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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 194 KB, 800x420, alex-jones-infowars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10596550 No.10596550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm just making this thread because i'm pretty pissed off about the recent alex jones ban. And I want everyone to see his face. I might make it my mission to spread alex jones everywhere now. Why do these monopolies have the power and gall to conspire and remove opinions they don't like from their platforms?

This is the tipping point.

Boycott youtube.

>> No.10596597

I tried to boycott the biggest source of content once. Only lasted a few days. We need an outlet with competitive content.

>> No.10596596

Ban the water filter salesmen but allow hate spewing liberal channels and isis channels..Makes sense

>> No.10596616

I think Jones is full of shit for the most part but agree that it's crazy that 4 tech companies pretty much control the internet.

>> No.10596617

when did /biz/ turn into /pol/?

>> No.10596629

True. I believe something will come out of this. People will realize and move on, there are platforms out there already just waiting to take youtube's place.

>> No.10596644

I mean support a literal piece of human garbage if you want, but not on /biz/ you fucking cumgargling shiteating faggot.

>> No.10596661

God your such a fucking faggot pussy. Companies can essentially do as they wish and can remove whomever the fuck they want. It’s their platform: if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Now please make it quick and put one in your dome for all of us.

>> No.10596663

>b-but muh /pol/
i hate you faggots more than actual /pol/acks

>> No.10596664

>I don’t agree with somebody’s thoughts
>ban their their first amendment right through “Jew” channels

The fuck is wrong with all these triggered fucks in the USA

>> No.10596669


>> No.10596676
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cancel my premium YouTube account over this but it won't even make a difference.

We need alternative platforms. If they co-ordinate and kill Infowars they can kill off anyone. I worry my other safe spaces on the net like rooshv forum and 4chan are next

>> No.10596682

>plebbit spacing
>not making any sense
what are you on about?

>> No.10596690

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10596695

>politics thread on /biz/
>nope not /pol/ at all totally related to business and finance

>> No.10596708

AJ speaks against everything and everybody and discusses all sorts of conspiracies, but notice he never mentions the jew. Makes you wonder..

>> No.10596710

I’m about not getting mad about what somebody says simply because I don’t agree with it.

I’m about not censoring somebody just because I don’t agree with them

What we you about faggot ?

>> No.10596730

get the fuck out u retarded fucking neet. U want free market, there you go. Short-sighted fucking morons jesus fucking christ.

>> No.10596731


That's what makes me hesitate. It almost seems like theater to lay the groundwork for goading the plebs into killing each other.

>> No.10596736

I agree to an extent but when you think about the fact that these separate companies worked together to ban him all at the same time , you should see how this is wrong.

>> No.10596739
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start using Brave. If it's successful it's the beginning of the end of Google's monopoly.

You can support Alex Jones through Brave/BAT if you're a dumbass that's into that kind of bullshit. Point is, there should be other ways to support independent content publishers. YouTube and Google shouldn't have the monopoly on video content.

>> No.10596756

good shill for once

>> No.10596762

english do you speak

>> No.10596824


sorry but this is /biz/ and we believe in the free market and companies have the right to ban this retard from their platform deal with it fag

>> No.10596852

The guy is terrible and it's good he was banned.
>muh free speech
Why should YouTube pay to host this shitheads material? He has free speech, he can host it himself.

>> No.10596865


Amen brother. Crypto is going to perform a giant confluent loop around and provide people like Alex Jones with an unstoppable value transfer mechanism. Once decentralised content delivery is cracked, that will be it. Decentralised content delivery has been tried before, but the downfall was always the lack of intrinsic value transfer to support/inceltivize the network.

The disconnect between the mainstream culture and what the majority of people think is mind boggling, but with Brexit, Trump, renewed values of free speech, crypto, etc, we are really seeing the West pull itself out of its own ass, and we're probably smack bang in the middle of developing a brand new political ideology with our love for freedom and fairness built in to it in a MECHANICAL way via decentralised software/incentives systems.

