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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 500x374, Frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10573103 No.10573103 [Reply] [Original]

I began my path to passive income today!
Made a youtube channel and now it has 50 subs and 600 or so views on my first video with lots of comments and likes. People like my content and I'll make another video tomorrow!

Who else has legitimate ways of making passive income?

>> No.10573119

Sounds great anon! Post your channel for more subs!

>> No.10573128

Bad idea. Don't expose /pol/ to your comments section.

>> No.10573149

I got banned since apparently it's advertising, so I've been somewhat reluctant to. It's pretty rough now, but basically my channel is going to translate rap ebonics into grammatically correct english with classical music backing it. Next video will have both sets of lyrics fly across the screen too. Fuck it, I'm going to sleep soon so the mods can kill me if they want


>> No.10573152

You fuckikt stupid if you don't use this bump
More comments mean you videos get listed more at the top and are more often shown in recommends

You not gonna make it

>> No.10573159

it actually appeals to them, so I don't care. Eventually it might get picked up by normies but I don't know.

>> No.10573164

Glad you've taken proactive steps to make it anon. Most people don't.

>> No.10573186

This is actually really comfy to listen to. Your mic is shit senpai but aside from that, I would totally listen to this.

>> No.10573194

thank you fellow bizraelite. After my next paycheck I will probably purchase a cheap mic since i recorded this with my laptop and I wanted to gauge interest first.

>> No.10573487

if you have a smartphone try that, might have better quality.

>> No.10573507
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1533059683989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some funny shit

>> No.10573580

That was actually really well done I thought. Get a better mic and make more!

>> No.10574232

I have some mobile games earning a bit and I "sell" stuff on RedBubble,Zazzle etc. . Right now it is not enough to live off of it, but I am working on it. Next big thing for me is to make a game with a quality high enough to sell it on Steam.

>> No.10574254
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1525772536-302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to your future shilling on this website.

>> No.10574255
File: 11 KB, 228x209, sherman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending day working on a video
>passive income

>> No.10574269

>video will continue to earn for OP without any additional effort required

>> No.10574279

Tell me more how 10 videos will rake up hundreds or thousands of dollars every month and stay at the top of the youtube algorithm.

>> No.10574317

Oh I didn't realize the thread was titled

Even if he only makes 1 cent a week for the rest of his life on that video, it's still passive income.

So fuck off you boring snob.

>> No.10574335

He won't though... that's not how YouTube works. You won't even get 1 cent on a video from 5 years because it's buried under millions of good, professional videos from that time and they don't get clicked either. Only classics and weird algorithm abominations will stay and get views and not much desu.

>> No.10574336

Do you design the stuff yourself or pay someone on Fiverr to do it for you?

>> No.10574339

Angry Wagie or brainless NEET detected.

>> No.10574341

You're totally right man. Fuck everything is hopeless. I'm going to become a bitter loser like you, thanks anon!

>> No.10574379

YouTube is literally waging you retards... you can't outsource shit if you're creative. Just create a website, a clothing line, a platform and outsource ASAP. It's also way better than YouTube because YouTube is like renting, you're getting paid as long as you're on the platform.
A website, platform and brand you can sell in the end.

>> No.10574385

Both. I sometimes buy art and modify it. Since I do not have a big budged, I try to be as resourceful as possible and graphic is the biggest time and money waster.( At least for me it is). I may hire someone in the future to draw lewd anime girls, since Steam is now very liberal with all this weaboo stuff. There is definitely enough money in it to at least try, but right now I am doing a proper game.

>> No.10574399

lmao this is actually funny

>> No.10575326
File: 38 KB, 590x657, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do ebay dropshipping from amazon to ebay and I have a friend who does all the order/messages for me so I just collect cash and pay him a little every month.
I also have a youtube channel on which I uploaded basically nostalgia TV commercials becasue why not way back in 2010 but those videos gain 20+ mil views and in 2014 I started making money off of that channel from google adsense (100$-150$ approximetly a month) but sadly 2 months ago the channel got demonetized and I had to apply for review to enable monetization again and I'm still waiting for response.If I don't get approoved whatever I milked it enough for 4 years it was fun.

