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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 100x100, binancelogo-100x100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10552387 No.10552387 [Reply] [Original]

....go ahead: *try* to withdraw some of your funds from Binance; I'll wait....
>thread theme:
These fucking grooks are trying to make it seem like technical issues on the customer's end are why fundus cannot be withdlawn, but, in reality, I suspect them of stealing.
Go ahead: try to withdraw *anything* (no matter how little or low) from your Binance account to an offline wallet.
>be a year ago
>create binance account to buy linque
>transfer pre-fork eth from paper wallet into binance account funds successfully
>am awarded equal amounts of eth & etc cuz mine was prefork
>sell all for linque
>successfully withdraw 80% of my funds from binance back to the wallet which originally funded the account
>let the remaining 20% sit on binance locked in sell orders for outrageously high prices just in case of moon mission
>time moves on
>decide to withdraw remaining funds from binance onto cold wallet in order to hold tightly until singularity
>plus binance has always been dodgy af
>login to binance
>2fa verification required
>2fa verification successful
>cancel outstanding sell orders
>2fa verification required
>2fa verification successful
>withdraw funds from account to offline wallet
>2fa verification required
>2fa verification failed
"Address verification failed."
>literally wtf
>try from several different machines & phones
>same problem
>try trading on these machines
>2fa works no problem for logins, placing & canceling orders...
>...2fa does *not* work for withdrawal
>okay wtf
>this has literally been unresolved since we all did that run on their linque hot wallet back in like october
Seriously, are these chink fucks trying to scam me out of $1,500 worth of crypto left on their site?

>> No.10552411


>> No.10552420

have to create that fear bro

>> No.10552430


>> No.10552466

conbase and buttnace are both goxxing before the year is over

>> No.10552469

Withdrawal pending.

fuck your fud.

>> No.10552569
File: 55 KB, 1113x406, 1533398036827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my previous thread relevant to this topic:

For a second there, you actually felt alive, didn't you? That sudden rush, pounding heart, electrical tingling.... You're welcome for the jolt, fren.
>hope you enjoyed a second, but different, jolt at this image

>gonna need a screenshot of someone's successful withdrawal

>dubs reveal truth

>> No.10552903

Nice try dude, I ain't selling

>> No.10552916

never seen this before
nice one

>> No.10552923

funds are safu

>> No.10553162

UPDATE: still nothing; someone please post an edited screenshot of a successful withdrawal (with all classified & confidential information redacted or obscured) so that I know I'm not losing my mind here.
>tfw already lost mind to most promising project in the cryptosphere seriously one thousand dollars end of year

>> No.10553187
File: 116 KB, 750x924, 4D9E52B7-41D4-488E-A9A4-CCEB778BC540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a real mmmmmmmFucking moron.

>> No.10553235

OMG, how amazing would that be! It would be a newfagocolips think of all those weak hands that will be blaming everyone except themselves

>> No.10553259


Fuck you and your shit spelling, jesus


>> No.10553371

t. leaves crypto on exchanges

>> No.10553790

Whelp, I just disabled SMS 2FA, locking my account so that it cannot get withdrawals for 24 hours.

Obviously, I just tried to do a withdrawal anyway.

>herro fren
>binance strongry recommelnd u use 2fa roundeye:
Google Auth?
SMS (Only in Mainland China)
"I understand"
>understand that customers are forced to use 2fa even if they set up their account before 2fa and never wanted 2fa in the first place
...so, it's Google or nothing? Fuuuuuuuck.