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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10565984 No.10565984 [Reply] [Original]

>he still hasn't bought
Watch this break 17$ and hit 18$ in the next 1-2 hours.

>> No.10565998

what will be new ATH? I set sell for $40

>> No.10566026


>> No.10566030

Don't be deluded, dump it once trading on coinbase pro starts, then open shorts if you like. It'll likely fail 24$ resistance, but that's still a nice gain.

>> No.10566034


>> No.10566057

just bought 2 BTC worth ..hopefully i atleast make 1 BTC on the Coinbase pump

>> No.10566109

Capture this screen.

>> No.10566137

Is there anywhere I can short ETC? I'd feel comfortable doing so about now as a hedge against a BTC or ETH long.

>> No.10566144

I only have 4 ETC

>> No.10566152

voume is going up...i wonder when people will start to FOMO...

>> No.10566176

How do I buy it is only have coinbase.

>> No.10566184

then it doesn't matter and you're holding for the long term (which is fine)
ironically I'm hedging my ETC long with an ETH short on bitfinex. Feel free to countertrade me.

>> No.10566207

go away newfag

>> No.10566329

Bitfinex, sounds good. I'll consider it

>> No.10566514

They will pump it to $100 obvs.

>> No.10566589

Already through $17 now and will be over $20 by tomorrow. Once fully listed on coinbase pro it will go to $100.

>> No.10566713

I know you ppl don’t have any idea cuz you price alts in USD instead of satoshis

>> No.10566790
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Edgy bro, upboated liked and subbed

>> No.10566808
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>> No.10566942
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>> No.10567006


>> No.10567021

>>proof of incoming bullrun
>>normans are among us.

>> No.10567040
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>> No.10567053

Weak uptrend, won't buy

I make my living as a swing trader btw

>> No.10567067

I just bought 100ETC at 17$. Did I fuck up?

>> No.10567075

congrats to those who are Gambling on ETC right now. but dont act like you made a smart move and profited.

You are taking a huge fucking risk. fomo and expecting a flush of people to buy ETC is not smart. the re is low number of people buying anything right now, and even in good amrket conditions BCH didnt do well on listing.

ETC is rising and has been getting priced in and speculated on for what "normies" are going to pay for it. there are no normies. the price wont maintain.
Look at LTC volume on Gdax if you want any idea. it'll be even lower than that.
So well done, your gamble is working well, and chasing the peak is how most investors end their careers. dont act like you all made a super smart decision buying now or waiting to sell the top.

>> No.10567079

etc will be valued at $170 within a week

>> No.10567102

>Weak uptrend,
Its godamn parabolic on the daily. In fact it isnt parabolic anymore, its almost a fucking straight line.

>> No.10567109

You're in a bit too late, shoot for a small profit margin before a (possible) dump. Aim for 15-20% and get out. Don't get greedy.

>> No.10567114


>not selling a parabolic advance

>> No.10567123

Hahahahaha nice rationalization of not buying in after the pullback in the initial pump retard.

>> No.10567125

RSI7 is not even 70, it's weak. Definitely not a bubble movement so far

>> No.10567145

So you'll only buy once the RSI on the daily is 70+? The absolute state of you top chasers.

>> No.10567148

When this breaks 17.5 shit gets real

>> No.10567153

The fact that you all are thinking you’re going to ride this pump and dump means everyone else will too.

Nobody is going to buy this on Coinbase. You think those guys are going to get an alert and just start buying and they didn’t alreash buy in a month ago on Binance?

>> No.10567159

At this rate, we'll be there before the 1hr candle closes.

>> No.10567168


Its no rationalization friend. I sold an hour ago what i purchased a few days ago . I think it could go to 24 dollars but desu, its called risk management. the upside risk is not worth taking due to market conditions. cant believe you are in a bear market this this long and havent learned a thing.
I have kept only 10% what i bought, massive safety net now. my stop loss is a few sats below price now.

enjoy the gamble

>> No.10567174

>The fact that you all are thinking you’re going to ride this pump and dump means everyone else will too.

