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File: 1.71 MB, 5334x6620, Skywire Infographic-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10605894 No.10605894 [Reply] [Original]

You guys don't even realise the scope of this project.
It isn't some bs erc20 ICO from 3 months ago, it's a huge project with multiple teams working on it for over 6 years.
Do yourself a favour https://github.com/skycoin

>> No.10605922

the skycoin pajeet shilling group needs to die in a fire.

that is all.

>> No.10605945


Have you guys no shame? Honestly just be done with your heavy bags and capitulate like the fucking rest of us. You think anyone is buying your shit scam today? Fuck me man.

>> No.10605997

>three commits in 2013
>nothing until 2016 and it isn't building off of the old commits
>hijacking a project to act like you have been working on it a long time to prey on normies
>acting like your centralized shit coin where the stuttering psycho owns the entire supply and doles it out is somehow better then using an ERC-20 to fund raise
>supposed hijacking
>paid shills

No thanks. I really want a d.web but I am going to wait for another project to come around that doesn't control and print all of their own coin. This project is against everything that is good in crypto.

>> No.10606011
File: 110 KB, 986x961, Apu skycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how as soon as I post their github all I get is personal insults. Almost like you're hoping no one notices the thousands of lines of code


>> No.10606017

Yeah I am so sick of this shit. They are paid. It got taken down but they were getting paid per 10 posts on here reddit and twitter

>> No.10606104

Funny how right as you look at the github you realize that it hasn't been worked on for 8 years and that there is no real code on the github.


>> No.10606208

>It got taken down
Wow what a surprise your "evidence" got taken down.
The weakest fud imaginable. To be honest anyone who believes it deserves to stay poor, so go right ahead.
>Latest commit f4e57e7 2 hours ago

>> No.10606315


Dont worry about it dude. I consider SKY the only thing thats actually worth holding long term.

The entire market will deflate, bitcoin included. Then comes the flippening... SKY will emerge out of the ashes. I'm sure of it.

Screenshot this.

>> No.10606355
File: 206 KB, 1112x768, Skycon team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10606449

>Skycoin Core and Wallet
> 6,014 commits
>3 branches
>16 releases
>53 contributors

>> No.10606583

Unironically screenshotted for my "I told you so" compilation.

>> No.10607100

Pajeet SIR

Ignore FUDDER!!!

Move community forward with eager and VIGOUR!

>> No.10607191
File: 372 KB, 211x264, benlesnickgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait isn't Skycoin this scam project where the leading guy pretended the team was kidnapped ?

>> No.10607212

Where is the code for nodes and the chain faggot? Anyone can put up commits that are nonsense like they do.

Look at it all, it's just changing documentation over and over again and no real code. There is no real code on there other then the wallet and the free VPN service that they sell.

>> No.10607232

Yeah, he controls the entire supply and was "forced" to dump millions on the market. He only got hurt in the ribs though so you couldn't tell and there is a fake police report with no public record other then him saying that it happened.

>> No.10607243
File: 23 KB, 320x246, Genius-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it is.

>“The kidnapping and death threats were to get stolen coins unlocked.
>We did a hard fork to freeze stolen coins and Skycoin staff were kidnapped and threatened to threaten us into unlocking the stolen coins. They also tried to steal Bitcoin out of hot wallets.
>They were dumping the stolen coins on the market very aggressively, which is one of the reasons for the price decline.”

How dumb can you be to have any money in this nigerian scam?

>> No.10607249

So if you want to dispel the fud link the code to the node software and if it is not vaporware then there should be consensus logic and establishing connection to other nodes

>> No.10607278

IDK I literally only FUD it because I don't want people to get scammed on here.

>> No.10607518

Its actually just an ERC20 token. The 'blockchain' isn't real

>> No.10607529

The consensus architecture has been upgraded several times in the lifetime of Skycoin. Here is the last published paper if you're interested:
The current consensus upgrade is due to be released before the end of the year as far as I know.

If all you want is to visually see code I guess you could look through the cx repo, but I doubt you would understand it, seeing as you're just repeating "consenseus consensus" because you heard it in a youtube video somewhere.

>> No.10607569

>"investing" in erc20 tokens such as skycoin
never gonna make it. 0k end of day. get rekt. didnt the ceo get caught selling heroin recently?

