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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, Bear Pimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10593812 No.10593812 [Reply] [Original]

SNAP-coaster & MuskyWussyFussy Edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed]

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>10591740

>> No.10593826

+230% since jan club where?

>> No.10593829
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Consider the following:

>> No.10593830


>> No.10593834
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I can't stop laughing.

>> No.10593837

TSLA Closing Price: $379.57

>> No.10593839
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>> No.10593848

A nice +70% day.

>> No.10593851

Cool Disney dipped, time to buy more. I have a call on ICHR and I'm still holding my HEAR call.

>> No.10593853
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>> No.10593856

He's African so they can't claim racism, checkmate lefties.

>> No.10593858

Disney and ICHR but earning dips

>> No.10593861


>> No.10593863

TSLA to 410 EOW
Im going to be rich.

>> No.10593874

this is why i don't buy, but remember TSLA has about 1 million model 3 orders, so if they did manage to fill the orders they'd have about 15 times as much revenue as they do now.
and they can improve margins by not giving away free internet anymore and shit like that

>> No.10593875
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congrats on this VIXcucks

>> No.10593876

Thank FUCK I stayed out of SNAP

>> No.10593877

>SNAP at $14.5

oh boy

>> No.10593888

>when you bought a SNAP strangle so you profit NO MATTER WHAT


>> No.10593889
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>> No.10593900

>muh post ER IV crush

>> No.10593912

At least update the chart

>> No.10593919


All wondrous features in treasure photo. You buy now, before too late!

>> No.10593920

Snap - 16-17 bn valuation on a company with yearly revenues of 1 bn and which loses subscribers.

>> No.10593921

What's happening with SNAP

>> No.10593926
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>> No.10593935
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Call starts in 45 minutes

What is your expiration? I moved my 17th to the 24th because the crush was about 25% less

>> No.10593939
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>> No.10593944

Pumping so smart money can get out with minimal losses while millennials pick up the bags because of thots and hot dog golems

>> No.10593949

wait they havent done the SNAP call yet and it pumped to 14? wtf?

>> No.10593956


>> No.10593960

I can't tell if you're trolling the shill or not

>> No.10593962

The only thing this hambeast overclocks are his GrubHub orders.

>> No.10593966

Black Science Man openly slandered SpaceX in its early days.
He will be the first to be tried for treason and flushed out of the airlock in the coming Empire.

>> No.10593971
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It...it's gonna crash, right?

(Tell me it's gonna crash...)

>> No.10593972

I would with my paint.net but I got interview right now; I'll make when I get back in 2 hours.
Or somebody else will beat me to it. Sorry.

>> No.10593973

HAHAH HOLY SHIT i did not expect that at all. i was gonna tell u guys its gonna fucking crash hard but i been busy playing diablo 2

>> No.10593976
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>elon uses his shares to vote no on the buyout

>> No.10593980

weekly aug 10
gonna be most volatile and ill be selling at open

>> No.10593990


>> No.10593995

Welp, SNAP wiped me out. It's been fun friends, I'll see you again in a couple of months.

>> No.10594000

My $400 in puts are now worthless

>> No.10594006

Yes, once earnings come in at -.25 a share

>> No.10594009

hope you bought monthly options, fuck weekly.
might still be a chance for SNAP to tank.

>> No.10594022

they beat estimates.

>> No.10594024

GSK looks like a good buy right now. Spiked after positive news yesterday, followed by heavy shorting today which caused it to dip. Once the shorts cover I'm expecting $20 easy.

MNK looks good on fundamentals, but jumping in after a 20% surge today is basically FOMO. Will look for a technical entry opportunity.

ROAD is a meme, and I can't really judge it very well. But in general new companies which dip below IPO prices are good buys as they usually recover. Even absolutely shit stocks like DBX.

>> No.10594031

To the anon that said he bought snap puts and told me i would be crying after posting my long. better luck next time.

>> No.10594032

Every earnings season I'm thankful that my cuck broker doesn't give me options on US-traded stocks.

>> No.10594033

What if I don't and I just got caught up in the memes?

Also should I short CTL? CenturyLink is a bloated garbage company and will "probably" miss their earnings.

