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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 464 KB, 839x741, 1533673023055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10595583 No.10595583 [Reply] [Original]

yesterday Alex Jones, today they're after Ron Paul. I kid you not... it's coming folks. The left is going to show their true colors. The orwellian net is closing in on us.

What cryptos can be considered legitimate hedges against this bullshit? I know of SKY... are there any others that do similar stuff?

>> No.10595644

normies think it's just a platform for ponzi dapps and don't even know about ENS, Swarm, the whole Web3 vision
>inb4 normalfags post tweets from currynig who dropped out of ETH in 2016

>> No.10595658

Nice blog

>> No.10595707

steemit is the only working example of social media being used in this way and it shows a lot of potential.

>> No.10595731

Good. All your racist heroes are being put in their place.

Soon Mueller will shine and your orange fascist dipshit will be next. I hope you burn in hell.

>> No.10595762
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4chan should too

>> No.10595779

I kid you not Skywire will be the next 4chan

>> No.10595782

/pol/ plz go. Nobody gives a fuck about Ron Paul and nobody gives a fuck about Infowars.

>> No.10595797

>Good. All your racist heroes are being put in their place.

They are being placed on technologically superior alt media with less censorship. Good job morons.

Do you have any idea how much of a combination a cult following like AJ would have if it COMBINED with crypto cultist behavior. It would explode into an alternate religion you fucking morons. People would be getting rich by helping Alex Jones gain enough voting power to be curated by him in turn.

I hate all motherfuckers who cant think more than 1 steps ahead. I'm not expecting anyone to play 4d chess I am just saying.

Look two fucking steps on how your actions may empower the ones you despise most.

>> No.10595799

we're waking up and (((they))) don't like it. Their futile attempt to regain control is laughable. Bring on the decentralized net, fight the power, and stay woke.

>> No.10595848
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>> No.10595850

Ok now I actually feel sick. You're actually fucking right.

FUCK THIS SHIT. We can't win. How is racism still alive in 2018?! Someone needs to trace these alt-right assholes and publicly murder them to send a message. If you support racism you will be fucking executed by hanging.

>> No.10595852

We fight it with Holo internet which is ironically developed by leftists, leftists help us get free from their dictatorship without even knowing

>> No.10595862
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It'll be the only thing to save us. Even DNS and hosting providers were in on this shit a few months ago, censoring sites they didn't like.

>> No.10595917

Quality shill!

>> No.10595931

>Someone needs to trace these alt-right assholes and publicly murder them to send a message.

Ah yes, killing people totally will make them stop talking.

Didnt Gandhi have some quote awhile back.

> Then they fight you
> then you win

Bah, guys, lets just ignore all of that shit and empower some nazi's then wonder why they keep getting stronger.


KYS, fucking KYS.

>> No.10595932
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Damn right. The upcoming HOLOcaust will reduce the big tech corps to ashes.

>> No.10595942
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How are these people racist for fuck sake? I'm a nationalist and i'm a staunch promoter of free speech. I'm a nationalist because i genuinly think life expresses itself in all sorts of shapes, forms, cultures, etc. Instead of throwing all those unique cultures on a giant multicultural heap, leaving nothing but grey masses of consumer slaves without history and identity, i'm actually in favor of preserving them by acknowledging that the nation state serves a specific purpose in that regard. It has NOTHING to do with hatred you fucking retard. Shit, i might disagree with practiaclly everything the young turks say for example... but you don't see me crying like a hysterical baby for their removal and censorship.

i swear... words can not describe your levels of hypocracy anymore. Your minds have been completely SHUT DOWN by that black cube that sits in your living room like a giant monolith.

>> No.10595952

god, where can I get a nice midriff gf?

>> No.10595954

You sound like you're about 12

>> No.10595959

Memo Cash exists as a social network on the BCH blockchain where your posts are literally put on the BLOCKCHAIN where it can never be deleted or censored

>> No.10595981
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>> No.10596000

Who knows, she's probably already been banned from Instagram for being moderately attractive.

>> No.10596043

Nationalism is a low IQ ideology like orthodox religion.

>> No.10596078

So Ron Paul now also getting deplatformed? Whats up with this shit?

