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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10604630 No.10604630[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You will never be them, and that's not a comment on your intelligence or ability. It's a comment on the way wealth actually works in our society.

>> No.10604650
File: 531 KB, 1536x2050, DBEE1343-37C0-45D8-95F1-AF4CB6DE6820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I am rich already through a combination of hard work, good upbringing and investing in real companies and not internet Monopoly money

>> No.10604661

I don't however Socialism and Communism are far worse.

>> No.10604685

There's rich and there's rich (the pic seems more middle class honestly bro), but if true good on you for getting lucky I guess. At least you can admit that there was more than self-determinism involved.

>> No.10604698

Being rich is having a comfortable lifestyle without having to work.
If you don't understand that, you will always be poor, no matter how much you make.

>> No.10604700

>Its a communist claims everyone who makes it was entirely due to luck and not hard work

>> No.10604711

>18 year old car
pick one

>> No.10604713

believing you cannot become rich is tinfoil hat conspiracy tier thinking
there's literal examples of people becoming millionaires and even billionaires from next to nothing every decade
so you're essentially operating under a worldview all of these people are secretly part of a cabal and pretending not to do
which, if you know the level of difficulty required to get any group of individuals to cooperate on anything at all, is utterly improbable
believing there's an all-seeing covenant plotting your eternal enslavement is nothing but cope to deal with the more oppressive notion of an uncaring universe where there's no great truth beyond your biological instincts
leave the cope behind, start thinking about providing real value to people, then take action, and you might find making money is laughably easy
someone with the same mentality as OP might be too far gone in the mental prison they built for themselves, but this applies to lurkers on the fence

>> No.10604720

But that's not how wealth actually works in our society

>> No.10604728


>Bottomed in depreciation

This is why you will always be poor

>> No.10604729

You're middle class

>> No.10604732

/biz/ probably has more literal temporarily embarrassed millionaires than any other group on the planet right now. sorry, a lot of us actually did make it, from nothing. no, it wasn't easy. yes, it looks like it requires "luck" to an observer. that changes nothing. now fuck off commie scum.

>> No.10604751

Not really but I can respect that perspective. You just shouldn't conflate that with actual wealth, because wealth implies power, not just comfort.

Hard work doesn't make people rich. Most people work hard, and work all the time, but get basically nowhere. Just because some of the rich people also worked hard doesn't mean that was even close to the deciding factor.

>there's literal examples of people becoming millionaires and even billionaires from next to nothing every decade

Yeah, a handful of examples out of literal billions of people. Believing yourself to be more likely to end up as one of those few as opposed to everybody else is the height of wishful thinking and basically just willingly denying reality. Who's talking about cabals?

>> No.10604753

>Everyone could hypothetically become rich in western society as able bodied and intelligent if they just try hard so its fine if everyone else gets exploited to shreds and gets thrown 10 cents for every dollar they make in value for their masters

The absolute state of burgers
Btw I'm rich due to my own intelligence and autism, but also due to circumstance and luck that led to me applying them where it was effective and not being sidetracked by random ass events that could have fucked me in the ass.

>> No.10604768

it probably was mostly luck, but no successful person would admit that would they now

>> No.10604769

There is no group I look down on more than rich people. I worked in the houses of rich people my first 8 years out of high school and they are more dirty and stupid than any other group. They’ll let their dogs shit in the house and I’d come back the next day and it would stil be there. Their kids are fucked in the head no mortality or direction rich people just abstain from parenting.

>> No.10604781
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Just world theory fags are disgusting. Entire self esteem built up around the idea that what they have is purely due to them deserving it and everyone else who doesn't have it just weren't that virtuous.

>> No.10604789

My trailer park trash friend bought an amg yesterday

>> No.10604798

>Hard work doesn't make people rich
All work isn't equal comrade. It is something you need to understand. Working hard flipping burgers will not reward the same as working hard as an investment adviser or as a geneticist.