>> No.10594050

>GM founded in 1908
>Ford founded in 1903
>Tesla founded in 2003

>> No.10594054

After hours action killed all my gains already. Can this earnings period just be over?

>> No.10594055

Just consider the $400 to be the price of your education in options trading and move on.

>> No.10594058
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Still unprofitable.

>> No.10594062

>Sell AMD
>He doesn't think AMD is going to 50 bux

>> No.10594063
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That was me, completely wiped out my portfolio. I won't be able to put money back into my account until next semester when I get my next student loan refund. Never stop gambling anons...

>> No.10594064
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i have been justed by DISH, Office depot, and snap.
but Kraft and Hertz were good plays.
Fucking hell.

>> No.10594066

Paging Baggie, post your SNAPcalls.

>> No.10594070
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Stupid fucking small specs holy shit

>> No.10594073
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>tfw sold calls for puts last minute

>> No.10594076
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>these SNAP people

>> No.10594082

If I just did the opposite option of what my brain told me to do, I would be living under a bridge I bought instead of some crummy freeway underpass.

>> No.10594084

holy shit I wish I bought snap. I told my boomer parents to buy it but I thought it was a meme.

>> No.10594090

Sorry you didn't listen to me on closing that SNAP short, hope you enjoy your margin call.

>> No.10594095
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>not just buying a fucking strangle for far less money

>> No.10594097

Thank you baggy, very cool!

How long does this pony go?

>> No.10594099

>He thinks I have enough money to trade on margin
Silly baggie.

>> No.10594105
File: 521 KB, 500x281, 137d57b36fb30a696874f48b28d9c3ced71aa4d9_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live to gamble another day boys. This image is all too real, I can only ever do well when I'm in a losing position.

>> No.10594110

>he listened to his 7 yo nephew.

>> No.10594114
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Goddamned you shits, I told you to straddle

>> No.10594120

I hope you guys realize SNAP is just being over valued right now you didnt miss out on a large pump cause that shit is gonna crash way too hard for most to handle.

Might as well call the funeral home if your still in it cause ur about to neck urself by end of week.

>> No.10594125
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>> No.10594127

I've been telling you fuckers to buy snap calls for three weeks now

>> No.10594133
File: 1.11 MB, 1348x1798, rkg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no reason to come here anymore for awhile. I will genuinely miss you guys. Obsessed kneepad fan signing out...

>> No.10594142


>> No.10594151

man what the fuck do you think weekly expiration options are for? I'm not a fucking buy and hold investor

>> No.10594159

RH gives me after hours trading for free? Should I sell out of SNAP before it goes back down?

>> No.10594160
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>couldnt even outperform rkg

>> No.10594163


wtf I love Elon now

>> No.10594166
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>> No.10594172

You'll be back soon. I know your face.

>> No.10594178

yes take your profits

>> No.10594181

>Saudi Prince $250M stake in SNAP

>> No.10594184

MNK P/E ratio still 3 or less after price jump. A 3 P/E ratio with below 1 book to price. What you have lose? You think better investment?

ROAD is meme, but you buy now. Why you want loose golden oxen opportunity????

>> No.10594187

sell it fast, it's dropping like a rock

>> No.10594207
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>> No.10594208

sorry anon. I broke even between snap and wtw though.

>> No.10594214

hold it into Friday

>> No.10594215

U cant sell them after hours when ER's happen though.

>> No.10594232

wtf TSLA

>> No.10594233
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, gyakkyo-burai-kaiji-hakairoku-hen_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is ICHR doing. I swear to god just go down, let me take this loss don't play with my heart.

>> No.10594237

Snap will be up tomorrow, and will likely continue to rise all week.

obviously don't buy shares in fucking Snapchat with the intention of holding them for a year

>> No.10594246

It let me sell, should’ve done it sooner though

>> No.10594247
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>dr pepper crashes
>snapchat moons
It was a good day today, lets keep it up tomorrow
Sorry my dude, hang in there

>> No.10594249
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NOOOOOOOO T_T those were good times
why did you have blow portfolio

NOOOOOOOOOOO! dont go ;_; me will miissu you T_T !!!!!!!
damn you snap!!!!!