>> No.10596873

Why should a private company pay to host this shitheads garbage?

>> No.10596877

yea now you really don't make any sense because that was literally my opinion too you dolt

>> No.10596883

Fuck off back to pol, YouTube can do whatever they want including write off people who are ruining my country

>> No.10596899

>private companies make business decisions to remove popular person on internet
>not business related
when will we purge idiots like you?

>> No.10596906

This actually really does make me think.

>> No.10596909

What exactly did he do that was so condemning. I listened to some of his stuff and he definitely wants to stir people into buying some products. Does anyone have an unedited video where he does something damning like wanting to dump gasoline on a little kid and light them on fire or something. If not I am going to have to believe what he says.

>> No.10596916

Why should my private company be forced to serve a police officer if I hate them?

>> No.10596922

buy TUBE

>> No.10596929

He said stuff the jew and left media didn’t agree with. He didn’t make any terror threats or anything illegal.

Absolutely censorship.

>> No.10596931

Fuck that lying piece of shit, thank god thru banned his retarded ass. Fuckheads like him are worse than SJWs. Also fuck you op, go back to pol.

>> No.10596932
File: 3 KB, 313x313, never-surrender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BitChute, Gab.Ai, Voat, Infowars.

And DuckDuckGo (or a better search engine)

>> No.10596957
File: 91 KB, 1080x571, Monopol_ban_Alex_jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be relevant

>> No.10596965

If he’s lying and everybody thinks he’s a asshole extremist dick, everybody has the right not to watch him.

Why are you so concerned about him. Did he threaten you? Did he threaten anybody? Did he break any laws?

>> No.10596975

I’m all for free speech but that doesn’t mean your free from all consequences of your speech. You cannot run around and scream things like Sandy hook massacre was fake and all his nuttzo stuff and not expect actions from private media companies.

>> No.10596994

He has the right to say what he wants but YouTube has the right to not allow him to your their platform.

>> No.10597025

Your an idiot. Alex Jones is an idiot. We cannot deny that a lot of these incidents make 0 sense and have connections to darpa, or they have connections with the fbi through prior contact.

>> No.10597052

Right on.

Because their is a deeper agenda at play. It's not like thousands of people were calling for an AJ ban. This is quite obviously some truth AJ was spouting they didn't want in the public domain.

>> No.10597053

So than I should have the right to ban a specific person from my business right? If they walk in wearing a russian flag on their shirt can I kick them out?

>> No.10597060

>Did he break any laws?
He's been sued for libel and slander, his defense is "It's a character I play on TV, obviously everything I say is made up."

>> No.10597068

>Why should YouTube pay to host this shitheads material? He has free speech, he can host it himself.

This is exactly right. Freedom of speech only applies to governments censoring you not businesses. If people want to hear this douche they can go to his website. Don't forget to buy some snake oil to support him too.

>> No.10597074

100% correct /thread

>> No.10597088

You mean Bill Hicks?



>> No.10597099

Agreed, my hope is that BAT can start to be used as an alternative payment for deplatformed users like Infowars.

>> No.10597100

CNN has been caught bold faded lying. Why haven’t the cable broadcasters kicked them off? Think about it for a second.

>> No.10597129

Reality is often disappointing. What’s mostly likely to happen is usually what tends to happen. It’s human nature to thing there is someone pulling strings with a “master plan” but plain and simple people are too stupid to keep major secrets like mass killings by a “secret” organization quiet.

>> No.10597135

You whiney faggots that bring up /pol/ anytime someone says anything remotely right of extreme liberalism are cancer im starting to think you're shills too fuck you

>> No.10597136

I hope Trump goes full Jackson/Roosevelt on these tech companies

>> No.10597144

And YouTube has the right to block/delete any of CNNs videos if it wants. I wouldn't be the least bit mad about that.

