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File: 73 KB, 581x678, 1529415953178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10564903 No.10564903 [Reply] [Original]

it boggles my mind that this is not taught in schools

>> No.10564928

He is our alien.

>> No.10564933

If they tried it in America you'd get too much pushback from mouth breathingn republicans who are upset math isn't being taught the same way they learned it 40 years ago.

>> No.10564948

So this is how autistic people think

>> No.10564950

at post like this you notice that Vitalik should really have visited a university for some time. He sounds like a retard

>> No.10564952

Us math chads don't give a shit about your optimal computer algorithm, code monkey.

>> No.10564970

He needs a life coach

>> No.10564982
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Stop impersonating me

>> No.10564985

We're both fakes. Now fuck off.

>> No.10564988
File: 86 KB, 713x696, 1533344171880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is money skelly on about, you unironically get the same answer either way you do it

>> No.10564996

Ha you're too smart for me

>> No.10565005

less computation you brainlet

>> No.10565023

this is why money skelly hates chainlink; because it was developed at a university for (((them)))

>> No.10565029
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>> No.10565033

tfw just did an hour of vortex math...

>> No.10565046
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 1530046687008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more steps
>less computation

>> No.10565049

Seems like a waste of time. You get the same number regardless. Imagine all of the extra keystrokes he's wasting if he codes like this.

>> No.10565066

I completely agree with you, outright fascists should take over science education.

>> No.10565070

How is it less computation when there's more operations taking place? No wonder ETH is so slow

>> No.10565074

how is it less computations?
in any case you need to enter both A and B

so in case 1 you have:
>a+b (one calculation)
>/2 (another calculation)
two calculations total

in other example
>b-a (one calculation)
>+a (another calculation)
>/2 (another calculation)
three calculations total

or am i missing something?

>> No.10565077


only matters if you're doing this by hand or something. its actually easier/quicker to do (a+b)/2 on a calculator, in fact if you're doing many computations is probably less error prone to do (a+b)/2. Its also much clearer in a program as people know exactly what you're doing (if you're not just calling a math library on a set of data). Its so autistic to think one way is better, in fact most people just think like a + (b-a) / 2 in their head anyway when dealing with simple numbers. You are a pseudo intellectual brainlet if you think you are special by knowing that.

>> No.10565105

im not cs graduate, but my guess is that it relates to creating a bigger number which takes up more memory. or maybe not

>> No.10565108

3. SUM
4. LOAD 2
5. DIV

3. SUM
4. LOAD 2
5. DIV
7. SUM

Yeah, sure skelly. "Less" computation.

>> No.10565130

Doesn’t he have anything better to do like purchase more lambos

>> No.10565140
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what am you do if want average more than two numbers ?_?

>> No.10565142

>he added a before dividing by 2

lol fucking mathlet!

>> No.10565144

Is he implying people multiple odd numbers by 2 before dividing by 2 to try and avoid bad numbers? I dont get it lmao

>> No.10565153

the fact that you can't tell this is a shitpost thread makes me question your ability to call others brainlets

>> No.10565169

Why are you so stupid and ugly, mentally and physically damaged both here and in reality? I have literally never seen you post anything remotely intelligent, original or funny here. All you do is shit up the place with you 8 syllable sentences and let everyone know it was indeed you who dropped that turd of a "thought" on this board.
Thanks to you I have started to advocate for euthanasia to be accessible without any specific reason to everyone, so you could freely end your existence on this planet, because you will NEVER EVER find happiness nor wealth with your cruel handicaps.
Everyone wishes you were dead, ESPECIALLY your family, nobody loves you and nobody likes the idea of having deranged cripple who only produces debt, misery and uncertainty in their family. They might never say it out loud but everytime they look at you they wish you would die already and would stop being a baggage of depression to them.
Maybe you think you are strong just by virtue of existing - but you couldn't be more wrong, the people around you tolerating your existence, the family of yours who carries you as an emotional and financial burden, the doctors pointlessly trying to cure you, THEY are strong. You however, are just a rotting, retarded waste of oxygen and protein.
Do one good and brave thing and end the suffering for them and for you.
Kill yourself.

>> No.10565172

Hows the butthole?

>> No.10565191

wouldn't it need to be written as
a + ( b - a /2 )
if you were supposed to divide by 2 before adding a?

>> No.10565200

>buffer overflow

>> No.10565204
File: 6 KB, 231x218, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not understanding something so much that you think this is an appropriate and/or brilliant response

>> No.10565215

>he thinks compilers don't already do these optimizations for you
I thought he was supposes to be a computer science genius

>> No.10565227


>> No.10565258

this pretty much, and even then they avoid DIV/IDIV like the plague already since it eats up so many cycles

>> No.10565266

Memorizing dozens of special-purpose formulas is useless because you will never remember them when the time comes to use them. The schools focus far too much on memorizing formulas already.

