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10613020 No.10613020 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized you guys are on suicide watch lately, and no one is posting pictures of cute asian girls anymore. This has to change.

>> No.10613035

is that bambei?
solid find.

>> No.10613045

Oh fuck I would waifu her in a heartbeat. How much big black dick has she taken in her 16 years on this planet?

>> No.10613047

yes it is

>> No.10613054
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race mixing is bad

>> No.10613068
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Why are asian girls that were born in america or came to college here, giant cunts, but the asian girls that stay in their homeland, act like normal girls?

>> No.10613091

idk anon they become americanized and turn into a high standard slut

>> No.10613121

Globohomo corporate gayplex hasn't taken over their country, yet. They keep the kikes out

>> No.10613124


Westernized asian girls are still better than Western white girls though, because a lot of them are a mix of traditional Asian values with Western values

>> No.10613130

well, i think the answer to your question is in your reply:

the problem is America

>> No.10613157
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Nah. I have no problem with american girls, and i think i might prefer them over asian girls.
But, ive always thought asian girls in america specifically were horrible people. And ive been to asia before, and thought they acted way better than their american counterparts.

My theory is that the asian girls in america have a giant ego or some mental problem, because only like 1% of actual asians qualify for studying abroad. But that doesnt explain american born

>> No.10613170

i want to emphasize that im not a total freaking beta loser who has a hatred for white girls. I dont have yellow fever at all.
I just think american asian girls are the worst out of any female there is though,

>> No.10613269

I'm unironically getting an asian girlfriend (preferably chinese or japanese) when I make it.

>> No.10613290

only if the dad's white

>> No.10613313

>don't have yellow fever
Your opinion is invalid, goodbye

>> No.10613332

>being this mad no one responded to his shitty b8 post in the beginning

>> No.10613336
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hello r/asianmasculinity

>> No.10613338

Your image contradicts your statement

>> No.10613362

Saged and reported, you rice cooker

>> No.10613366

How many Decentralized™ Tokens do I need to have my own little cherry blossom sing this to me? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2quiyHfJQw

>> No.10613378

Lol, stay mad fucker, race mixing is the future and hafus will rule the world in 100 years. Get with the program

>> No.10613380

Tumblr and deviantart turns them into feminist dykes. It's not even a difference of race. I've known both traditional white and Asian girls and both groups are very mature, easy to get along with, and can actually hold a conversation. Modernism has screwed the world.

>> No.10613391

What a good goy. Found the 56% that is rejected by every race. Race mixing is only the future if you have fully internalized the j-left.

>> No.10613400

I never once indicated im against race mixing, stupid nigger.
All im saying is that American asian girls are cunts. And i dont have yellow fever, cause im not a faggot who limits himself to only one race of girls.

If youre this fucking illiterate, you should not breed, regardless of race

>> No.10613428

Are Asian/white relationships the most /biz/ approved? I honestly wouldn't care if chang married a girl in my family, likewise I wouldn't mind marrying an Asian girl (the closest thing to a successful relationship I ever had was with an Asian girl), but I am worried my kids would have all kinds of personality and cultural conflicts.

>> No.10613450

They're only "cunts" because you're too dumb to understand their culture. Japanese American girls have a very difficult relationship between autonomy of self (being a slut, working for your own benefit) and maintaining your status and working for the betterment of your family name. Understand that duality and you'll score 10s every time. Or be too dumb and lazy and call them cunts

>> No.10613470

Honestly i need a good thoroughbred white woman to breed with and make a dynasty, and about 2-3 asian females (one asian slut for degrading sex, one cute asian who does cosplay for imaginative and squeeling and degrading sex, one smart bookworm asian for conversation intellectual eroticism and defrading sex) as a harem and my life would be literally perfect.

>> No.10613496
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>> No.10613524
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Your kid looks like a fucked up Asian. He won't be white, he won't identify with you, and he won't be accepted by whites. He will grow up being a fucking 56% Asian kid who doesn't look like his fucking dad.

He will take on Asian culture instead of white. But by all means, dive the fuck in.

>> No.10613529

Don’t forget about ur negress nigger slave so ur progeny can score those sweet athletic scholarships

>> No.10613531

those sites are long gone, anon. Tumblr last shred of significance was 2016. most of the females on tumblr i meet now, are just there for anime memes.
>getting this offended over calling bitches cunts
want to know how i can tell youre a virgin white knight?
>autonomy of self and maintaining your status
you do realize, asian girls in asia have no problem with this at all? They act as friendly as white girls in asia, while still out partying, having sex, and maintaining honor. Yet, there american counterparts are the worst people ive ever interacted with.

Maybe you got a pity fuck from one of your drunk asian female friends. but no. there is no excuse for how american asian girls act, besides them having a giant ego, since only 1% of asian girls get to study abroad for being top A+ students and workaholics.

>> No.10613547

As long as you give them a proper childhood and don't have them turn into r/hapa incel rejects, then they'll turn out fine.

