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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10605119 No.10605119 [Reply] [Original]

Words to live by edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I (embed)
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II (embed)

Suggested books:
https://pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

>> No.10605133

stocks are for poorfags who cant crypto

>> No.10605145

My grandma used to change clothes in front of me but I still learned how to ride a bike. Go figure.

>> No.10605161
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Fucking jd, do something

>> No.10605162

These threads are garbage

stop posting them

>> No.10605172

crypto is for smoothbrains who can't learn options

>> No.10605173

warning guys, there is some pissed off non-human higher powers that are mooning tesla soon. /x/ tier shit is going down.

>> No.10605176
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>> No.10605178

Why did REGN shit itself?

>> No.10605179

t. Upset cryptobaby

>> No.10605180

This is a crypto board, faggot.

>> No.10605184
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don't let me down Elon

>> No.10605192
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>no previous thread
>broken links

>> No.10605198
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>Hmm, do I long or short SNAP?
>How about both, then either way I will

>Somehow still wrong


>> No.10605199
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>> No.10605210

The storm god of cycles is in on it. I wouldn't be surprised to see 450-500. Not trading advice, /x/ tier shit.

>> No.10605211
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The cryptards are sperging out because their Ponzi scheme is falling apart

>> No.10605213

tfw locked into 200 shares of LCI because sold covered calls

>> No.10605215
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Is there any way of turtle beach making it to $40

>> No.10605218

Crypto is for low IQ neets. /smg/ is for High IQ gentlemen.

>> No.10605226


>> No.10605227


This board was created for crypto, not this BS you retarded newfag

>> No.10605232

CNBC having two people on back to back who are saying 420 tsla buyout < 50% likely to happen. Time to buy this shit

>> No.10605236

pls anons

>> No.10605238

Kek. It was created for multi level marketing and “entrepreneurs” selling useless shit on eBay.

>> No.10605246

BTC $1000 EOY

>> No.10605248

what price did you sell your calls at?

>> No.10605249
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The cryptoboi zoom zooms are mad

fuck your magic rock. Real rock market is where it is at

>> No.10605253


Kys with your pathetic baby ponzi money

>> No.10605260

Solid stock, I’m up 100% year over year. Everyone all over Europe and USA and rich asians this winter/spring were wearing it. Won’t be bad. At least minor gains.

>> No.10605265

media manipulation is real

>> No.10605267

Morgan stanley said Model 3 would not hit 5k before 1H 2019. They updated with a lower price target after neared it this summer. There is some weird shit going on with Tesla.

Oil, dealerships, energy, autos, are all against tesla.

>> No.10605272


Never underestimate the desire of Chinese for dead animal parts

>> No.10605273

Only boomer stay at home dads watch CNBC. But yes very real.

>> No.10605274

thanks for the answer, i was thinking the same about every young rich white/asian girl wearing it.
cheers anon

>> No.10605277

consider that well established stocks change by a sub 1% so you need stupidly high leverage and every jew is already in the know so you can't compete small time while purchasing actions will cost you more than you'll get back in ROI
but with crypto, the goyim have a chance to make it or leave it

>> No.10605279
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whats the consensus on JNUG

>> No.10605282

The weird shit is the discount for TSLA. This fetishism of “contrarian” attitudes of “le big short”.

>> No.10605286


This isn't a coin

fuck off

>> No.10605287


Fuck off back to your training wheel ponzi

>> No.10605290

You have to watch CNBC for the opposite reasons they want you to. Never listen to the advice. Just nice as an extra screen and for some sentiment.

>> No.10605291
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Sorry forgot picture. If you look here you can see that after IPO it was a hard downward trend. The recent spike can be attributed to tax benefit and idiots gambling on it. Part of the problem is that they make a shitty fucking product and sell way to high and the market has plenty of headphone makers who do that already. The loss of the console headphone market is a large part of their absolutely horrific performance. The price is now going to correct to where it should be.

>> No.10605294

It... Seems to be going downhill since forever?

Do you have any reason to believe this will change?

>> No.10605296


>t. bitter nocoiners who missed out on the run last year

>> No.10605305

True. At most sometimes they have hot anchors but since May they’re showing less of those. And I have caught a few good IPOs they mentioned (just because it was happening not because they scanned for it kek).

>> No.10605319

How broke are you?

>> No.10605320
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It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having chicken nachos today, and I'm only down like .31% so that's nice. Got some extra free capital so I might long TLT.

>> No.10605321
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for a range trade duh

are the miners run out of money still

>> No.10605322
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imagine being this retarded
enjoy serious liquidity issues on all of your major exchanges, handing your life savings to large banks in an unregulated market, and of course, total loss

rollout to longer contracts if youre still interested in the position

pic related

buy em back if theyre cheap and then sell more calls desu

>> No.10605327

Fosho Bro. Canada Goose is a winning brand no matter how you look at it and and at $1000+ a jacket they print money. Fuck even I felt weird not having one this winter just by all the young girls and yuppies showing it off.

>> No.10605331

yep, the real indicator I liked today was that the board members on twitter had positive sentiment today in their tweets.

Not that I had doubts before though.

>> No.10605338

need a trend reversal. Not sure what the catalyst will be but it seems like for the time being gold is finding support around 1200. meanwhile miners still falling.
i don't know what the fuck is happening but i keep acquiring GDX calls with long expiration because one day this fucker is going to pop

>> No.10605339
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Is a $30 put for MAXR a good idea? They just got sued for accounting bullshit and apparently they'll have to stop their dividend. only a 16% drop from current price to get there.

