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10577403 No.10577403 [Reply] [Original]

Why would they let BTC rise?
BTC undermines fiat money and systems. it also lets plebs get rich.

50k BTC seems unacceptable from that perspective, and 100k+ would be unpalatable for them.

>> No.10577454

what do you think Mt. Gox was for? we would be 100k right now if they didnt exit scam twice

>> No.10577481


btc gonna crash to $5a coin

>> No.10577484


So point here, speculating is nonsense. you wont make it holding 1, or even 20 BTC. BTC begin 100k must not happen as far as they are concerned.

It crashed when Futures started trading last year for obvious reasons. they will always be there to kick it down from here on

>> No.10577506

So many people are getting poorer than richer with cryptocurrencies. you just live in your own bubble. also 99% of people walking on earth are not investing and they will have to switch to crypto when it's too late to invest.
and the govt is behind crypto retard that's why they don't stop it, it's not here to save you it's going to fuck everyone, complete Financial control over the world. NWO.

>> No.10577529
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>> No.10577541

They need a currency for the elite and gold is inefficient. There can only ever be 21 Million BTC and there are less than 18 Million Jews on the planet.

You figure out the rest.

>> No.10577558

Why would "the government" (which one are you referring to anyway?) want to voluntarily hand off financial control to china? Yes china still holds the majority of bitcoin hashing power.

>> No.10577559

>BTC undermines fiat money and systems. it also lets plebs get rich.
But it does not undermine their control.

>> No.10577587


no matter what they do, they can never ever get even a small fraction of BTC supply. most BTC is in long term cold storage or lost, and wont be traded.

So BTC is a thorn in their sides, it doesnt matter how efficient i is. to make BTC their coin, they make all the plebs who own it rich, while gaining nothing. The only way they can control it is by making leveraged future contracts where 1 BTC deposit = 10BTC on paper. so they dilute the supply, and use the leverage there to control price. thats how they kill it. if they dont, it will hit 100k because of economics. it wont now.

>> No.10577626

if it goes down we buy in cheaper and make more money down the road. crypto is still in the early days, i said, desperate to believe im still an early adopter.

>> No.10577679

the elite if you prefer, bloodlines like rothschild and such. people who are behind the UN.

>> No.10577705


the more "institutional" support we see, the worse it will be. BTC will trade in a range forever now.
some altcoins which might be the next Microsoft will be where money is. but there are probably only going to be one or two.

>> No.10577720

Btc is like a virus that takes over the host. Im telling you satoshi released something that cant be put back in the bottle. I dont care of every gov in the world bans it. Eventually it will form the backbone of a new global economy based on sound money where gold failed to do so. Imo

>> No.10577733

You are still at despair.

>> No.10577755


it can anon. its very sad.

21 million BTC right?

make an exchange which offers leveraged trading backed by asset. so for every 1 BTC on exchange there exists a single 10 BTC contract.

Now the elite can have as little as 100k BTC, but control 10million BTC functional active liquidity. The more exchanges there are, the more it will happen. sadly, every single "progression" this year has been an exchange that will offer futures. not just plain old underlying asset exchange at 1:1.

this is how they fuck BTC, like they do with gold.

>> No.10577985

its not up to anyone what the price will be, it reacts directly to market forces
the more useful it is, and rarer it is, the more it will cost

even if banks buy up loads of btc to try and crash the market, when they do it, there will be people buying as much as they can at low prices, making it harder for banks to buy back as much as they had before and keep enough to manipulate price

its only a losing battle for them

>> No.10577989

bitcoin price goes up with adoption. and i iexpect us to be higher in a couple years then we are at now in terms of adoption. thats a reasonable expectation. it can fall but you will make it back. its a pretty safe bet so go ahead and sell everything even what you cant afford to lose and put it all into bitcoin

>> No.10578006

they will try, but everyone knows if you dont own the private keys, you dont own it

and there will be transparent exchanges that won't do this fractional reserve trickery

>> No.10578050

even if btc fails the first time or gets taken over, it can be forked or relaunched easily with fixes, in the past 100 years, nobody has been hungry for sound money, the very idea of btc cannot be reversed now

>> No.10578063

more people with money makes poor people weaker and offers a new shield of new millionaires to get rekt by poooooor pppl

>> No.10578083

>thinks 100k times 10 is 10 million
>thinks exchanges have unlimited liquidity
>uses reddit spacing
you're in a horrible state to express your opinion to others, better go read a book or do something productive, you won't make it this way

>> No.10578092

leveraged trading is still backed by the asset you mong. loaners lend the bitcoin which is bought on the market.

things like futures, options and other derivitive products are the things to worry about. but there is next to no volume for those products anyway (they already exist). just look at how dead cboe is.

>> No.10578133


eventually, but that is a dumb bet imo. how long has this gone on with gold? nobody tries to redeem it, nobody cares. the amount of gold in existence is tiny compared to the amount of gold that is represented on the market due to these bullshit contracts. if just a small number of people tried to redeem it all it would cause cluster fuck but that just wont happen.

this will happen with BTC now.

Forks are possible, but its still very easy to create contracts of the next fork very fast once the infrastructure is already here.

>> No.10578182


i added a zero as i was typing fast, but how the hell does that invalidate the concept? are you that dumb? use whatever numbers you want.

if they have a contract where 1 BTC is required to have 100 BTC contract, they can claim "physically backed still". they only need 100k BTC to control half the entire supply in LIQUID trading forces.

thats exactly how it works friend. it only takes maybe 10 different big exchanges offering this service to vastly over power waht is really physically traded. already, there is 15Billion of such contracts traded a day, while BTC is only at 5 billion physically.


it is, but not 1:1 lol. come on man. this is exactly what im talking bout, did you read it? futures and derivative markets are leverage based. a 10 BTC contract can be backed by 1 BTC and still be considered asset settled instead of cash settled. this is how they control BTC now. we are quite fucked.

>> No.10578498

when lightning network makes btc usable as a currency, then it will actually be used for transactions for various things, which means keeping fake btc on an exchange is gonna be dumb these fractional things will implode when that happens, if they even get created before lightning takes off

if you can't get your btc off the exchange and into a wallet, then its fake btc that can't be used to buy gummi bears or something online, it'll be easy to figure out

as for gold, the reason they can get away with paper contracts is nobody demands physical delivery because it's heavy, takes up space, is not used in transactions and is risky to store, all of this is far less applicable to btc

>> No.10579078


You can't stop it. As a politician if you don't use it as a vehicle to expand your personal wealth, someone else will.

Decentralization is bribing every government official at the same time.