>> No.10594257
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SP500 all time high tommrow, get your hats ready

>> No.10594261

this shit is such a fucking bubble

>> No.10594263

He finally got her attention after death.
Sad, really

>> No.10594265

Don't count your chickens before the 8K.
>90 minute trading halt.
>No one at Tesla besides Elon has spoken about this.
>Elon's jet is gassed up 4000 pounds overweight.

>> No.10594268
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Tetra Bio Pharma update. +16% on the day. No news. It wasn't quite oversold yet, and the chart didn't necessarily call for a bounce up this significant, so there may be some validity to a little rumor I heard. It seems, according to little birdies, that they may be announcing a major distribution deal this week.

It's a secret though.

>> No.10594273
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>check AH price
>19.43, same as previous close

>> No.10594286

DDD 500% higher than expectations!

>> No.10594296

Do a fun TA on the last day or week of TSLA. The stock moves make no sense.

>> No.10594310

This is because of the hype that they're going take the 3d printers away after the blue wave. It's a big nothingburger.

>> No.10594332
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>> No.10594333
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Just wanted to say thanks dude, I picked up a call to straddle SNAP on your advice the other day, feeling comfy af right now

>> No.10594336

It might not be over for EKSO yet. I remember a similar pump last fall where it went from 1 to 2 dollars, pulled back to around 1.70, and then spiked all the way to $4.
I bought in at that 1.7 pullback, but then never sold until like 2.20 after it started dumping.

I doubt it can manage a repeat, but it is possible.

>> No.10594344



>> No.10594346

Well I'm drinking cheap whiskey tonight. I've never gone from up 5% to -1% in less than an hour before, let alone after hours.

>> No.10594348

Jesus TSLA moved 30m shares today, which is about a fifth of the total o/s. This must be one of the most traded companies right now, relative to it's total float.

>> No.10594350

Buy SNAP is folly of idle soldier. SNAP is justly persistent in building only zero profit! That is a sucker's game, dude! Sell before it is too late!

>> No.10594362

SNAP fine on revenue just like FB and Twtr but miss on users just like FB and Twtr yet SNAP moons??

>> No.10594363

Sunrun poster winning streak and reputation has been destroyed

>> No.10594365

ICHR needs to hurry up and break $24 so I can close my swing.

>> No.10594367
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>mfw nearly half of my diversity is DDD

>> No.10594369

god damn sand niggers.

>> No.10594370

Thoughts on XRAY? Crashed today, its super low.

>> No.10594374

Saudi princes are famous for their intelligent and tasteful purchases

>> No.10594375

I lost my first calls on tesla. Held from 315 to 290 on others, buying more entire time. held after earnings pop to 350 down to 340.

Don't blink. This was 70% of savings, with plans to put the rest in if they blew up after. This is not good advice for most people though. I did 24/7 research and investigation into Tesla and trying to figure out psychology of musk. Came to conclusion he had a trump card.

>> No.10594376


Everyone else did.

>> No.10594382

I knew it was going to moon when the CEO flexed on Facebook last month.

>pink boomer
Not canon to the official /biz/ lore. Boomer never loses.

>> No.10594397
File: 204 KB, 1787x809, TSLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone asking for me TSLA TA, here it am
Basically saying 380 am the top until 2019

dont give up! these types of losses are the best teacher! me have read hundreds of histories of great traders / investers / hedge fund managers, almost ALL of them went through periods of blowing up portfolios! you will make it if you keep at it ! learn more options techniques for next time you come around like Kelly numbers !!!!!!!

>> No.10594401

SNAP coming down. Heres the crash boyos

>> No.10594420

SNAP coming back down lol.
Where are the straddle guys, I guess this wont move much, since users declined.

>> No.10594421

>be Saudi Oil Sheik
>buy your latest instagram whore
>fuck her and take a dump on her chest
>while you watch her shower her phone goes off
>what in Allah's name is this?
>smol ghost icon
>"white whore, what is this app?"
>falls in love with it
>acquires it

>> No.10594426

SNAP is about to get knifed.

>> No.10594432

just a warning, that 380 top is going to get blown past if the 420 buyout materialized more. In case anyone relies on it.