What's more important is to get the number sense to come up this these techniques on your own. Being good with numbers makes remembering these tricks unnecessary.

I was never taught this and never formally derived it, but I still use it to find averages because I'm used to numbers and can intuitively understand that it will work. That is what schools should try to teach.

>> No.10565279

This is one of the signs of autist programmers who USUALLY get stuck trying to make perfect code and never really accomplish anything. While some butterfingered retards build Skyrim and smash a metric fuckton of esp files together and create art.

>> No.10565372

and this is why almost every software released in the last 15 years is a complete mess of unoptimization and bugs, especially video games.

>> No.10565386
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>he thinks three steps of 2+2 is more computation than 1 step of 43636 + 5366536

>> No.10565387

>especially video games.

Do you prefer a game you can play or no game at all. Because it sounds like you would prefer nothing ever get finished ever.

>> No.10565435

>spazzing out over common knowledge

>> No.10565439

t. has no idea how software work

computers are dumb as fuck, try to make a simpe flappy bird by yourself, with all the necessary features for publishing, and see how much fun you have. Multiply the work by 10 if you're doing an AAA game, the kind you probably play

>> No.10565450

You don't understand. There are different people actually building the game on top of the engine, and the ones building the engine itself.

People who build game engines nowadays, or even just try to modify or use tools to build on game engines like UE4, cryengine, etc, are absolute fucking retards with no mathematical competence and game companies don't take that aspect of creating a game serious enough, so they don't hire the right people to do it. They just wing it, relying on game designers to code it instead of real game engine coders.

It wouldn't take that much more effort. In fact, a lot of shit breaks and you need extra effort due to having to fix the dumb shit game designers do when they try to make or modify game engines for their needs, and they usually are so incompetent that it takes them 5-10x longer to figure out what the (avoidable in the first place) problem is, if they ever do.

Every elder scrolls game actually had a very good engine for its time. They care about the competence of their game engine creators.

>> No.10565456

>Multiply the work by 10 if you're doing an AAA game, the kind you probably play

fucking 10 isn't even kind of close to describing a AAA game dev cycle.

>> No.10565468

>There are different people actually building the game on top of the engine, and the ones building the engine itself.

And those are the idealistic fuckers I have to argue with because they dont fucking understand what its like to be a god damn human half the time. Its like I'm talking to machines.

>> No.10565475

probably, I can't even imagine cause I'm a scrub

>> No.10565497

That's not even true. The correct way is to use 0.5 * (a + b) because divisions are slow as shit.

>> No.10565503

If I wanted to make it faster what more formula do I have?

>> No.10565536

He's talking about doing the calculation mentally or on paper, not about coding, I don't know why everyone is talking about coding in the thread. If it's about coding what he says is not true unless making the computation with larger numbers is slower which doesn't makes sense because an integer has the same number of bits whether they're zeros or not, but I'm not educated enough to be sure

>> No.10565547

Search for catastrophic cancellation

>> No.10565560

Half the time I think engine programmers would have us build everything with text files and command lines in a dos window than build workable tools that can avoid creating those bugs in the first place.

Creative people, especially artists are not logical people in the same way that programmers are. So any time you end up in an environment where you have super smart engine programmers that are also in charge of the company, Carmack types you end up with awful shitty tools, 10x the steps to import a fucking fbx and scripting language thrown together for lulz.

Let the bugs flow through your veins.

>> No.10565563

>t. autistic "savants"

>> No.10565599

That's the point idiot

>> No.10565623

what about (b - a)/2 + a?

>> No.10565627

compiler will just change the division to bit shifting operations anyways, doesnt matter

>> No.10565628

Don't think it is easily generalizable where there are more than two numbers. That's teaching things like this is a limiting optimization that doesn't bring a lot of improvement, but hinders learning substantially if serving as a base for further learning.

>> No.10565644
File: 67 KB, 627x680, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. i tried it and this even worked

>> No.10565645

itt brainlets

(a+b)/2 is clearly the shorter way because it takes 2 steps while whatever dog shit vitalik uses takes 3 steps. the only people complaining about the first one are too small brained to handle large numbers

>> No.10565658

When is this fool going to stop shitposting on twitter and finish building eth

>> No.10565661


>> No.10565732

Anyone else unironically know what he’s talking about and actually do an even more complicated multi-step process that’s actually faster?

I do (b-a)/2=x followed by x+a

Also you should only do this for every decimal place that is unique and ignore equivalent leading decimal places until the end. So in practice 467240 and 467285 would be

467262.5 is your average.

>> No.10565776
File: 631 KB, 700x605, mad horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw it's just the original rkg with different addresses

>> No.10565782

Vitalik said don't do that. Do you dare question our lord and saviour? He made people rich. Bow down you peasant

>> No.10565807

That's the same exact thing besides ignoring the matching places.