>> No.10607649
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>> No.10608001
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Come on guys, keep it coming!

4chan is the most vulnerable place in our crypto ecosystem to scams and pump and dump ponzis.

This is because they allow disreputable posters, scammers to actually post in their forums.

You also get rampant racism, misogyny, and conspiracy.

Right now the Skycoin team is in here trying to sell their Skycoin scam project to unsophisticated investors.

Some of these investors may even be under the age of 18 years old.

Keep eporting this scam to the SEC also!


>> No.10608098

Ok, so Skycoin is a scam. What about all the other scams. Pretty much every coin on the market these days is a scam, just look at the market. Anon posted yesterday about how all these ICOs are running out of money and dying because Ethereum is tanking. Since Skycoin has no real community and is running out of money, won't they just die without us having to do anything?

>> No.10608441

t. illiterate
Still waiting to hear back from that other clown with his muh code. Probably asking his FUD coordinators what to say about irrefutable published papers.

>> No.10608473
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you, skycoin wasn't a scam?

>> No.10608493

synth came out and said himself that the skycoin economy wouldn't even function properly with this coin over $1. kek

>> No.10608506

Now take the redpill, invest in sky and become filthy rich or take the blue pill, invest in holo and stay a cuck forever

>> No.10608560

Gona make it

>> No.10608642

What if the ISP shuts down bandwidth to all Skyminers?

>> No.10608678

>6 years
>no working product
congrats on this, seriously

>> No.10608679

that's what the antennae and fiber optic cables will be for

>> No.10608701

It's literally one of the only crypto projects with a working product

>> No.10608728

Tier 1 infrastructure is the last phase. There should be a very funtional and useful network before the fiber optic backbone becomes important

>> No.10609229
File: 497 KB, 917x5155, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a selection of projects taken from https://www.cryptomiso.com/ . I have just selected projects that are related to decentralized computer networking, distributed computing, and storage. The site lists crypto projects, ranking them by commits made to their most popular repository over the past 12 month period. It should give you an idea about how projects often spend their money on paid shilling, FUD, marketing, and partnerships. While development is placed on the backburner.

>> No.10609338

This is not FUD, this is a legitimate observation about the nature of coins that act as gas for their ecosystem. Skycoin has implemented Coinhours specifically to solve this problem. Thanks to that, Skycoin's economy can function no matter how high the price of Skycoin goes. Skycoin is designed to go up.

>> No.10609473

>screenshot this

That would probably be the biggest waste of memory that I can think of. Fuck off Raj.

>> No.10609994

Prior to 2013 Skycoin was not keeping their code on github. there was a 1 year hiatus in development, it's been a long time. Original founders are still with the project, with the exception of Houwu Chen. Coin supply is owned by the Skycoin Foundation, which has no shareholders. It is an entirely self owned entity. Thats "Kidnapping", not "Hijacking". I understand that not all of us have English for a 1st language. There is some expenditure on marketing. Skycoin management understands that the crypto market is going through a rough time right now, and the majority of funds must go towards development. Unlike almost all other coins out there, Skycoin does not blow its entire funding on marketing and partnerships, only to have nothing left for development when the going gets tough.
Probably one of the fake twitter accounts that were created to FUD Skycoin, would explain why it got taken down.
Blockchain and node code is actually in the main repo, https://github.com/skycoin/skycoin.. there are 34 other repos and they are all being worked on. Not to suggest you really care to hear this answer.
>Bad things dont actually happen in real life.
People like you tend to become very shocked at some point in their life. Try not to go catatonic.
Smells like feet in this thread.

>> No.10610029

Link the specific repos and I will review them on here.

This GitHub is shit and organized like shit.

>> No.10610042

Also nothing has been developed. You can fork any blockchain, run it on a single node with 2s block latency and say it's a block chain. There is no code for a public node that handles transactions.

>> No.10610142

I did link the specific repo.
Skycoin is built from the ground up. unlike almost all other crypto projects, it has not used Bitcoin codebase.

>> No.10610145

Which blockchain did they fork?

>> No.10610277

Skycoin was conceptually based on Bitcoin's UTXO, but they decided it was a flawed design. Skycoin created UX/TX which is a bipartite acyclic graph, with separate unspent output and transaction arrays. So no, Skycoin did not fork Bitcoin's blockchain or any blockchain descended from Bitcoin. Unlike almost all other crypto projects.

