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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 144 KB, 2048x1200, DjzOoz3U0AIqsn-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10559449 No.10559449 [Reply] [Original]

You know it's over right?

>> No.10559466


>> No.10559481
File: 178 KB, 750x864, 1509886253_1a22ce55fb902a3bfee192754269055391115939c5566f8f5469f33c5adb9a13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those sons of bitches. If I meet a btc whale and I find out he was complicit in suppressing btc and making me get a job.. He's dead! You hear me!

>> No.10559484

We're all playing with other people's money. This is a game to us. We are only ever selling little bits and pieces to make us more of your money. Most of the bags will be held until 2025, and we retire happy on beaches somewhere.


>> No.10559538




>> No.10559542

Continue ze dump

>> No.10559651
File: 12 KB, 262x192, smug jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am a BTC whale with more than 1 million BTC currently, all of which i acquired below $1 back in 2011. BTC performed way better than i thought it would in december/january, and i cashed out more than enough to live an incredibly rich lifestyle for the next few decades.

after cashing out a billion dollars, i let my remaining 1MM coins ride. however, after realizing the volume for BTC was so drastically low after the bubble popped, i figured it was more profitable to actively manipulate the market, than to hope for another bull run of 2017 proportions.

so i dumped.

and dumped.

and dumped.

i found the best time to dump was not when the price was tanking (medium-sized bag holders with 100+ coins will take care of that for you), but when the price was mooning - or looked like it was about to moon. here's a secret for you: BTC has some of the weakest bulls of any asset in all of the financial markets. usually it only takes less than a thousand coins, efficiently timed, to crush any small pump and take BTC back into the red for the month, where it ought to be.

want to know why for the last several months, the BTC chart has had less than ten - yes, ten - green 1 week candles?

because of me.

want to know why everything today is dumping hard, and BTC has been struggling to stay above 8k, and has currently dipped to below 7k?

because of me.

i refuse to let the price go up, and i won't for a while. in case you're wondering, that 1MM coins i let ride now exceeds 3MM, simply from doing this over, and over, and over again.

i am a bagholder's worst nightmare.

>> No.10559740

tig if brue

>> No.10559803

I love you. can you keep dumping? and pm me when you've decided to let it bottom

>> No.10559804

Nice larp

>> No.10559891

it looks like its gonna bounce soon though. a bit

>> No.10560651


This is a variation of the REQ whale meme for anyone interested

>> No.10560925

