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10596913 No.10596913 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is going between bitcoin and bitcoin cash? There is some really weird and strange things going on in both camps. Not sure what to make of it. Seems like someone is wanting this to happen

>> No.10596926

no trolling please, just want reasonable explanations or theories

>> No.10596941
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BTC = Bitcoin
BCH = 0,09723697 BITCOIN

Prove me wrong.
>pro tip: you can't

>Random pic

>> No.10596968

yea im aware of the price but the fighting between both camps almost feels like its all coordinated. Im getting negative antshare vibes

>> No.10597021

All this fighting and weird shit are only making Bitcoin (in every form and fork) weaker. Hard to say if Bitcoin community is destroying itself or if it's someone that is making this shitstorm.

>> No.10597056

People love drama. Fun part is it will be very obvious if bcash is right or if bcore's duct tape network will suffice. I betting on bcash because bcore rejects innovation

>> No.10597069

It's always been coordinated, r/bitcoin is owned by AXA and the core dev team's top got cornered by AXA. Read more r/btc.

>> No.10597082

yea but the hot topic over there is deadalnix getting banned, announced by none other than roger ver. why would he think announcing that would make that sub look good?

>> No.10597125

I'm guessing you think Roger banned him from the chat? He didn't, he doesn't own the chat. Roger posted that thread because he didn't like it.

>> No.10597158

Don't really think that Bcore camp will be able to do shit about scaling or any other form of innovation that will make Bitcoin better. Bcash is the way to scale Bitcoin, but the fucking drama lately making me wonder if Bitcoin will ever rise after this Bcore vs. Bcash shit.

>> No.10597161

i know roger didnt but there fact that roger wanted everyone to know that censorship was going on in the bch slack is weird. there is also theories that deadalnix is actually a blockstream shill since hes always retweeting cobra. It kinda makes sense since his proposals involve breaking the protocol. It seems like Roger is encouraging this drama

>> No.10597273

>i know roger didnt but there fact that roger wanted everyone to know that censorship was going on in the bch slack is weird.

Why's that weird?

As for the rest of what you said; you're overthinking like fuck. But by all means, keep an eye on the situation.

>> No.10597279

Bitcoin cash is a CIA attempt to confuse the public on the real identity of bitcoin. I am almost certain that Roger Ver is working with the CIA, along with Gavin Andreesan. These individuals constantly attack the real bitcoin network (the one following the original consensus rules of the bitcoin whitepaper). After receiving the bitcoin alert key in 2011, Gavin Andreesan immediately went to the CIA, and the Council of Foreign relations. Ever since then, he has spent his bitcoin career, advocating for a hardfork to divide the network into two. Roger ver, a supporter of Gavin, has also spent his time trying to divide the bitcoin network and spread false information. When the disingenuously named altcoin, bitcoin cash, forked off roger shilled hard not only to convince people bitcoin cash is literally btc, but to also further fragment the original btc chain by pushing for segwit 2x, another hardfork that would fracture the bitcoin chain from 1 into 3. This is a textbook CIA psyop, in order to confuse the community. Not to say blockstream is innocent. They are not. /r/Bitcoin does engage in censorship and the ceo of blockstream Adam Back is a supporter of it. But imo they are certainly the lesser of two evils. I would trust Adam Back over that kike shill Gavin Andreesan anyday. I'm still pissed that after satoshi trusted him, he BOLTED to the CIA which caused satoshi to leave the project forever.

>> No.10597282


It will end eventually as BCH grows, BTC literally can't grow because of its artifical 1mb cap so inevitably BCH will overtake it. It will all happen faster once BCH implements smart contracts, hopefully in November.

>> No.10597308

its weird because he is always advocating against censorship
dude i dont know what to believe anymore. Im lucky cause i have both but im more heavily invested in bch. This is all such a mindfuck

>> No.10597379


You shouldn't be reading that garbage, its all baseless FUD.

BTC was supposed to increase its blocksize to 2MB after the segshit fork but blockstream and some cucked miners turned their backs on it and now he's making it into some secret government plan when in actuality it is Blockstream attempting to insert itself as a middleman in the Bitcoin protocol.