Check ETC threads after the initial pump. Majority were saying FOMOing even after the pullback is stupid.

No risk no gain. Simple as that. Want guaranteed gains? Go put it in a bank account with low interest.

>> No.10567175
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If we close above 1h pink line it's nice

>> No.10567177

The biggest price rises usually happen in a timescale of a few weeks. If you want to catch a short term peak, the RSI3 has gone above 70 just today, so you might have some luck with that. I think it's not good risk/return.

>> No.10567205


difference between taking a risk and not haing any form of safety net or profit taking.
chasing the top is in the same risk category as gambling.

>> No.10567206

I bought 1014 ETC at 0.002234 satoshis.

>> No.10567207

I won't get higher than $25 untill the end of this year. We're still in a bear market. Selloff when trading on Coinbase starts

>> No.10567229

Keep your eye on it, maybe set up a stop loss using a 2-3 day EMA

>> No.10567284

After ETC i'll probably take some of the profits and buy ADA.

I have a feeling the other anon is right. Charles Hoskinson is definitely in contact with Coinbase.


I'm starting to scale some of my BTC to ADA right now.

>> No.10567296
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If you're not selling now, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10567310

>Charles Hoskinson is definitely in contact with Coinbase
amd getting laughed at behind his back by anyone he ever approaches.

>> No.10567312

Ur moms wont suck my dick for sats

>> No.10567345

Considering ETC was at 18+ just under a month ago. Maybe not.

>> No.10567375
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i hate this smug smarmy faggot

>> No.10567411

He got buttblasted there
>How dare you! I'm someone important. Treat me better than others

>> No.10567668


>> No.10567683

decentralized technical support kek

>> No.10567694
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prepare uranus. i hope you're larping. This shit has been priced in for months, and the only reason it isn't at like $5 is because of retards hoping for this.

>> No.10567706

Literally about to blast through $18.

>> No.10567712


>> No.10567730

Ada and xlm will both be on coinbase eventually. Xlm was given to btc holders. Coinbase loves that.

>> No.10567741

>XLM was airdropped to BTC holders

Aw thanks my brotha, will buy XLM too with ETC profits.

>> No.10567811
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>was going to buy a ton around $14.5
>boss calls, says to come in for review
>coinbase announcement during our meeting
>come back and it's $17
>only got a little when it dips back to $16 because it already went up
>could have made more money than i make working in a month

>> No.10567839

so coinbase devs will add it to pump their own bags, sweet

>> No.10567840
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Just placed a trailing stop loss in profit.
good night

>> No.10567856

this shit is weak, it's struggling to get out of $17

I hope that sweet, sweet institutional money FOMOs in tomorrow morning when they're all at their desks

>> No.10567882

stupid wagies buying our pumped bags

>> No.10567883

do ppl just not understand that NO ONE uses this coin, it has NO use, and the only reason its getting listed on coinbase is so coinbase itself can unload its massive bags of this shit? im going tp laugh so hard when it dumps on everyone

>> No.10567888

It's going to spike to $32 then drop to $7 shortly thereafter. When BTC corrects to $900, ETC will be able to be purchased for under a dollar.
>capture this post

>> No.10567893

You can buy it, on the internet.

>> No.10567904

Probably this. Big pump when it's added, might even last a week or so. Then dump.

>> No.10567927

Literally yea. They even said they will add as many bitcoin and eth forks as possible. Don't have source at the moment but that's a good indicator to use to see what they are looking at.

>> No.10567928

I think coinbase devs would be stupid to scare people off from buying this by dumping their bags immediately. If they were smart they'd hold for 6 months until it goes up to $100/coin

>> No.10567991

They didn't dump bch on listing. They aren't short sighted. They sell slowly over time knowing the access to new markets for their bags will give them even more over time.

>> No.10568611

>They didn't dump bch on listing.
They wot m8?

>> No.10568642

>doesn't remember $9000 bcash