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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 765 KB, 1342x1940, 1528925175969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10566364 No.10566364 [Reply] [Original]

I love money edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

>How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed]

Suggested books:
>A random walk down Wall Street (Malkiel 12th edition)

Previous thread: >>10557987

>> No.10566378

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10566391
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First for you don't change the OP for your own dumb shit

>> No.10566404

post man tits

>> No.10566406
File: 645 KB, 702x1024, fuckyou2scoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal shit
>livestream for /smg/
>personal shit
Y u so homoseks, anon?

>> No.10566428 [DELETED] 
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I have my eye on 3 big trades for the rest of the year. It sucks that as I increase time dedicated to gathering more data points all I get is potential trades. It's very hard to see more than 1-2 great trades every 3-4 months and most are dependent on events to become something I'd invest in.

Every single investor needs to read this chart and understand what it means though. If you don't, you shouldn't invest rest of the year.

>> No.10566439

Quick Reminder: If you're on Stocktwits join the Stock Market General room https://www.stocktwits.com/r/SMGOfficial

>> No.10566445
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First for Footures!

>> No.10566460
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Because personal projects are not relevent to the whole community
A certain faggot who makes a podcast doesn't link his or her in the OP, because 90% of the readers of smg don't give a shit. I'd wager that many people don't give a shit about some live stream.
The OP is for informational and educational purposes only, not for shilling your garbage

>> No.10566478
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>> No.10566487

Whoever recommended ROAD I'm buying in. Not just because of fake news Trump infrastructure shit that will never happen either. But because I like crashed IPOs.

Anyone else have some synergistic memestock opportunities to amplify and synergize my unrealized losses tally?

>> No.10566494
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>Anon gets into investing in stock
>makes good gains
>Big5Cuck appears like a fucking villain from Kaiji, and tells Anon to invest in HMNY to become rich quickly
>Anon tells him to fuck off and that HMNY will die this year
>Anon gets into big financial problems
>decides to buy HMNY stock in hopes of a reverse split
>HMNY ends up hitting seven cents per stock causing Anon to lose all of his gains

>> No.10566510
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Bwrekshir Haffaway!

>> No.10566511

You really can't blame other people for your choices. It's a very bad mentality.

>> No.10566532

Not my intention. The whole HMNY saga feels like something out of Kaiji. You can make a story out of it.

>> No.10566536

Im surprised, with all the people that hate him, that he doesnt have a mob of angry doxxers at his doorstep everyday

>> No.10566549

I actually wrote the shitty ROAD DD piece

What makes you think busted IPOs have potential ?

I think ROAD is a fundamentally sound and profitable business with decent growth potential

>> No.10566559
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We need to make a separate thread called /tripfag social/.

>> No.10566566

He's posted face a few times, I wouldn't be surprised if a shadowy cabal of autism is working on that right now

>> No.10566578

not only that, he posts places he goes to
Someone could easily be tracking

>> No.10566583

Don't blame Big5, blame yourself. You should be doing your own DD and TA anyways.

>> No.10566585

(((they))) are building that right now on stocktwits, only they are going to have Big Fag Guy as a mod to crush any dissent.
Imagine the trip circle jerk, but worse

>> No.10566595

No it was BaggieDisfunctionnaire who posted his face

Do you have the pics in question ?

>> No.10566610

Sadly I do not, but we had a few threads of face posters.
Baggy posted himself on a bed with funny little legs
Big 5 posted himself with his girl friend
RKG fan posted a selfie of himself
aaaand one other guy did too, but I can't remember who

>> No.10566612

I'm literally only doing this for you guys.
I have much better things to do with my life; there's 2 or 3 monetizable projects that I could have been working on instead.
A lot of anons on here were looking forward to doing call ins.

>> No.10566620

It is a sound business and I like busted IPOs cause overshoot on their way down from the predictible IPO crash and you can buy them for cheap. Also almost zero hype for stocks like this and coverage on this one in particular is basically zero.

>> No.10566635
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All personal projects must be deleted from the OP
I will dedicate my life to protecting the sanctity of the OP

>> No.10566642 [DELETED] 

yeah, you have the same problem of doing this instead of making AGI?

>> No.10566652

>can't remember who
I think I faceposted like 2 or 3 times in that thread

Alright, if you're not interested in doing call-ins and nobody else really is, I guess I'll just call off the livestream for August 11th.
No problem, famalam.
Is everyone happy with this decision?

>> No.10566654

no shit you stupid faggot, if we don't get normies to buy in who else is going to buy our bags that we collected here??

i swear this thread is so fucking stupid sometimes.

>> No.10566656

Can someone give me a crash course or a good place to start on how to understand buying and selling stocks?

>> No.10566673

this is what everyone needs to watch


Will give you a good mentality

>> No.10566682

Don't be a martyr faggot. Just do it but don't put it in the OP
Hello Big5

>> No.10566688

Investopedia and read The Intelligent Investor. The idea is to buy low and sell high.

>> No.10566739
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>both Anon and Big5Cuck are fucked
>Anon tries to blame Big5Guy, but realizes that he's a hypocrite for investing in HMNY despite saying it would die this year
>another sufferring Anon who bought LINK appears to comfort the Anon who invested in HMNY
>LINKAnon admits that they will never make it, but atleast they made friends along the way

>> No.10566751

My friend recommended me that book just days ago. Looks like I’ll try and find it now that the magic 88 dubs told me to

>> No.10566754

Have $1200, what's good? Haven't been watching the markets for a few months. I'm an /index/ faggot.

>> No.10566774
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shitty teachers make shitty students
keep quoting your quotes without analyzing the situation, you define yourself through your posting

you aren't wrong in any case, just people looking for the smartest man in the room to learn from
lots of young people here, a lot of information in the drive; but information is meaningless without being able to know how to put it into practice
the worst people in /smg/ are the ones that complain about general problems with general complaints to the room, anons and big5; focus on the problem, ignore the namefags, sign off and read some or leave
you'd think a thousand people with a common interest would be more focused than this

>> No.10566783

Alright, comfer, I can tell you've just switched to avatarfagging instead (good choice of anime gril btw) -- you're welcome to put a link to your podcast in the OP as well.