>> No.10610290

Biz is all in holo faggot just give up with this bullshit scam

>> No.10610294

didn't u hear? shitcoins are dying now.

>> No.10610332

Yes, thats why they're in here trying to FUD Skycoin.

>> No.10610352

Utterly irrelevant because there is a single CENTRALIZED node running everything. You also have forced blocks and forced state on that node so it's really fucking apparent that you just built off some bullshit blockchain.

Saying that you have some elaborate DAG structure means nothing when there is a single fucking node and it's why no one has ever taken this seriously and it has stayed centralized so long that no one is going to care if it ever did become decentralized and non-permissioned.

>> No.10610376

Also no one uses that structure because at scale the latency will get too high.

To clarify for anyone reading he did not link anything relevant from the github and this is all fake as fuck. If you are heavily invested go pay someone to audit their code and what synth has said and they do not match up at all.

Also the false kidnapping and price talk from the "CEO" should be a major red flag for anyone.

>> No.10610399

Synth has talked about working with governments in interviews. I think he was in Puerto Rico when he said that... maybe he's working with the Puerto Rico government?

>> No.10610598

>muh centralized
Skycoin does use a masternode instead of a consensus algorithm. This is because that part of the project is still in development. CXO must be fully implemented before it can work, and it has to be tested thouroughly before implemented in mainnet. This has never been a secret, and other projects seeking to implement a novel consensus algorithm do the same. Keep in mind that Obelisk will be able to support an unlimited number of blockchains in parallel, some public, others permissioned. The whole point of the project is to provide this, and continued efforts from the team prove their dedication to the project.
>elaborate dag structure
It's not elaborate, its not shilled as such, its simply superior. I was asked about what blockchain was forked, therefore brought it up.
>muh latency
Talking out of your ass is your only mode of operation. Separating the outputs and transactions greatly simplifies code, especially when implementing layer 2 solutions to provide stuff like anonymity and scaling. Bitcoin is a total mess bloated piece of shit and it will keep getting worse.
>muh lies
I linked the github, you'd better visit the link and see for yourself. You are the one who is making preposterous claims without backing it up by anything.
>hijack-err kidnapping
The case is a legal matter under Chinese jurisdiction. Skycoin has provided a photograph of the police report. The accused party released a statement trying to claim that they were innocent and that it was all Synths doing. They should have been under legal counsel to keep their mouth shut, desu.

>> No.10610982

any idea on what the new consensus is going to look like?

>> No.10611415

No clue. If you ask me, Obelisk is a good name, so even if they ended up overhauling it considerably they should stick with the name.

>> No.10611473

Why would I invest in this over holo?

>> No.10611476

They freeze wallets of people they dont like. Dealbreaker

>> No.10611612

><=$1 coinhours

Sounds good to me.

>> No.10611633

Synth talks about it being completely different than the standard methods. They're getting Skywire mainnet live before they work on it though.

>> No.10611709

Invest in Holo then, DYOR, it's your money. Who even brought up Holo to begin with. Maybe all the FUD in here is from Holocucks.
Skycoin team are creators, not destroyers. Sure, if you were in charge of the project you would steal everything as quickly as you could. But people are not created equally. Some people are simply better than others.

>> No.10611729

The other anon is right, but I'll give you a hint. As soon as someone with governmental or corporate power decides they don't like Holo, it will be easy to shut them down.

Holo has no plan for this and their product is not built around the concept of mesh networking.

>> No.10612183

Skycoin? More like Scamcoin.


>> No.10612244

No it's that every holo thread some Sky faggot comes in and goes how are they are going to build a new web without replacing the trillions in infrastructure and to stupid normies that have no education they think that is a valid argument or relevant to what holo is trying to do.

So now in Sky threads you are going to get sky questions forever.

>> No.10612267

Every government in the world would have to collude to do this. You are fucking retarded. I already shit on you yesterday.

>> No.10612434

No it's because SKY shit on Holo in every conceivable way. Slit your own throat you turbofaggot.

>> No.10612553

>Holo vendetta against Sky
Sweet, been a bit of a dry spell after Substrapon died out. I think you're forgetting to acknowlege my rebuttals to your ridiculous claims about Skycoin's code on the github though.
>pic related
according to this post Skycoin ranks 13th in commits on its main repo while Holo ranks #124 with less than a quarter the amount of activity from only about half as many contributors. You can start out by explaining this, and answering my previous rebuttals.

