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10608436 No.10608436 [Reply] [Original]

>Happy wife happy life, amirite guys?

>> No.10608465


Yup, she has a Tiffany gift waiting for her this birthday. good thing I invested all our money in amazon shares

>> No.10608478

hearth attack at 35

>> No.10608508

>how are you today, anon?
>I'm good, how about you?
>I'm good, thanks
>alright then

>> No.10608553

These are, hands down, the berst memeson biz

>> No.10608733

As a 30 year old boomer, this thought is keeping me motivated to keep up my /SIG/

>> No.10608804
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>fucking a man
>been divorced two times already
make it fucking stop just give me a anal loving milkie whore to impregnate and be happy with

>> No.10608870

Do you know anyone who is actually happy married? Every couple I ever see besides the dude who is a millionaire and could replace his wife in the blink of an eye seems miserable. Their wives have 0 respect for them and walk all over them and belittle them. Most are a dead bedroom as well seems like a real shit deal for the husband.

>> No.10608947

Yeah me too. I’m thirty something boomer and just can’t get married because all my friends have miserable situations. None of them get blow jobs, have freedom, or can spend their money on what they want. I date a girl for an average of three to six months and then replace. That way I get just the honeymoon and none of the matrimony. Only thing I’m missing is having kids but thinking of getting a suragate and then just raising myself with nanny etc with all the money I haven’t spent on some chick.

>> No.10608976


>> No.10609076

I'm a multi-millionaire (all from crypto). I've been with the same woman for 4 yrs, I love her and she loves me, but she gets on my motherfucking nerves. Even right now, I'm in a fucking hotel because she got on my last fucking nerve.

I'm not married to her, and I often think about throwing in the towel (I prob won't).

What I might do is hire a hypnotherapist to fix up our issues.

The alternative option is to live the life of a playboy. The downside with this life-style is that I know a lot of men who tried this game and they wound up lonely as shit. No young chick will have a physical interest in you when you're in your 50s and she's 20.

What do we fucking do? I'm at a loss atm.

>> No.10609081

I made the mistake of marrying someone outside my race when I was in my early 20s. Biggest mistake of my life. It was an emotionally exhausting battle 24/7 that ended in a quick divorce but ruined my career at the time. With a white woman now. Night and day difference in relationships and compatability.

>> No.10609106

Stay with her, don't get married unless you're having children, and even then get a pre-nup to protect your assets you had before you married her.

>> No.10609132

Seems to me the only solution is accepting that the jew media sold you a lie about a meme called love to manipulate your emotions for marketing purposes. The only idea I have is having fulfilling hobbies that add value but they still don’t kill the yearning for female companionship and wanting to get your dicks wet. I hope I find the answer some day women just aren’t worth it at this point in time.

>> No.10609144

This shit makes me want to blow my brains out every fucking day.

Guess I'm not missing much even though I'm single and lonely as fuck.

Torn on this. The alt-right in me wants to continue the white race, but I just find Asians so much more attractive.

>> No.10609151

Why not leave her now? Well, she was with me when I was broke.

Even when I went I took out a loan from a bank and put some of the money in bitcoin 4 years ago. She supported me emotionally when times were tough.

The upside with this is that I have a woman who I know loves me for me. The downside? No fucking doubt she has a sense of entitlement now.

>> No.10609174

Oh man, trust, I am 100% getting a pre-nup and will consult with a few lawyers on that.

People change, and with her mouth and attitude now, if I really ever need to split, I will be in a position which is not disadvantageous to me.

I advise all men to get a pre-nup. Make sure that motherfucking is Zip-Loc tight, too.

>> No.10609188

What about you fucking talk with her instead of acting like a moronic retard

>> No.10609196

I'm venting here, dumbass.

Just like closet racist vent here.

I'm no different.

>> No.10609353

I'm in a similar situation to you, less the multi millions. Also mine doesn't piss me off nearly as much as yours. Enough.... But not as much.

Me personally, I'd stick with it. Oftentimes I've thought of throwing in the towel but, like you said, being alone in your 50s seems much worse than being miserable in a marriage. At least you have someone to be miserable with. And who knows, maybe your marriage doesn't have to be miserable. Over the past 3 years I've been slowly red pilling mine. Now she is frugal with money and dislikes minorities. Even has her OWN SEPERATE coinbase account.
Buck up. Life sucks hard nasty dicks, and the Thailand expat bachelor meme life is not great. Not much can fill the hole.

If u need to vent more I'm here to talk

>> No.10609490

>Now she is frugal with money and dislikes minorities. Even has her OWN SEPERATE coinbase account.