>> No.10605340

>t. bitter nocoiners who missed out on the run last year
alot of people in here made money on the run and got out while all the newbs of the market like you started piling in.

Learn how markets work. Rotate your money. Crypto market is not the bull this month, or this year, meanwhile stockmarket climbs consistently

>> No.10605344

the junior ones?
yea, prolly

>> No.10605350
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, Im down 1% today, and I was also down 1% yesterday

>> No.10605351

Wtf. Stock doesn’t crash like boomers and shorts expected, and posts great guidance. Fortnite is raging onwards. Epic games has 8.5billion valuation, and strong HEAR sales. Is this market manipulation???

>> No.10605357
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>> No.10605360

Yo pea brain I made x600 gains on crypto and then sold at the ATH. Now, instead of gambling in a bear market and funneling money to ((them)) while they cash out on your stupidity, I trade on a less volatile yet miles more profitable market than whatever shit is going on with crypto.

If you think you've learned enough about the market (doubt it), then switch over and start trading something with value as opposed to the ever deflating shitcoins you have your minimum wage savings in.

>> No.10605365

holy fuck that made me so hungry just now

>> No.10605366

alright boys and reluctant kneepad girl

These are the last two stocks I own after taking profit earlier

What next

>> No.10605368


I've owned bitcoin since 2010 you fucking faggot


I'm doing alot better than you and you're 3% yearly gain stocks lmao

>> No.10605369

Memecoiners (all coins are memes) are gambling without skill.

Investors are using superior intelligence to predict macro trends, identify value, and make easy money.

>> No.10605370
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I can make 10x on options easily. Way more consistent than your digital beanie baby

>> No.10605373

how do i short bruce willis?


>> No.10605375


>> No.10605379
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Forgot pic ayy

>> No.10605382

Doubt you have profit margins, and if you do then you better pull the fuck out and put it somewhere that isn't purely speculative.

>> No.10605390
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>Investors are using superior intelligence to predict macro trends, identify value, and make easy money.

holy shit, thanks for the laugh.

>> No.10605391

Usually my sentiment is “if it’s on CNBC, it’s too late” or “what is big money tryanna shill desperately to schmuck retail investors”

>> No.10605397

>I've owned bitcoin since 2010 you fucking faggot
bottom line is............. nobody cares

>> No.10605401
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Lemme see $203 baby

>> No.10605403

HMNY CEO live in 30 min


>> No.10605405

>want to invest in Mittelstand

>> No.10605410

Thoughts on fb breaking 220?

>> No.10605411

w/ bruce willis?

>> No.10605418

The only thing worse than the daily “which tripfags are better” circle jerk is you tards trying to reason with the cryptofags. Just make fun of them and move along.

>> No.10605421

is he going to off himself on live tv?

>> No.10605423


You're right

Now back to the main point - These threads don't belong here. This board was created for crypto. Take this shit over to /b/

>> No.10605426

Coins were cool before boomers started manipulating it like they do to stocks. Sorry bruh.

>> No.10605431

>I'm doing alot better than you
No you're not, cope more you angsty teenager.

>> No.10605438

Yes we need 20+ more threads of coin memes with 3-5 responses.

>> No.10605439

Buy now while you still can

>> No.10605445

Have any other NEETs had problems with being allowed to short sell stocks? My broker told me the NYSE won't let me short sell without a declared income. What the fuck is this? Land of the free my ass.

>> No.10605451
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not only a crypto fag but also a newfag

>> No.10605455

TSLA is running circles around shorts. They aren't even covering

>> No.10605461

There’s ways around it. Just max out your alleged income. Or use a Caribbean broker (not joking).

>> No.10605467
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>I've owned bitcoin since 2010 you fucking faggot
wow anon u must be so rich
pretty cool how you still have time to come into a bread about things you hate and be bitter about it

>> No.10605483

He’s gonna yell “gotcha bitches!” Then fly off with his jet pack never to be seen again.

>> No.10605484



crypto is the only reason this board exists. It was created because it needed it's own space outsid of /g/


>> No.10605486

TSLA and Shorts:

>> No.10605489

I'm pretty sure at this point the shorts hate him enough to risk complete annihilation for a chance to sink Elon's flagship.

>> No.10605493
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Where is "where it should be"

>> No.10605499

The entire price movement was based around YouTubers/streamers and battle royal games being hot. The problem is that's the ultimate fad market and once all the kids have copied their favorite netstar and bought a pair nobody else is going to buy a pair and then it's off to a new fad. You got beanie babied

>> No.10605501

Actual old fag here and biz never had coins in the first place. Kys. I’ve been on 4chan since I was 7.

>> No.10605508

could you guys stop talking about crypto, theres like a bunch of other shitty threads talking about it.

We all understand there is a market for it but it's off topic in an /smg/ thread.

>> No.10605513

Nobody cares get a new hobby because crypto is over.

>> No.10605515

It’s not a fad market tho. It is posting strong Q2 earnings that rose from Q1 and good guidance for rest of 18. Fortnite is raging onwards and won’t go away. If it does a new battle royale will come up. Fucking boomers killed my calls cuz they couldn’t believe this shit is real.

>> No.10605517

That's the sentiment I get. They don't believe him at all and the emotion is too high. Cutting losses in this case is very hard for them especially when he is trapping them.

>> No.10605519
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no movement today. only oil is down 4%

>> No.10605520
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>This board was created for crypto
fact is, it wasnt, it isnt, and as your libertarian NEETfunbux continue to circle the drain whilst being swallowed whole, there will be less and less of you, and more and more of us. how does that make you feel? do you want to tell us about it?

but believe me nigger, the feeling is mutual. i would like nothing more than to have our own board free from you fucking invalids

>> No.10605523

Just bought 900 shares, should I buy more

There has to be a price jump when this happens

>> No.10605531

cnbc and all the suits are pissed he tweeted it out. Still too seething to see straight. This is amazing. Going to be a historic squeeze.

