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10607743 No.10607743 [Reply] [Original]

Not selling shit, already have lost 600k. I will hodl to 0. Fuck Soros fuck the banks fuck 4chan fuck the globalists socialists liberals communists feminists roasties Chad's and FUCK YOU TOO IM NOT SELLING SHIT YOU FUCKING FAGGOOOOOTS

>> No.10607771


You understand falling prices means those coins are literal pieces of shit and nobody wants them right?

>> No.10607787


Down 2 mil.


>> No.10607789

> what are market cycles

>> No.10607796


>100% in alts


>> No.10607799

All in on LINK fren

>> No.10607803

Same. Not selling you fucks. This is end game money.

>> No.10607820
File: 354 KB, 1799x1788, PicsArt_07-30-08.04.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah. Double dubs cunts. 1k eoy.

>> No.10607848

The crypto market cap is 200bil: dotcom bubble at its peak was 10 tril, based on ad based Ponzi scheme websites.

Crypto as a whole eventually will be far more valuable than the standard tech industry, because it will subsume it. If you don't see that you are blind and don't belong here.

Transmitting meaningful economic signals through proof of work >>>>>>>>>>>> ad based centralized vulnerable bullshit no one clicks on.

It's clear there is significant manipulation because bank leaders realized how fked they are. With all the easy QE money floating around, this should be at least 10 tril on speculation alone.

If it all goes to 0 fuck it I don't give a flying fuck, but I'm not selling my alts into the hands of some banking bastard. I would rather hold until the entire investment loses its value and I end up begging for spare shitcoins on the street.

Hold the line and stick to your convictions like fucking MEN. I expect 3k before 30k

>> No.10607862


>> No.10607869

Yeah I'm not interested in Boomer returns

>> No.10607877


>> No.10607916

Same nibba

>> No.10607982

People will tell you u should have sold and bought back in etc, even tho u literally dont know if it will go up or down and for how long who knows so the aboslute 1000000IQ way of doing this is to just buy low and hold forever, if it goes lower and you sell your retarded, just keep holding and see were it goes

>> No.10608658

based and redpilled and glad im not the only one

>> No.10609125
File: 222 KB, 608x593, greenwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. The math si very fucking simple: we all know it's going to go up exponentially with time, so why fucking try to time the market, or make markets and get shit returns, feed into bots that have better exchange access than you and coded by hundreds of autists, try to out trade whales etc...

Buy and hodlin good projects will make you far more money than any mqrket making bot could, and probbaly just as much as trading could-- without the risk.

t. Math degree from caltech. This ain't algenraic top boys

>> No.10609172

trading tends to be great for small portfolios and ruinous for big ones

>> No.10609200

Same here OP!I m even buying more.

>> No.10609204

What are your picks?

>> No.10609215

just because you're unable to multiply your stack with trading doesn't mean others shouldn't. Maybe you should've gone to a better school

>> No.10609264

I've been in FUN and REQ since December too

>> No.10609293

you're retarded m8. I believe will go to the trillions easily because that's how delusions are (like gold), but blockchain and cryptocurrencies are useless except for a few use cases. At this point is hard to tell whether stocks will perform better in the long run or not, since bitcoin is so high. If a 20x from now happens in 10 years it will still be better to hold than stocks, but stocks are way safer and you'd still be way richer if you bought stocks and then crypto when it pumps again

>> No.10609304

I'm really only pissed about the loss of satoshis I'm taking, I could give a fuck less about the USD price because I know it'll go up eventually

>> No.10609676

In order:

Physical silver, Xmr, vechain, link, kmd.

Portfolio of a true slayer

>> No.10609697
File: 62 KB, 989x741, signal-2018-06-19-172519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Delusions like gold"

>> No.10609732

This is the problem. My thinking here was that btc is manipulated by banks but alts don't have paper futures on them so it will be harder if fiat on ramps are introduced.

Also: btc is not fungible and can never be without 2nd layer solutions

>> No.10609811

You have fun watching the market 24/7 to at best get 2x what I'll make by hodlin.

I'll spend my time on fitness, hobbies, coding altcoin projects, and smashing prime puss

>> No.10609831

gold is worth trillions tho

>> No.10609854

what makes you think btc will even matter in the end?

>> No.10609925

Fucking based

>> No.10609976
File: 261 KB, 1024x703, 1507763042114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting in a good thread

OP is not a faggot

Just bloody well hold the line you cunts

>> No.10610002

good luck on selling your precious gold for goods in the nuclear war
that's what I said, bitcoin is going to the trillions like gold

>> No.10610609

Seems like a good place to post my crypto currency strategy song.


>> No.10610665
File: 26 KB, 521x354, 1510983634888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck mordor

>> No.10611203

which is how people get rich. I sell you goods for a much much higher price and ask for gold, which has proven to hold value in the eyes of humanity over thousands of years. Nuclear war goes by, you are left barely alive and I have a mountain of gold.
Call me shekelstein poorfag.

>> No.10611239
File: 12 KB, 200x200, komodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont need XMR if you have KMD bro

KMD has the privacy feature of XMR and much much more

>> No.10611292


alright I was willing to let your larp slide but this is just ridiculous