>> No.10594455

Muskie mentioning financial recession in earnings call twice, taking Tesla private for a few years
maybe he knows we are at the beginning of a recession or could be soon and knows that a recession could kill a public Tesla

>> No.10594458
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waiting for the call in 10 minutes. It'll move, donchu worry straddle boys


>> No.10594459

Whats the verdict on SNAP? can’t watch earnings call but showing they beat earnings estimates

>> No.10594468

my 1 call is hoping for it....
or rip 1k premium

>> No.10594486

How do you even profit with TSLA? Is the stock price gonna increase to $4200 if it increases 10x in value?

>> No.10594498
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here same chart zoomed in 1 min
yellow line at top same line

it bounced off that line pretty well
we'll see if it breaks past this line, me doubt it

>> No.10594506

>Several billions in intangibles listed as assets
>barely turns a profit
>dentistry as a legitimate profession
>CEO has a serial killer name and isn't even a dentist
>negative EPS
>2 year old company

Hard pass.

>> No.10594510

none yet

need conference call

>> No.10594518

oops me quoted self >_> here

>> No.10594523
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SNAP is MTCH for sandniggers and poor people.

>> No.10594527

People are still shocked and emotional. Just a few support pieces to the $420 buyout narrative and it breaks.

>> No.10594535

hey, wyd?

>> No.10594540

I could see it. Spy is probably going to hit ath tomorrow and then drop within two weeks. And supposedly that's 6-12 months ahead if a recession indicator. I'd be sad if the bull comes to an end but I also wouldn't mind some discounts. The justing I'm getting right now makes me wonder.

>> No.10594541

Trader is 1-6 months
Investor is longer

>> No.10594572

how you get those lines to change color when they cross over? what code, or function, does that?

>> No.10594574

heheeh https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/07/reuters-america-short-seller-jim-chanos-says-short-position-is-best-thing-going-for-tesla--cnbc.html

>> No.10594582

wow that disney recovery

>> No.10594603

The biggest indication of a coming recession would be a blue wave in November.

>> No.10594610

Disney's earning call must be GOAT or investors are being retarded.

>> No.10594619

>this guy on the call talking is killing the price


>> No.10594629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10594631

liberal super PACs are buying up all the cheap stock

>> No.10594632
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>> No.10594641
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, [KiraraSubtasia] Yuru Camp△ - Survival Camp△ -「Saba Camp△」(1080p).mkv_snapshot_11.12_[2018.08.07_16.55.03].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emerging markets bags ate all my US stock gains

>> No.10594650

Why do you have such a hard-on for a blue wave?

>> No.10594664

Dec 13th?

>> No.10594673

SNAP users down, and I bet dumbasses still eat it up

Argh, go down you shitty hypestock

>> No.10594677

No particular significance.

>> No.10594679

the 420 narritive is comic book like

"380" ceiling comes from OBV vs Accumulation Distribution
its basically painting narrative that TSLA has been in long term downtrend volume wise

there simply ARENT ENOUGH stocks left for TSLA to sell for it to break 380

(me not really know though)

>> No.10594699
File: 53 KB, 640x470, golden-bull-by-Wieslaw-Smetek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that we have begun the new technological era and there will never be another recession again

>> No.10594702
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>he fell for the bear crash meme

>> No.10594708

I'll fix it to >current day though.

>> No.10594717

I don’t see that. But a recession will come, Trump can’t prevent that. I secretly hope that he can torture the Chinese markets to let money flood into American markets, keep the bull running, Trump gets re-elected and when the Democratic president is elected the stock market plunges to depths unknown before

>> No.10594718

Back in the green by a whooping .2%. I'll take it, but really I can't take this rollar coaster. I'll check after after hours for fucks sake.

>> No.10594719

WTF why are Tesla options disabled on robinhood?

>> No.10594725

who here /420/?

>> No.10594732
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>> No.10594738

Short term? Buy now, sell at 420.

The beauty of the buyout plan is that it's essentially already paid for by existing shorts. I've seen a lot of arguing about secured financing, but with the current level of TSLA shorting it actually doesn't even matter. Imagine:
1.) `20% of TSLA holders decide to accept cashout at $420
2.) >25% of float is short currently
3.) New private structure will not allow shorts - Limited buying/selling windows and the new structure has a clause to prevent owners from lending their shares or some shit.