I know we used to mention your failed hedge fund in the OP, which was alright. Did somebody give you shit about putting the podcast in the OP?

I genuinely believe that people are looking forward to call-ins. If you think I'm one-upping you with this livestream, I'm totally sorry. I really am genuinely inspired by what you were trying to do with your podcasts btw. I would not have done even the practice livestream last night if not for you.

I have been informed that I am unfortunately doing shit at work and can no longer post here on the weekdays.
So, like bearfag, I'm going to have to get really inactive on here because having a full-time job sucks. I really miss college and being able to dick around a whole lot on fun projects.
This also means I can't actively promote it for a full week in advance, which is what would be necessary for this to be successful.
So, I want it pasted in the OP, so that it's a habitual thing of carrying over this info, which I can't do -- due to having a stupid fucking job.

>> No.10566788

buy QQQ

>> No.10566812

Comfy is dead, all trips should die.
I think it's a good idea that you do a live call in show you mong. Clearly, comfy is too retarded to get a mic to work, so you should do it because he can't do it
Putting a hedgefund was a mistake, though I'm pretty sure comfy didn't do it himself. And it was eventually removed at Comfys request.
You're missing the point, this isn't about who is a cool kid or not, it's about KEEPING PERSONAL PROJECTS OUT OF THE OP

>> No.10566815

There's another one? Who the fuck is this pile of sticks? Comfy finally took the cock out of his ass and another one takes his place. We've got a Tripfag hydra.

>> No.10566820 [DELETED] 

It's always been a mob and a few people driving things on this site. This thread shouldn't be surprising.

>> No.10566822

I think this is unironically an under the radar stock
Liquidity and volume are abysmal
And no hype nor coverage (lel hot asphalt mix ? give me some gene editing or tech memes please)

The risk for ROAD is actually delivering on their growth strategy and scale their fixed costs imo

>> No.10566825

Is this general usually a circle jerk of namefags?

What's the deal with fucking HMNY anyways? Anyone can plainly see it's a worthless stock with zero prospects. Even worse than DRYS, it's more like Sun Edison.

>> No.10566831

Hey but I'm benevolent. I mean you no harm fren :)

>> No.10566838

I'm predicting red in Asia. Green America futures. What are you all thinking is happening in China? I see major misplays by the government.

>> No.10566846


>> No.10566850

ACN calls for this week

>> No.10566856

The federal reserve just sold off 24 billion dollars worth of assets on August 1st. Last time they did that was on January 31st and five days later we had a flash crash. If this trend persists, the trading week beginning tomorrow will see another major sell off now that all the good news has been priced in. My best advice is to just stay out entirely until after November

>> No.10566863
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I'm doin it boys with me luck...

>> No.10566865

Yeah, it was never this bad though. These faggots don't even contribute anything of value.

>> No.10566870

Relativity. USA still looks good even as it does these things.

>> No.10566871

Won't happen until the bond yields spike and that hasn't happened.

>> No.10566875
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PEPsico manages to offer a High paying dividend on top of its superior capital growth. The Potato Chips market is completely under their control
Tostitos Scoops chips and salsa remains the simplest party option, while Lays and Cheetos are the best at home option

>> No.10566886

>What's the deal with fucking HMNY anyways?
It's a reverse split scam created by Poos. Stock price for HMNY spike up for a minute before going back to being worth a couple of pennies. The namefags are the bad guys that the Anons have to defeat.

>> No.10566895

Yeah I can see it being risky in that looks capital intensive and with relatively low margins. Eventually this will get attention through stock screens and analyst coverage with their usual overinflated price targets. My theory/ bet is that money will cycle into stocks like this due to high valuations and stagnant catalysts elsewhere. Some hype about infrastructure would send this parabolic from where it's at now.

I remember Trinity Industries, forgot the ticker symbol, similar business, did something exactly similar early last year.

>> No.10566897
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hurrrr thanks for the advice

>> No.10566902


I dare you to put into TQQQ instead you weak ass bitch niQQa

>> No.10566905

>Hasn't happened
>Federal Reserve-"Hold my beer bro"

>> No.10566908
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I made a pros and cons list of whether I should buy a call or a put on SNAP. The result is I don't know.

>> No.10566911

>Less than 2 weeks left to being called the longest bull run
>buy now!

Are you shoe shining negro who bought at the 1929 peak?

>> No.10566917

I felt like it was another DRYS type of thing. I hate it since we'll never hear the end of it cause companies take forever to die and so many suckers will be crying to get people to buy their bags forever.

>> No.10566929
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the willful ignorance of fellow traders in our group to another, newer trader being stunted angers me
the newer trader may take on riskier bets to try and recoup his losses, we have the free stuff for a reason

meanwhile we have retards taking on trips adding nothing to conversations; I see amazing dialogue from anons, and some namefags
sparklefaggots attract the most attention, eyes immediately dart to them and big5 will continue to be the rock that sinks ships and I don't condone fellow spergs losing money

>> No.10566935
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>completely ignoring 2015 correction
>completely ignoring the massive bullruns in the last 100 years

Sorry Bearfag, 3000 spx eoy, end of story

>> No.10566970


>literally the shoe shining negro
Doing the opposite of what biz says is the ultimate market indicator

Please buy a triple leveraged bull ETF and hold till November after the fed dumps over 30 billion on October 31st, almost 10 billion of which will be morgage backed securities

>> No.10566999
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What do you think of Deans foods, Anon?
>P/E 15
>PEG .8
>P/B 1.4
>investing in cows
>dividend of 3.71%
What could go wrong?

>> No.10567003
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>blah blah the same argument
doesnt matter what your small spec opinion is, Stay out of the market then, you have 0 merit

>> No.10567011

ROAD has always generated positive FCF since 2016
They have a clean balance sheet, cash on hand and undrawn credit facility.
They have 5% net margin in this hassle free business, which is decent in my opinion. But I should do a comparison with competitors.

