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10584185 No.10584185 [Reply] [Original]

How much are you supposed to spend on a wedding ring?

>> No.10584191

like $500 tops

>> No.10584192


>> No.10584193

dont fall for that fucking trap

>> No.10584197

4 months salary or some stupid shit like that.

i'd use this as an opportunity to shit test the fiance and give her something really cheap, see how she reacts.

>> No.10584198

Whatever you feel appropriate-engagement rinds are where you spend the most anyways.

>> No.10584203

have her pick it out

>> No.10584204

Half of what her last husband spent.

>> No.10584206

$50 from Walmart

>> No.10584216

$15,000 seems kind of excessive.

I hope these aren't the same people who also cry about not being able to find a woman who loves them.

>> No.10584220

the minimum price you can get a fake used ring on craiglist
just make sure it's not a "nuva"ring (it's not the same as "new" ring)

>> No.10584221

Zero, and tell her u aren’t spending shit on one, if this causes a major shitshow (it will),That will tell u everything you need to kno about her

>> No.10584235

Just bee yourself

>> No.10584240

If she cares that much about how much you spent on a ring, she didn't love you in the first place.

>> No.10584245

Unrelated but why hasn't someone made a bitcoin thinking emoji yet

>> No.10584248

>says the guy who needs other people to tell him how much to spend on a rock

>> No.10584262
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't keep a woman unless she's forced to stick with you with a legal contract

>> No.10584291

The best-selling book "The Millionaire Mind" describes the findings of a research project on the habits, opinions, and lifestyles of America's wealthy elite. It is reported that 1/4 of these people never spent more than $1500 on an engagement ring.

>> No.10584322

You can get some nice lab made diamonds for pretty cheap. Anyone holding/buying mined diamonds is a cuck

>> No.10584457


>> No.10584463

is there a bigger scam ever pulled on the american public than diamonds?

>you do love her, dont you goyim? remember, 3 months salary! be a good goy!

>> No.10584648

wedding rings should be cheap, it's just a band
engagement rings are the big cost

>> No.10584757

My chick already told me she wants moissanite. It's not that much cheaper but at least I'm not paying the diamond jew.

>> No.10584764

Zero. She'll get tired of you and dump you.

t. dumpee who bought an expensive wedding ring

>> No.10584774

ask what your wife like buy it if you can afford it otherwise tell her to choose a cheaper ring

>> No.10584777

just make one - it ain't rocket science and woman eat up that 'romantic' effort

>> No.10584794

This. I made one out of grass and some aluminum foil. Bitch was sucking my dick for for the next two weeks.

>> No.10584814

What about weddings? Just went to an average looking one that cost $40k and it blew my mind on how expensive it is. Isn't the median US salary around 40k?

>> No.10584819

According to Amazon around $12 for 24.

>> No.10584947

Trips of truth

>> No.10585058

One Months salary, if you buy too cheap then you will pay long term as she will talk about it for the next 50 years....if you last.

>> No.10585070

Based and redpilled, but unironically

>> No.10585075

Oh yeah a wedding ring is just a gold band...I assume the OP meant engagement ring.

>> No.10585079

People will pay anything for a brapper that sticks around.

>> No.10585161

No, these are the people who understand that falling for one of the oldest Jewish tricks in the book is not a very wise thing

I find it funny you're talking about love, associating it with money.. If your girl values something because it costs $$$ over it coming from you I wish you god luck with getting a good divorce deal.

Truth being said, the people who do things just because 'That's the way it has always been' always end in places they don't want to be in life; debt, addictions, sadness...

Hope you realize this before ending like me

>> No.10585261

>buying a wedding ring
It's supposed to be passed down through the family, not something you keep rebuying. This is why diamonds are a worthless controlled market these days

>> No.10585888

About tree fiddy

>> No.10586132