Sure plenty of people were born rich. What are you going to do remove inheritances because you weren't born with rich parents?

>> No.10604810

>t. lower middle class in medium size metro city
>are you watching mom? you're boy m-made it

>> No.10604841

Without the investment advisor a few rich people have a slightly tougher time becoming even richer.

Without the migrant worker harvesting crops in a field for 12 hours a day in 100+ degree heat at 3 bucks an hour, nobody in the first scenario has anything to eat tonight regardless of the number on their bank account.

Who can really claim not to see the absurdity of what work is valued by our economy?

>> No.10604846


Haha, that quote is so true from eurocuck perspective. 90% muricans think like that when it's obviously literally impossible for everyone to be a millionaire.

>> No.10604856

Kek imagine being such a loser that you think this way. The "luck" you speak of is nothing more than recognizing opportunities when they present themselves and then taking a calculated risk in pursuing it. Often times you'll fail, but you don't hear about that because if you fail 9 times and make it on the 10th try you still made it. Lazy retards like you, on the other hand, simply pass on these opportunities and then complain about being poor on the internet. Stay cucked.

>> No.10604864

>Most people work hard, and work all the time
yes your right. if you are not a retard and work hard you will make it. if you have average or below average intelligence and work hard you will not make it. simple as desu

>> No.10604901

Are you in high school or something? Supply and demand is what determines how much a job is paid. Low skill work like picking tomatoes pays nothing because anyone can do it and there is a surplus of labor (see: illegal Mexicans). Take a basic economics class you illiterate fuck.

>> No.10604902

I can replace the migrant worker with 2000 other willing people at any given time because he has nothing that makes him valuable beyond simple labor. Work is valued the way it is because of how available it is and how many people are capable of performing a role and how well they do it.

>> No.10604908
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>if you're not a (((communist))) it is because you idolize "the rich"

>> No.10604917
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And also this kind of shit is in Europe so I think the differences between here and there are further than you or Mr. Steinbeck have considered

>> No.10604919

I don't. My investments are meant to make me financially independent: getting rid of my debt (although I can pull this off even without them in about two years with good planning and a bit of luck) and allowing me to move to a country I want to go to. Once there, I'll continue working while living in self-imposed austerity. Money should be a means to an end, not the determinant of your life.

>> No.10604929

>thinks himself a winner
>still shitposting on /biz/

>> No.10604930

I don't care about the workers and i don't care about exploitation. Tell me how to exploit the system, i just want to get rich.

>> No.10604950
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>> No.10604956

nothing makes a rich man hiring others valuable other than his capital. its just that capital>labour in capitalism

>> No.10604981

The logic is always so circular with this apologism and all it ever ends up at is blatant social darwinism (a totally bankrupt and anti-scientific ideology). The people at the top deserve to be where they are and so do the people at the bottom, and aren't I so smart for being able to see that everything is working just the way it should, surely my turn is next...

What is valued by society and what is valuable to society are not the same thing.

>> No.10604982

I will be honest here. That is so fucking stupid I am having trouble responding to it.

So I need you to do a few things first so I can properly tear you a new asshole.

First tell me what you think Labor is and how it is valued. Second tell me what you think capital is and how it is generated.

>> No.10605003

Something that commies/socialists/marxists are too dumb to understand is that the fat cat, self-interested "capitalists" who invest their wealth are adding a tremendous amount of value to the economy.

You could argue that the investment advisor is actually doing the work of investing the money prudently, or that the laborers in the businesses created capitalists are the ones actually performing productive work, but you need the self-interested capitalist who cares about retaining and growing his wealth in order to ensure that the money will be spent on productive pursuits.

If you you seize all of the wealth from the rich and collectivize it, you end up with a situation where everybody is incentivized to loot the commons as much possible until there's nothing left. It's not hard to see why all past attempts at socialism/communism have ended in starvation and tyranny.