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin, it's scaling very nicely. It's really just waiting for people to wake the fuck up and realise they've been duped.

>> No.10597391

> its weird because he is always advocating against censorship

That's what he's doing.. He posted it because he didn't like it.

>> No.10597412

This guy is an AXA astroturfer. Anybody who's been participating in the bitcoin community between 2015 and 2017 know this isn't true...

>> No.10597438

see this is my point, you can't trust anyone. someone is a BIG rat and no one can sniff him out. Its getting so confusing with all these conspiracy theories

>> No.10597440
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it's true but don't believe me do your own research


>> No.10597450

It's tough. The CIA has done a terrific job making it so you don't know who is the right side. They probably also have their foot in the door at blockstream. The bankers are notorious for playing both sides of any conflict. I think most of the developers who are working on bitcoin core, genuinely care about the project. Believe it or not, bitcoin core is taking the conservative approach. The larger the blocksize, the more centralized the network becomes.
I like to think of the blocksize debate in the same way I think about increasing the national budget. The second we increase the national budget, we just increase the inefficient allocation of resources. Same with increasing the blocksize. In the past, people like roger have spammed the network with small transactions in order to convince people the network can't handle the traffic. Bitcoin core is working on better features, like schnorr signatures, lightning, sidechains, etc. in order to conserve the amount of data needed to be stored in the blockchain.
Time will only tell which chain survives, but I can tell you right now, bitcoin core has way more support (vendors, developers, users) than bitcoin cash does, for the reason that it focuses on security. Not transaction throughput. If you want transaction throughput use paypal.

>> No.10597469


>> No.10597479


"conspiracy theory" pile of shit and all part of the Blockstream's plan to fud and destroy BCH
yeah, fuck off

>> No.10597483

I get it. Know that it isn't when you spend a while watching though. You've got to spend time watching what's happening, preferably check in once a day. Stick to it and you'll get it. Might take you a few months. Take this from someone who's been watching this for years, almost daily.

>> No.10597525

gavin meeting with the CIA and wikileaks taking bitcoin for donations after the banks closed their accounts in 2011 were most likely the 2 main reasons satoshi stepped away

>> No.10597543

And yet Gavin has done absolutely nothing to raise any suspicion. He hasn't even participated in anything of this for fuck's sake. The only thing that's happened was he was kicked out by core and got his keys taken from him by AXA, and he has written code for graphene. He's done literally nothing in all of this. I write this for the readers, as I know that this guy is am AXA astroturfer trying to spread fud.

>> No.10597596

he has proposed multiple BIPS (Bitcoin Improvement Protocols) in order to hardfork the bitcoin network and raise the blocksize.
BIP 101: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0101.mediawiki
BIP 109: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0109.mediawiki
We do not need hardforks. Hardforks are how they are going to divide us and take over the project. Softforks are optional. Hardforks are authoritarian.

>> No.10597648
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Bitcoin Cash has forked like 3 times already you lying kike. Authoritarian my fucking arse, the only people trying to 'divide us' is you on behalf of Blockstream.

>> No.10597672

>We do not need hardforks. Hardforks are how they are going to divide us and take over the project. Softforks are optional. Hardforks are authoritarian.

This is the propaganda AXA have been doing for years.

And yeah, as for Gavin doing that, fair enough that was something. Even if it was completely reasonable and the default way forward. Bitcoin scales onchain and always was meant to. And hard forks are fine. Readers: please learn the technical details on this subject and you'll see through the misconceptions the AXA astroturfers spread. It only takes basic technical understanding of the protocol, so it's not all too much work.

>> No.10597688

averaging 3 hard forks a year
sounds really decentralized

>> No.10597711

So apparently I've been out of the loop. After spending some time on R/BTC I finally discovered the truth. These ASSHOLES over at Blockstream decided "Hey! I got a good idea! Let's corrupt the peer to peer decentralized cash system!"

