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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10559612 No.10559612 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck mayne

>> No.10559676

I had never heard of Cornell university before coming here, if that Juels guy couldn't get into Yale or Harvard it's proof he wasn't good enough. Evan Cheng left for Facebook, quite obvious he didn't believe in the project or he would have stayed. If smart contracts were so promising then why would whoever previously owned the smartcontract.com domain name, supposedly Nick Szabo whose original project bitgold failed against bitcoin, sell it off so easily? Blythe Masters says smart contracts are the future? She also created the credit default swap and it is literally the main reason for the financial crisis we're in, that's why JP Morgan fired her and she can't work with banks anymore so she's going into blockchain as a last resort. Adelyn Zhou's book only has fake reviews and hasn't even updated her resume. SWIFT hasn't even invited the team to SIBOS 2018, that should tell you everything you need to know about their so-called 'partnership'. Vitalik himself compared the project to a fucking Toyota. Building a trustless network instead of trustFUL. Assblaster was larping, it was exposed when the company he claimed was British was actually American. The top 2 law firms haven't even bothered joining the Accord Project, and the Project said it wasn't an actual partnership and anybody could replace them. The entire Salesforce connection comes from Benioff describing a random encounter he had with a crypto guy at his hotel in Davos, Sergey was never in Davos. They launched a website with typos in every sentence, typos even a 10 year old wouldn't make. They haven't even started work on the reputation system. Tom Gonser funded SHOP (shopin), a literal pajeet coin. All the big players you see mentioned in link threads are all working on their centralized solutions. Why would an open source project have secret NDAs? /g/ were the first to shill btc and eth but they don't care about link. The list goes on and on. Don't fall for this scam coin, do your own research.

>> No.10559986
File: 91 KB, 1000x540, MV5BMzk2OTEyY2QtMTdkOC00ODliLTkxMzgtMDg1MDdmZmQzY2JkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTg5MzEwNDU@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,960_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10560702
File: 642 KB, 497x853, serg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you senpai

>> No.10560827


>> No.10560901


When singularity hits. We really need to not have a typical party... and meetup like the bildergberg group and literally suck the cocks of the dedicated group of autists who figure all this shit out.

Have you guys ever seen ratting videos on YouTube? Go YouTube them.... dogs on English farms that are 100% dedicated and happy killing hundreds of rats on the farm.

You austists are more dedicated than these dogs who's only existence is to kill rats.

We all need to meet up. No bitches . No sluts. Just the the handful of dedicated autists with their cocks out in a warehouse in ropsten with candles lit everywhere..... maybe a nigger will be there that we sacrifice in a fire.... and then we all just suck their cocks.

Because if it wasn't for them I would not be invested in Link and we owe them this at least. Because even tho they'll be rich too... they are autistic and even escorts won't blow them.

>> No.10560909

yeah how about you just kill yourself you worthless homo

>> No.10560928 [DELETED] 


When singularity hits. We really need to not have a typical party... and meetup like the bildergberg group and literally suck the cocks of the dedicated group of autists who figure all this shit out.

Have you guys ever seen ratting videos on YouTube? Go YouTube them.... dogs on English farms that are 100% dedicated and happy killing hundreds of rats on the farm.

You autists are more dedicated than these dogs who's only existence is to kill rats.

We all need to meet up. No bitches . No sluts. Just the the handful of dedicated autists with their cocks out in a warehouse in ropsten with candles lit everywhere..... maybe a nigger will be there that we sacrifice in a fire.... and then we all just suck their cocks.

Because if it wasn't for them I would not be invested in Link and we owe them this at least. Because even tho they'll be rich too... they are autistic and even escorts won't blow them.

>> No.10560936

so LINK holders are literally homosexuals? is that it?

>> No.10560949

its what many of us have suspected all along at least

naw, its probably a good coin. i just wanted to see the racism controversy impact the price and maybe its better that it wont.