I think this stock is really worth a try (ER on 8/9 AMC)

>> No.10567013

Those trips say BUY

>> No.10567016

Welcome to the straddle life

>> No.10567020

You can enter now, the dividend growth is terrible so dont expect it to get pumped by income investors

>> No.10567030

>he doesn’t understand so joins the bullish horde in the face of risibg interest rates and QT in conjunction


>> No.10567047

So short the market if you're so confident

>> No.10567054

Thanks bro. Every time yellen or the fed do anything it's a bloodbath. I'll watch for the dip and buy in then. Small pennies and ultimately I can just get more funds anyway. I'll have another grand to put in soon.

>> No.10567066
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I think that is the only way out of this indecisive hell.

>> No.10567084

>I don't know how to read charts: the post

>> No.10567090

Dude, those are some beautiful financial ratios... strong buy.
I'm moving that to the top of my watchlist.

>> No.10567092
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Post em

>> No.10567113

Live cattle prices about to moon, make sure that wont mess them up

>> No.10567132

Shit investor meeting
Shit financials
Shit rev growth
4 bad earnings
Search interest steadily dropping
App constantly behind Instagram

Low expectations
Shitty analysts predicting a bad Q
Still #2 on app marketplaces
Cash flow improving slowly

>> No.10567151

Agri commodity type stocks are absolutely hated by Wall-Street atm. Seems to be no bottom to the decline in commodity prices. These kinds of businesses... the P/B and P/E is deceptive because they have razor thin profit margins and trouble paying down debt. With potentially rising interest rates and awful commodity deflationary forces that have no end in sight, they're liable to announce a dividend cut.

Plus side, is the bottom of a market and low valuations, desperate management, means stronger firms havee the opportunity to aquire them. So investing is hoping for an M&A, or sitting on dead money for possibly years on end until commodities recover.

I have opinions because I bought a similar business, SVU and was sitting on those heavy bags forever, until they got B/O.

>> No.10567169

Those ratios mean shit
Their growth prospects are hopeless (söyboys, china boycotting milk)

Depending on their short ratio, you can trade a short squeeze on slightly less worse news on earnings though

>> No.10567188

Are you a fellow Buffett-sama memester ?
... are you Buffett-sama himself ???

>> No.10567197

Fuck off David

>> No.10567214
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Yeah it's the only way outside of no position. SNAP likes to move alot of earnings, see supporting chart I've been shilling all week for the Straddle play.

>> No.10567234

is it a good idea to sell short term straddle into ER then and hope for IV crush AND theta decay ?

>> No.10567235

So what you're saying is I should just buy BRK.B and stop trying?
I would like to, but as soon as old man warren dies it's going to tank to the center of the Earth
Does Warren have a chosen successor? Who is going to replace him?

>> No.10567239
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I'm assembling a team
>Benevolent (seriously where the fuck did you come from)
>Punished Comfy: An autist stripped of his trippcode
>Coming to an on topic general near you, don't miss the biggest blockbuster of the summer
>6 Fags No Content

>> No.10567251

I forgot about eternal fag. Make it 7.

>> No.10567260
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>he doesnt know about buffet Immortality

>> No.10567282

no, pick companies with good growth prospects and/or ways to improve the bottom lines
I think many people misunderstood the word "cheap" in stocks
I, for one, don't think Dean's is cheap

>> No.10567305
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I keked, screencapped for my smg meme folder!
What metrics would you use to find cheap stocks?
Isn't that what the PEG indicator is for? To find companies that are undervalued based on current projected growth?

>> No.10567315

No,the chances of no minimal movement are very slim. Theta decay is minimal w/ 17-EoM contracts.

>> No.10567330
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Alright I researched Straddles a bit. Obviously this is the strat. I would sell the bad option immediately after earnings and hold (not for long) the good option.

>> No.10567368

Bro... you are forgetting the power of that dancing hotdog

>> No.10567384

Yeah that's why I don't own BRK.B either. That and it's way up there on all the market-cap weighted ETFs. I'll buy the dip after he retires/ dies. Too much cult of personality with the company.

Just watch out for 'value traps'... some stocks that look cheap are cheap for a good reason and you can make money on them on the long-run especially for cyclical stocks, but for a regular asshole with a RH app on their phone, you don't want to sit on dead money, let the institutes and pension fund managers park their cash there.

If you want a value/ contrarian play, look at MNK. It's only down because of a concerted bear raid that recently ended. It has buybacks, huge cash flow and a P/E of about 2 and P/B under 1. It's probably popped up on your stock screener before. ER is coming up soon, too. Please buy my bags.

>> No.10567388

O.o looks like cons outweighs pros....

>> No.10567395

I'll add that to the list thanks.
Yeah they do, but if they have a good earnings I'm expecting a big bull run, even if it is just short term. Maybe I'm just doopid though.

>> No.10567397

So whats the deal with options? whats the catch? why is my broker letting me play with 100x shares of shit.
Swing trading dominating this game?

>> No.10567408

30 minutes until the bull party

>> No.10567419


>> No.10567424

please go to investopedia DOT org
>cult of personality
Warren is worthy of this cult, it will crash when he dies because he is the smartest man in the world

Can you imagine if this market crashes because Warren Buffet dies?

>> No.10567436

Why are you guys capitalists? I've read that investing exploits workers' surplus value.

>> No.10567447

I try to find ideas on a sector or a company shilled by someone (here or on other websites)
DCF model, quaterly report analysis and retarded guesses
My latest meme is HCLP

>> No.10567456

Is it possible to pull off a successful straddle for SNAP on RH?

>> No.10567473

BRK.A goes to paradise with him
BRK.B shareholders go to hell (fucking small specs lel)

>> No.10567495

What you too busy not trading this sunday to tell me what the catch is?

>> No.10567503

Did Comfy abandon his trip?

>> No.10567510

Yeah, it's for swing-trading, hoping for a big movement in the short term. Notionally they are intended as insurance for your stock prices.