For every current holder deciding to cash out, there's at least one trapped short who will be forced to buy their shares for more.
I'm sure Musk is well aware of the math given various outcomes and expected sellers himself. It's actually genius - though I do question the legality of the plan, if TSLA can go 'private' without any actual changes in ownership, what would prevent every other company from doing the same. It would be the end of shorting.

Of course, the actual fundamentals of TSLA are a dumpster fire so make sure to get out before it actually goes private, unless you want to lock in on years of underperformance with limited windows to sell.

>> No.10594741

well, the equation comes from fractal resonance of lazy bear's wave trend,

it looks something like this
wt_color1 = wtColor(wta_1,wtb_1)
wt_color2 = wtColor(wta_2,wtb_2)
wt_color4 = wtColor(wta_4,wtb_4)
wt_color8 = wtColor(wta_8,wtb_8)
wt_color16 = wtColor(wta_16,wtb_16)
wt_color32 = wtColor(wta_32,wtb_32)
wt_color64 = wtColor(wta_64,wtb_64)
wt_color128 = wtColor(wta_128,wtb_128)

then you basically just

p1=plot(emaF1, title="Fast EMA 1", style=line, linewidth=2, color=wt_color1,transp=10)

and it magically works

>> No.10594758

If you think the battle of Tesla is actually over, the fact of the matter remains that a sand nigger or slant eye buy out of said company would be the final nail in the coffin. Also their retarded CEO is going to have lawyers up his ass for the rest of the year now.

>> No.10594766



>> No.10594767

I'll let you know what you missed out on at the open tomorrow. Until then, please, hold your bags.

>> No.10594771
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me have no clue how this working
pretty sure some people are going to jail x.x

>> No.10594778

>mfw SNAP opens tomorrow at $13

>> No.10594793

Replace "Endoh" with "Rothschild" or "Bogdanoff," and that would be the perfect representation of nearly every Anon in /biz/.

>> No.10594800

what's your next pick ratsu? Is GIS still BUY?

>> No.10594802

>Telling others to invest in something you don't

>> No.10594805

And Snaps in the red after being up 11 percent.

>> No.10594810

It will happen. Just a matter of time. ER coming up. Sentiment on AMAT and LRCX has already shifted bullish these last two weeks. Same should happen to ICHR.

>> No.10594819

They pumped it then made it so we can't short it?
Fucking Elon

>> No.10594826

that talaweed sand nigger should have bought tesla instead of snap

>> No.10594829


>> No.10594835

>Wake up in the morning.
>-$2 pre-market
>Shoots up to $13 after the bell

Wouldn't be the first time I started googling for nice gutters to pass out drunk in.

>> No.10594836

ER was a flop the call just ended

>> No.10594839


>Snap green to red

>Disney red to green

>> No.10594842
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>> No.10594843
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>> No.10594849
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice scare tactics SNAP

>> No.10594854

>when SNAP hits 14.8 only to go RED

>> No.10594857


>> No.10594863

bring back that one dude who said he lost everything

>> No.10594872

Too late, hes already dead

>> No.10594873
File: 19 KB, 500x382, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the short term, no GIS is no longer a buy
for the next few years? Yes it will double in price

My shorter term current swing pick is CBOE

>> No.10594875

Pajeet needs to drop that amazon word if he wants to save the stock

You may be alive buddy

>> No.10594878

What? Why is SNAP going down? Did they not use their filters on the earnings call or something?

>> No.10594890
File: 38 KB, 299x310, sexual grunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10594893

When has SNAP gone up? It's a shit tier stock as well as a shit tier app

>> No.10594894

Heh, >>10593973
the crash has only just begun

>> No.10594898

The whole call was the sounds of a hot dog kicking the shit out of somebody

>> No.10594906

WTF snap deleet thius

>> No.10594911

>SNAP red
>DIS green

>> No.10594916
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>> No.10594917

So how about long term profits with Tesla? I could sell now and make profit but I bought imagining the long run and the future of the car industry. I don't need the money now.

>> No.10594947

Honestly how likely do you think it is tesla will hit 410 in the next 30 days?