>> No.10596080
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It was the free maket that made Jones such a powerhouse. People liked what he said and he acquired a huge following because of that.

The censoring of Jones is the exact opposide of free market mechanics; it's the intervention of it.

Lawsuits are being prepared. His accounts will be restored and millions are going to be paid. Take a good hard look at pic related. On top of that, we're doubling down and we're going to fucking OWN the cryptospace and persue that with religous fervor. We will SPAWN a whole new domain on the internet, free from the graps of those leftist fascist silicon valley progressives. You have no CLUE what you are awakening. You're pushing it too far. The consequences will be yours. And you'll have NOBODY to blame BUT yourselves.

I will dedicate my fucking LIFE to it. Screenshot this faggot.

Will post again in 2020. Promise.

>> No.10596084

I'm in sky, but have looked into holo and I like what i've seen there. In reality, many of these new crypto 3.0 projects will thrive when their time comes. Remember (((they))) control us, the masses, by playing us off each other. Black/white , left/right . We awaken by taking the middle way. Speaking generally here, but just putting it out there, YOU and I are more powerful than either of us realize. This is our world now. We must work together, remember these words.

>> No.10596093

Wait, doesn't holoport just connect to the internet? How does that stop censorship at the protocol level?

Can't ISPs just turn off the connection to servers or holoports they don't like? Or just holoports in general?

>> No.10596105
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Point in case.

>> No.10596118


Das rite

You need a high IQ to understand the benefits of turning the world into a brazilified slum planet

>> No.10596177

Are you fucking white? Then fuck off. We will tolerate you, but you cannot ignore your skin color. You need to make amends and prove to society that you can be allowed to live in it.

Basically you don't get a free pass. You either acknowledge your racism or you fucking die.

>> No.10596180

I'm with you. Let's do this.

>> No.10596212

Meant this question for you as well.

>> No.10596235
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Bitcoin Cash you dumb pajeets there's an active uncensorable twitter on there complete with leftist narrative driving shills who get BTFO on the regular
Case and point: https://memo.cash/profile/1C6Sh34jmHnXXb9WmcXNA642rki8ZkDuNS
Give them hell

>> No.10596324


Skycoin but without the scam part

>> No.10596334


Your question is asked and answered in the comments of this video. But to answer myself, as far as I can see, sky's vision is to decentralize the web, making isp's obsolete.

>> No.10596354
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Leftists and corecucks HATE bitcoin cash because of its uncensorable nature. Memo.cash and others will be the foundation of the free internet. And you know how leftist ideas fair in a free enviroment

>> No.10596363

I don't even know how to respond to something like this. I am proud of my white ancestors. They tamed the wild and savage lands we both currently enjoy. Don't forget your place. Public opinion can turn against you very quickly with increasingly desperate rhetoric like this.

>> No.10596382

I don't get it, I'm on google fiber, how does holo cut out the middle man? doesn't all traffic still havve to go through isp data centers where most collection takes place?

>> No.10596455


this is bait. You’re all being trolled by a shitlord. No one here is actually that retarded.

>> No.10596465

I don't know if have the answer to your question. But my take is that the decentralized net can't just spring into existence, it will have to rely on the current system before breaking away as the tech and adoption increases

>> No.10596475

>You’re all being trolled by a shitlord. No one here is actually that retarded.

Poe's law man.
Shits not even funny at this point.

>> No.10596555
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It literally is, without joking, the average SJW mindset. It's not a meme, it's not sarcasm, don't think for a second they aren't serious. They HATE white people with a passion and they are creating the conditions that will prevent our long term existence. It is the systematic and deliberate destruction of our kind and our culture. When you speak up, they'll brand you a monster for it. Even hinting at the rights for whites to exist will make you a non-person, instantly.

Open your goddamn eyes allready people. Things are accelerating quickly, the fire rises higher with each day that passes.

History is full of evil such as this. The greatest happening of our time is about to begin. Every single one of your forefather experienced wars, femines, take-overs, disasters, etc. Did you really think you'd be the only one in a thousand generations that could exist as a fucking neet your entire life? Prepare for hardships.