>> No.10597167

Master plan? Nobody said that. Go watch a documentary about mk ultra, or read about ssri drugs and want they do, or read about how a big percentage of these “killers” have ties to darpa.... read about what darpa does.

>> No.10597171

/Pol/Teads love to spread their hate. Imagine having your kid die in a mass shooting and some dumbass says it’s a hoax. The far right should be considered mentally ill

>> No.10597179

So than I have the right to not make a wedding cake for a faggot if I own a bakery.

>> No.10597187

fuck them all

soon everything on blockchain

>> No.10597201

Once again: fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10597203

Some of the left goes full retard as well, they call everybody on the right dumb nazis. There is too much hate on both sides. Call me a hippy if you wan't but the best way to get out of this would be, unironically, peace and love.

Obviously that's not going to happen and shit's going to get worse until (more?) people start dying though,

>> No.10597206

2019 "your use of the word Shithead is violence, 4Chan is dangerous and must be deplatformed"

>> No.10597217
File: 53 KB, 900x900, rogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based water filter merchant poster
Boycotts are /biz/

>> No.10597227

They don’t get it anon. They really don’t.

>> No.10597231

.0001% of kids will ever be involved in a school shooting, car accidents kill 1000000000 times more nice straw man though

>> No.10597232

I'd say so, but that isn't how the law is written. According to the laws you can't turn away a customer, but you also don't have to host their media. But ya 100% you should be able to turn anybody away you wan't.

>> No.10597248

Right now 4chan will ban you and delete your images if they deem them inappropriate. Just like YouTube. Sometimes arbitrarily. One time I got banned for calling somebody else underage. 4Chan can run their platform however they like.

>> No.10597283

So YouTube can turn me away

But a cake shop can’t turn somebody away.

Both people customers

That makes sense to u?

>> No.10597295

If they started selling stuff in your store...then yes! Absolutely.

>> No.10597300
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 1530924989782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>journalists aren't allowed to question history

You sound like a real fucking winner.

>> No.10597306

Jones went too far with the Sandyhook accusations. It was only a matter of time until it caught up to him.

>> No.10597323

Too bad Alex Jones isn't a journalist.

>> No.10597327

and yet the fact is that Big Jew (Faceberg, Jewtube and Apple) engaged in a co-ordinated (((shut down))) of one of the most viewed conservative voices on the planet all in the same 12 hour period.

Incidentally this shutdown was justified using the Orwellian pretext of "hate speech", not for his espousal of what the mainstream media calls conspiracy theories, so your gibbering about sandy hook is literally irrelevant here.

>> No.10597328

I agree, complete freedom of association is the only solution here. Youtube can kick off Alex Jones if they don’t like him and I can exclude blacks, trannys etc. from my business if I don’t like them. Sounds like a square deal to me

>> No.10597336

Hosting somebodys content and selling them a product are two different things. I've already told you my opinion on the law.

>> No.10597342

bake the cake, faggot
The (((civil rights act of 1964))) broke this country. It needs to be repealed.

>> No.10597346

What is the golf of Tonkin

Always trust the “official” story. Damn you guys aren’t that bright. The gov has been caught doing false flag attack’s all through our history. We have the right to question everything.

>> No.10597347


>> No.10597349

He said himself he is an actor and he plays character in his videos. He is not and does not claim to be a journalist.

>> No.10597350

Damn right...I’m all for equality but that gay couple was baiting that baker. They knew what they where doing...if you really look into the situation you can see that gay couple was doing this on purpose. They could go to any baker in the whole state and they wouldn’t have had that problem. But they looked for one that would refuse them. If I own a restaurant and the customer wants me to slather a steak in peanut butter I don’t have to do that. He can find a restaurant that willl do that for him...freedom is also for the provider not just the customer.

>> No.10597358

intentionally drown yourself
actually do it

>> No.10597360


I am Alex Jones

>> No.10597367

in many ways we all are

>> No.10597369

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