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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10589510 No.10589510 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a NEET?
What aspects of my life do I need to cut out to have enough money?
Is it worth the hype?

real answers only

>> No.10589529

Move to kansas or something, then you can neet for years on like 10k

>> No.10589586

What kind of housing should i look into because what I can find are houses that are $626 a month I could try for an actual small home for cheaper a month and electrical cost no?

>> No.10589713

>he doesnt know
you still a wagie at heart anon.

>> No.10589736

lol you don't
just live with parents

>> No.10589740
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I am 100% a wagie at heart because I still wage slave
but I wish to walk among your people learn your ways to truly achieve eternal happiness

>> No.10589754
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dad died and I'm already moved out how fucked am I

>> No.10589759

move back

>> No.10589794

I want to sit /comfy/ at home and draw anime girls. I will draw Link-chan for this board if I ever make it

>> No.10589798
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Aim for rent $400 or under a month. Get on food stamps (easy if unemployed). Try and get autism bux (may require going to shrink...get on public healthcare). Try and find some weird side way of making income, like drop shipping or something more niche and less drained. Don't buy shit, or only buy used stuff, but just buy very little in general. Try and have $3-5k saved before going NEET.

Also, when you go NEET, don't go full hikki either. It'll make you insane. Make sure you still get out of the house. Riding a bike is good. Take up a hobby that requires you to go out (I play piano and bike downtown to practice. Read more and spend less time on the computer. Get a bench, bar, weights, and dumbbell handles for home, or join a gym and get fit. Eat well and use the time you have to cook healthy meal. Travel the country and world with a pack, a sleeping bag, and a tent (or tarp and line). You can fly from one major US city to another for $100. These are my suggestions for living a fulfilling life as a NEET.

>> No.10589831

And make friends and spend time with them, for else it gets lonely and isolated. If you do it in a balanced way, though, its amazing. You don't worry about money because you've learned to live a happy and fulfilling life without it. And when the constraints of money go away, you can live life a hell of a lot more freely and naturally, as opposed to a drained machine man.

>> No.10589836

Is the end goal being a stay at home dad with a wealthy mommy wife?

>> No.10589892


You're a a fucking faggot. You sound like a hippie.


And you might even be a bigger homosexual.

What don't you neets get? This is /biz/ not /a/. Get a fucking grip. Move to New York and make some mother fucking money so you can retire at 40 and not have to live frugally like a super faggot.

Jesus Christ this board has gone to shit after the bull run. Man up faggots.

>> No.10589893

Don’t. The truth is us NEETs live a miserable existence of no goals or ambition. Eventually, even taking a shower or brushing your teeth will feel like a job. So you stop that. Then human interaction becomes a job. So you stop that as well. You live in complete isolation if you don’t live with your family and if you live with them, they constantly are depressed that their little son is now an extreme failure, a mere cautionary tale. You realize with your last dying breath that you could’ve made something of yourself but it is all too late as you slip into the abyss.

>> No.10589906

Poetic anon.

>> No.10589922

Maybe for some NEETs, but it can be other, as well. I think of the NEET life more as, not working for someone else, and not being constrained by anything you do for income (hustles, self employment gigs, etc. to make money). Like I do some art projects for money and it covers me well enough for $400/month rent. You could go full NEET too, with autism bux, but I haven't done that yet.

I don't want kids either. I like having the freedom of being single, or maybe single with a girlfriend, but no marriage, etc.. When you don't have a girlfriend or employment responsibilities, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Over the winter I focused more on weight lifting. Now that I established that, its more back to classical piano and starting the mandolin. I want to start some tech projects soon too, some python scrapers and a VPS to help parts of internet subcultures whose sites I feel may end up going offline soon, etc.. I'll also be traveling around the US soon with a pack, tent, etc. Trip will only cost me about $450 for a month.

Being NEET is how you want it to be, so make use of it.