>> No.10575494

Moar passive income ideas. I'm hoping to start a drop shipping business soon.

>> No.10575565
File: 87 KB, 612x639, L0H3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty funny actually, but you need a better mic. Not sure how to get the best voice quality. Youtube it.

>> No.10575606

Passive income is all the frens we made

>> No.10576532

>some alt-right nazi trying to leech off of superior black culture

>> No.10576841

YouTube is self employment more than it is passive income.

Someone can sign themselves up for some passive income if they want dividends off my diamond jewelry project, but that’s just called investment.

>> No.10577894

Post channel maggot

>> No.10578171

What's some good passive income options that don't require money? (other than Youtube of course, not saying it's a bad option just wanting to see others too)

>> No.10578502

YouTube absolutely requires money if you want it to be serious

>> No.10578553

How come?

>> No.10578578

Android apps are a pain in the ass to keep on Google Play, every so often Google requires you come back and fill out more paperwork.

>> No.10578608

making youtube videos isn't passive you retards

>> No.10578863

I'm working on building an affiliate marketing website that will become passive with time, but I can't decide what freelancer to hire.

>> No.10578905

Whites want to be black so bad but always talk shit behind their backs. Why?

>> No.10578984


>> No.10579014
File: 16 KB, 632x179, 45554366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck no,this is all you are getting

>> No.10579061

>What if P. Bateman was a wigger?
now for my morning routine

>> No.10579087

Many whites have bought into the "poplar cucha" because from the time they were infants they were babysat by the electrodigital Jew.

>> No.10579166


nobody wants to be a nigger. niggers have crashed and never recovered. dev team has halted all work

>> No.10579188

This has been done so many fucking times. Chappelle Show, high school talent shows and zillions of other places. Probably funny if you’ve never seen it done before. That being said it’s a good niche. Keep it up.

>> No.10579211


>> No.10579213

>2k for basically doing nothing

>> No.10579251

fuck all that work though

>> No.10579257

Buying good equipment. Someone clicking on your video who sees that it's in 240p with a muffled microphone will not watch it.

>> No.10579354

Anyone here ever publish a book and have any experiences they are willing to share?

>> No.10579568

Shit, I don't want to believe you but let's say you were very lucky

>> No.10579785
File: 899 KB, 763x832, chadddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am a neet now im a neet with some income thanks to muh arb bot (took 3 years for this brainlet to get it to work) make on avg 15% a month but it seems thats some godly number b/c even after i said that 95% of the profits goes to bills im a larp that should KMS

gonna be rich one day but faggots think it can be done in a year or two

>> No.10580121

Don't you have to pay taxes on all that shit? fuck dat nigga

>> No.10580259

dude i watched your vid last night. kek'd hard, big market opening for mocking rap fags

>> No.10580274

invest in a blue yeti. absolutely worth it

>> No.10580940
File: 154 KB, 595x649, 51dd5af7120a3b9fc1e7255713f30a478be99400640e3e07ea66c0eedb819d58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I hate rap so much.

>> No.10581763

Just released a new one

>> No.10581801

Nice shilling thread. Maybe some zoomers will fall for your crap.

>> No.10581874

T.boomer who actually likes the stuff

>> No.10582492

look at this over dramatic little spaz faggot

>> No.10583006

i dont get ppl who slave away making all this content just to make a hundred bucks in ad revenue when you can just go work at mcds part time

>> No.10583889

I own a publishing company. It’s not passive income to publish. I mean, it is if you already have a large audience engaged, otherwise books, like all things have a lifespan of profitability.

>> No.10584069 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 521x522, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get BAT and make more moneys

>> No.10584098

lmao pretty good, not super original but definitely feels like some 2007-2009 youtube shit

>> No.10584113

look at yourself

>> No.10584157