>> No.10609507

Similar situation, but I've been with mine 15 years.
Of course she's going to get on your nerves, that's the nature of the beast.
It comes down to what's an acceptable level of happiness, and you can improve this somewhat by working out differences (so you spend more time happy), but some people are too far apart for this.

>> No.10609549

>acceptable level of happiness

>> No.10609563

I got married like 8 months ago. Its been baller. My wife has resulting memory issues from an accident, so she just listens to what I say cause she trusts that it makes sense, which is true.

Also she gets a settlement in a year that pays out a total of like 1.5 mil over a bunch of years.

And I'm also not an arrogant fuck faggot like most of the cucks on this board.

Just find a woman who listens, hot, has money, has memory issues, and listens to everything you say. ITS NOT THAT HARD YOU FUCKS

>> No.10609575
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Women are literally children. Stop treating them as your equal, they are not. They need their hand held through everything and they need to be taught and shown the way.

You'll know you've made it when you get her to admit that herself

>> No.10609617


I can't even think of what to talk about with a girl, most of them are so dumb and boring, sex isn't important to me personally, why even bother with a relationship, I'll rather talk with some of my intelligent buddies than a random woman

>> No.10609625

It's amazing as I am venting here, she reaches out to me to make amends.

The honest to God's truth is that most of our issues have to do with some of my previous mistakes. Think the type of mistakes that overnight wealth can cause. I went mad for a moment, but I'm back down to Earth.

When things are tough with her, I occasionally slipped-up, but the women I met, although they might have been physically more attractive, there is nothing on Earth better than knowing there's a woman by your side who will ride with you through thick and thin.

Your comment about the Thai bachelor life is funny. I personally know a few guys out there who are leveraging the high-life and and the relative strength (all things considered) of crypto and the dollar.

They actually frauds. By that I mean, they give this front of living a life of happiness, but how happy can you be impressing dumb-struck backpackers living for a nomadic story to tell? Seems to me it would get old, very quick.

>> No.10609638

take one persons opinion, assign to the entire gender.

you are an absolute retarded person who should IMMEDIATELY commit suicide. please

or you're like 16 years old, and in that case, still kill yourself

>> No.10609650

You're right.

Being realistic, she will get on my nerves. Very much the nature of the beast. My God.

>> No.10609660

The Honey Moon period is mind-altering intoxicating. I'd love to bring those feelings back into the relationship.

>> No.10609670

women want to be in a relationship where they can feel they are with someone better than themselves. All other options are settling and a recipe for a life of pain for the male, as the woman will continuously vent her dissatisfaction with her settling in ever so clever ways.

>> No.10609679


>> No.10609717

>ride with you through thick and thin
Kek just wait bud
Yea bro how hard can it be? Just find the .00001% if the female population that fits that criteria
Yea I want to continue the white race and would love nothing more than to have a trustworthy woman by my side but my life experience has shown me that disney bullshit doesn’t exist. It’s been a harsh fucking black pill and I’ve become extremely jaded from it. I really hope someone changes that but I’ve been stabbed in the back twice in LTR after letting my guard down and being naive and watched my parents go through a terrible divorce. I just want to make it and create beautiful art at this point lads. Fuck wage cuckoldry fuck modern women fuck kikes I just want to carve out my place in this world and bring those along who deserve it.

>> No.10609733

Break her spirit
Dominate her
Don't get caught
She'll thank you eventually it's Stockholm syndrome. Careful don't accidentally kill lol

>> No.10609736

((( H A P P Y C U C K ™)))

>> No.10609743

god damn. the amount of assumptions and generalizations in this thread are astonishing. and these aren't even calculated assumptions.

its not about male and female. everybody who thinks that is way behind. its symbiotic, everybody has strengths and weaknesses.

smart mahfuckers are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and can find a woman or man that accommodates them. I honestly just think most people are very dumb, emotional intelligence is regarded as nonsense when its everything. emotional intelligence=manipulation. just do it for postiive purposes for your SO and its gravy

>> No.10609764

yes. but is has to be tactful and strategic, every single conversation is important and every action is as well during that stage of manipulation .

>> No.10609773

I guarantee you've never been in a successful long term relationship because if you had, you would already know what I speak is true. If you've been in a long term relationship that failed I'm certain it's because you didn't approach it in this fashion. You probably treated her as you equal lol

>> No.10609808

You're onto something here.

No relationship is balanced, so to speak and it should never be approached in the manner of 'equals' but instead of 'complements'.