>> No.10605538
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>own board free from you fucking invalids

please it would make my year

>> No.10605540
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every single time I buy GE at 13 it drops to 12.70
not falling for it this time

>> No.10605541

Q1 results were incredible so the stock soared. Q2 was also good but boomers can’t accept that this is here to stay. Q3 will be great too... and maybe then boomers(gen x is also le 28 year old boomer) will realize their sins.

Forgive them lord for they know not what they do.

>> No.10605543


>> No.10605545

how much does everyone have in PMs?

>> No.10605546

buying more HMNY is always smart money

>> No.10605549
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>> No.10605557

Eh at worst it can’t really go down more can it? Lol.

>> No.10605563

I just bought 100 shares and i know i'm throwing money away

>> No.10605565

Apple, Tencent, Google, Saudis, who is it behind the curtain of Elon Musk's tweet? Maybe Waymo deal contigent on giving Waymo a fleet of EVs

>> No.10605569

I despise CNN but I'll watch it just for this

>> No.10605572

Kek. I’m just watching it. I’ll buy 6k worth if it starts trending and just day trade it.

>> No.10605576

HMNYs business model is massively diluting and selling shares. The movie pass thing is litterally just to get attention so they can sell shares to future bagholders.

>> No.10605577

>my oil calls

>> No.10605580

short selling is an unlimited risk position. buy put spreads instead

capital coming from the Saudis, the Chinese govt, and some silicon valley venture capital firms

>> No.10605593


>> No.10605599

2.5Trillion Saudi Aramco valuation is ongoing. Saudis probably could buy TSLA just to hedge against oil as a minor play. Lmfao.

>> No.10605601

Larry Page's entire networth would be enough.

>> No.10605603
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>woke up too late so couldn't apply for new job this morning
>Minimum wage job is shit, been standing around doing nothing for 3 hours now
>Stocks are red day

Fucking terrible day, and it's only Wednesday

>> No.10605606

anyone got a cnn live stream that I dont need a provider for? I want to see what this madman is going to do

>> No.10605609
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Why didn’t you listen about AMRS, anon?

>> No.10605612
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Should I risk it?

>> No.10605613

I'd guess 25 dollars. You go to far back in their price history and you get when they were basically the only game in town for Xbox and ps2. There has also been a substantial increase in over gaming headphone manufacturers like I said.

You can believe whatever you want about battle royal style games being a fad. I haven't seen too many hallway shooters or team fortress clones of late. And the point still stands that there is not a lot of turn over. I still have the shitty pair I bought for my Xbox, I don't use them because I have far batter headphones but they just are there. It's kinda like the problem facing gopro

>> No.10605617

Some guy yesterday said he has 40,000 shares. I myself have 1,500. This is either going to be extremely stupid or extremely crazy.

>> No.10605625

larry page is on quotes saying he would give all his money to elon musk if he dies., that's tens of billions alone.

I think people underestimate how much of silicon valley billionaires would love to fund musk. Waymo could go EV and it makes sense there

I see like 20 different paths to get the money. The shorts are so fucking unimaginative.
>where is the bank behind it!!

I give TSLA a strong buy but use whatever you want to value it.

>> No.10605637
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Tf is this shit? Just go up or down dammit.

This has got to be manipulation, right? How long will it go on for...

>> No.10605640

buy 100 shares

>> No.10605641

Dude. Fortnite is expanding and everyone buys a headset. It’s like it’s 1906 and you’re telling me that your fancy Cola is better than Coca Cola(tm).

Fortnite is not going away. And HEAR owns the intro headset market that plebs use. I know their headsets are shit but they’re cheap and everywhere.

>> No.10605644

I'm not betting on HMNY, but I wish you the best of luck. I hope you make it.

>> No.10605645

Nice call dude. Good to see big winners on /smg/

>> No.10605659
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>bought TSLA at 5:55pm yesterday @ $382, literally bought the ATH
I’m getting pretty justed. Come on musk with the BO. What are real chances he’s lying about going private/having funding? I don’t want him to get shkreli’d

>> No.10605670

He can’t just lie. He can’t.

>> No.10605671

comf i was talking w you last night lol
im on here all the fucking time

>> No.10605673

It's extremely high probability. The slow roll is on purpose I believe. Just like the tweet.

He knew a week ago at least he was doing this.

>> No.10605677

I would have sold the minute I saw it go down by $3.5 in the pre/after market. That sort of stuff can be foretelling.

>> No.10605686

It soared on open to 380.

>> No.10605689

pls don't go down 5% everyday X

maybe just a 4% down day thks

>> No.10605691

pre/after is too manipulated to tell on this type of traded stock

>> No.10605705

I think people are worried that musk/tesla haven't been firm on anything yet. My perspective, which could easily be wrong, is that this shit is on purpose to roast everyone.

People are seeing no new strong news on Tesla's side as weakness which is why it went to 372. I wouldn't read anything into it.

>> No.10605707


What you’re seeing is gaming going truly mainstresm it’s free, it’s growing on mobile, has exclusives lined up for rest of 2018, and hasn’t even hit peak market penetration. You’re the fancy gamer with his 500 dollar headset. Nobody gives a fuck. Kys.

>> No.10605723

He has never lied this much. He can’t say something as definite as this and not be honest. He has “misled investors before” by saying “we should hit this milestone x by time y”.

