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10573063 No.10573063 [Reply] [Original]

Watch as the corefags try to defend this with low iq shill tactics like ad homemim attacks on Roger Ver and le epic bcash meme.

Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin and that’s the hardersr red pill to swallow

>> No.10573078
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Desperate bcashies being raped by Bitcoin dominance.

>> No.10573142

I don’t give a fuck about your dominance meme, you’re still way down from last August when bcash launched btw

>> No.10573216

So you're saying Bitcoin is a better choice for speculators, while bch will need to become less volatile so it can be used as a currency. Glad I sold at $2,500.

>> No.10573230

>bitcoin had more dominance when barely any major altcoins existed
Nobody cares

>> No.10573355

you bcashies cared about the dominance meme during the bullrun when shitcoins had massively inflated market caps
not so much now when it's apparent shitcoins are worthless and btc is king as always

>> No.10573374

>Watch as the corefags try to defend this
i think they and everybody else have literally forgotten bcash even exists anymore.

there's no longer a fight between two "sides", people just stopped caring about bcash.

>> No.10573489
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this is what deluded bcashies don't realize. they're so brainwashed to believe they're the majority in their echo chamber.

>> No.10573549

Lmao. Btrash, Shitcoin. What the fuck does it matter. They both will bow down to Monero one day.

>> No.10574297

>such as corecuck
kys reddit fuckwit

>> No.10574549

Just give up, you're holding roger's bags that he sold to you after he pumped the shitcoin. What a retard.

>> No.10574557


why not read what the early adopters say about scaling?

why do u need ppl in 2018 talking about scaling when u can see what satoshi and early adopters say. follow their vision if you want to be part of btc, if not just join bch or make ur own version.

if u want to be part of btc then follow the history properly

>> No.10574590

oh a boring bcash shill thread.

>> No.10575093
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BTC isn't following that vision.

>> No.10575454
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>3: Claims for return of bitcoins (BTC) will be repaid in BCH.
>This is for simplicity and efficiency, avoiding bank transfer fees and allowing creditors to receive payment in the same currency they lost. The proposal also suggests that any altcoins (coins other than BTC or BCH) held by the trustee be liquidated for transfer.

L O L. I'm all in on Bitcoin Cash but surely this can't be true?

>> No.10575658

How about you stop being a brainlet and read the actual source instead of some shitty article on a shitty site.

>> No.10575694
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I'm just having a bit of fun, honey.

>> No.10576525
File: 98 KB, 936x293, cashie crashie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go and shill your 0.97 bags elsewhere cashew.

>> No.10576593
File: 37 KB, 960x540, ruffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right, at 10 ratio its a great time to buy in. future you will thank you.

>> No.10576960
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