>> No.10565808

You're all shitposting right? This is common knowledge, I sincerely hope.

>> No.10565812

I mean that’s how you average a stream of numbers when you can’t access the whole set at once. And it is taught in schools if you ever take a programming class

>> No.10565826

na there is a much simpler method for this particular arrangement of numbers. 4672 are redundant, all that needs to be calced is the last 2 digits the most efficient calc is just 125/2

>> No.10565835

I don't know what anons talking about, but I'm shorting ETH till situation with searching most optimal algorithm of computing two averages become more clear.

>> No.10565845




haha money skelly BTFO

>> No.10565923

What he says doesnt apply all the time but it does for complex numbers... Who would really add up a few millions, add em up and divide them by two when you could just add the difference between both numbers to the first (e.g. a difference of -230 added to 2304860 giving you 2304630...). Hes just trying to tell people that doing this in your head is much quicker when dealing with high numbers that are close together, however posting that and also assuming people dont have a calculator for numbers in the range of a few millions is autistic as fuck.

>> No.10565956

i don't get it

the space a number takes is determined upon variable declaration when you say what type of number variable you're using (integer, double, float, short, long, etc.) afaik the proccesor/ALU can't look ahead to see if there are only zeroes filling the rest of the spaces allocated to the number (binary representation)

>> No.10565979

>I did it wrong all those years. I've always calculated by (a*2+b*6)/9.333 which I heard is better, because it let's your computer fan spin way faster..

autistic money skelly completely btfo

>> No.10565981
File: 7 KB, 300x168, lao yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image

>> No.10565982


>> No.10565989

order of operations, bud

>> No.10565996

We are all the original rkg.

>> No.10566020

correct way is a + (b - a) * t, where t = 0.5
behold, linear interpolation.

>> No.10566043
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>> No.10566140

Isn’t it just a simple register shift of bits to the right to cut by 2 if I remember correctly.

>> No.10566248

how does this make sense. the first algorithm has one less step to make so it should be easier for the computer to do

>> No.10566302

A cpu can do some calculations faster than others. A 10 step calculation might be quicker than a 2 depending on what is being performed.

>> No.10566614


>t. brainlet

>> No.10566641

>calcium skelly hates chainlink
Source on that? Or are you basing this because of the Toyota tweet?

>> No.10566730

>what is factoring

>> No.10566776

>hey you guys are stupid for not being able to do arithmetic with 20 digit numbers in your head

The absolute state of incels.

>> No.10566799


Fuck both of you hoes I'm the real one.

>> No.10566816

That's dumb. The large number from adding a and b is stored in any calculator automatically for the next operation.

I'm horrified to think of how unreadable his code is if he thinks like this.

>> No.10566988
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vitalik is cute t_t

>> No.10567009

I thought i was retarded because no matter how many times I tried his method, i kept getting the wrong answer.

Traditional and this >>10565732 anon's way work for me.

Fuck you money skelly!

>> No.10567060

Considering he mentions school I'm pretty sure he means brain computation. Doing this in your head is much easier than summing up and dividing by 2

>> No.10567073

He didn't mention anything about doing it by hand, retard. Computation implies coding.

>> No.10567268
File: 383 KB, 1440x716, vitaliktrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread shows how many people have ever developed in Solidity. I could be wrong but this is legitimately a good shortcut because storing large numbers in the EVM is very gas-intensive. Taking the difference and then doing one operation on a smaller number is much less expensive gas wise.

>> No.10567273

It boggles my mind that he didn't even mention (a+b)/2 can lead to overflow for large integers resulting in the wrong answer. He's so smart though wow

>> No.10567294

of course not. if biz was full of people that actually used ethereum as developers we'd see a lot less people delusional with ideas that eos or cardano would ever "kill" it

>> No.10567329

>add B to -A
>divide number by 2
>add A to result
>add A to B
>divide by 2
It works better in some cases, but in the example he gave you can clearly see that the first 4 digits are the same, so you just add 40 and 85 to get 125. 125/2 = 62.5. So the average is 467262.5. Easier than his method to do in your head.

>> No.10567348

DIV is more computationally demanding on bigger numbers

>> No.10567360

NO!! (a+(b-a))/2

>> No.10567370

this is unironically why people bully the smart, and hate / are threatened by them. who knows what other non rational but it makes sense in my autistic mind ideas they have that could translate to net result pedophilia/white genocide.

>> No.10567391

>I could be wrong
You are wrong
>storing large numbers in the EVM
this has nothing with storing numbers, it's about computing the average. EVM always uses 256 bit numbers

>> No.10567422
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>3 calculations is more efficient than 2

>> No.10567423

I guess cause it uses less defined factors overall its less CPU intensive. I can't imagine this being more efficient for the average human to average numbers though.