>> No.10605729

High prob it’s BS or high prob of buyout?

>> No.10605742

Never by outright deliberate explicit lie.

>> No.10605743

>He has “misled investors before” by saying “we should hit this milestone x by time y”.
mid teens

>> No.10605745

Yes, it wasn't fly of the seat either. Literally pre-planned a long time.

I put it on 95% of being credible with fully funding.

>> No.10605750

It went down by $3 when I woke up in the morning.

I guess you're right. Tesla is very unpredictable.

>> No.10605761

Market manipulation involves intentionally moving prices bros. It can involve investing hundreds of millions just to build and change trends.

>> No.10605767

>can only afford 100 shares of near penny stock companies
>near penny stock companies all have no volume on call options
so much for making money with covered calls

>> No.10605773

Think its a good idea to get into ATVI and TTWO?
both are releasing pretty big titles soonish.

>> No.10605775


>> No.10605776

>not randomly picking calls
>bothering about covered calls
Kek. It’s like you’re not even trying bro.

>> No.10605783

Weed stocks

>> No.10605787

is this available direct form that page? or will I need some TV subscription and start to rage?

>> No.10605791

use finviz and scan for hi IV stocks

>> No.10605796

I've been trying to get people to buy my ATM ODP calls for weeks now, no bites.

>> No.10605806

Yes. Gaming continues to be underestimated.

>> No.10605811

I’m surprised it isn’t down more desu. It’s eerily quiet

>> No.10605818

SNAP has some pretty cheap puts available right now

>> No.10605821

it works

>> No.10605826

He’s either going to be arrested and lose his billionaire life or it’s gonna soar and they’re gonna go through negotiations ... and maybe fail or not... but short term moon rocket in any case.

>> No.10605830

Gaming with a headset and not a 12.2 surrounded sound system, get out of here stalker. But you do have a point I am a serious gamer who has been playing games since the NES. I get it battle royal is the new hotness, I remember the last time battle royal was hot. We called it death match. You want to throw money at a overvalued stock go for it. I personally hope gaming goes back to being niche. Mainstream is ruining it, just like going mainstream ruined comics.

>> No.10605831

try closer to the bid
if you want, give me the strike and expiry and ill snapshot the options market depth so you can see whats up

>> No.10605840

Should have risen to 15 but puts refused to sell. Stubbornness is gonna be expensive this week. If it didn’t crash to 10 or lower today, it’s not going to.

>> No.10605854
File: 682 KB, 1242x2208, 097197A4-8E85-4994-8D4C-B27EA926A9ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Home Depot is headed back to $203

>> No.10605860

Oilu getting btfo today, should have looked at the solid green candlestick and bought oild. All mug stocks are flat overall. Looking for a good point to buy in more oilu.

>> No.10605870

Exactly. You’re the early adopter hobbyist. The mainstream gaming revolution is coming and boomer investors still think it’s just basement dwelling neets like you. I’m an old school gamer too tho kek. Been nodding and playing all sorts of games with rigs for years... that shit is not what HEAR is growing on.

>> No.10605882

Afaik Saudi ipo is dead

>> No.10605888

Home Depot > Lowe’s
I’ll be so glad when people realize this and that shithole store gets shut down.

>> No.10605889

Modding* total war , Stalker, other games, etc.

>> No.10605892

until the maximum number of options expire OTM

>> No.10605905

Not dead. They are pushing it off but still paying IBankers. They only had to do it if oil crashed and stayed low. If it rises they don’t mind keeping t private and the books are insanely complicated due to +5,000 princes and their allowances all being tied to it.

>> No.10605926

also the guy who owns home depo really nice

>> No.10605967

Mfw HMNY is the great growth story of the decade.

>> No.10605970

they're literally the same fucking store with a palette swap

>> No.10605984

I tried looking for a free live stream but fell short

>> No.10605989

Honestly if I wasn’t so distracted by SNAP and TSLA I had my eye on basic plays into Home Depot, Lowe’s, Office Depot, and MTCH.

>> No.10605992

i think oil has another leg down. im charting/talking about USO here, but i see it at least hitting 13.60 desu

i think saudis have no choice but to go ahead w it. theyll balk about it, but they need this more than we need it

>> No.10605998

great team, farnsworth has vision, bringing bruce willis on board is a great move, $70-100 EOY IMHO

>> No.10606003
File: 78 KB, 600x771, 3bqiky49rh211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, how embarrassing.
Just bought 200 shares, time to make some serious cash
>>Bank of America
Please go down, thank you

>> No.10606004

>Buying jackets for global warming
You're not going to make it

>> No.10606010

Kek. I am gonna go all in if it rises to 0.5

>> No.10606021

Show time, boys.

>> No.10606022

No. Lowe’s is for the suburban dwellers who drive mini vans. Fucking terrible customer service. Anyone doing real work goes to Home Depot.

>> No.10606023


>> No.10606026



>> No.10606028
File: 934 KB, 895x856, bac1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better luck next time

>> No.10606037


already bumpin' -> .0725 by end of interview (EOI)

>> No.10606038

I was in Iceland this winter. Nothing but Asians wearing Canada goose and taking photos. Same in NYC but any rich young person is wearing it... if not some super expensive designer jacket.

>> No.10606047

Oil be wrecking my portfolio. Curses the irational market wins again.

>> No.10606049

I knew a girl that worked at Lowe’s that could just override the store price because her manager was basically like “anything to get a sale”

I got a $500 rug for $1

Long the depot, short Lowe’s

>> No.10606055
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>> No.10606065

*Hides smirk with hand*


>> No.10606064

99% of Home Depot employees don’t know shit not that it matters lol.

