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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10567072 No.10567072 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz, I don't like to get political but fuck, the U.S. taxrate is literally bullshit.
I'm ringing people up as a cashier and watching people give away an added TEN percent sales tax. And you're buying a gun? That's almost a guaranteed 100$ tax if not more.

They already tax each paycheck, and I'm still dependent (somewhat ironic for this post) so I don't have to file an annual income tax at least, but others still have to, and I'll have to eventually.

Oh, own a property? Don't forget twice a year property tax. Don't pay? We'll take that, thank you.

I like free markets and true capitalism, so a small tax rate is justifiable in that type of govt.

But we just pay shitloads out our poor assholes. And for what? Gibsmedats to incentive more tax supporters to mooch off citizens and the military's self created wars so it can justify the taxrate. That's great.

If you are a govt worker I pray to John Travolta you get fired and we slash taxes to .05%.
Make do with that.

This is also a huge advantage to anonymity tokens. It provides a way to hide from this theft if done right. (Xvg, vtc, safex, xmr, zcash, 0x etc...)

What do you guys think about my blog post?
And why don't you see this as a top issue for the USA? If solved people will have truer wealth and other problems will even self correct, like the size of some of the bubbles were in could drop imo, just as an example

>> No.10567138

yup. better start sucking government dick now

>> No.10567161

>I'm ringing people up as a cashier and watching people give away an added TEN percent sales tax
it's up to 27% in europe...

>> No.10567201

But our tax is included in the price. If the tag says 10 euros, you pay 10 euros period. In amurigga, you pay 10 dollars and the tax value

>> No.10567223

They're asking the top senators how much btc they own so they can taxthem.
And I believe thats how they started income taxes before ww2.

I've also heard when you come back from intl travel they ask you to report crypto holdings. If we make massives gains like we expect, non anonymity token holders are gonna get raped by uncle sam

>> No.10567243

That's retarded as shit.
Does the money just go to immigrants like in USA or where

>> No.10567314

the only outcome is that dumb normies don't even know this tax exist.
most goes to social welfare, of which most goes to 'minorities' (not for long though)

>> No.10567364

Rather irrelevant, if the tax is included in the price, the original gets bumped up to incorporate it. Why do you think many things are more expensive in europe even accounting for sales tax in the US?

>> No.10567382

Found the 17-year-old libertarian high school senior who took AP economics and thinks he understands personal finance. I'm a CPA and am lol'ing at your post. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.10567406
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>he pays taxes

>> No.10567420

american tax rate is literally better than every other western country what are you talking about you dumb nigger

>> No.10567583

That's the stupidest argument for the situation
>My boats sinking half as slowly as all the other ones. We're still gonna drown, just not as quickly as them.

>> No.10567597

I wonder what changed anon? Who could have the incentives to raise taxes to pay for latinos while forcing families to work full time, leaving children to state care?

I wonder

>> No.10567618


Our tax rate is fairly low compared to other industrialized nations but citizens get a lot less to show for it. Wars and wasteful military spending to repay bribes, corporate handouts, gibs to useless brown people... and we overpay for all that due to corruption and pure wastefulness/incompetence. We nationalize losses and privatized gains due to corruption that benefits a small, small number of well connected (((people))). At least Europe gets cheap/“free” university education, a social safety net for workers, and accessible healthcare for all they pay out in taxes. At least we’re not the UK where people get taxed for each closet they have in their home.

>> No.10567644

op you just gotta get rid of the money-stink, refuse the money world entirely and you too can be a poor idiot getting awesum gimmedatz from idiotic taxpayers. You will get to enjoy all the great services and experiences hard working people have been paying for due to the GUBBERMAN stealing all their money by force.

Once we get rid of the gubberman though you will likely be shot

>> No.10567677

This is honestly one of the better strategies I can think of.
Despite it's degeneracy

>> No.10567743

>At least we're not x
Way to cope
This is a useless mentality thats allowing us to lose the freedoms our ancestors had

>> No.10567780

>american tax rate is literally better than every other western country
only because your government does insane degrees of debt financed deficit spending.