They have built in leverage, so if you guess correctly you can make a ton of money, but usually, they expire worthless and you lose 100% of whatever they cost you. Price scales with the odds, accordingly.

>> No.10567518

Wealth preservation, being able to leave more of it to the next generation and giving the mean to the future talents are what make Humanity as a whole progress

People going against are socialists, the kind of people who only dream of labour camp and enslavement

>> No.10567528

The catch is you're going to be broke by Friday. Seriously, don't fuck with options until you read up on them. They are powerful, dangerous instruments. I think the meme is something like 90% of options traders lose money. I say this as someone who primarily trades options.

>> No.10567540

LCI is going to make a beautiful trade


hope so, that guy is like a booger on your thumb while you are trying to text someone on your phone

>> No.10567555

You're not counting the hotdog yet

>> No.10567564
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I think that he did, but I'm sure he will always be here among us

>> No.10567572

Options can be used as tools for leverage, but you can make 400%, or lose the entire position with ease. You absolutely have to excercise smart position sizing with options, and triple think every position you take. Absolutely do not become greedy. ALL of my options losses are not due to failed positions, they are due to becoming greedy and chasing a successful position, which sends my position to the center of the earth when it retraces. Know when to pull out or you will bankrupt yourself.

>> No.10567579

Why is it's dividend so fucking high??

>> No.10567595

YEah but it says like "maximum ammount of money to loose 192$, Max ammount to gain 1,800$"

for someone like me predicting patterns is almost second nature so what im asking is Why am i risking so little money with the potential to gain so much ?
There has to be a catch

>> No.10567623

The catch is instead of losing 5 dollars on a stock worth 100 with the possibility of it going back up, you lose 192$ with no possibility of it going back up because your option expired. If you want to take a look at what options can do for your portfolio, positive and negative, look at wallstreetbets.

>> No.10567650

What if it is down 50% what happens when i hit that max loss threshhold of 192$ does it auto cancel and im just down the 192$? Or does it let it drain my entire portfolio dry?

>> No.10567664

The catch is that a bad trade will crush your entire position to -70% with ease, just as easily as it can gain you 200%.
If you are confident in your trade, absolutely use options to leverage your gains.

Rules of thumb are:
don't buy high IV
don't buy options with less than a month to expiry, except for specialized plays
don't buy low volume options, being able to sell bad options at 50 or 60% losses is far far better than losing 100% because nobody will buy your bags
don't buy options with the intent to exercise them, but buy, wait for the option's value to increase, then sell them before volume gets a chance to dry up and leave you in the dust

>> No.10567679
File: 31 KB, 423x439, bear eating wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go read for yourself and quite being lazy. Never going to make it. I mean this in the most loving way possible. Stop begging for scraps from the masters table and control your own trading.

>I think you know that an Options contract is an agreement between a writer and buyer to buy / sell 100 shares at a certain price on a certain date
>I don't think you know how options are priced
>I don't think you know how movement in the underlying will affect how options priced

>> No.10567686
File: 445 KB, 500x518, 1532575141750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your max loss is whatever you paid to buy the option in the first place

>> No.10567693

re-learn what options are. They are nominal not relative. They decay. They are only good for movement. You pay premium for holding the leverage.

>> No.10567702

Please post total loss when you die

>> No.10567708

Honestly this is the truth. I'm still learning all of this, I shouldn't even be giving you advice. Just know that options are very high risk and this anon >>10567664 is spot on.

>> No.10567717

hey bro, this might all be too complicated for you. You should just play it safe and buy LCI

>> No.10567721

One catch is market makers, the fags that sell you and everyone these options on those strike lines, will manipulate stock prices to make sure the options out of the money. Especially once you and every other TA guy out there is thinking the same thing and buying up large amounts around the same price target.

So the catch is that options usually expire worthless. You can consider it a lot like gambling against the house. You can win big, but usually, you win small and in the long run, tend to just get nickeled and dimed until you're broke.

>> No.10567722

How the fuck is this even legal? Its too easy to make money doing this then.
Litterly any knowledge of movement or fuckign remediail TA would give u a upperhand

>> No.10567734

Imagine the entire market moves -5% on some bad macro news. You could have picked a winning stock but your call will be shit on. Whereas if you hold underlying you'd be up relative to market.

Thats one thing to consider with them.

>> No.10567737

Get going friend.

t. 80% of port in options and up 500% ytd

>> No.10567744
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>> No.10567750

Why buy LCI? It has so much debt and doesn't pay a dividend.
Sounds pretty boring desu

>> No.10567752

Where do all the ITM options go in the end? Nobody seems to exercise them and only sell them for a profit sometime before they expire, so who's buying them and presumably eventually exercising them?

>> No.10567761

HCLP is currently an MLP and they want to become a C-Corp (bears think the big boys wants to screw over the small specs... but I think management want to grow using their own cash flows)

For this to happen, they are obliged to fork out >$0.7125 dividend for the next 18 months

It is a very volatile stock. The metrics memes indicate a very cheap stock because investors are afraid (notably oil price and thus sand price)

I think the frack sand business still has a way to run and they are able to cover this kind of dividends
Plus, I like their delivery system

>> No.10567764

>generic drugs

Best of luck to you. That sector has definitely had the shit beaten out of them already, so you might be buying at the bottom.

>> No.10567769

The premium decays and people buy them. I'd imagine the people buying them actually get an edge on market slightly from doing so to get into stocks.

>> No.10567772
File: 188 KB, 600x600, 1521766859255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures Gap Green
Trader Nap approved

>> No.10567784

Big institutions that hold stock, market makers and arbitragers so they can scalp their pennies from exercising the options.

>> No.10567787

>Litterly any knowledge of movement or fuckign remediail TA would give u a upperhand

The problem with this is that all of the information you are evaluating is available to every other player in the market as well. If you think trading options is easy money, go do it for a few months and then come back and report on your results.

>> No.10567791

Nasdaq up is good news.

