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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10556617 No.10556617 [Reply] [Original]

why does chainlink get shilled so much on here when its a blatant shitcoin?

>> No.10556639

Because biz owns most of the available supply.

>> No.10556794

I don't trust it either OP. I had never heard of Cornell university before coming here, if that Juels guy couldn't get into Yale or Harvard it's proof he wasn't good enough. Evan Cheng left for Facebook, quite obvious he didn't believe in the project or he would have stayed. If smart contracts were so promising then why would whoever previously owned the smartcontract.com domain name, supposedly Nick Szabo whose original project bitgold failed against bitcoin, sell it off so easily? Blythe Masters says smart contracts are the future? She also created the credit default swap and it is literally the main reason for the financial crisis we're in, that's why JP Morgan fired her and she can't work with banks anymore so she's going into blockchain as a last resort. Adelyn Zhou's book only has fake reviews and hasn't even updated her resume. SWIFT hasn't even invited them the team at SIBOS 2018, that should tell you everything you need to know about their so-called 'partnership'. Vitalik himself compared the project to a fucking Toyota. Building a trustless network instead of trustFUL. Assblaster was larping, it was exposed when the company he claimed was British was actually American. The top 2 law firms haven't even bothered joining the Accord Project, and the Project said it wasn't an actual partnership and anybody could replace them. The entire Salesforce connection comes from Benioff describing a random encounter he had with a crypto guy at his hotel in Davos, Sergey was never in Davos. The website had typos in every sentence, typos even a 10 year old wouldn't make. They haven't even started work on the reputation system. Tom Gonser funded SHOP (shopin), a literal pajeet coin. All the big players you see mentioned in link threads are all working on their centralized solutions. The list goes on and on. Don't fall for this scam coin, if you don't believe me then do your own research.

>> No.10556899

First ICO that most of /biz/ got in on

>> No.10557638

Newfag alert.

>> No.10557662


paid shills + bagholders

>> No.10557698

My guess is bad timing.

>> No.10558562
File: 15 KB, 778x136, 1503444726279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you that, despite appearances, it's not actually a blatant shitcoin. What if I told you that LINK was the single most promising project in both financial technology & blockchain technology? What if I told you that I, too, thought it was just a shitcoin at first? What if I told you that I did my own research, discovering more and more evidence, then proof, that it is absolutely legitimate, and poised to be worth over a thousand dollars per token? What if I told you that I, too, wondered why it was doing so terribly in the market, and watched the trading patterns closely, determining from my own observation that, indeed, big industry and "whales" are manipulating the price in order to dump *us* out of the LINK market, keeping prices low so that they can accumulate, only allowing the hype drive the price up when it cannot be helped, dumping at the slightest sign of upward price movement in order to bring the price down, because *they* know that (((They))) have chosen ChainLink to be among cryptos, to quote Tolkien: the "one to rule them all, and in the darkness, bind them."
>the fact that link threads outnumber all other threads about other common topics on /biz/ should clue you into how many people are tuned into what's about to happen

>> No.10558593
File: 1.62 MB, 400x225, 30e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linklets are brillian in a sense in that:
they realized all coins shitcoins early on, and found a token that they'd be basically able for hijack because Sergay and Rory are cucks

>> No.10558597


>> No.10558614

*insert pasta about you being an absolute loser here*

to the rest of you: link is real, it might be a while before real movement happens though, take this chance to accumulate some cheap stinkies

>> No.10558639
File: 28 KB, 957x751, 30 year old pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't seen this copypasta before

>> No.10558651

cuz 4chan is free and the internet is widely used in India.
Also, crypto is like the gold rush since 1 USD is like 1000x w/e their shit currency is. Hence why most scammers are actually from shit countries

>> No.10558695

I don't understand a shit about blockchains. I think half the people that have bought this are even crazier than me. I've spent 10 years here and it's ruined my life and I refuse to change it, so it will work or it will be the last joke I take.

>> No.10558753

You are such a fucking FAGGOT. I have seen you shill for link before, take off the name if you want to be this way you stupid fuck

>> No.10558772

>no trip

>> No.10558780


>> No.10558921

data is the new oil. chainlink = data provider for all blockchains.

>> No.10558930

Go read about oracles

>> No.10558938

chainlink is a confirmed chink scam: