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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10577090 No.10577090 [Reply] [Original]

>CEO dumping millions of tokens on Binance
>broken blockchain
>0 enterprise activity
>zero demand for cuck powers
>no immutability as any transaction can be reversed by Shady Loo

>> No.10577114
File: 70 KB, 952x624, 1525691117782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been exposed as a scam countless times. Are you new?

>> No.10577171 [DELETED] 



Why have you made at least 5 anti-VeChain threads in the past couple of hours?

>> No.10577219



Why are you making so many threads

>> No.10577246

all of it's paid fud anon..jk its a scam

>> No.10577260

Give it a fuckin rest foxy

>> No.10577270

I assume its to see retarded monkeys like you dance around desperately trying to defend this joke of a shitcoin. I gotta say it's quite entertaining.

>> No.10577306

Attention 4chan!

I recently came upon 4chan when a friend recommended I visit the sites for a few laughs. I figured "What the hell? I could use some laughs." I must say that when I came on I was disgusted and not amused at all. Why you ask? Because everything on this entire site is literally shit! I mean yes there is funny pictures posted every now and then. But honestly; Do any of you little shits have a life? I mean are you so immature and unintelligent that you find things like cartoon porn and random naked woman shaking their boobs funny?

GROW UP! Grow up 4chan. You all seriously need a reality check, You could be doing so many things in the day, yet you all choose to sit around on your fucking fat ugly asses and post pictures and then make sarcastic or idiotic comments like "tits or gtfo" and "o rly?".

Get off you fat asses and do something better with your life. I mean all of you have no life, no social life either for that matter. The supposed "girls" that come on here and converse with you are just as much losers are you, they are either fatter then fatty-tan or a term you'd better understand "A trap".

Well I've put in my two cents, and on a last note, I will do everything in my power to expose this site to people who will react legally upon this disgusting filthy site. This is not the end. It's just beginning. Grow up!


>> No.10577377
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I don't know what the cause is but it's really annoying. Holy crap biz sucks compared to a year ago, which was still shit compared to the year before that.

I sincerely hope it is paid FUD because it's disturbing to think that one person cares so much about VeChain that they post about it every 15 minutes.

>> No.10577396

What has happened to /b/. Even half a year ago things were different. Things were constantly changing. If you didn't go on /b/ for a couple of days, you would miss out on something. There would be something new you didn't understand. There were truly epic threads.

Now, you could be gone a week and it would be the same. There's some "you laugh, you lose" threads which have the same old shit. There's some motivational poster threads which have the same old shit. And there's camwhores who claim they will deliver (but don't) if we count to 10. And we can't even prove that they won't because of people bitching about them.

There are shit copypastas all over the board. "Shit was so cash" and all the rest. There is no original content anywhere. For all you know, this post that I'm typing right now could be a copypasta in a few days.

>tl;dr: /b/ has stopped changing.

>> No.10577414
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>paid FUD

>> No.10577434

Gentlemen, I just entered my aviary, within which I own two pink necklaceatiels, these birds are scared to hell of me and will go nuts when I am inside. I began scaring them, making them fly over the small aviary, eventually I picked one and made sure he never had any rest in between fear-flights. Once he was tired, I began to corner him, I grabbed ahold of him, he began biting and clawing at me, I threw him onto the ground, and kicked him. I did not expect him to be alive after this, but he was very much so - and still quite feisty, but unable to really fly now. I pulled down my pants and got on my knees, I began masturbating with my left hand, while I had the bird in my right hand. I was holding onto him by his tail feathers, keeping him upside-down, whenever he would attempt to fly away, I would whack him against the wired wall of the aviary. Eventually his tail feathers fell off, he fell to the ground - he made no attempt to escape. I latched onto him, he began biting me. Whenever he would try to chew on me, I would cease masturbating and flick him in the head and mildly tighten my grip. Two minutes pass and the bird's eyes start to close, his head is tilting whichever way gravity wishes, no longer shaking in fear at what is happening to him. Soon after, the bird is dead. While it was not my intention to kill him, I was pleased at this moment, as it gave me the opportunity to cum on his face, which I would not have attempted to do so easily while he was alive and attempting to bite anything he could. I get up, my legs and pants are covered in birdseed and feathers, I leave them off, knowing I'll need to clean up. I throw the corpse at the second bird as I leave the aviary. It has been about half an hour, that second bird has not moved an inch since I left; it is very possible that he will die of pure stress.

>> No.10577443

lmao i love this pic. it literally destroys every shitcoin shill. just post the pic and then its /thread. no one can even refute it because 99% of cope is encompassed in this picture and for 99% of the time it fits perfectly.

especially for trx, veshit and ripple hodlers lmao.

>> No.10577449

(309) 824-4779

>> No.10577460

Get a life

>> No.10577459

I have been keeping and saving any and all spiders I find running around my house. I keep them alive in little tuba wear containers and drop in crickets or whatever random feeder bugs I find at the local petsmart. Anyway,

I recently have erected a spider battle arena out of cardboard and sugar cubes. I have about 22 spiders in surplus and plan to make them do one on one combat in a tournament of epic proportions. The loser is devoured by the winner and the winner becomes stronger. He then lives on to do battle against the next opponent. Whichever spider is left standing after the other 21 have died will go on to the final round. There is a prey mantis I bought at the vivarium named Charley. The final spider gladiator will do battle with Charley the mantis. If the spider actually manages to beat Charley he will be declared the king of spider land and flushed down the toilet afterwards.

>> No.10577468

Tfw I made this meme
Still proud of it
I updated it btw and had added more red arrows pointing down to indicate this coin dumped more than it gained

>> No.10577482

More like many of us got lured into the trap of vechain shills
U know anyone who questioned this shitcoin back then was heavily shunned

Now that we expose this shitcoin we are called “paid fudsters”
Nice try shill
Go fuck yourself

>> No.10577490

Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, /b/...

Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, /b/, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!

And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman. I was raped. My virginity taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, And between you and me something amazing happened...and now I can talk to animals! Its really cool! But totally a secret. And you know what? Life's never been the same.

>> No.10577491

Can you post the updated version?

>> No.10577532
File: 81 KB, 952x624, F737E940-67A6-45FF-B38F-E80798570D9B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here fella

>> No.10577550

When I was about nine, I had recently gotten a Nintendo Entertainment System from a garage sale down the road, the first gaming system I ever had. One game that I bought was Super Mario Brothers 3, the final chapter of the widely-acclaimed SMB trilogy, which like in the original Super Mario Brothers consisted of Mario/Luigi chasing after Princess Toadstool (whose name has since been bastardized to 'Peach'). Back on topic though; I popped in the game in my new NES and pressed Start. I started at World 1, of course, and began playing. During this, I got used to the controls, map, and all that jazz. After all, it IS supposed to be kinda like a tutorial level. So I had advanced to World 2, "Desert Land" and I was moving along rather smoothly. In the back of my mind, I knew that at some point the levels would start to get more difficult. I soon noticed a tile, one unlike the other tiles (Toad houses, numbered tiles, etc). It appeared to be some cross-hybrid of flowing diarrhea and sand, which caught my attention. I navigated my way to the tile, and hit the A button and was warped to what appeared to be a normal level; there even was a happy sunshine in the top left corner! As I side-scrolled my way through the level, the fucking sun decided to go apeshit and sodomize me repeatedly until I finally broke down in tears, throwing my controller at the ground screaming for my mom. That fucking bastard.

And no, this is not copy pasta.