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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10617806 No.10617806 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any coin that has a realistic shot at 100x in the next couple years? State why as well

>> No.10617817

bitcoin is up 100x from a few years ago.....

>> No.10617828

Ark is the easy answer. Once their V2 mainnet is complete it will be the best blockchain in terms of tech out there.

>> No.10617830

Thanks just bought 100k time machine

>> No.10617834

Tron cryptocurrency will be $10,000USD a token.

>> No.10617838

but what does it do?

>> No.10617848

link: look at how alpha it's climbing the chart right now senpai

>> No.10617851
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Computational arbitrage submarket. Also will be one of the first amazing examples of dApp creativity. Also the backbone for bitcoin smartcontracts via RSK. Will also be utilized in offloading stress from ETH due to off-chain computations.

>> No.10617870

>>8 posts in and no mention of link

Are all the Pajeets asleep?

>> No.10617881

AMB has a working product and NDAs. Token burns with use. If the NDAs turn into real use, which they likely will, it will go to Jupiter.

>> No.10617889

Relex, in talk with governments around the world for funding municipality real estate projects. Finra approval this year. This is just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.10617896

unironically holo, but i would wait for a dip

>> No.10617974
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Unironically holo, (full disclaimer, I'm still holding my ico bags and I'm not selling a goddamm thing at least until were in the top 5).
It's not a blockchain project, the devs took the idea of the blockchain apart and rebuilt it thousands of times faster and infinitely more scalable.
The technology is ahead of literally every blockchain project out there, so the logical issue is that it's obviously too good to be true right?

Well, you can download the holochain alpha from github and start building dapps right now, so far it checks out and holo is just another holochain dapp, the same way bitcoin is just a blockchain implementation so it should be perfectly feasible.

The team is a solid mix of autistic wozniak types, a couple of steve jobs salesmen and some early volunteers that are weird and quirky in the kind of way normies love (inb4 muh feminists/boomer feet).
The fact that holders like me are the ones doing all the hype while the team is in stealth mode organizing hackathons and getting devs familiar with their tech, slowly growing an organic community of zealot devs is bullish as fuck, the same people I saw excited AF about holo are the people that were excited about bitcoin in 2009.
there's still an obvious risk that the project will fall apart for some unforseen reason but all available facts considered right now this is easily the surest bet in all of crypto right now and if they pull it off, it's a legit overnight flippening and the next bullrun will be a holochain bull run and blockchain will be dead.

>> No.10618031

>it's a legit overnight flippening and the next bullrun will be a holochain bull run and blockchain will be dead
lowkey though.. lol

>> No.10618077

Yes anon, an indiegogo crowdfunded project with infinite supply and no consensus method is going to destroy all distributed ledger systems.

>> No.10618086

it does peepee while u poopoo

>> No.10618105

A seldom shilled coin that gets FUDded out the ass. I'm not going to post it here though, you can lurk /biz/ and DYOR whenever it pops up. Each time the team releases a development update, people on /biz/ make up new FUD for it.

>> No.10618114
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not all DLT technology is blockchain, and if you weren't a 57iq brainlet you'd know that holochains consensus is tunable, you don't need global consensus for every single operation, only for crosschain operations.

And it's not an infinite supply, it's asset backed and algorithmic, the holo supply can only increase when there's a glut of demand for computing power and every holofuel unit is backed by reliably delivered computing power.

Seriously tho, I hope you're getting paid to fud this and that you don't actually believe the low quality fud, because otherwise you'll just end up killing yourself when it moons

>> No.10618175

You should read what you just wrote.

Also: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/22/sdn_controller_design_sucks_claim_network_boffins/

You won't even be able to run your boxes, Comcast and AT&T are gonna shut you down, lol

>> No.10618188

There was this list of 10 or so links being shared around here a while ago about holo and I read through most of them, watched a few amas. seems to be the best shot so far. seems kind of "new paradigm" in a similar way to ethereum, and even if it doesn't succeed i bet speculation and hype will drive it high

>> No.10618318

The nature of the ledger is irrelevant. Your post is infuriating. Whether it ends up working or not, Holochains take on consensus is highly experimental and arguably very dangerous. That you are not only attempting to mislead anon, but going so far as to ridicule his attempt at due diligence, speaks volumes about your character. I certainly hope that this blase attitude toward investor welfare is not shared by the leadership of the Holochain project.

>> No.10618355


>> No.10618567
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why the fuck would comcast shut it down? they're in the pipe business, they're not in the hosting and computing business.