~T. 31 year old NEET

>> No.10589954

>/NEET/ General
About time we have one of these. Make it permanent too.
>tfw saved up enough to move out and live in a super cheap place while buying only food for myself
Frugal life is so rewarding and satisfying, All you need is your laptop and you can always move with your belongings in 1 luggage. Move to a cheaper or better place all the time, travel. Spend time NEETing it out.
Being stuck with a job/mortgage/family prevents you from doing this.

>> No.10589958

>when you go NEET, don't go full hikki either. It'll make you insane
Can confirm did this for two years and it fucks with your head and social skills really badly.
And this, it's not as cool as it sounds. The not or barely working part is nice but the rest sucks.

>> No.10589973

even if this was true, which of course it isnt, it still would be better than slaving for kikes you absolute insect. kys

>> No.10590036

I think it can be a fun thing to do for a bit but yeah, fuck living decades of your life like that. Lived on Centrelink as a student for a couple years while playing video games and doing very little with my time. Now that I am working part time and have quite video games and am actually doing fulfilling shit with my time it feels MUCH better. Working hard actually feels good if you're channeling your energy and effort into the right places.

See, this is what being NEET for too long does to you.

>> No.10590049


>> No.10590111
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Fuck moving to that shithole I bet I make more money then you do in that state where im at now and I now my dollar goes 1.5x farther than yours
this isnt the fucking 1930s retard
Second I'm not a NEET im humoring the idea of becoming one to see what the hype is about but you literally came in here doing the exact thing they meme about

...keep raging wagie

>> No.10590113
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>Working hard actually feels good
Lifting hard in the gym does but not slaving for your long nose tribe making stockholders rich you parasite. The normal worker is the cuck in this stage of capitalism. Fuck off already.

>> No.10590161
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What am I making of myself now life is never greener when purpose will always fade
sure I can be happy accomplishing my life goals of getting shot at in the desert making fat stacks
but then what is all that worth
sure I can continue my legacy by having kids but all I did was continue the cycle that I spent my life experiencing
I guess ultimately the reason I humored the idea of being a NEET is to follow the course of my life where all I do is have fun and do what I want
but ultimately those dreams will fade too

>> No.10590178

stopped talking to all my friends when I graduated and my only social interaction in the day is when someone needs help with their computer or bossman gives me new task for the servers

>> No.10590184

>Lifting hard in the gym does
yeah I know

I play online solitaire and surf the net while doing surveys in a call centre for $28 an hour and can choose when I want to work - shit's fucking easy.

that's some attitude you've got there, mister

>> No.10590203

to continue my point of the previous comment after not talking to my friends for just a few months I now have a stuttering issue and I dont remember how to end conversations and if someone looks at me I may confuse it with someone trying to talk to me and Ill walk up to them expecting them to speak
It hurts me oon a cringe layer
it could be all the acid sense i was 13 too

>> No.10590213
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>shit's fucking easy, come when i want
then what the fuck are you babbling to that anon about real hard work? are you actually retarded anon?

wagies are dead srs a lost cause.

>surveys call centre
basically a pajeet, unironically lol.

>> No.10590251

You just seem depressed to me. Honestly do what you want, IMO having a job that you legitimately like is a good life choice. Most people do their jobs to make ends meet though. It's not black and white. Simirarly not everyone is suited to be a NEET (or retired/self-sustained whatever you want to call it). Some just get miserable, depressed, suicidal, etc. They have no creativity on how to be unemployed. If you have the money and REALLY want to work then do a business. Chances are it will take a few years to take off and you will be working all day everyday learning on how to do it, marketing yourself, etc. Or learn something else, etc. Maybe it's not full NEETdom but it still beats hating your wagie job but still doing it.

>> No.10590274

yes I definitely changed when I isolated myself it has been 7 years and I developed weird hate against people from my past even those who were my friends

>> No.10590364

What's a pajeet ?

>> No.10590485
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Your right I think I'd truly enjoy a business of my own granted I don't think I'd "find purpose" in it but it would be the work I need for self-satisfaction and the perks of not being a wage slave
is drop shipping really profitable or is just enough to make ends meet
Any tips on where I should go to seek information about starting a business?