>> No.10594948

Odd my broker had it listed for later this week. Good to know though, thanks. Was the call really bad or something?
Based on the immediate numbers, its still looking at a forward P/E around 5.

>> No.10594971
File: 47 KB, 746x255, 1514640141254131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNAP from up 12% AH now down to -3% what a rollercoaster.

Is it because pic related? Why is earningwhispers expected EPS so much different from consensus anyways?

>> No.10594977

looks good imo

very good. I think the 420 price on private is legitimate. I'm assuming most won't need the buyout.

>> No.10594982
File: 376 KB, 895x601, 1533477318129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people complain about new snapchat update
>decide to invest in it despite custimers being upset
Serves that retarded prince right for being a retard.

More like based Kaiji "Anon" Ito kicking a stupid Saudi Prince, stealing all of his money, and then losing all of his earnings by spending it in the gambling apocalypse.

>> No.10594986

lol that guy killed himself

>> No.10594994

>12.35 print

in the shitter she goes

>> No.10594995

basically the stock of tesla being traded doesn't represent the HODL people in the stock. I think they get hyped up by seeing it rise too. Probably wont have to buy out many people.

>> No.10595013
File: 227 KB, 400x400, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling these shitty KYC exchanges, nobody is gonna give over their ssn, mmn, and a selfie of them holding their id just to trade stocks in 2018.
1Broker you can trade stocks with crypto with NO KYC BULLSHIT.

>> No.10595029

>1Broker.com is operated by 1pool Ltd., a corporation registered in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

>> No.10595031

-5% now and diving further.

I might actually make a profit on my puts lol

>> No.10595058

RIP to the guy that bought calls on Snap. Stop messing around with these internet meme stocks. They're not profitable.

>> No.10595070

Oh God is it? Fucking lmao. The republic of scam island is always good for a laugh. How many "shipping" companies are based out of there again?

>> No.10595086

No, in the next 25 minutes it will be green again!!!

>> No.10595094

I’m long the stock. I don’t play options. I should have sold at 10% but I’ll have my day again soon

>> No.10595096

Hey there buddy, you're supposed to be going down. You can stop that now.

>> No.10595098

It honestly might

might not get IV crushed after all

>> No.10595106
File: 134 KB, 1080x606, 1532624257201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes me back. DRYS was a hell of a meme.

>> No.10595116


>> No.10595117

SNAP heading back to the green
A new Hope

>> No.10595120
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 1464568096347[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's at 13 again
i can't take this rollercoaster

>> No.10595127
File: 245 KB, 500x381, tumblr_inline_ml1g37cd1H1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A million thank yous waifu , I'll have to try it out when I get home from voting

>> No.10595129

It's so snapstraddle memes can be fucked in the ass too.
It will open flat and stay that way for the week.

>> No.10595138
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(((They))) want every meme option buyers to lose money ?
Remember who sell those memes...

>> No.10595139
File: 83 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20180807-173744__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this shit just give up and due already, like we all know it eventually will?

>> No.10595145
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 84519498-21E6-46AF-A0EC-9AFE9185079D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595147

Nothing bad, but the stock is down 5% in after hours so my call is poopy now.

>> No.10595148
File: 433 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180807-173702_Ally Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't sleep tonight. It was a last minute decision to throw my liquid cash into it at 13.05 and hope for the best.

>> No.10595150
File: 124 KB, 620x451, 1533471151758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog golems?

>> No.10595154

Sounds reasonable. Jews were created to troll Anons. That's what my years o 4chan has taught me.

>> No.10595200
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>> No.10595203

SNAP sees users drop during world cup (shows hot dawg emoji).
asked x3 to provide any guidance on daily active users. (hot dog emoji with mustard).

>> No.10595204



>> No.10595205

how is after market trading legal

>> No.10595211
File: 79 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20180807-174245__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It...it's just another pump...r-right guize?

>> No.10595214

One heck of an AH roller coaster.
I think the original intention for companies to release results AMC to prevent these kind of large erratic price movements has largely been defeated now. You have to do it the berk way and release results over the weekend.

>> No.10595222

I only use Snapchat to stalk my friends on the map when i "accidentally" run into them in the club. Dead app.

