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10565192 No.10565192 [Reply] [Original]

I sold at 5800 and I don't regret it because soon 4000 will be the top and you assholes will wish you had sold at 5800.

I've been posting for weeks now that this trash was going to capitulate. Instead of listening to my warning you assholes just insulted me. Now I'm the one laughing. Say goodnight losers.

>> No.10565615
File: 31 KB, 474x296, IMG_1132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you legit sold the absolute bottom, then come on here and tell us that we're all retarded, that you're some kind of genius.

The irony is richer than the uppermost deck of the titanic

>> No.10565651

whatever happens it will come back up to what its at now in not too long, even if it does hit 4k

worst case scenario a crash to 1k, which seems unlikely, and i bet you would still get your money back at least december.

you cant really lose with bitcoin, unless you dont have any

>> No.10565902
File: 91 KB, 1000x540, MV5BMzk2OTEyY2QtMTdkOC00ODliLTkxMzgtMDg1MDdmZmQzY2JkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTg5MzEwNDU@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,960_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565912

don't worry, you can fomo back in at 8k

>> No.10565931


>> No.10565952

I don't think that hodl meme is appropriate. Clearly you sold at a bottom. Nice job.

>> No.10565962

"You cant lose with bitcoin unless you dont have any "
I agree 100%

>> No.10566070

I did NOT sell the bottom. I sold when I realized that crypto is a bank controlled scam to extract money from the working class. It was an expensive lesson but well worth it and I don't regret it at all. If you're not a complete tard you will sell like I did and never buy back in.

The banks control the price at will. You cannot win. Eventually the banks will just kill bitcoin completely and send the price to 0 or lower. The only reason bitcoin is still up is because they haven't moved to a new scam yet.

I will never buy this garbage.

In a few days buttcoin will be back under 4000 and I'll be laughing at pieces of shit like you.

I created this meme right before I realized the bitcon scam and sold it all. It's completely appropriate because it's my meme. And I didn't sell the bottom since it will be below 4000 soon.