>> No.10606076
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>> No.10606083

>long on income inequality
>long on Canada Goose

>> No.10606085

Golly he looks fucked up. >>10606026

>> No.10606087

Good lord

>> No.10606088

I am sure owning part of a company that pays dividends is more valuable then made up digital currency. also crypto is a joke it gets hacked all of the time.

>> No.10606098

4 years ago literally nobody was talking about crypto currency here. This board used to be aboit actual business and finance.
Memecoins ruined this board.

>> No.10606120

This board existed before the crypto boom

>> No.10606126

its not being irrational
there were very few buyers up at that level. OVX was just sort of plodding along. some fuckers w a lot of money noticed there were no buyers, so they went short. now here we are. i still think were in for a multi-year oil bull desu

>> No.10606141

>ywn be the CEO of a billion dollar corporation and do an interview shitfaced while you run it into the ground
Why live

>> No.10606144
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>> No.10606149

I think it will crash, I think it's just being held artificially afloat until the 10th to try and knock-out most options

>> No.10606158

When do the Iranian sanctions for oil go into effect? October?
The broad market ones hit yesterday but the oil ones haven't hit yet

>> No.10606163
File: 8 KB, 334x208, gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and its gone. should have sold and made 3 cents

>> No.10606168
File: 29 KB, 500x422, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the worst interview
This guy is gonna kill himself

>> No.10606169

ill likely be selling my puts of my strangle at some point tomorrow or maybe close today, then buying more calls. but i DO think USO will scrape the bottom of its keltner channels at the very least

>> No.10606170

There is so little volume on it /smg/ could control the price

>> No.10606175

>bought at the market so I’m down .12

>> No.10606188

low energy as heckies

>> No.10606194

HMNY is not a billion dollar corporation, it's a $30,000 corporation with $250,000,000 in debt

>> No.10606196

yeah next time make the spread smaller, brosef

>> No.10606198

last i looked rouhani said he was open to negotiations at the last possible second.
dont do this to yourself

>> No.10606200
File: 14 KB, 135x133, 1485917761007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm up .08 on HMNY
I'm a fucking Chad

>> No.10606202

It should but it actually posted great revenue numbers and has adult supervision for the first time. Someone needs to make Evan disappear.

>> No.10606213
File: 64 KB, 1302x405, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just caught the tail end, but I guess it didn't go well since it dropped 5% as soon as it was over.

>> No.10606219

Evan Spergel thinks talking like a freshman giving a presentation he didn’t study or prepare for is a legitimate way to conduct interviews or earnings.

>> No.10606221

I keep telling you people not to buy into political kayfabe

You'd think the fact that our president is in the WWE Hall of Fame would be a hint

>> No.10606229

I noticed I had 34 cents in my Robinhood so going to buy 5 shares lmao

>> No.10606238

Miranda is gonna leave him if he lets the company crash. He needs to be a hands off recluse CEO who can keep his title but needs to

>> No.10606245

Yummy! Sorry I’m late, work has been busy this morning

>> No.10606249


>> No.10606266

Jesus christ. Why take such a massive position? I couldn’t sleep with such exposure.

>> No.10606275

Turkey being shit continues

Turkey’s five-year credit default swaps climbed seven basis points to 355 as of 12:47 p.m. in Istanbul, the highest level since April 2009. The nation’s contracts are the only ones across emerging markets to have widened this quarter. The lira weakened 1.3 percent Wednesday, slipping toward a record low of 5.4222 per dollar reached Monday.

>> No.10606319

Gotta play big to win big

>> No.10606324
File: 69 KB, 853x552, 2EF0EFD3-65E1-4910-874B-381EC09DAD35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itkf. Just glad I bought far enough out that I should still be able to profit some on my $13 put.

>> No.10606345

how many free fuckin movie tickets did HMNY have to shell out to get on CNN

>> No.10606346

>I keep telling you people not to buy into political kayfabe
who said anything about buy?
i got myself a delta neutral straddle yesterday because OVX was low and looked funny. i actually anticipated it was going to drop. thats why i went long vol

>> No.10606352

Kek are you seriously trading swaps or what?

>> No.10606367

im long USDTRY, this shit is solid gold

literally the worst non North Korean country in the world right now, they will fail soon it just keeps happening

>> No.10606370

So it turns out, by an act of God SNAP didn't wipe out my portfolio, decided to go all on in ROAD, not options but actual shares.

>> No.10606376

I’m long on Turkish economy since their debt is primarily private sector (not government like Greece or Portugal) and they are under tremendous bs political shitshows thet have nothing to do with economic fundamentals.

>> No.10606389

Nothing, I was 70% portfolio in TSLA calls. I had been watching it a long time though.

>> No.10606391

Why's that, looks like it's taking shit

>> No.10606402

I was the guy that went all in on SNAP puts.

>> No.10606411

Also if the USD/TRY drops to 1:2 or 1:1.2 (as in 2004-5) their debt decreases 500%.

Their debt has is increasing because of the exchange rate not because they took on debt they couldn’t pay or because they are running Ponzi schemes. They have revenue and massive growth still.

Honestly it’s the Ebin West trysnna discpline them for getting closer to China/Russia and killing Gommmie Gurds.

>> No.10606422

Yeah, why ROAD

>> No.10606428

Oh good. I thought you were actually rich or something. >>10606402
From now on I’m gonna focus on shares for ER plays. You lose like 1-5% at most.

>> No.10606431
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>> No.10606440


potential runner.

>> No.10606458

Some chink saw me on robinhood and tried to shill me Celldex this morning on the train. "Big investors are calling it a buy". I wonder how many people get JUSTed following these people's advice.