>> No.10567803

>It has so much debt and doesn't pay a dividend.
most of that debt isn't due till 2021. They have been paying it off early. They have many drugs in their product list and still gaining more. Just acquired 23 more and just announced a distribution agreement for Methylphenidate Hydrochloride which has 1.8billion annual market. The JSP deal will be renewed next year for other drugs aswell.

The short interest is over 50% with a market cap of only 500mill.

There really is alot going on with it, but i mean.. if you just want to glance at it and think it's boring without doing any actual DD then I'm not going to bother with someone so lazy. GL

>> No.10567817

>That sector has definitely had the shit beaten out of them already
when there is blood in the streets... oh fuck it nevermind.. you might be too new to understand... unless you were the one also saying not to buy oil when it was under $45 a barrel because "the sector had been beaten down"

>> No.10567818

Interesting stuff Anon, thank you for the run down. I will place it in my "SMG maymay" section of an excel document

>> No.10567823

Ill report back to you on monday actually, This is almost a joke if i can throw in 200$ with the chance to make 1000 on a extreemly predictable market
you fucking hip pop kids are getting free money handed to you on a silver spooon and taking it for granted.

>> No.10567848

Meh I'll probably pass on it, you're not a very good salesman desu, kind of rude

>> No.10567859 [DELETED] 

You need a better mentality asap. I tried that mentality and got burned bad. Now my stomach churns and I feel sick before open when holding options with much more success. They are super dangerous.

>> No.10567864

>Meh I'll probably pass on it, you're not a very good salesman desu, kind of rude
and you are kind of stupid.

>> No.10567879
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>> No.10567880

Wait and see what happens. It's currently on a uptrend bouncing off 52wk lows, but right now its hovering at a key resistance line at $13.30. If it can break clean $14 I'd say its a good buy.

>> No.10567897

Then go get 'em, tiger.

>you fucking hip pop kids
Fuck you. I'm retired and live off of my investment returns. I'll stack my decades of options trading experience against your pipe dreams any day of the week.

>> No.10567923

So the slight monthly drops in Real estate are going to push more capital into stocks right?

>> No.10567926

listen here child i used to have to fucking send my orders in on the fucking paper
options arent real trades its just a option for little dumb niglets like yourself to make some easy money

>> No.10567962

Sure you did.

>options arent real trades
Wouldn't even know where to begin with this idiocy.

p.s. You write like an uneducated 12-year-old.

>> No.10567983

This is the average boomer on the internet desu

>> No.10567993

Not being able to confidently predict the results/end of this China trade war is going to drive me insane.

China has the political advantage, but the US has the economic one. If you could place a bet on the cause/date of this shit ending what would it be?

Personally it seems like Trump is sandbagging as long as he can to get the "best deal" he can, but surely he has to resolve that before midterms or that backfires.

>> No.10568000

Yeah, but what's the upside to this? $17? It's not a business that will have a high multiple, they sell a commodified product. They are highly leveraged and barely turn a profit. They might make 50m in profit this year to pay down 500m in debt.

>> No.10568005

Ding Ding Ding

Futures are open if anyone is bored https://www.investing.com/indices/indices-futures

>> No.10568008
File: 123 KB, 736x437, HLCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PE: 8
>Dividend 22%
>Last year Q3 EPS: 0.32
>This year calculated Q3 EPS: 0.75
>Oil has bottomed

You guys are welcome.

>> No.10568017


>> No.10568018

Listen up young blood or whatever they call u now days, Ill see you at the fucking finish line.

>> No.10568024

We are still in holding pattern. They still have to go through the hearings phase and after that it could be months. They might delay it till after elections as well which is what I think the big market people are predicting on this round.

>> No.10568033
File: 442 KB, 250x375, 1512635502960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here can't wait for monday open

>> No.10568051

It's a big nothing burger. US-China trade is totally inelastic and the US has the upper hand. Realistically the most that will come out of it is some new minor revenue stream for the gov't that they'll mostly spend on subsidies for whoever complains about the tariffs hurting business.

>> No.10568059

>Total number of trip/namefags: 10
Lord, deliver us from this evil.......

>> No.10568060

Nah, I've already moved all my chess pieces until my next paycheck.

>> No.10568081

>Yeah, but what's the upside to this? $17?
over the 200sma to try and start an upward trend.

The debt is not a problem. They are bringing in more drugs and have been making changes to the company since old ceo left and new one came in. Get in there before the turn around not after. Be fearful when others are greedy be greedy when others are fearful.

>> No.10568095

>Be fearful when others are greedy be greedy when others are fearful.
Should I buy SNAP and GE now?

>> No.10568100

1st possibility : the chinks keep playing le strong leader meme
Definitely long USD
China will face a high risk of financial collapse and asset write-offs (what become of their sweatshops investments ? how will they prevent capital flight due to RMB devaluation)

2nd possibility : China caves in
Long US equity
Short USD
Long RMB
I wouldn't long chink equity as I don't trust their accounting principles nor think they are competitive without the protection of the state (unlike the nip companies)

>> No.10568105

>Should I buy SNAP and GE now?
Before you kys?

>> No.10568115

Why would I kill myself? They are both undervalued, have high short interest and and great contrarian plays

>> No.10568116
File: 1.81 MB, 341x376, 1520091589355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is yes.

>> No.10568137

KEK https://twitter.com/SputnikInt/status/1026234606792699905

>> No.10568146

I've been aware of this company... but they sell sand, dude. Any dipshit company can sell sand and underbid them and cut into their margins. Must be hundreds of concete companies out there with the resources to do it. It is kinda tempting, though.

>> No.10568163

I'm already at the finish line, dipshit. I'll keep an eye out for you in 20 or 30 years. I hope you make it, but I have my doubts.

>> No.10568182

>They are both undervalued
how are they undervalued? please explain in detail besides talking about the chart. I want to know how you value a company.

again. Explain how they are undervalued without talking about the chart.

>> No.10568188

If it ends, it will boost all markets short term. The dick measuring can't last forever. If Xi really wants to pressure Donald I suppose weathering the storm past Mid-terms would be the way to do it.

