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10561057 No.10561057 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way I can calculate if I have "made it?"

>> No.10561108

depends on how high you think bitcoin can go in how long and whether you can be invested enough now to make it by then.

furthermore making it can imply two things to me, making it good enough to where not only was it worthwhile but it elevated your status to wealthy at least.
or making it to the level where you never have to work again and can survive off the interest in luxury etc.

assuming the former sets a goal of about 100k, and assuming bitcoin one day gets to a million dollars, then you have "made it" with at least as little as 1k invested before the next bull run.

mcaffee says at least 1 million but probably 3 to 5 by 2020. but any trendlines on the chart can confirm that unless growth drastically slows before then it should be a million before 2027 at least. which isnt too long to wait.

>> No.10561127

assuming decent altcoin choice it might be reasonable to expect to do 3 times better then bitcoin. making the bare minimum investment to have a reasonable shot at 100k is $300

>> No.10561159

ok, how many millions do I need to be considered wealthy?

>> No.10561171

$2mm after tax

>> No.10561176

how much will citizenship be for the mars colony?

>> No.10561198

Assuming you have a house and are working till retirement, you would need 3mm dollars to live on 55k a year till you die.

>> No.10561214


so then assuming the calculations i made above hold true
$6900 to 23k invested now to make it to that level of wealthy

>> No.10561242

mmmm wonder if it's better to live in:

antarctica once the ice clears up from "global warming" (lol), at least we'll never ever hear from penguins saying we took their land, and there's probably heaps of neat goodies under the ice, maybe past civilizations and strange creatures, the temps will be suitable for mining bitcoin, we could watch 'john carpenter's the thing' every day

peter thiel's pacific floating libertarian village

roger ver's libertarian nation

should we just retake south africa?

buy up the maldives and kick everyone off



puerto rico?

mother base?
moon base?
mars base?

>> No.10561253

guess I'll need 6mm since I plan to live twice as long as regular earthfolk, and house prices will become dirt cheap later on when 3d printed houses become mainstream, I can wait

better than making some fat boomer even fatter

>> No.10561259

guess I'll need a few mm for future kids, waifu robot, butlers, my flying car and things

>> No.10561264

Wtf are you on

>> No.10561268

it's written in english, which part confuses you?

>> No.10561281

should I make kids or should I just clone myself?
which is better? anyone have any experience?

>> No.10561383

I hate yall so fucking much but here is my take.

Find several sources of income that exceed your income and grow while cucking inflation


>> No.10561394


Sure do. Cloned myself last week...

>> No.10561397

Let's say you have 100k in fiat in a CD. What would you do now?

>> No.10561420

what if your clone ends up having different tastes to you? doesn't follow in your footsteps? will you disown yourself?

I'd put it in a discman and see what songs are on it

>> No.10561564


Well if he's my clone then he would undoubtedly tell me to suck his/mine/our dick?

Once realizing one of us claimed the mrs and one of us gets freedom i would imagine. Or, i know i guess. That we would flip a quarter and go our seperate ways

>> No.10561875

maybe, if his brain wires itself in the same way as yours or there's a way to write your memory to his brain so he has all of your memories

you can always clone the missus

>> No.10563127

no responses? what a deadbeat board, I hope you all end up homeless and bankrupt

>> No.10563150

you'll probably never make it - jeff beezlbub bezos still hasn't finished and he earns 30k every ten seconds

i prefer the term home-free