>> No.10606460

Why not ROAD?

>> No.10606462

Basically around 2005 their domestic banking sector couldn’t provide enough liquidity to supply their growth. So they turned to American and European banks for private sector investments. But that means they got more pressure about foreign policy since they have animosity towards Western actions in the Middle East (which they say is reckless and causes them security problems).

>> No.10606469
File: 40 KB, 378x485, 1533617495881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>betting against fundamentals, technical, and Buffet all at once
all because you fell for a math illusion on robintrack
Small Spec level 100

>> No.10606485

nope. I'm still on a 2 position strategy. Will be switching to 3-4 position strategy soon. Hopefully I'll get to enough capital to increase that to 5-6 and less leverage.

If I hit the goal of 4x this year maybe I'll do 5-6 next year.

>> No.10606489

Buffet is a meme
Technicals are secondary tools at best
Fundamentals are a dream.

>> No.10606495

I can't be the only one that wants comfy to lose all his money and leave for a few months.

>> No.10606510

Careful about the death wish bruh. We’re all gonna make it!

>> No.10606525


>> No.10606531

We're all going to make it, whether we want to or not

>> No.10606538

On wall St there's a saying. When your taxi driver starts giving you stock picks, you know we're in a bubble.

>> No.10606541

Thread has been terrible since he came around.

>> No.10606544

Sorry to disappoint, most of my cash is in F and KDP and will stay there forever so I can stay here forever :^)
You smug golden bull bastards wil be humbled s00n

>> No.10606547

We’re gonna be on a yacht getting our cocks sucked in no time brah.

>> No.10606567
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>> No.10606568

Kek I didn’t even check who it was.

>> No.10606572

>75% of account in calls
In hindsight it was smart I guess. Sucks playing with low capital but it's respectable now.

>> No.10606580

>sell at 19.67
>buy at 19.28
this stock is funny

>> No.10606581

I dont think ive seen BAC have a red day since i started Investing.
So good luck buddy. I wish the best for you

>> No.10606592

Could be worse. You’re not spreading onto dozens of stocks like some portfolios I see here and TSLA calls are not stupid. You can argue about it but it’s a valid play.

>> No.10606598

It's some chink though so it means it's Chyna that was in a bubble

>> No.10606600

Hey guys i jus saw comfy i think hes trying to short bank of america lol

>> No.10606603

I'm not sure how I feel about this. My top three are F, KDP, and CTL. Either I am the Comfy or he only pretends to be an idiot. Wait I thought you were Mormon. Isn't caffine like the devil to you?

>> No.10606604
File: 25 KB, 534x401, falcon9launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have the buying power to buy them back right now, so I can't sell the shares

and I want to sell the shares so I can buy more TSLA calls before the rocket takes off

>> No.10606606

is your implication that having dozens of various equities is a bad idea and you should not be diversified?

>> No.10606627

Based solely off of robintrack lmao. It is a fun project though, I hope he keeps updating the spreadsheet.

>> No.10606635

Yes. It’s not a good idea for small portfolios. You can wipe out gains easily. Diversification is a game for big boys (40-50,000k +)

If you want a good risk strategy... avoid investing more than 30% of your portfolio at any one time. Preferably only 15% total on 2 stocks shared any way you want.

>> No.10606656

Until 20k imo the rule is to play it safe. Very safe. Then you can start moving up your risk profile.

People think less money means you should take less risk. Not so.

>> No.10606659

If anyone deserves a tripfag, it is you my dude

>> No.10606674

I meant more risk kek.

It’s a mistake to think less money means you should take more risk...

The more money you have the riskier you should play, not crazy so, but

>> No.10606680

>Just China
We're already globalized, son. The big one is coming. Chinks, Burgers, and everyone in between is going to feel the hurt soon.

>> No.10606713

If I had put all my money into sharpspring in February I'd be well off, if I put all my money into ATT I'd probably would have killed myself.

>> No.10606720

It's simple math. The stock has ~10% upside and 100% downside. If you think Elon Musk lied with at least a 10% chance, it makes sense to be short.

>> No.10606724

i covered my shorts on turkey yesterday desu
looking to get back in at some point
>got more pressure about foreign policy since they have animosity towards Western actions in the Middle East (which they say is reckless and causes them security problems)
lol thats fucking rich
our IC backed them and their takfiri dogs for the whole time obama was in office.

lol, then you missed the 3 months i was short on em, and you mustve just started investing like a month ago

comf is one of the least obtrusive trips imo
i get a kick out of him
i cant imagine what would make you hate him. at the very least, hes totally harmless and definitely not out to fuck anyone over

ahh shit i see
you should always leave settled cash aside to buy back in the case of an emergency

but i wouldnt worry about TSLA desu
even if you only got a few calls, the dollar moves are super fast, so you should have plenty of leverage already. no sense getting too overweight in long options on such an unpredictable stock imo

diversifying =/= buying a bunch of equities. you should spread out among different types of asset classes desu senpai

>> No.10606734

Risk doesn’t you don’t invest but your criteria for investment should be strong. If you don’t see red flags around a stock, it’s usually a good play.

>> No.10606742

I don't think I could stomach less than 50% gains every 6 months.

>> No.10606743

would you be frustrated that my entire portfolio right now is 5 shares of QQQ, 1 of TECL, and 3 of MSFT

its like sub $3k total

>> No.10606748

Obama backed the Kurdish YPG which they fight. And their coup was blamed on Obama by them. They were excited for Trump. Allegedly connected to Flynn as well.

>> No.10606750

Literally bagholding for institutions getting out.