>> No.10568192
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I bought 500 shares of HMNY at $0.05 a share. so, it either appreciates back up to a dollar and I win or the company goes bankrupt and I've lost 6 Big Macs worth of buying power. Oh darnziedoodles.

>> No.10568194
File: 226 KB, 753x885, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNAP is possible that could be a trend/phase that might be over soon.
Higher risk in SNAP.

They are both similar stock value but Snap is losing more money at the moment. You're also getting less cash on hand and equity.

While GE is net positive next earnings quarter.

GE is safer bet. Plus dividend.

>> No.10568196

Jesus dude I just read all your posts. Do you by any chance have a very high IQ?

>> No.10568203

But they sell the HIGHEST quality of sand m8
The Northern White Sand
Also, what makes HCLP less prone to competition is their advanced delivery system (delay, quantity and quality). These kind of service tends to make their customers captive.
Besides, the fracking sand market is enjoying a nice tailwind and I think the market is big enough for everyone

>> No.10568222

Stop buying companies with lots of debt, seriously stop! That's the biggest reason why companies implode!

How the fuck are you going to dig yourself out of 4-5% interest payments with all that debt and pay off the debt in any reasonable time before your business model becomes saturated?

Use your brain, don't buy in to the bubble unless you're scalping the fuck out of it!

>> No.10568243

Yeah, maybe. I have stock in MNK which has a generics business and they've recently turned around. Mostly because short interest slowly evaporated once their bear thesis got boring and less and less convincing. MNK has a much nicer income statement though.

>> No.10568278

Don't lie. Their yield is cyclical so it is not 22%. A 22% payout would put them above a 100% payout ratio which would not be stable. Also people are shy about anything to do with fracking since there is a pipeline shortage in the Permian for the next few years.

The midstream pipeline sector is recovering if you're looking for a lower risk oil play with high yields.

>> No.10568281

>How the fuck are you going to dig yourself out of 4-5% interest payments with all that debt and pay off the debt in any reasonable time before your business model becomes saturated?
>doesn't know about Debt to Equity swaps
>talks like a fag
>being this new


>> No.10568344

oh no i already am done, I traded when it meant something for my greater twenties.

>> No.10568345

The sand is high quality? Like is it especially hard some frictive or something?

Maybe. I've been playing the fracking thing with MLP pipeline companies since trading stock in actual oil companies or speculating on the price of oil is fucked. The sand thing makes sense to approach it at another angle but for some reason doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.10568351
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>> No.10568365

They are both Highly OVER-valued.

>> No.10568367

The thought vectors seem to line up

>> No.10568385
File: 29 KB, 307x261, HCLP-EPSGrowth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't lie.
I am not. Unless the company is.

>Their yield is cyclical so it is not 22%. A 22% payout would put them above a 100% payout ratio which would not be stable.
The company already announced a 3 dollar anal dividend this year which is 22%. This company has been running since 2012. Either they've lost their minds or their expecting huge earnings growth this year and by looking at their financials, it seems the latter.

>> No.10568408

fuck off name fag, go shill your shit elsewhere

>> No.10568435

Just a hunch here, but do you have a very tiny penis?

>> No.10568441

7 inches dont know about the girth. but ive never looked down and felt sad before.
Have you?

>> No.10568452

Thought the 22% was some byproduct of them switching the form of their corporate structure. It should be cut once they cease to be a Limited Partnership. Side note, I think it's actually illegal for a company to offer dividends over 25%.

There is going to be some gut-wrenching price movements around the ex-div date. Might be a good time to buy if you're not interested in the distribution.

>> No.10568470

What makes you think I have a penis?

>> No.10568497

Futures are looking bullish so far still. Headlines relatively good.

>> No.10568590
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They have only paid at a raid for 3 dollars annually for a single quarter. Look at their history, they will cut it.

>bags of sand

>> No.10568600

then you're diluting shares... instant negative ROI

you can't escape the hard reality that you have to trade something for your clumsy liabilities, whatever jewish financial manipulation you want to employ

>> No.10568623

equity is defined as something retarded that has nothing to do with wealth I bet

>> No.10568704

bitches not agressive

>> No.10568714


I'm still keeping it

>> No.10569284

When do I sell apple?
My average price is $113

>> No.10569411

What do you think /smg/?
Hertz -> Call
Snap ->Put
CVS - > Call
Office Depot -> Put
AEM mining co -> Call
30 day expiry btw

>> No.10569446

Thoughts on WDC?

>> No.10569524

I made a fake Chad tinder account.

I have nearly 100 matches in 24 hours.

How can I make money off this?

>> No.10569561

>When do I sell apple?
Keep it forever. Enjoy dividends forever.

>> No.10569564

You're suppose to make a Stacey account and put "paypal me and see what happens" in your bio.

Every time you get a donation you respond with "sorry I don't mess with broke men" and you move on to the next sucker.

>> No.10569584

I tried that. It didn't work.

Maybe I could get into dropshipping fake organic makeup or something

>> No.10569602

As someone who cant even get a match ... im curious to see what this account looks like.

>> No.10569635
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>> No.10569645

>chiseled good looks
>over 6' tall
>makes at least six figures
>drives nothing less than a Mercedes E-Class

>> No.10569655

The worst part is matching with an actual bitch you wanna fuck and then realizing you can't

>> No.10569669

That got 100 matches?
What a clown world we live in.

>> No.10569675

I hope you're not using Tinder to try to find an actual date. Tinder is where the thottiest of thots gather.

>> No.10569694
File: 31 KB, 200x200, gosick_victorique_1854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely devilish desu

>> No.10569703

Online dating seems to have died off in popularity.
Just ended 6 months on match, couldnt even get one decent quality date.
Think im going to buy a Russian wife at this point.

>> No.10569720

Are you a boomer?

Literally no one uses Match bruh. Do you have any type of Charisma? If you can sell shit you can get pussy.