>> No.10596589

Need a new Teddy to bust the trust

>> No.10596638

I’m a libertarian as fuck. I’m “alt right”. I don’t give a fuck what anybody does as long as it doesn’t physically harm somebody or infringe on their rights guareteed by the constitution. My grandpa was polish/German and fought with the Nazis. The communist and the gulags were much worse than anything the Nazis did but you will never hear about it.

I’m fucking Hispanic and European, my wife is from Central America and her family went through the proper legal channels to get here as did mine. We both fucking hate these leftist fucks, we hate anybody who tries to sensor free speech. The constitution is a great piece that of work that if followed would proved the best country to live in. These leftist hurt feeling, antifa pussy mask wearing fucks are worse than any “racist”. They are the ones trying to take away our freedoms supposedly guarenteed by the constitution. Fuck all the media trying to ban free though and freee speech.

>> No.10596651

>If you support racism you will be fucking executed by hanging.
fuck you nigger kike wetback chink

>> No.10596687

>On a corporate platform
>When you agreed to terms and conditions that you didn't adhere to

Why do these retards, who usually love them corps, not understand what the first amendment and real censorship actually is?

>> No.10596705

>free speech

Twitter isn't the government

>> No.10596707


No one is claiming what they did is illegal,dipshit. It doesn't have to violate the constitution to be censorship

>> No.10596729

Twitter/all media has targeted the right.... that’s my issue.

>> No.10596754

So I can’t sell a wedding cake to faggots and I get sued because of my beliefs

But Twitter can ban somebody because of their beleifs and it’s not an issue

Get the fuck out of here with that shit

>> No.10596781

PRIVATE companies are allowed to censor/block people on their platform especially when they violate their T.O.S.
The 1st Amendment's constitutional right of free speech only prevents government restrictions on speech, not restrictions imposed by private individuals or businesses unless they are acting on behalf of the government.

>> No.10596788

Twitter is a private company, but it has created a new "public square". A new version of "press". Unless it breaks state/federal law they should not be allowed to ban anyone from the platform. Freedom of the press does not only apply to globalist corporate entities like CNN/FOX/MSNBC.

>> No.10596800

When the right threatens everything American about America you better fucking believe people are going to go for the throat. Get over it, sissy boy. Your president is a joke and if you still support him then you are as well. Now fuck off back to pol you fucking loser.

>> No.10596826

Go move to Venezuela and eat your neighbors pet rabbit u socialist fuck

>> No.10596832
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Typical leftist leaving out important facts or contexts so they can overcome their cognitive dissonance and re-esthablish their fucked up and shallow worldview.

You know just as well as me that facebook and youtube basically have monolithic control of the market with their monopoly. It's not some carton of milk you buy at the grocery store ffs. Removing someone from all social media platforms and denying him a digital existence are practises Orwell himself could not have made up.

Even if it's legally defendable (wich i dont think, see >>10596105), it's moraly grotesque.

If 4 corporate entities, after 12 years of broadcasting, all of the sudden remove said broadcaster all on the same moment, and just 3 days before the mid-term elections isnt a conspiracy, then i don't know what is. It also show strong signs of corporate and political collusion.


Thats so typical about the left bro... they just spin everything out of context to such an extend, that their entire view becomes one giant chaotic mess of illogical bullshit. And if you point it out... they'll call you low-iq. Can you imagine that?

>> No.10596870


Twitter is a publicly traded stock. They are not a private entity.

>> No.10596876


yes yes faggot... everything american. Except white america and white american culture, right?

Fuck off back to plebbit you antinatalist, oikophobic, genocidal swine.

>> No.10596889

nice bait, nigger

i caught on when you did the whole [current year] meme

>> No.10596905

>Twitter is a publicly traded stock. They are not a private entity.

>not restrictions imposed by private individuals OR businesses

work on your reading comprehension anon

>> No.10596925

>denying him a digital existence

People can go to infowars if they want to hear him spew his bullshit. Don't forget to buy your super male vitality anon

>> No.10596930

Anyway at some point Twitter and Facebook stops being a private company and starts being a public utility. And this is a slippery slope. Everything is going to be smart one day. Smart homes are just the beginning. Who's to say that somewhere down the line a smart refrigerator isn't going to lock on you for 24 hours because you said something offensive on the internet? Who's to say that your smart car suddenly stops working because of wrongthink? Maybe you've lived too long thinking the wrong things. Let's just shut off your pacemaker.