>> No.10606753
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help me form SPY option calls pls

>> No.10606764

My personal aim is 100% a month. It’s achievable but for my first 10k I worked up slower than this.
Not bad stocks.

>> No.10606774
File: 287 KB, 500x428, here we go again pooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens to my stocks if christopher robin decides to play ball

>> No.10606784

>playing SPY options
>great 2018 Sideways market of sanctions era
Go back to 1980s u fuck.

>> No.10606785
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SNAP plz stop

>> No.10606792

not sure his strat, but I use glorious ichimoku w/ RSI &MACD for daytrading SPY options. Works really well

>> No.10606796
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>> No.10606812
File: 39 KB, 450x253, So+youre+telling+me+that+kaiji+is+not+a+moe+_92daaa0c91509af2c94a45cdb23b26d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICHR green

>> No.10606814

I was more talking about diversification but fair enough.

>> No.10606837
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Don't let down, ROKU.

>> No.10606841
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Based AF
Caffine is my second God. I drink two zero ultras a day followed by a liter of diet mountain dew to make it through life
Pic related, the project has only just begun!

>> No.10606845

Yea most of the investment heuristics memes and guidelines are for serious portfolios (bonds and stocks split, diversification).

>> No.10606870

Is that TradingView ?

>> No.10606873

Does IB have US options for EU customers? What about shorting US stocks?

>> No.10606877

what POT stocks are coming to make it? looking to do longs 6mo to year out.

>> No.10606878
File: 80 KB, 911x936, snap pamp it 8-8-145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pamp it

>> No.10606882

NASDAQ new ATH by the end of this week or into next? lets go boys GREEN GREEN GREEN

>> No.10606886

Mormons are allowed to have caffeine. Hot drinks are the problem. Everyone assumes that they can't have caffeine just because they can't drink coffee or tea (but they can if its iced or even lukewarm I guess).

>> No.10606889

Canadian mostly but I don’t bother with it personally.

>> No.10606903

I'm serious, but I'm also anti-bond. But that's just me

>> No.10606906
File: 103 KB, 728x716, 1531227669026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY options are super safe now with all the asymmetrical trades you can make with them X.X

me see people use this + pivot points but not knowing the direction amit really the problem... problem am...

need someone hold hand for first few trades ;_;

>> No.10606907

What kind of meme religion forbids hot drinks?

>> No.10606910
File: 161 KB, 640x600, 1532384766908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsk tsk tsk
Spyders in the house

>> No.10606914

Serious as in high value ? If you have more than 50k, it’s different imo.

>> No.10606923

I legit didn't know that. Learn something new everyday.

>> No.10606924
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Why didn't I listen to AMRS anon

>> No.10606926

Based Joseph Smith forbidding hot and stimulating drinks because he was sick of having to make coffee every time his buds came over for a meeting

>> No.10606936

I'm dumping SNAP at the next opportunity. Poor choices were made.

>> No.10606940

Based and redpilled

>> No.10606942

"Hot drinks are not for the belly."
t. Joseph Smith

>> No.10606961

Goyim are such amusing creatures.

>> No.10606968

they backed both m8
they backed kurds publicly to "kill ISIS", but more likely to "help" them establish kurdistan along all the major oilfields of iraq, iran and syria (crushing non-OPEC cunts oil production capabilities)

they backed the turks during the arab spring to kill ghaddaffi and to smuggle weapons into syria to proliferate a civil war with the help of our old friends the "moderate rebels".

erdogan, as much as i hate the faggot, is a master chess player, and was also playing all possible sides as well. leveraging negotiations between US, NATO, russia, and also the EU. that little coup, as near as i can tell, was kickstarted by erdogan himself to consolidate power and eliminate the resistance that had been building up in his military for a while due to the fact that many in the turkish army were sympathetic to syria/SAA. flynn used to be an ambassador to russia, so it wouldnt surprise me at all if he was down in turkey at some point mediating. especially given the surface tension between russia and turkey who are in open conflict w one another

but trump cut funding to our little "moderate rebels" (read: takfirists), and since then the SAA has been mopping up turks left and right. hence why israel had to finally step in and get their hands dirty these past few months. they desperately want the golan now that its been discovered how much fucking oil is down there.

look into the stock GNE if you dont believe me on the golan part

that whole situation in the mideast is a fucking mess, and ive been watching it like a hawk since it started

>> No.10606975

At least we can eat shellfish. I fucking love shrimp, I'm glad kikes don't get to eat any.

>> No.10606983
File: 97 KB, 1000x948, 1528925273118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Joseph smith
>hey God which of all these religions is the best one?
>none they are all shit start your own
>truth restored
>also polygamy
>United States government controlled by satanists freak out
>drive the Mormons out west
>Joseph Smith gets shot and dies
>next prophet leads the Mormons out West to establish a religious Ethnostate
Find a a more based religion

>> No.10606991

Between work Roth IRA, personal portfolio, mined crypto and various other things yes. Portfolio by itself? Bit short. I was actually thinking next time I have a good feeling about something going more all in. But AMD is too high for that now, should have gone balls deep at 8 and I don't have any great feelings about anything else.

>> No.10607001
File: 46 KB, 200x200, RukiaBwahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese retalitory tariffs

>literally nothing happens
>america unaffected even more than ever before
oh yes

>> No.10607005
File: 554 KB, 967x954, 1521343639062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMNY please just raise to $.10 please

>> No.10607019

>mopping Turks
Pick one. They are scared shitless of them. Based Erdogan should attack Aleppo after taking Afrin. I am so bored of the ME nowadays.