>> No.10612574
File: 16 KB, 536x194, Screenshot from 2018-08-09 10-05-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10612654

Quite a serious attempt at pushing the price down and now i see a stupid fake dump on Binance.

Just bought 3k of them for cheap. Thanks to this ive got a fat bag. Sincere thx.

>> No.10612759

I've been following this project for almost 2 years now. Slowly bought my way up to a stack of 1k SKY over that time, and lost almost all my money. I purchased a batch 1 skyminer with my last bitcoin and built a DIY skyminer as well. Will I ever stop wanting to kill myself?

>> No.10613365

I see that you are troubled over market prices. Well market prices are out of the control of the Skycoin team, especially since there is no correlation between project fundamentals and the price. This is expected to change as more of these scam ICO's and everything die off. Skycoin is one of the few projects that will continue development even if BTC goes to 2k or 1k or whatever, and stays there for years.

>> No.10613651


You mean invest in the obvious Nigerian Prince-level scam that keeps dropping to oblivion or invest in the only thing that’s actually continued making parabolic gains the past couple of weeks while the entire rest of the market, including BTC and ETH, tanks? Get over your jealousy, Skyscammers. Maybe you paid pajeets should take what Synth is paying you and buy Holo, because at least it has a future.

>> No.10613689


>Pajeet shill doesn’t know Puerto Rico is a US territory.

>> No.10613705


Because you hate money?

>> No.10613736


You mean the mesh network that has relies on fucking short range antennae that could only possibly work if everyone on earth lives close to each other and all use Sky together?

>> No.10613750

>FUDding Skycoin
>Shilling Holo while in a Skycoin thread
Everyone knows this market is bullshit overvalued. The higher the price, the bigger the scam. You're the one showing jealousy and a fair bit of insecurity as well.

>> No.10613770

lol, you're the college educated guy that claims to work for a competitor to holo, right?

You're welcome to explain why you think individual ISPs won't be able to identify holo's unique network activity and shut down individual user accounts based on that.

It's as simple as

>Dear Anon, as our updated 2019 TOS defines, resold distributed computing application traffic not allowed on our consumer grade connections. This is your first strike. Three strikes will result in a termination of your account.

>> No.10613815
File: 156 KB, 1280x791, Skywire adoption plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really your fault. It's just that holo is a shitty ripoff of Skycoin with all the sound economic principals stripped out.

Infinite supply hot is fucking hilarious.

>> No.10613832

Skycoin is hardware agnostic. Whatever you can use to communicate data will work. Set up Lifi for all I care.

Commercial wifi antennas reach 200km without license. The existing internet infrastructure that isn't shit will be adapted to Skywire.

>> No.10613834

First off, this isn't /entomology/ Rajneesh. Short range antennas are for short range mesh networking. Those are connected to larger node clusters in colocation centers. From there fiber-optic cables connect Skywire meshnets together, even overseas. If you knew what you were talking about, you would automatically expect this was how Skywire works.

>> No.10613922

This is when you invest in projects like this. Ive seen it all before. They moon and then everyone suddenly looks on it differently. Well realise its gonna be huge now when its cheap not when its 100 bucks brainlets

>> No.10613933


So where are all these nodes and fiber optics of which you speak, Synth? Where are they going to come from and where is the money for them? Have you been kidnapped again, Synth? Is some random group of brown people with guns forcing you to come on here and shill so some stupid kid who can’t spot any of the dozen red flags about your multifaceted con job buys the bags you dumped on them?

>> No.10613943



You stupid fuck. That was back in Spring. Now ALTS are cheap. Some people never seem to get it...oh well.

>> No.10614027

Independent Internet Service Providers will be a thing. Since bandwidth and everything else is metered, Skywire node operators will be heavily incentivized to build infrastructure and enable internet access in high demand areas.

For example, if I live in Colorado and I own property in the mountains, I might see an opportunity to set up antenna equipment with a few other property owners to supply the nearby town 100,000 people on the other side of the mountain with internet access. Myself and the other owners can do this for much cheaper than an ISP company can. We'll earn a healthy profit from all the metered traffic leaving and going to the city. The people that live in the city will enjoy internet traffic much cheaper than the satellite service they pay out the nose for.