Christ you sky fags are pathetic, it's over you've been scammed, get on with your lives with whatever shred of dignity you have left.

>the nature of the ledger is irrelevant.

no it's fucking not you mongoloid, holo is a Distributed ledger technology so is blockchain, it's s superior DLT.
>> Holochains take on consensus is highly experimental and arguably very dangerous.
of course it's experimental, the same way blockchain was experimental back in 09, and it's only dangerous for scamcoin hodlers that have no fucking clue how technology works and keep getting duped by conmen.
and what fucking due diligence, he didn't ask a single question, he just vomited basic fud that's been debunked so many times it's pretty much pasta by now.
And as far as I know the "leadership" of the holo project don't give a shit about the investors fee fees, they laser focused on pumping out amazing tech that will generated insane profits, start using your brain and stop thinking emotionally about this.

>> No.10618573


>> No.10618602
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>> No.10619069

Easily Vechain if it really starts stealing eth marketshare and on boarding tons of enterprises

Chinese Eth with actual usage that pays you to hold it? 60-70 bil mcap doesn’t seem too far fetched the next bull run imo

>> No.10619088

>if it really starts stealing eth marketshare
This applies to any of the smart contract coins

>> No.10619104

But Vechain actually has eth dapps already migrating to it, there’s been like 3-4 the past month and sunny said there’s a ton more that have reached out in interest

>> No.10619134

Thinking monero will find a useful value of around $1k, since it's a harmonic number for what its users would like it to be (swiss bank 2.0, store of value). Will probably take a while though

>> No.10619182

>tfw vechain and holo faggots are on biz

i thought this was a joke, please go back to reddiit where you and the 80 IQ gang can stroke each other inflated egos

>> No.10619261

Holo literally doesn’t have a presence anywhere outside this board you sperged out retard

How can someone with such low iq talk about others iq?

>> No.10619277



>> No.10619344

>memecoins of biz

>> No.10619365


>> No.10619413

Actually Elastos

>> No.10619437

Banks are already stockpiling.

>> No.10619482

There are eth dapps migrating to NAS and ZIL also, a lot of competition. Vechain isn't special in that regard.

>> No.10619490


>> No.10619502

never seen holo on reddit, hopefully they hype it in a few months like they hyped nano in dec/jan

>> No.10619662

No more dips, alt market now

>> No.10619685

NANO (around 500-1000x, titanium hands)
HOT (guaranteed 100x, iron hands)
LINK (inevitable 50x till 2021, meme hands)

>> No.10619700

Not sure 100x could be expected, but 25x is. ZIL is where I'm continuing to buy anything under $0.04; grabbed a few thousand more this morning.

>> No.10619841
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ODIN will prply

>> No.10619886

The price will be tied to real estate development return on investment. Similar to stocks. The team already has several partnerships including some municipal governments for funding their infrastructure with RLX. come join the relex telegram.

>> No.10619902
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>> No.10619969

No, no and no. It's has a sub 5m marketcap.

I'll give you a hint, it's 'built from scratch' and the devs care more about building the tech than marketing.

It has a reputation for being called a SCAM coin on /biz/, but that's simply because it's in the process of being accumulated, if you're smart enough to DYOR, you'll look through the bullshit.

>> No.10620000


>> No.10620014
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you have 3 hours.

>> No.10620064




>falling for china hustle


>>Chinese Eth


pls read: >>10619868

>> No.10620225


LINK because of the need for oracles, and smart contract bullishness in general.

>> No.10620250

>being cryptic is a quality of fortunetelling
We need to dispel this bullshit so badly. You have no idea what will work and what won't, and giving vague answers doesn't make you more accurate.

>> No.10620327


Stellar Lumens (XLM)

It's cheap. It's fast (and about to crazy fast). It's backed by IBM. It's easy to use.

It's not an ethereum killer. It works a lot better.

>> No.10620733

Once I convince Babb to partner with pundix. Both tokens. If Babb gets the banking license easy 1.25 by 2020. If pundix starts rolling out more pos systems they will dominate the market and be around 7 dollars a coin after the burn off.

>> No.10620865

Bitcoin is up 10000% over the last decade.

>> No.10621007
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NXS is probably one of the few that has a realistic chance.

>> No.10621060

Where do you think we are?

>> No.10621073

obvi this anon means 0xBTC

>> No.10621180

I always wonder why NXS isn't shilled more on here, solid team and vision.

>> No.10621199

0xbtc low mcap no devs finsihed line of code community coin