>> No.10567445
File: 19 KB, 428x344, images-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how many calculations run through this man's head when he is sticking his dick in underage Thai hookers .
Angle, thrust speed , friction, even thermodynamics.
He truly is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.10567453

wow thanks im a literal brainlet i guess, for some reason was thinking add/subtract were done before division/multiplication lol

>> No.10567462

I feel like you were going somewhere with this but then descended into /pol/ babble.

>> No.10567464


>a = 100
>b = 200
>(a+b)/2 = 150
>(a + (b-a)) = 100

>according to vitality and other in this thread, 150 = 100.

>> No.10567480

You didn't divide (b-a) by 2

>> No.10567487
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>> No.10567507
File: 50 KB, 512x512, 1515964601011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(a + b) / 2 = a + (b - a) / 2 | *2
a + b = 2a + b - a
a + b = a + b

Can't believe I had to spell that out

>> No.10567642

What the fuck did you just say, you little bitch?

>> No.10567680

I mean we already saw how his convoluted thought processes lead to justifying pedophilia.

>> No.10567740

What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.10567804

How often do people even average two numbers? They do it that way because it’s generalizable.

>> No.10567833
File: 360 KB, 600x800, bitches don't know about my distributed application platform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money Skelly is best Skelly

>> No.10567846

me am want vitalik to choke me with his bone fingers

>> No.10567937

Why would anything useful be taught in school? You retards seem to think school is for teaching and not indoctrination to liberal ideologies. Fucking morons.

>> No.10567949

Everyone in this
who doesn't realise he's talking about mental math
Can go chew glass

>> No.10567953

>liberal ideologies
Like common core and intelligent design?

>> No.10567963

Not in floating point, you have to change the exponent, so * 0.5 is the correct optimization

That said, the compiler does it for you

>> No.10567985
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>> No.10567999

so woke xDDXDDXDDD


>> No.10568009

Based and redpilled

>> No.10568021
File: 28 KB, 722x628, 1509958831438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babbys first day on 4chan

>> No.10568030

America would ask where God and Jesus come into play in all this, then complain when their job gets outsourced to some Asian who has a strong grasp of math and science, and is willing to work remotely for much less. Then America will use it's tax money to upgrade the football field and add new Coca Cola vending machines all around the school.

>> No.10568046

It's generalizable

2, 5, 11

2 + (((5-2) + (11-2)) / 3) = 6

>> No.10568057

Dividing by 2 is a bit shift to the right, whether it is 2/2 or 10000/2. Is smelly skelly an idiot or am I missing something?

>> No.10568072

gotta love American Republicans. They're literally the biggest cucks to ever exist.

>> No.10568083

OK, now do an average of 2 and 3

>> No.10568122


>> No.10568157

This is only useful when a and b are larger and proximate values. It is better to be straightforward than try to be "creative".

>> No.10568197

This is much more time consuming than just be straightforward.

>> No.10568346


>> No.10568426

its common knowledge
>uh, the average of 1000000 and 1000002 is 1000001, look i did it without a calculator!

>> No.10568527

Doesn't cause an overflow with large numbers. Adding a few million numbers together might.

With floating point numbers you might lose precision even if you don't overflow

>> No.10568555

Depends on the given numbers. For


it's much simpler to do a+(b-a)/2, as b-a is quickly found to be 2, while adding the numbers will result in 10 carries.

That being said, he's probably mostly talking about computing in your head, as even on Ethereum this shouldn't be an issue.

You can run into an issue if your b is one digit away from the overflow, in which case computing a+b will fuck you up, while the b-a way is safe.

>> No.10568759

So pajeets r responsible for the brap posting. Ive always preferred milk posters

>> No.10568824

This is stupid as fuck. Classic example of self defeating intelligence. Overthinking. Sad

>> No.10568861

What tf are you talking about. The education system has been extremely controlled by the left and the common core math tactics taught today are the most inefficient thing I've ever seen. I'm a republican and this is the way my brain has always processed averages, and it seems less centralized

>> No.10569198

hey guys how about a quick average between 4786, 1999900, and 37094779872346? what's optimal for that you fucking restless slav draugr?

>> No.10569245

All those republicans commonly found in inner city schools

>> No.10569307


i bought at 1400 and now it's 400 and the average between those is 900 and I calculated that with the new vitalik method 14-4=10, 10/2=5 5+4=9 900 he made me poor but now I'm smarter thanks again

>> No.10569618

>this has nothing with storing numbers, it's about computing the average. EVM always uses 256 bit numbers
Confirmed for knowing jack shit about solidity.

What is:
Oh that’s right, I guess you’re just one of those people that would declare all their variables as simply “unit” but then again I know you’re too much of a brainlet to have ever looked into the solidity docs to know that uint defaults to 256-bit anyway

>> No.10569723

You generally don't use arithmetic average for distributions like these, you'd use median probably