>> No.10609815


all joking aside, you should still kill yourself but expedite the process for the benefit of us all.

>> No.10609835

Don't you have an apron to go put on? Why TF are you here faggot.

>> No.10609840

dude that is not what he is saying. he is saying the opposite. he literally thinks man> woman stays true across all aspects, characteristics, attributes, psyschographic etc etc

>> No.10609849

Sure, not everyone is as tolerant as the next. Some people require a woman they almost never fight with, while others are content to use those fights as a way to change her attitude.

>nature of the beast
Yep, so put up with it if you can.
Finding the "loves me for me" thing will be much more difficult now.

>> No.10609858

this. globohomo gay plex and feminism is very strong at ruining women and destroying society

>> No.10609861

Tho I can't relate personally to your problems, I can imagine what they were. If she's still with you then she seems worthy and the type who will stay by your side. Either that or she's banking on a fat check if you guys do ever break up. Have you made the prenup clear to her? I'm not even engaged to mine yet and I've already told her 100% she is signing a prenup of she ever wants to marry me.

The nomadic wanderer lifestyle does get old relatively quickly. I think that any neet lifestyle gets old very quickly. Actually let me rephrase, the type of neet lifestyle that NEETs here live (endlessly playing video games) gets old quickly.

From my experience the only way to lead a fulfilling life is to be constantly building and growing. Building and growing a business or a family. That's why billionaires choose to stay at their companies, they feel fulfilled building their company. That's why even some wagecucks truly enjoy their life and "love their job". Back int he day, building a family is how traditional women felt fulfilled. Studies show that women of precious generations were happier than today. I

>> No.10609866

you are all so so behind. well at least you I don't wanna lump others into your retardedness.

i wear an apron when I cook yeah don't want to get my shit dirty boy, thats more laundry I gotta do then

>> No.10609871

Read it entirely differently (perhaps the beer is getting to me).

>> No.10609884


Dude just let her have other dicks

Who cares

You can still have pretty darn good sex afterwards and she will love you forever since you allow her to do that

>> No.10609907

t. incel who has never been with women

>> No.10609911

Kek my girl don't even wear an apron when she cooks.

>> No.10609924

PHEW god damn I thought all hope was lost.

>> No.10609930

>has no good argument so all he can do is tell me to kill myself for the 2nd time in a row

Very constructive. Not even your insults are creative, you have to repeat them

You read it correctly, the other guy is wrong. Men and women are wired differently, and men and women are adept at different things. They should not be treated as tho they will both be good at the same skills

>> No.10609931

double dubs of truth

>> No.10609942

well, get one it makes it easier when it comes to cleaning up. logic here bub, nothing else but making sense

>> No.10609961

She's with me with for me. She's knows how I am about money. Since I am self-made, I think twice about long-term commitments and she's fully aware that we will be signing a pre-nup where what she has is hers (she owns some foreign property), and what I have will be mine should we split.

I haven't popped the question yet as I am American and she's European and so we have to consult with immigration lawyers and what have you.

Complexity, complexity.

>> No.10609967

You sound incredibly autistic. I'd be willing to bet you've never been in a relationship; you sound like one of those Supreme gentlemen larpers who gets all of his woman advice from the internet

>> No.10609971

Men - Logic
Women - Emotion

It's hard to accept reality when you find out your brain was wired completely different from those that you've been told you're "equal to or greater than" your whole life.

>> No.10609998

>You probably treated her as you equal lol
that is what you said, I can't comment on it again. you have zero argument because its straight nonsense.

I treat my girl as an equal. yes. i treat everybody as my equal.

If you've been in a long term relationship that failed---- literally all fail if your don't get married.

you just sound angry and ignorant. fueled probably by lack of critical thinking skills or self awareness

>> No.10610019
File: 3.75 MB, 1210x6307, Taming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto rich neet orders a Russian mail order bride

Nah I kid I kid.
Read this and you will understand all you need to know

Yes, but it goes a lot deeper than that

>> No.10610041

i'm married dude im honestly just trying to help you out, no bullshit no memes. i know it is useless though, its one of my weaknesses to try though. Now, my wife, she would have probably just fucked ya up.

thats that yin and yang. strengths and weaknesses, complements.

>> No.10610113

you are the luckiest motherfucker on the planet, I hope you realize that. don't fuck it up, for the rest of us. we need the hope.

>> No.10610136


Kys SRS.

>> No.10610206
File: 247 KB, 1200x763, twinemps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling lefties SRS
is it 2014 still?

