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10604897 No.10604897 [Reply] [Original]

How can i avoid getting emotional with the roasties at work?
i've lived my whole life in absolute total isolation from girls, always avoided them like the plague.
but now i got hired at a very high ranked prestigious company that i like, which has some work-oriented single assertive roasties that aren't afraid to get 1 feet away from you for small talk while looking you square in the eyes.
makes me feel weird as fuck.

>> No.10604921

grow up pussy

>> No.10604932

Tell them to stay away.

>> No.10604954

Make small talk with them, but never go further. If you totally ignore them, they will get you fired (see: https://archive.is/Lz0Pg).). Also, emasculate yourself a little and always present yourself as the perfect gentleman without trying to begin anything romantic. That way, they will not see you as a threat or 'creepy' and will leave you alone.

>> No.10604962

Don't hold back, they are going to make it very easy for you that way.

>> No.10604973

Tell them they have cooties and would prefer for them to stay away

>> No.10604984

rape one of them to send a signal that you aren't to be messed with

>> No.10605080

>i got hired at a very high ranked prestigious company
An incel low self esteem shut in like you doesn't fit the profile of someone who works at Goldman Sachs et al.

>> No.10605345

The perfect gentleman, but not the supreme gentleman

>> No.10605436


>> No.10605478
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based AND redpilled

>> No.10605487

just grab em by the pussy

>> No.10605503

make them think you're gay

>> No.10605584

>How can i avoid getting emotional with the roasties at work?
Best to start a primary prevention
Avoid work
Avoid workplace with roasties

You get emotional - you are creep
You dont care about roasties - you will get fired

>> No.10605628

HAHA that leddit post is insane. thx for the laughs

>> No.10605703

Tell them you have social anxiety (you clearly do) but yeah try to be cool about it

>> No.10605823

Stop showering for a week and they'll leave you alone

>> No.10605948

This, basically be gay. It’s all about your threat level. Cover two bases:
>1 your threat to them as a competitive woman.
What I mean by this is, are you more desirable to other women who they are mentally competing with? Do they see you as a trophy? That is a risk
>your threat to them personally
Ie, if you’re below their standards and show interest you are comprimising their self image. If you’re above and don’t show any interest you’re comprimising their self image.

>> No.10606071

be really nice to them. it will turn them off.

>> No.10606349
File: 65 KB, 480x480, HoodrichPablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh nigga
I don't have a prestigious job but definitely have some nice brappers walk through.
Always been passive and self defeating regarding women.

Trying not to be anymore, these bitches deserve my cock. I see them dating these goofies that live at the complex. But they still show signs of wanting my dick, very.... obvious signs sometimes.

No more mr nice beta boy, i'm taking what's mine. Whether they are single or not

>> No.10606497

hahahahahaha very naice sir

>> No.10606517

that's the culture, my nigger
don't get violent, don't get offended, don't even flinch, don't show weakness, don't even scrunch your eyebrows.
What car do they drive? What mainstream shit do they have?
If some roastie tells you he's got a mitsubishi, tell him you're gonna get a non ricer van where maybe someone's daughter or wife is gonna end up being the party in your van.
They prefer some white girl up their nose? Tell them you can afford better drugs out there and I don't like being ripped off for a short high.
They listen to mainstream stuff on the radio? Tell them you don't have any fascination for gay boybands.

Be assertive. You have to adapt too, right? If you got in, that means you're special enough to not have to copy someone's elses work to for a paycheck. Have low esteem in everyone else, anon. You're working hard, so people can suck your dick.

>> No.10606550

You're proud of your skill, then you shouldn't be too worried about your preppy co-workers. Just be chill.

>> No.10606593

Have you considered just being nice to them while trying not to be autistic?

This shit isn't really that difficult

>> No.10606618

Treat them like ladies, unironically. Don't dive too deep into shit since they aren't capable to follow you.

>> No.10606624

i've never dealt with women before
so having being all bubbly towards me in an overly professional environment ticks me

>> No.10606633

Based And Redpilled

>> No.10606736
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Take partner-dancing lessons. Salsa or bachata are my favourites

>> No.10606885

Average conversation is just like you'd do with anyone else. Women don't really act "professional" like men do, "Professional" to a woman just means "Don't act like a child and be friendly", where as to a man it's "Get your work done, be respectable, and also be ready to handle any problems if needed."

Polite simple conversations should be enough. Just try to remember all of their names. Every conversation should be as follows:
>Hello Anon
>Hey Anonette, how are you?
>At this point she'll say something noncommittal yet positive like "I'm doing alright" or "Things are going pretty okay"
>Respond with something also positive but also open-ended enough for them to continue if they want. "Sounds like today wasn't that busy." Or "Looks like we're going to have a good week."
>At this point she'll either continue or try to break off, if she continues just let her talk while seemingly like you're mildly interested in what they have to say. Throw in random acknowledgements to make it seem like you're listening (Or you know, actually listen and comment.)
>If she breaks away resume work, don't say goodbye or anything like an autist.

I can't believe I actually had to type all this shit out.

>> No.10606982

>that conversation
I know this is autistic but the sheer banality of it just drives me crazy sometimes. It's like I'm talking to an npc and I just want to hit 'skip'

>> No.10607021

>assertive roasties that aren't afraid to get 1 feet away from you for small talk while looking you square in the eyes

#metoo them


>> No.10607048

what are you smoking and where can I get some?

>> No.10607237

Most people are NPC’s anon the longer I’m involved in white collar wage cuckery the more I feel like I’m becoming an NPC. I recently started drinking again and caught myself almost automatically saying “hey what’s going on?” Whenever answering the phone or passing someone in the office even when I subconsciously try to use a different phrase so I don’t come off as too robotic. It’s scary, I didn’t used to be like this.

>> No.10607323

>Intimidated by normal social interaction

Jesus fuck grow some balls and learn to act like a fucking real person you absolute faggot holy shit

>> No.10607339

thanks for this mate
but why not say goodbye?
also if i was friendly and 'listened' to their stuff wouldn't they want to talk and connect even more?
don't want to start turning them down if they offer to add my phone number and such.

>> No.10607354

>learn to act like a fucking real person
i'm a robot by design, i'm trying to learn how to cope with the normies day by day.

>> No.10607390

This . Ive memorized some responses and questions and learned certain emotive expressions that normal people do. I have to remember people dont like anything unconventional. If there are long get togethers i become exhausted from having to keep it up. I wont become ceo but so far not too wierd to get fired

>> No.10607482
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Get one of these vests and wear it around the office

>> No.10607650

Anon, you need to be a bachelor. Be presentable, and make light talk. The bitches will make life bad for you if they don’t like the man.
Your the big dick now and you need give them cock.
Make the women beneficial to you.

>> No.10607698

fuck yeah i'm the big gorilla dick daddy and if they don't give me their pussy i may kill them

>> No.10607733

To be honest attractive women scare me because their egos are so huge. Ugly women have big egos too, but I can generally handle myself around them. I'm also scared by men who have big egos. Basically anyone who has some sort of power of over me, whether sexual or law or employment or whatever scares me and I try to avoid them whenever possible.

>> No.10607875

Fucking pussies, jesus christ

Just talk to them you retard. These girls arent into you and they're definitely used to overpowering men. Just learn from them, dont hit on them like a creep, and make sure not to get bullied