A fascist technocracy is very possible. Just give it time.

>> No.10596970

They are blocking everything before the midterms.

>> No.10596973

Keep moving the goal posts anon

>> No.10597020


I wasn't responding to you idiot.

>> No.10597032


I actually did and to top it off, i bought a $6 subscription too. Just to support him. It gained him more money then if i would've spend thousands of hours watching content.

>> No.10597046

> businesses have every right to work as they please, fuck these government regulations
> businesses are acting as they please but I personally disapprove of their actions? SAVE ME GOVMINT MAN

>> No.10597113

Gay wedding cake

>> No.10597118


Beat me to it.

>> No.10597121

Exactly this.

Crypto and militant grassroots anti-gov movements are on a collision course with destiny.

Amazing how incapable everyone is of realizing this is going to dig centralized media platforms graves. They are only expediting their fall to decentralized token based platforms, and once the fed pulls it's balance sheet that will be the final nail in the coffin

>> No.10597143

Shut the fuck up, kike. Censorship doesn't justify your political ideology.

>> No.10597275


>> No.10597303

It blows my mind gun shop owners and legal state pot dispensaries aren't bigger in the cryptosphere

>> No.10597407

ron paul?? good god...

>> No.10597408

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10597421


Alex Jones is a crisis actor. Who gives a shit.

Back to /pol/ faggot

>> No.10597426

>businesses refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple
>enough people become offended that it puts a serious dent in the business
What's wrong with this? None of the business's rights were infringed.

>> No.10597428

Lock and load we’ve known this has been coming for a long time

>> No.10597433

find a way to shill it too them

>> No.10597449

At what point can an image hosting site stop hosting pics of fat people because they don’t like fat people?

At what point can autotrader stop hosting car adds because they suspect somebody is gay

We are getting close to a point of no return.

>> No.10597700

keep coping liberal/socialist/commie we are americana.

>> No.10597716
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They tried removing infowars too today, pic related. This is just evil intent. Nothing more, nothing less. They want him completely gone and silenced.

>> No.10597741
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Anyone who still thinks this isnt a massive coordinated conspiracy to censor a political opponent is an absolute brainlet.

Oh and btw... pic related... gee, golly... what a (((coincidence)))

>> No.10597756

>Soon Mueller will shine
he's had plenty of time and only uncovered collusion within the democrat pedo

but you already knew this hence the shit tier bait you sad cunt

>> No.10597773

Shut the fuck up kike, we're always here.

>> No.10597803

>AJ gets censored by jewish media
>still doesn't talk about jews


>> No.10597805

>thinking water filter merchant and Ron Paul are racist
They're civnat cucks.

>> No.10597841
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>You know just as well as me that facebook and youtube basically have monolithic control of the market with their monopoly
Decentralised internet isn't a meme, it's a necessity.

>> No.10597861

Does super male vitality work? Do you feel any different or is it placebo effect? I actively take supplements for weight training and know 90% of supplement industry is scams just like ICOs.

>> No.10597878


I have no idea yet mate... ordered it today. So it'll be a day or two before it arrives.

>> No.10597882

Dude in all honestly I thought he was all satire. I do watch him sometimes but half the time I’m laughing. I didn’t know people took him 100% dead serious.

>> No.10597890

You goddamn brainlets still don't see. They have to kick you in the balls and push to make a move.
How else do they have to tell you?
The point is to dissolve Twitter and zuckbook. That is happening right now. Juice are being written off by their masters.
No idea how they are going to put out Google but it will happen too.

>> No.10597931

>he's not just swallowing his loads every time he jerks off or has sex.
Not gonna make it.

>> No.10597942

I hate when people say Trump is a genocidal fascist.
If only he actually was, the world would be a better place...

>> No.10597985

A better place because there would only be nuclear fallout and zero people alive?
The world would be a better place when you and your family kill yourselves.

>> No.10598007

Yup ETH. I would say bitcoin, but bitcoin is honestly laughable as a "store of value" as it doesn't do anything.

Honestly pretty much any crypto other than XRP (which is centralizing power) is a good hedge against. Also IOTA is run by SJW's.