90% of the time it's from one side promoting self hatred. Don't do that.

>> No.10613607

That's the impression I get. That, and the fact that there are just a tonne of middle aged fat bodies that wife up mail order brides. I can't imagine that they have that good of a relationship with their families.

>> No.10613619
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>> No.10613709

Lel, there's a world of difference between Japanese girls who are in the US short term and 2nd gen American-Japanese girls. I'm married to a 2nd gen, I fucking know. Bottom line is, don't objectify them, but also don't put their culture on a pedestal because a lot of it is backwards and misogynistic. The problem is white guys see an Asian girl and don't see her a person, they either ignore her culture and see her a a hot submissive sex toy, or they try and act like they are both Japanese in the1800s

But if you waifu one, they are hot, submissive sex toys

>> No.10613718

I'd pay for her abortion

>> No.10613729

its only bad with East Asian women. The offspring is much more beautiful if the children are half dark and white.

>> No.10613735

"Don't be a misogynist to M'lady!!!!"

>> No.10613758

Not till you actually hear her story

>> No.10613775
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>> No.10613821

Do tell

>> No.10613831

Oh.... that looks like a casting couch....

>> No.10613833

Look m9, I'm sharing my tips to like minded yellow fever anons for how to score a hot waifu. That's just how it is. Rightly or wrongly, half oriental girls feel conflicted between wanting to defend their (half) culture against the Gaijin who don't understand it, between fighting against their (half) culture for being too trad and curtailing their freedom, and all sorts of shades of grey- from embracing it as a "fuck you" to the world and going full trad, to rebelling entirely and being a roastie sloot. Find out where on that spectrum they are, and half mirror their attitude to their (half) culture with stronger tendency towards your own, and you will get laid. I'm not a child who came here to argue, the anon who get butt hurt when I said no yellow fever = invalid opinion- fuck, lighten up m9!

I wish hot Asian waifus to all /biz/ who want one! Join me and make an army of hafus

>> No.10613840

Perfect combination. Asian women love men with money.

>> No.10613859

>men with money
Anon, I-

>> No.10613891

I want a hafu wife. GIVE ME YOUR OFFSPRINGS!

>> No.10613958

Eurasiantiger isn't going to like this

>> No.10614141

Rich dad. Came from affluent background. Whored herself out. I believe she was disowned.

>> No.10614197
File: 76 KB, 768x960, 1532550387320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese
>70.7% of all Americans over the age of 20 are overweight or obese

However, asians are INCAPABLE of getting fat, that's a scientific fact. Marry asian girls instead of hambeast white girls.

>> No.10614511

>goes on a rant about nothing i said
>claims im racist
>goes on rant how asian girls are secretly hot submissive sex toys
fuck off you stupid dumb nigger. I know youre some obnoxious black guy who got his first asian pussy. Youre a sitting duck waiting for alimony.

Oh, and asian girls who sleep with blacks are the lowest of the low quality asian girls on earth. Worst than fucking whites that sleep with blacks. So, just saying. You got bottom of the barrel there that no one would touch
>i fucking know
>combines japanese girls with chinese and koreans

>> No.10614749

Wow anon there's some anger there, calm down. Repair your relationship with your father, work on yourself, come back when you can discuss things like a civilised person instead of a shouting child. Good luck with your life

>> No.10614778

jewish media

>> No.10614828

What the FUCK I just scrolled through the whole thread and there are no hot asian girls just a bunch of absolute faggots talking to each other about the logistics of asian/white babies Jesus Christ shut the fuck and post asian thots you fucking losers

>> No.10614856


>> No.10614874

>repair relationship with father
i dont know what the hell youre on about.

but all im saying is. American Asian girls are fucking cunts compared to white girls and actual asian girls in asia.
Then some black guy who scored some low quality japanese whore comes in, and thinks hes all of a sudden the authority on asian girls in general.

Does dating a japanese girl all of sudden make you an expert on korean and chinese girls?
How does the fact that your married one, prove they are not horrible people compared to their actual asian counter parts?
The only response is
>well whitey, youre not supposed to treat asian girls like objects
>first, they are traditional, but sluttish at the same time!
im the last person in the world to treat asian girls like objects. i know actual legit asian girls from asia since i speak multiple languages. And all i can say is, they are a lot more nicer and friendly, than any american asian girl. They are just as traditional and free as their american counterpart. Yet. I have not met ONE single american asian girl who wasnt a total bitch.

So fuck it. A fucking nigger sleeps with low qualtiy japanese trash (btw, japanese girls are the most likely of any asian to race betray). Have you ever thought >>10613833 is horrible person who actually believes in yellow fever, hence why hes a perfect match for horrible people; american asian girls?

I mean for fucks sake. this nigger literally wrote
>the future is world fuill of halfas
>imagine all the black cock she had!
its fucking racist nigger whose butthurt i called out that his low quality nip wife is trash like he is.

>> No.10614885

post more and BTC will go up 30%