>> No.10610223

Please don't sick the Bogs on me.

>> No.10610718
File: 79 KB, 650x1000, 1532968291290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking a anon i like your style

>> No.10610770

I see a lot of guys justifying getting married because they're afraid to live alone long into their last years. All I gotta say to that is: learn to live with yourself. Learn to be OK with spending time by yourself.

Going into a marriage because you need them more than they need you is a terrible move. It's a time-bomb of a marriage when the guy is needy. It's a time-bomb in any relationship. I don't think I need to tell you guys this. If you've been in enough relationships, you should know this by instinct alone. It's true in any relationship, whether marriage or employment. When you need someone more than they need you, you open up the floodgates for mistreatment. Bosses fuck over their employees because they can. The employees need a stable source of money, otherwise they wouldn't be taking that shit. Bosses can replace employees easier than an employee can find a job.

You know what's at the root of that? What causes someone to stick with shitty situations? Fear. People are afraid of what could happen. You stand up for yourself, your boss could fire you and you'd be out on the streets. You stop taking shit from your gf, your gf could leave you and you've be out of affection. You decide not to get married, you could be 50 and depressingly suicidal. But the keyword here is "could." These things could happen. If there's a chance that something could happen, there must also be the other side of the coin for them not happening. They're preventable.

So how do you prevent yourself from being needy? From not being 50, unmarried, and abysmally lonely? Learn to live with yourself. The one thing I've learned from single people, people with good career-pacing, and business owners is that you need to have the confidence in yourself that whatever happens, things will be OK. This includes women too. These people have found a way to convince themselves that it's all going to work out. It can be in God, but it can also be from within yourself if you're materially-motivated

>> No.10610883

How do you get confidence within yourself? By putting yourself in enough situations that you've never been in before -- and then overcoming them. You can see this in basically all facets of life:

>guy is a shy loser, never even kissed a girl
>slowly starts putting himself outside of his comfort zone, starts random conversations with women
>slowly starts getting less anxious and scared of "what if"s
>over time his confidence rises as he realizes his fears were overblown
>the feedback loop of crushing "what if"s vanishes
>he's now confident he can talk to women without shitting his pants

>guy doesn't know how to program, paralyzed by all the things you need to know
>starts with something simple, like building a website
>slowly reads books, absorbing info
>tries out what he's learned and reads up on the things he can't
>slowly starts getting more confident in his abilities, knowing he can overcome any obstacles that come in his way
>when a task is set on his plate, he no longer says "I don't know how to do this, I don't know what to do"
>instead he knows "I've faced a similar problem before. I know how to figure this out" and starts learning again
>he's now confident he can face any programming task that comes his way

You could say this goes back to the age old "adversity is what makes a man." That overcoming struggles and gaining inner confidence makes you a man. I'm sure you've known how helpless women can be, always requiring someone stronger to raise them up, instead of looking inside themselves for the motivation.

So, how about feeling lonely? Well, if you feel dreadful being alone, and it causes you to search out people to take away that loneliness (like a loser who goes to the computer to escape the dreadfulness of social interaction), the logical path would be to embrace it. Throw yourself into loneliness. Go out camping alone and become mindful of your loneliness. How do you feel? What can you do about it? Should you do anything about it?

>> No.10610953

Yes indeed, penisnose nigga limit

>> No.10610964

that should be a monster faggot

>> No.10611034

One of the interesting things about sports and lifting is how there's a stark contrast between those who do and those who don't. Athletes are constantly exclaiming how they're working hard towards overcoming their past accomplishments. Lifters always talking about putting more weight on the bar. Both groups know through practice that hurdles can be, and should be overcome.

Whereas with laymen who don't, the common reply to these feats is amazement and self-derision that they "could never do that" themselves. Athletes compliment each other on their hard work and grit, on their journeys towards their goals. While laymen only grant admiration to the end goals and fruits of the athlete's labor.

A man who hasn't been put in front of a wall and journeyed to climb it, isn't a man. The journey of life is to be pushed into struggles and learn to overcome all of their toils. Fear, anxiety, depression. All of these are just obstacles that can be learned to hoist oneself over. If you have fears, face them. Otherwise they will never go away. If there is some unease in your gut, running away from it will only solve the temporary discomfort. The long term consequences are that you learn that running away can solve your problems, even if only for a little bit. This is a woman's solution. Whenever a problem too great for her is found, she can run away into the strong, safe arms of a man, knowing that everything will be okay, and he can take care of it for her. As men, we have no one to run to. We may run from those demons that chase us, but no one can conquer them but us, and us alone.