Are you pro Assad? I personally don’t give a fuck.

Coup was not likely to be staged. It was real but fucked up due to idiocy and shit.

Anyway Erdogan did work with Obama for Arab spring but got pissed at the rollback (Sisi, Kurdistan).

He wasn’t pro Obama at all.

>> No.10607022

Don't worry, it'll be above $0.10 for a day after they reverse split again.

>> No.10607024

That would be something, eh?

>> No.10607033

Kek. Hope is not a strategy.

>> No.10607036

You misunderstood my post.

>> No.10607047

I did but the second sentence was meant for someone else. “Kek” was meant for you.

>> No.10607053

Why is it everytime Bitcoin crashes more you come into /smg/ threads to flame on the people who don't care?

>> No.10607063

Seriously what broker is this?

>> No.10607070

Bioshit volatility I guess

t. REGN bagholder

>> No.10607077

no, see >>10605375

>> No.10607079

it's a paper trading account.

>> No.10607085

What app is it?

>> No.10607096

You realize /biz/ has been around before crypto cancer? What a newfag.

>> No.10607113

Brainlet here, should I go ahead and sell UWT or will it go above $40 again?

>> No.10607139

Bruh Vix options/etfs are memes. Unless you think trump is gonna tweet something saucy soon.

>> No.10607174

Based Saudis raking the leaves.

They sanction Turkey for arresting a glow in the dark Pastor and it’s all chill when Saudis literally rape, torture, crucify hundreds of feminists.

>> No.10607184


Don't miss out. Earnings coming soon

>> No.10607189

lets get a pre power hour going

>> No.10607201

Boomer shorts selling TSLA. Time to get in if anyone missed it.

>> No.10607204

it IS a pretty interesting story desu

were gonna have to agree to disagree here m8
ive been watching it and trading oil. so far, quite successfully
>They are scared shitless of them. Based Erdogan should attack Aleppo after taking Afrin.
takfirist/wahabbist dogs deserve to be flayed alive desu. they are the core of the problem w the middle east imo.
>Are you pro Assad?
im against dictatorships in general, but i have to say that syria was obviously MUCH better off under his rule (i also cant pretend that western style democracy would ever work in the modern incarnation of the ME. too much bad blood), and also that baathism seems to be the ONLY way to govern the mideast where the various sects of islam arent all killing each other (believe it or not, idc, syria was a legitimate secular nation prior to the war). also i find the alawhite sect to be BY FAR the most tolerable of the branches of islam, and clearly the one w the most personal and religious freedoms when its the one in charge
>Coup was not likely to be staged. It was real but fucked up due to idiocy and shit
sadly i dont have all my documents as my comp got fried, but i had amassed quite a bit of data to the contrary. but this isnt really the place for it anyways desu
>He wasn’t pro Obama at all.
erdogan was pro erdogan
when he got fucked over by obama playing both sides, he decided to do the same. and he did so very successfully

>> No.10607215

Aaaaaaaahhhhhh sold my 100 shares of ABIL last week. Fuck my shit up senpai!!!

>> No.10607227

I don’t think we disagree about the general movements of the history but if you think SAA can go up against regular TAF, I don’t come along with you.

>> No.10607229
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>> No.10607235

Kek. They should all be taken by Turkey as a secular-semi conservative Neo Ottomanism. Watch all wars end tomorrow. Volatility players will be hl

>> No.10607236
File: 46 KB, 600x600, 1531444952795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vix keeps going lower and lower
like an endless orgasm
based economic prosperity

>> No.10607245


>> No.10607247

so is dow jones officially a dead index? it literally is nowhere near all time highs from months and months ago, worthless boomer shit finally going away?

>> No.10607250

Imagine what the comedown will feel like.

>> No.10607254


>> No.10607257

someone did a huge short of Tesla on news it was not softbank behind the deal.

>> No.10607259

Stop shilling this
Is spam the way you cope with your bags?

>> No.10607263

Reminds me of January.......

>> No.10607275

>noobs not understanding VIX price graphs
>don’t comprehend the math of ultra leveraged options expiring daily
>think they can make 400% profit like in 2008
My sides!

>> No.10607286

Ofc it would be SoftBank. That’s stupid. My bet is Norwegian/Saudi sovereign wealth funds with some meme boomer banks thrown in for good measure. It’ll be a consortium deal. Musk doesn’t want 1 owner to own his ass.

>> No.10607295

You're going to miss out. Buy now or remain poor.

>> No.10607302

Would not be softbank*

They aren’t looking at investments this big.

>> No.10607315

yea it doesnt seem were too far off desu
w out our IC backing the turks they have been much less effective since trump came along (literally the only thing i agree w about his ME policy. i detest how cozy hes gotten w the KSA). the SAA is in a much tighter spot due to intl sanctions and having to fight a multifront war while attempting to NOT kill all of his citizens
>secular-semi conservative Neo Ottomanism. Watch all wars end tomorrow
fucking wish it were that easy

because literally no one is fucking trading. look at the volume m8. if you think this is a bull signal, youve lost your touch desu senpai

>> No.10607351

theres actually significantly less people trading now than in january. but youre right, the candles and the volume looks eerily similar. the VIX is also in a similar spot as well

>> No.10607376

at the very least, im glad this didnt turn into some sort of emotional pissing match like this stuff normally does lol

>> No.10607412

Are you uncomfortable with expressing your emotions, anon?
Tell me about your relationship with your mother.

>> No.10607441
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>> No.10607614

I wish all of you good luck

>> No.10607676

dont worry m8 my entire port is bearish as shit
im about to literally double up lol

appreciate the kind words tho
you as well