Nice job Einsteins, you took over an open source project and turned it into the evil it is now. Is it just me, or is it creepy the way they tricked people all around the world. Nick Szabo... Andreas Antonopoopoo... Those guys are clearly dum-dums. So maybe I'm crazy, but I absolutely can see how those two guys could be bought off and compromised by the bankers.

When I think of truly great minds, and truly great people, I think of Roger Ver and Jihan Wu. Now these fellas have really pushed things in the right direction. I mean they spend money but they spend it the right way. When I fantasize about the next 20 years, it definitely needs a guy like Jihan Wu.


>> No.10597734


It's the mark of progress. The next fork is due in November and the changes will be released by the 15th of August. Stay tuned, big things are happening on Bitcoin (CASH).

>> No.10597766

Don't worship people. You don't see people at r/btc worshipping people so why should you?

>> No.10597787
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>You don't see people at r/btc worshipping people
you worship criminals and literal scam artists

>> No.10597802

i get your message but jihan has a lot of fucking money.
wouldnt it be wise to hold bch as a hedge?

>> No.10597807

no one worships CSW, he literally causes a shit ton of drama for no reason.

BTW a lot of the old school Bitcoiners moved to BCH, like all the pro super old school dudes like Roger Ver, the Open Bazaar guys, heck even Vitalik is rooting for BCH

>> No.10597815

The memes you see about them are making fun of them, not worshipping them... How are you even here?

>> No.10597825

Sure, but not because of Jihan himself.. He's only a minor factor in BCH. But of course a factor to be taken into consideration.

>> No.10597829

thats not entirely true. go on btctalk and a lot of the older guys are on btc side.

>> No.10597868
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>The old school guys are rooting for BCH
Late adopter confirmed.

>> No.10597903

Cashies BTFO

>> No.10597928

btctalk is under the same heavy censorship as r/bitcoin, of course everyone there supports BTC.

been obsessed with Bitcoin since 2011, fully support BCH and sold all my BTC long ago.

>> No.10597929

bitcointalk is owned by Theymos just like r/bitcoin and likewise censored as well. Try promoting BCH there and watch your post get deleted instantly and your IP address banned

That's pretty old school, sounds prophetic from 8 years ago. Still Bitcoin can scale and BCH is a viable proven solution that works today, it's being built to handle the billions of transactions it will eventually handle

>> No.10598017

Well, Hal was proven wrong about this, evidently. And it's not so strange, that was 2010.

>> No.10598089

Both are complete trash. Ethereum is much better and actually has value.

>> No.10598098

You're retarded.

>> No.10598301

I hold that too

>> No.10598600
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it would be easy to blame blockstream for censoring so much thus dividing both camps.
but roger and many others theorize some gov agency could ultimately be behind it, with their classic divide and conquer strategy. or like putting one of their guys in a position of power and subverting from within.

im a bch poster but i hold both and think they can coexist.
but it is strange how divided a once united community got so fast

>> No.10598616

Big blocks don’t scale. Why is that going to fix bitcoins problems

>> No.10598650

No need for conspiracies. If you go with Occam's Razor, then the whales and exchanges are slowly dumping their stash then cease operations.

>> No.10598673

this is just the memes talking, dont raid my house fbi pls

>> No.10598713

For which coin? Any evidence?
Too late fren

>> No.10598751

bitcoin cash is a scam. roger ver is a fake jesus and the bible warned about him

>> No.10598838


Why don't big blocks scale? Everything else has managed to scale exponentially without a private business trying to profit from causing bottlenecks. BTC is garbage.

>> No.10599048

Moore's law is dead and Ver's lack of understanding of this really shines a spotlight on the fact that he doesn't have a tech background and is just backing what makes intuitive sense. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601441/moores-law-is-dead-now-what/
That said there was no fucking reason to not increase the block size from 1MB, for now it can definitely be increased for scaling as short term patches, its just that that won't work in the longrun. Second layers are needed and devs for BCH seem to be exploring them, they don't seem ideologically bound to indefinitely increasing blocksize so as long as Ver doesn't become a roadblock in the future it should end up fine.

>> No.10599271
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In the end I think only BCH will remain.

>> No.10599631

>but it is strange how divided a once united community got so fast
very strange. almost.... planned.