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10597893 No.10597893 [Reply] [Original]

> boosts serotonin uptake & production
> eliminates seasonal/chronic/manic depression
> eliminates anxiety

This is like mental steroids, I don't get why this isn't shilled here more often.

>> No.10597900

oh, and forgot to add:

> eliminates social anxiety

>> No.10597987


Fuck off kike.


>> No.10597990

>sexual impotence
>weight gain
>sleep disturbance
Go ahead and make the pharma industry richer because you can't cope with life.

>> No.10598011

started taking celexa a week ago and my depression literally vanished
anxiety still there but I'm going to the doc today to hopefully get some benzos or sm shit

>> No.10598018

Fuckin Jew pills. Why don’t I just castrate myself

>> No.10598032


takes 6 to 8 weeks to work, works in 40% of people (maybe).

You either didn't have depression or you're in a manic phase

>> No.10598134


> sexual impotence

you just made term up but if you're actually referring to erectile dysfunction you're wrong again. delayed climax is a pleasing side-effect in imho, also the lack of anxiety has made my erections stronger than ever, I can literally fuck for 3 hours. (my gf loves/hates it).

If that is an issue, 25mg of Wellbutrin will give you the sex drive of a 16 year old. With the sexual knowledge of an adult, you can really do some wild things to a woman vagina.

> weight gain

wrong, you actually lose weight because you stop stress eating.

> sleep disturbance

effects may be noted in some however ive never slept better, no need for sleep meds anymore.

> Go ahead and make the pharma industry richer because you can't cope with life.

idgaf I pay $5 a month for my scripts with insurance.

>> No.10598157


If they offer you Xanax ask for Ativan instead. Xanax just drugs you, Ativan has those mild effects but also kicks the anxiety to the curb within 5 mins of popping one.

>> No.10598158

Effexor is so much better than this shit, with
NO SIDE EFFECTS except occasional night sweats

>> No.10598178

Made my friend really moody/asexual/apathetic but he’s been taking it since his early teens

I don’t trust these brain drugs. Hate the concept of dependency or long term effects

>> No.10598182


> takes 6 to 8 weeks to work, works in 40% of people (maybe).

anecdotal evidence suggests this but SSRI's work within minutes. It does take some time for your brain to adapt to the change in chemistry. That 40% who report it not working probably have bipolar or something else going on. Serotonin deficiency is 100% fixed by these drugs.

>> No.10598194

because you can microdose shrooms and get the same benefits without sucking big pharma's dick

>> No.10598206


sounds like he is on the wrong meds. not uncommon to be mis diagnosed. American medicine requires alot of work on the patients part to determine what needs to be fixed. If your friend cannot communicate his feelings and the effects of the drugs he is taking in an articulate way, the doc will just throw a dart and the Pharma map and see where it ends up.

>> No.10598213


thats more work than I have time or interest in acquiring/cultivating/and doing my own QC

>> No.10598274

how do I know if I’m actually depressed or my social anxiety warrants drugs

I’ve had bouts of suicidality stretching back to 4th grade but never pulled the trigger and have successfully distracted myself with my career and /fit/ness but really see no point in living other than my family

What is real depression

>> No.10598338


What got me into researching and ultimately biting the bullet and seeing a psychiatrist was after going to 1 on 1 therapy. After one meeting I discovered that all the things that gave me anxiety and made me depressed were not "normal". I could hear a song from 10 years ago that I heard when something bad happened to me and it would make me feel as I did that day, I could see a homeless person on the street and feel sad for days, pondering his life and then my own...

I also didn't know I had social anxiety, I just thought I was an introvert. Turns out, I had VERY low serotonin levels and once I got on the right meds, I felt the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. I could start to read facial expressions more accurately, I could talk to strangers, look them straight in the eyes and have real conversations.... pretty mind blowing shit I had no idea I was suffering from.

>> No.10598361


I might go in for a visit someday. I know I’m fairly odd but I’ve built an air of normalcy around myself and have friends. I enjoy social settings but feel very anxious in them and basically fake comfort. So I can’t tell what’s justifiably different and what I’ve already mitigated with natural defense mechanisms.

>> No.10598491
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>people are still falling fro the serotonin meme

>> No.10599058

I take 400mg of setraline a day. Shit doesn't fucking work. Just another shit pills from the fucking jews.
BTW, I decided I'm gonna blow my fucking face off tonight. Thanks a lot worthless anti-depression meds

>> No.10600227


give SSRI's a shot, specifically Zoloft. To me it has changed my life for the better.

>> No.10600244

You could also stop doing drugs, eat a balanced diet, and actually get some exercise.

>> No.10600288

I take lexipro and after years and years of anxiety-induced outbursts I feel much more in control of myself than I did before. I feel a slightly decreased balance when I'm moving too fast and I have mild hallucinations from time to time, like thinking that I saw a light that wasnt there or something stupid. All in all it's been beneficial to me. I dont feel like constantly killing people and / or myself anymore.