All of this stuff is existing tech and is easily doable. Skycoin is taking care of the difficult parts, which is encryption, bandwidth, metering, and economic incentive.

You would know these things if you put on some shoes and went to work once in a while.

>> No.10614073

Scam shitcoin that won't answer the most important question: bandwidth/speed and price. I asked them multiple times and nobody ever answer.

They don't care about users, user's first question is speed and price, they just want to scam dumb people to fall for their pump and dump.

>> No.10614108

t. solipsist
I aplologize for not actually being Synth, but if necessary we can still make believe so there there. Skywire is an incentivized meshnet, so how that works is that people become interested and learn about it, eventually establishing their own nodes of their own volition. This entitles them to compensation for the contribution they have made. As for the fiber-optic cables, these are the state of the art telecommunications infrastructure in the world today, so they already exist. Skywire is able to use these resources just the same as anyone else in the world can.
Yeah, its overvalued relative to the price of Skycoin. Skycoin is in the top tier of crypto projects based on fundamentals, if Skycoin is below the top ten projects, every project above it is overvalued. Currently Skycoin is #170. Projects ranked higher than Skycoin are not cheap enough for me.

>> No.10614177

dont care about other projects. skycoin ruined me and all synth does is laugh about it from his mansion

>> No.10614218

Bandwidth increases depending on the node density, so it will grow as the local meshnet develops. Speed/latency depends on routing, and Skywire is designed to have superior routing to the consumer grade internet you are used to. Price is something that is discovered by human action within the market in question. Once plentiful, Skywire internet access will be much cheaper than an ISP. These questions were not difficult to answer, but your petulant attitude is taken into account when evaluating whether or not you deserve to be answered. Little cunts like you tend to get banned from the telegram, really hard to argue with desu.

>> No.10614247

O and btw you can fucking answer your own question if you knew how to DYOR, to help illustrate how pathetic u are.

>> No.10614318

You need to take responsibility for your own trading. Synth cant do anything about the price in the short term. Get ahold of yourself.

>> No.10614367

>Synth cant do anything about the price in the short term
yeah except sell all his skycoin and tell everybody in telegram to sell as well

>> No.10614417

>No, things i do are never my responsibility. I will make up an imaginary world in order to support that view.
If you think that, better hurry up and dump your SKY first. best of luck

>> No.10614500

i didnt kill skycoin

>> No.10614546

You'll find out in the next few months. The'll announce metered amounts at mainnet.

You know, that's the purpose of a testnet. So you can actually test. I know holo doesn't have much to test on github but you can come check out sky's repos to see what they're up to.

>> No.10614564

Yeah nothing you can do nothing and you can't even run a node you can just turn on open source VPN software. Neat.

>> No.10614582

Don't worry, I can actually transmit packets in the near future, lol.


>> No.10614593

No nodes, no code for the actual chains. Synth probably just runs kiddy porn traffic through all of your "miners"

>> No.10614618

>Skycoin is kill
What the fuck are you talking about. Skycoin is developing, releasing new software, project updates, hiring new personnel. Sure, price tanking to shit can have an effect on team and community morale, but we arent a bunch of fucking retards. Price means less than nothing in todays crypto market. If you care so much about the price why are you complaining to me? you should be going after all the FUDders who infest reddit and swarmed this thread. The basic purpose of FUD is to get people to sell and lower the price.

>> No.10614675

>no code for actual chains
Shit for brains RKG poster. Do you even know what your words mean. IF there wasnt the blockchain api how are we going to send transactions you absolute fuckwit.

>> No.10614677

I thought you were better than that. Consider me disappointed.


>> No.10614699

This thread fucking reeks of bored HOLO shills.

Fuck off back to your copycat project.
Don't like sky? Don't buy it.
Seriously the amount of unwarranted shit Sky gets is unbelievable. It's a project that actually does shit.
Name another one that does.
Go ahead.

>lol at the guy who said "muh no code", you got dunked on son.

>> No.10614773
File: 196 KB, 869x941, DIW76H7VAAApGdz.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




it's not like you're the only one who can read codes

>> No.10614833

he doesn't even do that, kek

>> No.10614849

Holochain is full if faggot larpers pretending to be femisints

>> No.10614902

Looks like they couldn't figure out how to make a consensus algorithm for their project so they decided not to have one at all.