>> No.10611043


it's a catch 22 for me though. when i stop being needy i stop desiring. so sure maybe they want me now, but i realize it's because of what i have to offer, and i don't want them anymore. life is gay

>> No.10611194


>gf wants to go on a holiday in september
>I'd rather stay at home and freelance for that dosh
>she gets pissy
>I accept so she doesn't get mad
>will waste half of my months paycheck on the damn trip
>I tell her ill bring my laptop with me to work when we have nothing better to do
>she refuses, says we'll watch tv together and cuddle
>she also says we will go to some overpriced beach party because she wants to see what's it like there
>I accept so she doesnt get mad
>she says how she can't wait for me to fuck her senseless during those 10 days
>I ask her to get on the pill as I don't want to have to waste money on condoms (and I want to get in there raw because fuck condoms)
>she refuses

Don't fall for the female jew boys.

>> No.10611215

Maybe if you weren't a mysoginistic asshole, you wouldn't have problems in your relationship. This is why I hate men.

>> No.10611257

>I'm a grill btw ;^)

>> No.10611260

pinpoint where was he misogynistic in his post. the exact phrase. Certain you won't, as his 'misogyny' was the refusal to do stupid shit. Nothing to do with gender at all.
Women like you make me hate all of women. kys

>> No.10611273

Have you ever considered that you two aren't compatible?

>> No.10611299

If you get into a relationship with a normie gf than also fucking act like one aswell. You have luck that she didn’t dump you already

>> No.10611324

All women r retarded children, u mad bitcj?>>10611215

>> No.10611389

Yes, every day of my life with her. I just figured that's how things go, you click in some things you don't in other.

Wish she did, getting tired of the bullshit.

>> No.10611487

I'm a faggot so I'll never get a wife. Feels good having all money I can do whatever I want with instead of spending it on a wife and kids

>> No.10611500

>he didn't fall into my petty manipulation
>he's <random socially acceptable group to hate affiliation assignment, with no real connection to what was said>. Basically emotional violence with no regard to how much stress the poor sap is under.
I understand why people in the past had to use physical violence to keep women from destroying themselves and everything around them in a prolonged, non-obvious agony.

>> No.10611605

what race

my asian gf is 100x better than my white gf before that

>> No.10611622

I've come to the conclusion that women aren't worth staying with for more than 6 months, unless you're desperate to have kids like a female would be. I personally like whores more than I like drama.

>> No.10611658

In the course of history, prolonged periods in a childless relationships were unheard of beyond the strict upper echelons of society. Usually one got a child quickly, and it absorbed all the energy a female might have had for drama.
Women have progressively less to do and don't know what to do with their energy.

>> No.10611661

>The honest to God's truth is that most of our issues have to do with some of my previous mistakes. Think the type of mistakes that overnight wealth can cause. I went mad for a moment, but I'm back down to Earth.
I can relate, all problems in my relationship are because I went absolute full retard in the crypto mania, I made a mil but I also fucked up my life

>> No.10611672

This meme thread has turned out pretty interesting.

>> No.10611711

dude, don't be a retard, get an irrevocable trust instead of a prenup

prenups can be ruled over in court

google it

>> No.10611732

Listen you creepy white fuck. You replied to me twice. Stop replying to me or you're getting reported for stalking me and threating all women which is an actual crime.

>> No.10611859


I.. understand this and feel guilty now.

>> No.10611861

Thanks for the tip, Googling now.

>> No.10611886


Also this. Property in an irrevocable trust is not property of the grantor and therefore cannot be touched by the grantor or the grantors wife. It's up to the trustee to determine when and where the assets can be distributed.

>> No.10611953

What if you make yourself the trustee?

>> No.10611954

Fucking cuck

>> No.10611992


Typically not allowed for an irrevocable trust. It's common for a revocable trust, and in the event a grantor is the trustee, the assets are not protected by a divorce event.

>> No.10612008

Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt

>> No.10612017

Also it's fucking hilarious when uppity women threaten to run to the cops over petty bullshit. You're running to fucking MEN to solve your problems for you. Retards have zero self awareness

>> No.10612053

She sounds like a normie cunt.Dump her asap and get a mommy gf. With asap I mean this very week. If you live in the same place, get all your shit out and sleep in a hotel/at a friend. Do not give her any opportunity to fuck your life up. If it is your place, change the locks, drop her shit off somewhere and leave the town for a while. If she is as controlling as I suspect, she will try everything to fuck you up.

