work / life and work enough to afford better experiences, and when I do finally retire continue to travel.

>> No.10618460

Long term neet here. Turned 27 recently and decided I need to sort myself out before I end up topping myself. Got my first driving lessons booked for next week and have 4 interviews lined up over the next few weeks.

I've worked in the past so I have some good experience and references. I also have a meme degree. I don't have a problem getting interviews when I actually want them. It's just passing them now that is the issue. I'm so beaten down and my confidence and social skills have deteriorated massively from being a neet for so long. I don't even know how I ended up this way but it's a miserable existence. I'd very happily go back to wagecucking 40 hours a week as opposed to being a neet with little money to do anything.

>> No.10618462

lol, my social skills are far to poor to do that kind of thing.
I had my "try and fix" myself episode and failed miserably, I give up now.
I'm kind of dependent on someone else, so feel a bit bad about that I'd have to work to sustain it and that takes me to the dilemma of getting a job which i'll be stuck in till i die.
Doing the same low wage bullshit from now till 70+ (at least), 5-7 days a week, everyday. No way, i'd rather die. Iv'e done factory, warehouse and retail work before, I'm not submitting myself to 40-50 years of it.

>> No.10618473

>heh i am one of the lucky few who can work from home so my situation must apply to everyone

Good for you champ. Most people are getting shafted though.

>> No.10618489

i mean, bitcoin is fun, i'd want to live to see the price in 2030.

Fun can be anything you like mate. Travelling? Programming? Earn money to buy threesomes? Metal detecting in Europe? Do drugs at big dance festivals?

>> No.10618499


you do client SEO, i assume you pay taxes

but where exactly are you "being of service to society"?

exploration how your existence actually benefits anyone else apart from making back payments and provisioning your belongings from the global supply chain

>> No.10618502

most of these women are whores. If you have a big cock they don't care to have a conversation. You chit chat online you meet up and pull your dick out before the 5 word is spoken between you three. Its literally that ez

>> No.10618523

ib4 reluctant kneepad girl

>> No.10618531
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>so what do you do

>> No.10618549
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>implying i even know anyone outside

thes sluts dont even ask this question

>> No.10618558

Honestly doesn't sound like you need to "fix" yourself. You sound like you need to see a therapist and get some help.

Get some blood drawn, and I can almost guarantee you're low on Vitamin D.

>> No.10618563


I've been NEET since last year but now that crypto is dead I have to go back to work. It was a nice year off at least, got to go to 3 different countries and sock away 100k to retirement. Sad it couldn't have lasted just a bit longer I was getting close to making it.

>> No.10618591

i have to leave my house to work out. Unfortunately, i have a small cock so i stay lean to attract these type of people. I agree though i do need help. I just cant afford it. Maybe when i "make it"

>> No.10618615

Plenty of programs out there to help. Look into one in your country. You aren't getting enough sun just going to the gym though.

>> No.10618636

Hedge fund manager here

>> No.10618718

what about supps? that alternative?