I totally get that it seems absurd that some people pick fruit and others get to lounge around on their yachts. Inequality feels unjust, and humans are naturally envious creatures. However, socialism is not the solution to this problem.

>> No.10605011
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But that's not actionable information whatsoever. This is just a Marxist dogwhistle
>don't idolize the rich
Okay, I don't. Fuckin' now what? Take to the streets with a pitchfork in hand? Deny myself all opportunities to grow and learn just because the odds are that the number in my bank account won't grow as fast as I want it to? What's the point? This isn't some profound observation. This boring. This is self-defeat. You and your mindset are mental poison not meant for a positive existence in this world. All you do is take and consume, never contributing anything despite your considerable draw on resources. Just go away

>> No.10605012

>Basic economics is circular logic
Do commies ever consider the underlying reason as to why things have value? Or do they just see someone with more than them and determine that they don't deserve it because of their underlying narcissism and desire for power?

>> No.10605023
File: 29 KB, 335x400, Timothy_Dexter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another thread about hard work vs luck
>Pic related is laughing in his grave

>> No.10605029

>Without the migrant worker harvesting crops in a field for 12 hours a day in 100+ degree heat at 3 bucks an hour, nobody in the first scenario has anything to eat tonight regardless of the number on their bank account.
>migrant workers go on strike, everybody needs food but no one can provide it
>invent a simple machine that replaces the migrant worker
>get even fuckin richer AND make food cheaper plus get rid of filthy bean people as a an added bonus

this is why the free market is so powerful

>> No.10605031

if you mean "jews are parasites and need to be ovened" then i take your point

>> No.10605054

This goy gets it. $40m is the bare minimum to be considered rich by a professional. You fucking incels believe you would have made it with a couple million worth of crypto currencies. Even if you move to a poor as shit country you would still be middle class. You can never really make it.

>> No.10605061

>Most people work hard, and work all the time
this is wrong
most people are lazy fucks dominated by inertia and following what other people tell them to do
if you think you're a hardworker while you're spending your wednesday posting on 4chan, you're a moron
actual hardwork is 16/7 focus on providing real value, not 8/5 mcdonalds or 10/5 corporate drone

>Believing yourself to be more likely to end up as one of those few as opposed to everybody else is the height of wishful thinking and basically just willingly denying reality.
reality is wealth isn't going to come to you if you sit on your ass and do nothing productive with your life. and whining about the distribution of wealth in society is about the best way to be unproductive
look at what you're doing to yourself. you've literally invented an alternate reality where the average guy who clocks out at 5pm, drinks and goes to parties is a "hard worker". instead of identifying your problem and fixing it, you've devised a mental construction allowing you to pretend the problem is unfixable
it's asinine. you're spending non-trivial amounts of energy to ensure your own stagnation. the only way you could self-sabotage further would be by caring about politics and voting about democrats thinking free gibs will fix your life

>> No.10605097

>There is no group I look down on more than rich people
>I knew some that let a dog shit in the house
Maybe you could expand your sample size.

>> No.10605100

>basic economics

Your lot always use this phrase, too. Maybe the problem is that you haven't moved beyond the basics, and because of this you believe economics is science. The more you learn about it the more you realize how fundamentally flawed most of the IDEAS (not facts) you call "basic economics" actually are when they crash into the real world.

Prime example of ideology overriding acknowledged observations of a backwards system.

>> No.10605113

Okay you have to be fucking with me or you are actually brainwashed, a shill or something. Holy fuck.

Calling supply and demand fundamentally flawed is a new level of holy shit stupid.

>> No.10605120

labour is human work. its "valued" in all sorts of ways that have been argued by economists for 250 years.
capital is accumulated wealth. currently it is generated by a bank in a computer

>> No.10605155

True my sample size was among the richest per capita in the United States.

>> No.10605201

Well you shouldn't have been fucking their dog, regardless.
He probably only shit because he was scared.