>> No.10612059

what is sig

>> No.10612078


>> No.10612096

>woman wants to fuck senseless for 10 days
>no condoms
>idiot wants to take his computer to the trip
>'muh pill'


>> No.10612117

c u c k

>> No.10612144

Lol I have a Tiffany gift waiting for my bitch birthday too lmao

>> No.10612167


>> No.10612190

Been with my partner for 8 years now, not married, no kids but just as of yesterday thinking about ending it. Long story short we have cared for my nephews in the past for over a year, they are now back in our care but she just can't do it this time and I just can't bring myself to putting them in that fucked up foster care system, what to do biz, I am a broken man at this point. My nephews are young, 2 and 6 and they consider here home.

>> No.10612217

Fuck putting them back in foster care, they are your blood. Raise them and let her walk 100%

>> No.10612234


That's a tough spot anon. I know I wouldn't be in that mess. Because I never would've helped the kids.

Where are their deadbeat parents? Are they dead?

>> No.10612321

Self improvement general from /pol/.
Good stuff.

>> No.10612360

Parents are just shit cunts. And I kind of got dragged into it the first time but glad I did because they needed me and love me so much, pretty sure they will love me and need me more then my own kids if I have any some day
I'm pretty much considering it anon, I can't just send them away, it's not fair on them, they honestly have no idea this time around because they are so use to staying with me, like I said this is their home and I can't just kick them out. I have understand where my partner is coming from and I am not mad at her, she even said I should do it if I want to but this time she just can't and I guess I have to respect that. Also they are my idiot sisters kids and when they went home last time my sister was keeping alot of stuff hidden from me and was lying, I only found out because my nephew told me and I hate to think he gets punished and has to go to foster care when he was the only one that did the right thing
I am a selfless person and would give up everything for them and can live with destroying my life but can't live with destroying theirs, they are children, I am a adult, I can pick myself back up once it's all finished, they cant

>> No.10612383

hq bait

>> No.10612445

>wants to impregnate a roastie with anal.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.10612490


Sorry chief. I guess if I were in your shoes I'd do the same. Have you tried recruiting help from more famalam?

>> No.10612670

Yeah, my family wouldn't help or take them last time and won't this time, krama will catch up with them one day

>> No.10612732

Also forgot to mention it's fucked up my family won't take them in because they are the reason I got dragged into this. One of my other sister told me to go pick up my nephew and bring him down to them for a few days so I did, I got there and child safety where there and I had to wait hours and sign a heaps of paper work and they told me my nephew had to stay with me no one else, so I was ok he can just stay with me until this is sorted in a few days, next thing child safety call me asking if I can take my other nephew for a few days, so I was like ok i have already told work I need a few days off so all good. Next thing they were here for over a year and the sister who told me to go pick them up refused to take them in even though she had more experience with younger kids, selfish cow

>> No.10612826


>> No.10612864

Same situation, she loved me when I was broke, crying every night, and ready to end it all.

I consider her bitchiness and entitlement to just be the tax I pay to be with someone who genuinely loves me, a feeling infinitely better than any amount of hoes.

>> No.10612887

>wants to go to a beach party while in a relationship
Oh boy you are getting cucked my man, does she also go out for a “girls night” to bars and clubs?

>> No.10612890

She was hispanic

>> No.10612906


Actually know that feel too. My sort of girl, not sure if want, put me up while I was unemployed. I became an alcoholic, gamed all day, had a panic attack from being unemployed, like, I was a full time loser and she stuck by me.

But now I found work out of state. And I'm surrounded by hot business thots. Not sure if I can go back to that. But she still loves me for some reason. And I know I fucked her head up for life. Like, I own all the white hairs that popped up on her head.

>> No.10612953

Hahaha you are so cucked you can’t even tell

>> No.10612989

I'm married and just don't get blow jobs, but do whatever I want.

>> No.10613303

>just don't get blow jobs
Try going down on her and see if she returns the favor.

And hum while you do it.

>> No.10613488

Why don't you go down on your wife? Does she have a stinky vajayjay? Tell her to go wash up before you do it, it's that easy

>> No.10613912

Honestly, man-to-man, it's better to get that woman that loves you back.

Sure, I am tempted. Almost every day.

I've put my woman through hell when I was a slick-talking arrogant, wageslave. Then I got fired from my job.

Then the bank comes after me saying they wanted their money. My woman could have easily left me, but she stayed.

Shit, telling that story make is my own fucking epiphany. Time to work on my relationship.

>> No.10613934

It's a fucking tax. No escaping it. Even now I am making payments to the taxman because of the massive rise from 2017. I pay the taxman, I stay a freeman.