>> No.10598021

Consequences will never be the same

>> No.10598034

Love Alex Jones

> I see through your lies Barrack Obama YOU DEVILL!!!

>> No.10598038

You say racist like it’s a bad thing
>what are trends
> what is the fbi stat book

>> No.10598056

Please tell me where you live... Please...

>> No.10598081
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there was no censorship.
it was all a hoax and alex jones is a crisis actor

prove me wrong

>> No.10598236

Twitter ceo is heavily invested in blockstream

>> No.10598258

>dump pajeets
dont be so hard on yourself rasheed

>> No.10598402

He’s literally prosecuting Trumps campaign manager right now. It takes actual effort to be this deluded

>> No.10598414


For totally unrelated charges you monkey

All that unprecedented investigative power and this is what he wastes his time on because the whole thing is a sham

>> No.10598424

>Manafort turned out to be an actual cuck who enjoys watching his wife get fucked
He probably watches his daughter get fucked too since she really hates him.

>> No.10598472

The investigation isn't even about Trump. It's about Russian interference in the US election. Even James Comey said that the investigation wasn't about Trump. The only reason why people keep suspecting Trump is because Trump keeps tweeting about the investigation therefore making it seem that it's about him.

>> No.10598499


Ok, so why does everyone keep trying Trump about it and why was the original intention to find evidence of collusion

Because you’re obviously wrong now so you need a retroactive justification for a goose chase? Manafort doesn’t have anything to do with “election interference” either

>> No.10598507
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The fire rises

>> No.10598842

Poltards having knee jerk reactions and thinking they can profit somehow
always hilarious

>> No.10599004

lol imagine alex becoming the biggest steem whale on the platform

>> No.10599019

Tipestry is coming out soon it will make this kind of censorship a thing of the past.

>> No.10599057

Alex is based and hard core redpilled

Does he go overboard with the conspiracies sometimes, sure, but he’s a good entertainer and it’s good some people are understanding that everything isn’t as it seems

This censorship is legit disgusting and scary

>> No.10599065

That's not what happened retard.
>business refuses to make fag cake
>fags sue them and the (((judge))) rules that the business HAS to bake the fag cake

>> No.10599191
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>all the newfags/civicucks suddenly caring about internet censorship when the daily stormer/Anglin has been deplatformed for over a year
Maybe if Alex Jones had stood up for Anglin's free speech when Google stole his domain he wouldn't be suffering from corporate censorship now.
This is literally like that kike poem:
>First they came for the Nazis and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Nazi...

>> No.10599241

The people who tell people on /biz/ to go back to /pol/ are pathetic. As if they don't overlap, and this isn't reddit.

>> No.10599242


I'm all in. These motherfuckers lost when they fired Damore IMO.

>> No.10599280

he's a show man and he knows it
I used to listen to him all the time, a lot of what he says is just stupid. but entertaining as fuck nonetheless

>> No.10599291

they don't overlap. go to pol and you'll have a bunch of room temp iq retards calling crypto a kike scam and blabbering on about mark of the beast

>> No.10599407

HA HA HA! Fuck you fascists nazis!

>> No.10599419


Hello there high IQ business God, i'm afraid i still don't see the difference.

>> No.10599516

>alex jones and ron paul
pick one and only one. all this shit does is prove the left is a hate filled, uneducated group.

>> No.10599528
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resistance will be nil

>> No.10599653

>The greatest happening of our time is about to begin
oh fug checked

>> No.10599771

>Lock and load we’ve known this has been coming for a long time
Time to stockpile guns and compute

>> No.10599799

>Gay wedding cake

Alex Jones never sucked a ding dong.

Maybe if he sucked a ding dong they would have kept him around.

You're only allowed to mentally ill if you don't mind getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.10599805

censorship must be resisted even if you disagree with the people being censored. If they can ban Alex Jones, they can ban you

>> No.10599920
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>only Nazis care about freedom

>> No.10599941


>> No.10599970


So many nigs, dune coons and chinks on this board.

>> No.10600059


>> No.10600095

I don't care for Alex Jones, but this is literally what BAT was created for.

Anonymously contribute to your favorite content creators, independent of the platform they're currently on.