>> No.10569731

There's literally nothing wrong with going on Tinder to find a proper date.

>> No.10569742

Even more based

>> No.10569753
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RIP teh profit

>> No.10569757

30 year old boomer here.
Not trying to bang sluts, I want to start a family in the next 10 years.
Sadly I live in a city known globally for its hedonism and partying.
Makes meeting sensible women difficult.

>> No.10569789
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was in @ 8.40 and am adding now that it is back under 10

>> No.10569806

Does your city have bookstores? Libraries? Smaller concerts? Learn how to talk to women, despite what /r9k/ will tell you, women are people too, if you see a girl wearing a cool shirt, just go up to her and tell her you like her shirt.

Fuck man, get a dog, walk him in populated areas and walk him. I pulled more pussy in the two months I had a dog than I pulled any other time.

Are you a Manlet though? I'm legitimately 6'5" so you results may vary.

>> No.10569834

Long-limbed fuck. What is that good for?

>> No.10569852

Okay lads

How illegal is this?

>have a shit load of tinder matches
>Set up a Paypal donation page
>Talk to them about how my mom has breast cancer, link the page
>BITCHES LOVE BREAST CANCER and I get free money

>> No.10569900

Active dating is retarded, anyway. You're never going to find a stable relationship that way. The whole "you can't find love while looking for it" meme is very true. The proper way is to just keep trying to make friends and expand your social circle and eventually you'll meet the one.

>There's literally nothing wrong with going on Tinder to find a proper date.
Except for everything about it.


>> No.10569909
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>Just be urself
Not even a manlet. This shit always cracks me up though.

>> No.10569931

Thats the interesting thing about tinder though, there are no height metrics. Like on match, you can filter out height, yet I got alot of likes, well over 100. But on tinder, i get zero.
Quite the paradox.

>> No.10569946

i've realized i'm pursuing financial freedom so that i am not forced to work a job that i don't like, but that is the only thing i could consider an ambition. once that's met i feel my life would be largely empty and i would stay in a lot and not do very much. is something wrong with me? do you guys have more ambition? it's starting to seem that it would be better to just have an ambition from the start that you actually cared about. then money wouldn't be the goal and you'd already be doing what you should be with your life, not waiting until you are eventually financially free to find out if you even have an actual ambition

>> No.10569950

Actual dating websites like Match are actually somewhat relationship focused. Tinder is literally 100% hookups/one night stands. That is the ONLY thing Tinder is for. Literally nothing else.

>> No.10569952

I know, Im old. Planning for retirement at 40 and death at 50.

>> No.10569954

What happened to teh profit???
This has to be /fit/ b8

>> No.10569973

You will be 30 one day. Did you know that?

>> No.10569976
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 1529123211803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RKG stop posting my waifu in other threads, it's very upsetting

>> No.10569984

My ambition is to creat the world's largest holding company. I'm going to specifically be a holder of bank stocks. A holding company of holding companies. Meta af, too bad I'm a poorfag. I organized my LLC last year so there's that. One step at a time.

>> No.10569999

Yes, and that's totally fine as long as I'm not alone by that time.

>> No.10570007
File: 55 KB, 256x250, 7yx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

der proit hasnt been here in 7 days now
Assuming total loss from the vix and Bullet to the head

>> No.10570021

Anyone watch this dude on jewtube called phil town and rule 1 investing?
hes my new binge watch stock market video list.

>> No.10570033

I know people who are married that met on Tinder. Truth is hooking up is probably the best way to get to know somebody.

>> No.10570043

>Truth is hooking up is probably the best way to get to know somebody.
Let me know when they divorce.

>> No.10570055

He uses a few different trips and anons though! He's also UVXY shareholder, he might not be dead

>> No.10570057

This right here. I have two friends that have been married 4 times
4 times
I shouldnt even know a single person whose been married 4 times, let alone TWO people.
Times of the signs man.

>> No.10570066

his posts stick out like a sore thumb
He literally hasnt been here

>> No.10570074
File: 78 KB, 600x771, 3bqiky49rh211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fugg. We lose teh profit and gain 7 new retarded newfag trips
I'm so happy rn

>> No.10570084
File: 167 KB, 681x768, beheadcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably! guy who made it am extremely bias against fundamentanals

uhh ?_?

me like to think he made it big using me indicator and is living good life now

>> No.10570108
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>> No.10570127
File: 140 KB, 931x590, honk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was just starting to make correct predictions for once too

>> No.10570138

>Comfy stops namefaggimg
>starts avitarfagging
what even is the point...?
>10 new namefags spring up
good fucking damnit

>> No.10570153

I still will follow his calls on silver and commodities, he could have been so successful... sad...

>> No.10570164
File: 19 KB, 208x468, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be happy she heaven now !

>> No.10570166

Like I said earlier, we have a tripfag Hydra. I've never seen anything like this in all of my wasted years on this site. This is a unique lot.

>> No.10570167

RKG, care to give me a quick TA and opinion on CdProjektRed?

>> No.10570168

Take what you can get, you ungreatful nigger

>> No.10570180
File: 6 KB, 285x177, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's being a bitch about me putting the livestream in the OP too.
I seriously don't have the time to fucking promote that shit during the week either.

And on that note,

>> No.10570185

am want to look at video game stocks but am looking for some good spreads of industry, will give some worthwhile stuff in few day for real !

>> No.10570207

I'm pretty sure teh profit was on my livestream yesterday

>> No.10570211
File: 182 KB, 625x495, 1519252460388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sounded like a 12 year old girl with a robot voice synthesizer. I don't mean this as an insult, but I thought you should know.

>> No.10570212

Im pretty sure his last calls were to short gold and silver, but long weat and grain

kek youre a psycho

>> No.10570221

I would assume due to the SJW take over of gaming it wouldnt be very profitable industry.
Hows the industry pricing vs historical levels?

>> No.10570222


>> No.10570223

This is the dumbest shit. Not only do the drown out all actual discussion with their bullshit, they're all trying to exploit the general and become some sort of e-celeberty. Go to fucking stocktwits with this shit.