>> No.10605209
File: 125 KB, 630x485, oil-speculating-worth-the-p-10c093130_fa_rszd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply and demand IS fundamentally flawed. It is an ideological perspective about how markets function which is not supported by the evidence.

Evidence: the constant, blatant, openly acknowledge manipulation of the oil market - which, if you're not aware, is literally the foundation of the entire global economy.

So the most fundamental piece of our economic system doesn't support your theory. Like I said, try moving past the basics.

>> No.10605318
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I love spotting actual wealthy people on biz for once. Anybody arguing against private wealth accumulation is probably untalented/unattractive/retarded or some combo and just wants a political system that justifies the expression of their self destructive/inhibitive beliefs.


Mah nigga
machine the fields, bean war now
Every day I come to my business I think about where I can automate so I can avoid hiring people like OP

>> No.10605325

>One market in which involves every relevant country on the planet, property rights, wars and a whole clusterfuck of other things and

Its funny you are trying to make a point and failing to horribly. It is absolutely supply and demand in that situation too. Tell me how is the market manipulated? More accurately if the law of supply and demand were not true why would manipulation be possible by manipulating the supply, access to the supply or sentiment about how the supply will change.

You presented an argument that had nothing to do with the previous one and proved my point even more.

>> No.10605407

Of course not. They are all pseudo intellectuals that have never started a business or held a real job and are unable to comprehend how free markers work.

>> No.10605420

the only thing you've said is buyer=demand and seller=supply.
thats not even economics, you have to describe the mechanism by which buyers and sellers interact in the marketplace

>> No.10605460

>Why do you idolize the rich?
Because they're successful. That was a stupid question.
Why do communists idolize socialist bread lines?

>> No.10605473

Economics varies by scale. The economics of countries varies greatly to the economics within a country. Which is why the oil argument was fucking retarded to begin with because it had nothing to do with the rich/middle/poor issue in a given country when those involved in the oil trade have vastly different systems and economics within their own country.

Its the kind of argument I would expect a dumb communist to make.

>> No.10605474

>acknowledged observations of a backwards system
Your observations are shallow. You're comparing guys picking fruit with rich people investing their money and making the very juvenile observation that they perform different roles and earn different amounts of money.

In a collectivized system, you will still have to make hard decisions about how to invest resources, except that you'll either have a state or the "community" forcing decisions down your throat and there won't be any accountability as to whether or not those investments were a good idea. If an investor or entrepreneur recklessly misallocates resources to the wrong projects, they'll go broke. If the "community" does the same, real people starve to death.

Planned economies have been tried and they fail over and over again. They simply don't work. No matter what flavor of socialism you subscribe to you'll still need to account for how resources will be allocated. Waving your hands and saying "the workers will decide" is not a solution.

>> No.10605481

This is the reason why economies are fucked, on the one hand you have retarded idiots who think stealing from others is acceptable, on the other side there are cucks who actually defend the subhuman rich and defend wageslaving your entire worthless life.

Fuck everyone

>> No.10605494

oil is used by the entire economy, so lol no

>> No.10605504

>It's a comment on the way wealth actually works in our society.
OP is a fag, and a faggot edgelord

>> No.10605509

Sounds to be that the only problem is the money game, just fucking get rid of it entirely and total socialism would work.

>> No.10605514

>Addressing nothing and just says lol no
Naturally. Communists can't actually defend themselves with words logic or reason.

>> No.10605525

>planned economies have been tried and they fail over and over again
china is literally both a failure in the 60s and a success now, so no

>> No.10605534

>brushes off and example about oil to be irrelevant
>accuses others of brushing aside arguments

>> No.10605539


China succeeded only through capitalist reforms started by Deng Xiaoping
>t. Chink here

>> No.10605551


Nobody is defending wageslaving brah. Two ways to escape: get rich or get NEET

>> No.10605556

>capitalist reforms
what does that have to do with centrally planned economy?