I make my woman happy (within reason), I am happy.

>> No.10613970

Just remember to stay relatively Chad-ish in your own relationship. And if you're not a natural Chad, fake it till you make it. A woman wants to be dominated, and she wants to feel safe in her relationship without needing to lift a finger.
Never stop being Chad. I learned this lesson the hard way. I got soft, started believing some feminist muh equality bullshit, and I paid the price

>> No.10613983

Why is it that the blowjob tap gets shut off after marriage? Before we got married my wife would give me a blowjob at any given moment... while I'd be sitting on the sofa playing a video game she would start noshing me off... now I only get a blowing in my ear from her shouting at me for playing games....wish I was mgtow

>> No.10613997

Absolutely. I went soft and lazy at one point, too. But I quickly nipped that in the bud.

>> No.10614021

wtf are my NEET bois asleep, you boomers are insufferable

>> No.10614041

You probably got soft on her too. You relented and she saw she can stop giving her all because you let her.
Also that id kek

Good shit man. We're all gonna make it

>> No.10614083

That is a outstanding Id...maybe it's a sign as to what I must do regards my blowjob drought situation

>> No.10614330

Half you faggots got the right idea. Half are just too retarded for relationships.

Stay sharp, stay a man. If you turn into a pussy you lose everything.

Get your marriage, get bored, get divorce raped. Suck it up boy, it's better than being a robot burger.

>> No.10614359

holy shit i didnt know this shithole was actually full of boomers i thought it was just a meme

>> No.10614637

spotted the roastie.

>> No.10614702


100% this. I like to treat it like a reward, she gets to feel owned and dominated when she's a good girl.

I dunno if it's just the girls I date or if its all girls, but it seems to me almost all of them are looking for a father figure to fuck. Someone to set ground rules, guide them, care for them, and on the weird end; make them feel like a sexy nasty slut behind closed doors.

>> No.10614718


Most of us are late 20s+

30 yr old boomer became a meme for a reason.


>> No.10614741

>Enter work

>Receptionist: Hi Anon!

>Cleaner: Morning

>Team of 10 people: Hi Hello Hey Hi Morning Hi Hey

>> No.10614751
File: 287 KB, 1663x1247, 1516153990523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

>> No.10614917

That's exactly what they're after. This guy fucks.
There's a reason women go for guys who remind them of their fathers. Look for my ID in the thread from a few hours ago, I posted a really good screenshot of an old thread that explained things pretty well.

>> No.10614970

How about you give us a fighting chance and describe this "accident" in more detail?

>> No.10615010

Fucking despise this

>> No.10615015

>Most of us are late 20s+
Wait, you mean you don't remember Indiana Jones?

>> No.10615175

It's not really hard to say hi back. These bullshit pleasantries help turn you more and more normie which most of you desperately need

>> No.10615214


>> No.10615263

>falling for this bait

>> No.10615424

You're a living parody, or just an easily predictable imbecile. Please kys.

>> No.10615474

>us women
>not a full blown meme at this point
Luckily there are asian women if one wants any value out of a relationship outside of degrading, disgusting sex.

>> No.10615561

>Wish she did
You don't have the guts to break up?

>> No.10615575

Also try Russian women. They are good as well.

>> No.10615744

>These bullshit pleasantries help turn you more and more normie
No it just makes my soul die.

>> No.10615859

Good read, thanks man

>> No.10616112
File: 76 KB, 1177x557, poster-paper-flyer-brochure-3-1177x557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe them, Anon. They're lying about their woman because they're cucked.

>> No.10616252

I just wish bitches would act like in my chinese cartoons man.
They the cutest. All these other bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.

>> No.10616547

>I am a selfless person
No you aren't, or you'd think of your partner too. Why should she raise some deadbeats kids rather than kids that are both of yours?

>> No.10616602

Kek what a cuck

>> No.10616615
File: 90 KB, 618x618, f99b923f3b69db94b8ef28000be0dd67b80a28b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10616661

Kek, those are teens/early twenties now

>> No.10616682

>You relented and she saw she can stop giving her all because you let her.
So how would you not let a woman do that?

>> No.10616782


>being an adult
>still playing video games

no wonder she's repulsed by you.

>> No.10616811

You're describing my situation, once you've had kids with a women they know they've got you by the short and curlies, then they become control freaks and dried up old fruits.