>> No.10595223


>> No.10595224

Option sellers gonna win on SNAP, I call it

>> No.10595226

Marshall Islands is really a strange place. They have almost no copyright law and all that. Yet they are US protectorate

>> No.10595238
File: 114 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20180807-165245~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was foretold you dumb faggots

>> No.10595246

Honestly, I think it may just end up trading flat and all you small specs will get absolutely JUSTed by the IVs on your options.

I hope this be a lesson at least. Don't ever buy high IV options going into earnings thinking its somehow "safe".

>> No.10595251
File: 118 KB, 500x450, quit-following-me-around-snapchat-hot-dog-i-will-not-25370451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10595260

You arent alone

>> No.10595265
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>> No.10595267

Get on that HMNY! They will explode soon. I know it

>> No.10595286
File: 45 KB, 500x633, 1531600836123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha guys crypto is way too volatile, there's no wh-

>> No.10595294

baggie is right and the selloff probably happens the day after midterms. the golden bull happened right after the election because corps and investors knew the tax bill was happening.

>> No.10595295
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 1529123211803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNAP open green tomorrow or someone is going to pay

>> No.10595311

>tfw I lost so much money on crypto there was no way I was touching SNAP

>> No.10595316
File: 648 KB, 850x637, 23-50-26-sample_02364a7e72279d2ae4a5bbd8fb662d748622b9da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, /smg/.

>> No.10595320

with the rise of retail in options people could take advantage selling calls and then keeping it flat for a week.

>> No.10595322

But it didn't move

>> No.10595324

Sleep tight!

>> No.10595332

Night night! Also watching snap flicker between green and red is hilarious

>> No.10595357
File: 66 KB, 437x437, CAT_SPAGGETTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exited my SNAP straddle right before opens because I had a bad feeling out it.
Whew, glad that worked out.

>> No.10595364

Sleep well :)

>> No.10595371
File: 114 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks of 10B+ companies behaving like shitcoins

>> No.10595385

Buying puts on Bank of America tomorrow, robintrack has spoken

>> No.10595408
File: 20 KB, 380x359, 1533585557586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims he will stop gambling and hold buffet stocks
>shorts buffet stocks

>> No.10595416

Based comfer vacillating on his decisions every three days like clockwork

>> No.10595446
File: 9 KB, 681x339, capture3e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only gambling with a little bit of money this time, not all of it!!!
Pic related is my experimenting project trading on patterns on robintrack

>> No.10595453

B of A confirmed buy

>> No.10595477

Um actually my method worked a total of once, which is 100% of the time.
Therefor I'm a super pro

>> No.10595488

Seriously, isn't this whole situation kinda, uh, bad?

Big bear inbound

>> No.10595513
File: 33 KB, 275x437, 1524503715508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now even comfy is betting against me

>> No.10595521
File: 22 KB, 500x281, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you lose everything

>> No.10595528

You two are best friends! He has to stop!

>> No.10595534
File: 576 KB, 1028x1261, 20180626_235447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It am hard
The call of gamble a strong hatsu, like woman in heat

>> No.10595538

They're losing users. SNAP open red.

>> No.10595539

Legitimately laughed out loud.

>> No.10595544

Just since nobody said it lol PZZA. Those people are absolutely defeated, this company is worth 12 dollars end of year. Buy Dec 22.5 put lottos for sick gains.

Another good short imo is BLNK, if Tesla ends up getting sued for some insane amount and/or Musk gets thrown into prison that is half the entire reason to buy BLNK gone right there (hint: the buyout).

Also for a super long I just love ETSY, its really becoming a lifestyle brand for millennials, can really see it hitting 100 by 2020.

>> No.10595547

Sorry best friend, I'll let you live in my guest house after I /make it/. I'll buy you Japanese hookers too! I will hire everyone on /smg/ and we can have orgies and read picture books together
I will succeed, and because you are my favorite poster, I am not offended

>> No.10595566

I don't want the orgies or hookers, but I will enjoy the picture book reading.

>> No.10595576

And we can eat smores by the campfire!