>> No.10590512

A smelly Indian man who works in a call center and cant poo in the loo

>> No.10590569

you have to live in your parents basement and collect autismbux, which don't pay for much. it's not a glamorous life.

>> No.10590652

I remember /biz/ had tons of drop shipping threads, so take a look in the archives. Personally I never got into it so I don't know much. You know you can always just quit and look for another job too and find something that you like. I had a friend who wanted to work in a botanical garden so she volunteered for a year in the field and went to get a job there later. Yeah I know "muh working for free for ze jew", but if you already had the money to live off and enjoyed that then why not? Also get to meet similar people too, not your average wagecuck who hates his life and is too stupid to change his life circumstance. Difference between trying to thrive and trying to survive in life.

>> No.10590705

Haha, oh right :D

>> No.10590717

The thing is I have everything I could want here but i'm still not satisfied my dream job is DoD innadesert but I don't want to be disappointed like I have here

>> No.10590733
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haha, yes!

>> No.10590780

>I play online solitaire and surf the net while doing surveys in a call centre for $28 an hour
>I play online solitaire and surf the net while doing surveys in a call centre

Doesn't sound like such a great way to spend you life when you take out the wage, does it? I know so many people like this, who have jobs where they sit around, doing nothing most of the day, then gloat about it. But really, they're gloating about how they spend their entire lives sitting around being lazy sacks, playing games or going on Facebook, or something. They're selling their lives for this trash and are proud of it. Money doesn't justify it. It's still a shallow and hallow existence, one that the wagies throw themselves into daily.

Keep that cope, though, Anon, if it helps you hide your existential dread and justify your slavery and self destruction.

>> No.10590865

Then stay at your current job. Only those who will make it are those who really want to get out their situation because when you do something so drastic as this type of lifestyle change you get a plethora of new problems. They will be more trivial to you if you set your mind on your goal and not be indecisive like you are.

>> No.10590886

I like taking my loud sports car out at 1 in the morning. Make the neighbors wonder where I'm going on a Weekday night. Am I fucking a Roastie? Am I getting drugs? Did he finally get a job? Those are the questions they should be asking.

>> No.10590897
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>mfw the only reason i bought crypto is so i can be a neet one day

>> No.10590948

and the opposite is working in a good high paying career where you'll just burn out and hate everything after a few years, or doing the own your own business meme and losing everything on top of working 60hrs a week with no days off

>> No.10590965

>go on 4chan all day, get wage
>go on 4chan all day, get neetbux
It’s the same thing really

>> No.10590997
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>make hundreds a day trading crypto
>learned it for free on the internet
>make in a week what wagecucks make in months
>every week get a different asian prostitute to lick my balls while I drink expensive grape juice

>> No.10591014


where did you learn crypto trading?

>> No.10591018

I can't understand why anyone would ever want to work. Wagies say they do it because it provides meaning in their life, but I know that's just cope. Because you know damn well that they have existential crises all the time, beating themselves up over how they're forced to depend on wage slavery at a job they don't even like, and wondering what they could have done better.

I need to break free. How do I /NEET/? Are there any welfare programs I can get on as a college student? (I know, being a student is technically not NEET, but I just don't want to work.) I'm in the state of Indiana

>> No.10591039

wow, she's really cute!

>> No.10591040







the chair has fallen
the silence deafens
the end has come

>> No.10591083

lurking /biz/ for some months and doing my own research

>> No.10591152

Oh ok I mean before the 20k BTC boom I bought like $10 USD of VTC and made a killing and eventually got myself up to $400 while trading but then I took /biz/ advice blindly before summer break (I didn't have internet in my hometown) came back to my last year of college to $9.50 USD
I was just wondering if you found any PDFs that may have assisted you like a book on candlestick charts or trends and logistics

>> No.10591550

This is refreshing. /biz is about making money, not living frugally forever and becoming a parasite on the public dole.