>> No.10616862
File: 454 KB, 1400x1400, 1533591556846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10617556

Very interesting. Thank your for your insight

>> No.10617849


this is so much bullshit to go through when you can just not get married. if you want kids have them its just penis in vagina

>> No.10617869


this. also the argument "just gotta stay alpha bro" is blaming yourself for how female bad behavior

>> No.10617952

You nip the problem firmly in the bud the second it starts. If she stops blowing you during sex, you put yourself in a position where you force her to (such as 69). If she flat out verbally refuses it's time to lay down the law and remind her of her expectations in a relationship and that she's easily dispensible. Remind her you can get a new roastie pretty easily, you just chose her so she'd better live up to your expectations or else her comfy life disappears

>> No.10617977

Ever woman wants to be with an alpha man. It's not justifying their bad behavior, that's simply female nature the same way it's male nature want a woman with big milkers and not some man looking creature..... You can't blame women for their preferences. The feminists really are right in saying they don't owe you anything, they're not obligated to like you if you're a stuttering manchild and it's no wonder so many incels are single. Females don't like that shit. It's not their bad behavior, it's normal. Nobody likes that shit

>> No.10618074

What's this new "corporate pepe" that's trendy for the last few weeks?

>> No.10618091

I mean is this a wageslave pepe or is he some middle manager?

>> No.10618111

>and remind her of her expectations in a relationship and that she's easily dispensible. Remind her you can get a new roastie pretty easily, you just chose her so she'd better live up to your expectations or else her comfy life disappears
how exactly would you say that to her? Literally "do this for me or I get another woman"?

>> No.10618124

I think it's pepe who has fully accepted the wageslave life and has gone insane. Perhaps he is rising up the ranks, but only at a great cost.

>> No.10618143

Hispanic is not a race. You are either amerindian, white or mulatto.

>> No.10618183

this is a orchestrated psyop to determine the age of incoming shilling and more psyopin‘
>insider here

>> No.10618190
File: 74 KB, 1200x675, n4f43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the "yeaaah... did you get the memo?" guy from office space.
That was a /comfy/ movie. I bet some chinese dude is scraping bitcoin rounding errors off some exchange as we speak.

>> No.10618197

age of the target groups on this board. for shilling and more psyopin‘.
>Serious insider here

>> No.10618212

unironically the psyop is called corporate pepe. no brainlet would be able to come up with something like that. massive psyop happening. you will become robot.

>> No.10618257

I'm married but the thing is that feminists don't stop just at
> I want a Chad, deal with it
At least most incels know more or less what they're going to get, but there's an insane amount of obese whores in their 40s on all those online sites looking for a guy who wants to provide for their children because the real dads ran out, 30 inches cock, who writes poetry... and it's like the fucking entitlement, dayum, that's a lot of baggage for those expectations. The guy they're looking for is hooking up with twins in their 20s, he's not going to choose them.

>> No.10618315

>don't get a job
>don't have a wife
>don't have kids
>buy the next crypto pump so (((we))) can dump on you
>blame and hate your boomer parents not (((them))) for spiking up the housing prices and, inflating the job market and lowering wages.

Why is neetdom being (((shilled))) so hard on 4chan lately?

>> No.10618372

because its still preferable to wagecuckoldry

>> No.10618389

It’s a self-shilling product. NEETs are jealous of people capable of functioning in society and like to say things they can’t have are actually bad, even things it’s obvious they want (friends, romantic partners, jobs, social prestige, familial approval, etc.)

>> No.10618451



For fucks sake you insufferable shit, it's a generalisation, and describes most of humanity. You aren't special, get over yourself.

>> No.10618599

That's a shit test. These fat ugly women know they're not getting that. They'd still like the best they can get because, well, everyone wants the best, even if they don't deserve it. I know which profiles you're talking about but those delusional women are the vocal minority. And anyway, who gives a shit what these women think? What they want isn't important. If you are above them then you can find a more worthy woman who isn't a delusional feminist and disregard them completely. And laugh as the rreeeeeee even harder

>> No.10618738

Lol, you're either a roastie or a moron.

I'm married and have been with this girl for over 6 years. Not once have I given her the opportunity to think that I'm not amazing. Women want to feel like you are an ultra-reliable demigod that she can comfortably rely on so that fulfilling her biological desire of having kids is zero risk.

>my wife doesn't want to go anywhere without me, unlike other girls who want time away from their hubbies
>my wife wants to show me off to others because she's proud of me
>my wife never "busts my balls" because sitcom romances are micro-cuckoldry where the woman only tolerates her man

your wife thinking that she's equal to you is the stupidest shit

>> No.10618867

you can thank instagram for this