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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10605662 No.10605662 [Reply] [Original]

Oh well, this is really it. I've been suicidal on and off for the last 3 years but never had a serious attempt. That's changing tonight.

Supposed to be going to university in a month after taking a year off to work full time but I have lost nearly every penny I've made, wasting it on a dream to make it. In hindsight I was so stupid.

I knew about Crypto in September but didn't get involved and FOMO'd in late December, despite regularly browsing here to see all the shilling. I bought every month when I got paid to reimburse what I had lost from this sinking ship. I had so many missed opportunities (couldn't find an exchange to buy peepcoin on when it was 1/20th of a sat).

If you haven't sold already, please sell before you end up killing yourself, there will be a golden bull run again but not for the next 3/4 years. I can't live that long to live it.

Thank you for all of the memories /biz/ I'll never ever forget you.


>> No.10605685

>he thinks he can escape the prison planet

top kek

>> No.10605690

wants to make it

buys peepcoin

>> No.10605709


>> No.10605713



>> No.10605720

Feel the same was at 70 000 now at 7500 i'm a nano, cossio and dent cuck. However if life fucks me.I don't see why random people shouldn't suffer with me? I think you'll agree

>> No.10605737
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> makes a mistake and kills himself
top kek

>> No.10605752

Anyone has good suicide methods that doesn't involve a gun? Geniune question. I've been depressed for a decade and I want to end it.

It should be relatively quick and painless.

>> No.10605755

I don't think you're qualified to give out advice

>> No.10605816


>> No.10605825

Had I found an exchange to buy on I would've 360x my money...

>> No.10605839

Wasn't going to do the degree for knowledge purposes, my degree was gonna be at a top uni doing an economics course. Was more for my resume

>> No.10605869


Don't go into debt to get a piece of paper to dance like a good goy. Learn dapp development and double down this is a revolution soldier

>> No.10605914


Don't do it man. You will make it. Better times soon brother, history will repeat itself.

>> No.10605915

Heroin overdose, probably the best way to go

>> No.10605919
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>> No.10605934

You really thought it was going to be that easy? Hahaha. This is not a game.

>> No.10605958


4 years building and getting dapps to market will teach you more about economics than ((they)) ever will

>> No.10605959

Stream your suicide

>> No.10605987


Nightmare mode
>Kill yourself and be reincarnated as an African in Liberia.

>> No.10606015

Your college years will be so fun, if you went to a Ohio State at least. Don't miss out! Get lots of poon and learn anything you've ever wanted to know and treat it like a 4 year vacation except intern and network a lot with a 3.1GPA. You'll make it.

I can never suggest 18 year olds kill themselves because childhood is the punishment for a satisfying adulthood. Only failed adults should kys.

>> No.10606044

I cant get heroin. Any other options? I was thinking about taking a lot of asprin couple of beers and slit my major arteries. idk why but that method somehow appeals to me.

>> No.10606060

>Retard makes mistake after mistake non stop
>His very own next decision is killing himself
Thanks just bought 100k unironically, OP should ally himself with Marius and do an opposite hedge fund where they do their best to lost all of the money just to earn massive profits

>> No.10606108

I'll invest more

>> No.10606137

My digits don't lie

>> No.10606232 [DELETED] 

Chek'd and correct.

OP if you write a note, please leave crypto out of it. Don't need any more bearish attention. Blame a roastie.

>> No.10606239

I'll be joining you soon fren, take care

>> No.10606247

Chek'd and correct.

OP if you write a note, please leave crypto out of it. Don't need any more bearish attention. Blame a roastie.

>> No.10606259

Lol, overdosing on aspirin / acetaminophen is one of the most painful ways to go

>> No.10606288
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Fucking edgelord, just post a pink wojak like all the other people here

>> No.10606484

man i fucking loved that game, fuck ima download and binge play it for the next 3 days. thanks anon.

>> No.10606579
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>I cant get heroin

>> No.10606665

*SIP* Yep, Stronghold was a good game *SIP*

>> No.10606900

I am not saying overdosing. I study pharma. I mean taking aspirin and beer to make the bleeding easier.

>> No.10606933
File: 15 KB, 550x366, 87701641-9899-45BD-A863-A3E9E0C6E899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drinks rat poison
>surprised he ends up dead

>> No.10606951
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>> No.10606956

Just get a part time job and cash out the last crypto, what's wrong with you, you have learned the basics to invest into stocks now after university, consider it a lesson

>> No.10606965

if you can trade crypto you can use a fucking DNM dont be lazy

>> No.10607013

But I don't wanna order a gun and then get arrested.

>> No.10607044
File: 282 KB, 455x402, EFCE9E72-5690-44B4-B47B-4882CE1C5984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made some bad trades so now I’m going to kill myself

>> No.10607078

Helium is the best way

>> No.10607104

bullrun begins end of february 2019

eoy we are back to 20k

>> No.10607129

> Keeping the goyim fed with double rations so you can extract more shekels from them

>> No.10607136

Tfw i realize most of you are autistic/incel

>> No.10607182

Nigga are you retarded?
Biz has no street smarts, do you know how many dealers ARE or were on Craigslist?
I won't even say how many i've found that were 100% legit.

Be creative.... find something like Craigslist and search. You don't even need street connections!

>> No.10607192

Yeah...I know...I just don't like the idea of putting that bag over my head. Any other options? I have a lot of Propranolol but I am not sure whether that is a good OD. Need to read some articles about it.

>> No.10607314
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>> No.10607341

I don't live in the US and I don't want to be creative.

>> No.10607360

>killing self instead of gym+learning programming

Listen we all got meme'd with the crypto thing. Even people who bought early 2017 most probably held for the singularity instead of selling at ATH and are only 2x atm.

You're just a fuckin kid anon. Seriously, for once listen to a voice outside of your head and take my advice. Go to college for something technical.

Kids your age are bombarded with niggers on social media pretending to be rich. I get it. Envy is a strong drug... probably the strongest.

Don't do it. You're unironically too young to make this kind of decision for yourself.

>> No.10607369

I AM TRYING TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF! If I wanted to be creative I'll join an art school. Although technically they don't really make art only protest all day against [Insert Random Subject].

My point is that I am not going to undertake some wild adventure to get heroin or a gun. I hope you understand.

>> No.10607379
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plz dont let your coins go to waste, transfer them to me, ill be less sad if im less broke

>> No.10607384
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>> No.10607428

I already do that for years. It's not working anymore.

>I've been buffed for years by going to the gym. Bench >100 kg. Squat >140 kg. Deadlift >160 kg.
>Learned Python and several other languages few years ago and now finishing MSc in Data Science

This guy gets it

>> No.10607455

Then jump off a building or something you fucking pussy. jesus christ, you are a fucking pathetic bag of garbage, you should really kill yourself

>> No.10607525

If your depression doesn't have an obvious source then that is reason to see a psych not permanently damning yourself to hell. Talk to someone not on the internet.

>> No.10607540

People like you will never understand. The stupidity just amazes me. Thanks anon. God bless.

>> No.10607663

> learning programming
you want him to waste 5 years learning c++ then kill himself after some serious wagecucking as a ((programmer))? Why delay the inevitable?

>> No.10607693

>I'll never ever forget you.

? lol

>> No.10607723

This guy, this guy gets it :)

>> No.10607812

Jokes on you because reincarnation is based on blood. Hope you had children anon.

>> No.10607823

sexy digits; checked