>> No.10595585

Hire me please :)

>> No.10595593

i bought snap puts and am very amused by todays events

>> No.10595597

Gibs job pls

>> No.10595598

omg kek it way harder than that, just showing basic method
you need the fractal resonance code and the color scheme code...

will walk you through it if you ever get back, it very easy and neat trick for learn

>> No.10595608

Yis we all work at Autism Incorporated.
I must go wageslave now to raise capital

>> No.10595631

Can you please explain your method? Is it the most traded on Robinhood or something? Then you put?

>> No.10595633

I’m wage slaving right now, I feel that
Good luck at work

>> No.10595643
File: 43 KB, 149x126, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already miss comfy

>> No.10595671
File: 166 KB, 1229x1076, Screen Shot 2018-08-07 at 4.23.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see how on some stocks the number of robinhood owners seems to inverse the value of the stock? It sort of looks like a double helix or a caduceus. Comfy thinks he can effectively inverse the opinion of the average robinhood user to score a profit.

>> No.10595690

but the number of users holding doesn't change much desu

>> No.10595697

divs investor here, anyone got a good growth div stock with a 3+% dividend. I have over 15 positions but just trying to see what smg thinks has good future growth potential

>> No.10595699

That's why it won't work :D

>> No.10595700


>> No.10595712

Reminder that whoever believe in Chinese stats are fool
>Total vegetable production in China have already reached 0.6 tons per capita per year (1.6kg per day)
>Barely any export or discarding or reprocessing which implies most are directly consumed
That's outright fraud

>> No.10595723

it worked for GPRO, TSLA, MU

>> No.10595724

This is just people buying low and selling high.

>> No.10595735

CY is just below 3% and looks to have a lot of potential growth

>> No.10595736

OHI has treated me very well both on growth and dividends. I made an excel spreadsheet for grading dividend stocks based on potential return and general statistics off Yahoo Finance that has helped a lot

>> No.10595749

I fucking love CY. They've been paying down their debt and all the moves their CEO made are finally paying off. They also pay a comfy div

>> No.10595756

My rent is due friday.

I put my last 100 dollars on a 12.5 snapchat put

I need 400 for rent

How fucked am I?

>> No.10595778
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>> No.10595783
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Gibbme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you ask mommies for milkies?

>> No.10595790
File: 28 KB, 480x360, dadadadjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snapstraddlers all get WRECKED

>> No.10595793

If you go through RH you're 100% fucked unless you have a cash account.

>> No.10595826
File: 70 KB, 1865x730, GPRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually GPRO buyers look like /SMART MONEY/
no bag holder here

wish could see Robinhood tracker on BTC x.x

>> No.10595831

Ill loan you the 400$ but it has a compounding interest rate of 5% per day

>> No.10595832

If you're not lapping you're in trouble. Why would you do that?
Not me lol, I sold mine at 9:00 for a profit

>> No.10595844
File: 24 KB, 1047x504, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing my stock is popular in both app form and website form. why are people buying snap when is just an app?

>> No.10595858

ask your landlord how many blowjobs counts as $400

but just a heads up it's probably gonna be like twenty

>> No.10595863
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>> No.10595873

HMNY might take you up on that.

>> No.10595884
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Enjoy wagie
Ill be taking a golden bull nap after my golden bull lunch

>> No.10595889

Not hank you sir, My gf told me if i ever bought shares in HMNY i need to move all of her stuff out cause ill be single when im done going broke.

>> No.10595905

thanks frens

>> No.10595908
File: 534 KB, 548x532, DISGUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10595951

>gambling with money needed for necessary costs
anon you're a degenerate

heres a rule for me:

Paycheck 1
1st $ goes to ensuring rent is paid
2nd $ goes to ensure my car is paid
3rd $ goes to ensure I have food
4th $ goes to pay off my credit card
5th $ goes to my brokerage account

Paycheck 2
1st $ goes into savings
2nd $ goes into brokerage
3rd $ goes to hookers and blow

Rinse and repeat.

>> No.10595964


>> No.10596028
File: 31 KB, 1600x900, USury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the math for lulz, this is holding for a year with no payments

Dude you can wait like an hour for the thread to sink.

>> No.10596653

Eh. Maybe. They improved massively over Q1 despite the 2% user loss. Prince is also a vote of confidence. It’s a meme tech stock, expect $490 tomorrow.

>> No.10596881
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