>> No.10570232

I know, I hate that fucking mask!
I'm going to try to figure something out for that

>> No.10570263
File: 39 KB, 1476x384, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I think the metals dip is turning around.
analysts are starting to shill them

>> No.10570279

don't reply to me or my posts ever again

>> No.10570320
File: 46 KB, 200x200, RukiaBwahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the futures boost even more

>> No.10570337
File: 128 KB, 500x300, 1416879920722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ES_F (S&P futures) & BTC have 2000 lot / 2000 BTC market buy at same exact moment
really makes you think

>> No.10570343

You guys hear this news about Saudi arabia and Canada halting trading?
Worried about by AEM call now...

>> No.10570356
File: 19 KB, 500x382, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correlation does not equal causation
lol JK it does
but not in this case

>> No.10570384

video game companies seem to be at ATH price action,
your SJW stuff seems to be good for market but me not really know yet !

manchild for trying find statistical infomation on video game industry before making technically anal ?

>> No.10570405
File: 27 KB, 780x439, those eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love doing technical anal
i do it with no lubrication, just rough dry tech anal.

>> No.10570411

>Video game companies

Nintendo is down 25% from ATH this year. EA is also good value.

>> No.10570424
File: 11 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just bought Konami

>> No.10570446

Whats EA's game strategy?
I know they basically have the monopoly on sports games, but other than that i cant think of a EA title ive played in the past 3 years I enjoyed.

>> No.10570448

Well, I guess I'll sell today, can't wait for a few days.
CdProjektRed P/E ratio is fucking 110 and the polish market average is 20. This means that for every 1 USD CDPr earns people are paying 110 USD for the stock.
They are releasing an interim report on August 28th. It won't show any growth because they are not releasing new games, it actually be worse than last year.
Two things can happen:

>CdPr stock value crashes because investors notice it's overvalued as fuck and the company won't have earnings until next year.
>CdPr stock stays like it is, showing that it has achieved cult status because investors don't give a shit anymore about the company revenues and are blindly waiting for Cyberpunk release.

It's too much of a risk even if it's a cult stock, I'm selling.

>> No.10570464

>Nice, just bought Konami

>> No.10570474

Konami isnt worth a damn without the metal gear solid series.

>> No.10570476

Futures are a sea of green. Jesus.

>> No.10570508

Not entirely true, because the pachinko gambling industry is booming and they are developing tons of pachinko slots. Still, their management is a fucking mess atm.

>> No.10570513
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Duel Linkx will save the market

That is the nature of the golden bull

>> No.10570538

Yeah, bears in shambles week 392 in row

>> No.10570554

Cry more faggot you'll never be in the OP because people don't give a shit

>> No.10570578
File: 1.53 MB, 806x796, Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 9.28.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready to Rise the fuck up tomorrow. Anyone playing hertz?

based disney bout to smash tuesday.

also, $ENT might be something to look into.

>> No.10570590

are you bob barker or something?
Is the price of konamis stock right?
come on down

>> No.10570624

IQ may gap up to 31 in the morning, if not prepare for possible 27. It has seen a ton of positive coverage over the weekend.

Metal Gear survive shattered my faith in them forever.

>> No.10570665

I'm excited for IQ desu, are you positive yet?

>> No.10570675

I've been holding Disney for awhile now, I actually hope to hold for a long time but earnings could change my mind.

>> No.10570695
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TSN here

>> No.10570703

I do my best to ride up and down on stocks when I catch them in time. But my critical flaw is over half the time I buy the middle and don't make as much as I could have. I'm down some, but I'm doing all I can to close the gap.

>> No.10570712

>A chinese internet sreaming and social media platform company

>> No.10570750
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I decided against buying deans foods, it's not a boomer stock and it's marketcap isn't big enough to hold for a long time.
Sad, thank you anons for your imput

>> No.10570762

They have good prospects if China and the US stopped lobbing 400 quadrillion tariffs and devaluing currencies.

>> No.10570785

support our dairy farmers faggot

>> No.10570812



>> No.10570819
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I-i just can't do it lactose anon, it's not a forever hold!!!

>> No.10570842

its literally milk from the golden bulls herself

>> No.10570902
File: 35 KB, 1004x747, greenchargingbull1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10570919

China is aggressively combating Yuan devaluation. Suddenly out of nowhere. If it does what I think it will FOREX shorts are gonna get fucked and Chinese markets should at least temporarily see a boon.

>> No.10571221

is activision blizzard an easy short?
all their games are failing

>> No.10571227

any company that promotes SJW values is a sure bet to short or buy puts.

>> No.10571248

>then you're diluting shares... instant negative ROI
they don't always dump those shares

please stop being new

>> No.10571264

>a bear posting bulls

>> No.10571270

cramer has been shilling them hard. They will crash like every tech company when the bubble burst but could see near term gains from new WoW expansion release.

>> No.10571285

you guys should really look into buying LCI

Great buy that LCI
That LCI is a great buy

>> No.10571292

Nah, thanks though

>> No.10571357

Hmny had a great 10x last year when they bought moviepass. Anything after that was bag holding a company that was designed solely to be bought out since it was incapable of generating a profit as part of its business plan.

>> No.10571372


>> No.10571388
File: 7 KB, 205x235, 95ca8cdde33c468b7a2d6f726c04dc25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isnt really true
see: SBUX, BAC

>> No.10571399

New bread when this is about to sage




>> No.10571403



>> No.10571410

because its a good buy that LCI

>> No.10571413

don't visit this loser thread

visits to this thread will increase your profits tenfold

>> No.10571422
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>> No.10571442

I'd say these things happen and choose one thread over the other, but you're both fucking retards who kept 2x [EMBED] per video in the OP

Anyway, MIGRATE HERE>>10571399
Just because this double fucking retard>>10571403 forgot the thread title.

>> No.10571445

I'm not sure what's happening desu, I'll just wait 5 minutes and see what happens

>> No.10571451

>being able to find the thread
>something you want to do