>> No.10567792

Yes, but the end result is normies don't even know they are paying more so they will vote for tax increases since they don't even realize they are paying the tax

>> No.10567944

We enabled these unreal taxes because we got emotionally duped on 9/11.
And now we're all waiting for the chickens to come home to roost because we blew all our money on war and the MIC.
The funny thing is we could deflate a lot of these bubbles by paying debts off if we cut back all our bullshit spending

>> No.10568032

I can't wait till OP starts bitching about how he can't afford healthcare and he thinks other people should be paying for it

>> No.10568556

>I want lower taxes for people meaning less gibs
>Just so I can have higher taxes that covers healthcare
Damn man do you ever use that tiny brain you have?

>> No.10568650

>They already tax each paycheck, and I'm still dependent (somewhat ironic for this post) so I don't have to file an annual income tax at least

Yeah you do you just can’t claim yourself. Enjoy jail kid.

>> No.10568715

I thought you don't have to if you make under 15k

>> No.10568751

You probably will get all the money you paid back but you still have to file

>> No.10568768

>added TEN percent sales tax
Stop complaining, imagine this
>24% sales tax
>34% capital gains tax/crypto tax
crypto-crypto is taxed, no way to deduct losses
>Up to like 50% income tax

>> No.10568834

Tax is a necessary evil. Most services the government provides are needed so you can make any money in the first place. If you didn't have police, courts, prisons, roads and yes, even the dipshit firefighters, all needed to create an enviroment where moneymaking is possible. Otherwise it's a shithole where everyone is poor like most of the world outside of western countries.

People who make more money are the ones who clearly benefit the most from the status qou society provides and thus are obligated to pay the most to sustain it.

For example, if they took away all the gibmedats (a tiny fraction of the budget) then you'd just get robbed and murdered even more than ever before. It's a bribe to keep the peace.

>> No.10568869

>police, courts, prisons, roads and yes, even the dipshit firefighters
holy shit nigger what's the share of the state expenditures taht go to those ends? 5%? fucking christ the state of boomers with alzeimer's

>> No.10568936

I don't want to imagine this

I want people to keep the value they create and avenues open for them to do it.

I want to unleash the power of humanity like we've done before. You get there with freedoms and opposing oppressive ideals.

>> No.10568952

>that annoying CPA faggot who uses his Jewed banker vocabulary and thinks anyone who says otherwise is just stupid

>> No.10569024

In the USA, different taxes go to different services. Property taxes go to local schools, sales taxes go to all kinds of dumb shit, federal income taxes all go to social security, medicare/medicaid and defense, gas taxes go to roads, ect. Generally it's designed so that if you don't use or benefit a particular service, you don't really end up paying the tax that funds it.

Whatever fag city or state you live in is responsible for that sales tax so if you don't like it then you can move.

>> No.10569048

>So if you don't like it then you can move.
It's not that easy to just get up and fucking move queer.

>> No.10569101

You have a few options
Start your own business so you can control your taxable income
Get rich enough to where you basically just pay capital gains
Quit your job and become a welfare neet
Pretend you never realized that taxes are raping you and go back to wagecucking, and concentrate on frugality and the slow lane

>> No.10569110

If you have enough money to bitch about local taxes you have enough to pack your shit and move, nerd.

>> No.10569269

This is the most unorganized post I've seen on this board.

>> No.10569402

You're right it is necessary
The rate of this shit right now is unreal and is sapping hard working regular people from achieving success in America.
>We need money for the schools
School is shit today all over the world. You almost learn nothing truly valued(exceptions)

>Muh medicine
Medicine is overpriced as fuck. I honestly don't know shit about that setup but the govt and insurance companies sure do like to work together.

It seems like wherever the tax money goes overtime the shittier it gets so that they can milk more out of taxpayers.