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10551119 No.10551119 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point of moving out of home if I get along with my parents?
Is there anything more redpilled and a bigger fuck you to the jews than not paying rent and mortgage?
Not like living alone will instantly make you get laid.

>> No.10551140

Moving out of your parents house just for the sake of "independence" is a total American meme.

That being said, even though there's really not anything inherently bad about living with your family, you'll probably be judged silently by your peers because the meme matters to them.

>> No.10551145

Pic related
>chad 'generational wealth'
virgin 'I have roomates and bed bugs' city dweller

>> No.10551153

My addendum to this is don't be a leech. Living with your family shouldn't mean "mom and dad buy all my food and clothes and gas and pay my phone bill even though I'm not in high school anymore."

>> No.10551166

Here in switzerland most people stay with their parents simply because its too expensive to live on their own.
My brother is 32 and still here with us. Many people at work around that age also live/lived with parents. I dont think I know a friend that lives alone yet.

>> No.10551189

It´s all a meme. My parents want me to stay with them. They know that the current housing market is beyond insane.

>> No.10551207

Living with parents is based and redpilled

>Mum makes me breakfast and dinner, prepares me a packed lunch
>does all my laundry, cleans my room
>always company to watch a movie with

If I need to fuck a girl I just get an airbnb, cheaper than renting a whole apartment

>> No.10551231

Make $62k a year which isn't a crazy amount but with no rent or utilities to pay I'm loaded at the moment. Imagine moving out right after you graduate and having no savings after years of working

>> No.10551280

>you'll probably be judged silently by your peers because the meme matters to them
This is true, but fuck them they either are the same age and jealous of the mobility or are boomers and are mad you aren't buying/renting their expensive property.

>My addendum to this is don't be a leech
Working on this, I do give them money which helps them with the mortgage and expenses. I bought socks for the first time recently, that was a strange feel.

>My parents want me to stay with them
Same, but they also are encouraging if I wanted to buy a house. I was thinking about that, but will probably stay here and keep biding my time.

>> No.10551284

>If I need to fuck a girl I just get an airbnb, cheaper than renting a whole apartment
imagine cucks who design their whole lives around the posibility to fuck some slut every few weeks. How much of a beta do you have to be to waste 1/3rd or more of your slary just to attract a hoe into your "own" place copletely compromising your finances and future

>> No.10551343

>Is there any point of moving out of home if I get along with my parents?
absolutely not.
>Is there anything more redpilled and a bigger fuck you to the jews than not paying rent and mortgage?
its pretty redpilled but its not about the money in first place.
>Not like living alone will instantly make you get laid.
exactly. + what is 5 star hotels & airbnb?

you only have 1 life you fucking faggots. enjoy every single day with your parents. they are like friends to me. maybe its just a different mentality here in europe.

>> No.10551352

Sounds comfy. Most weekends I drink wine and have cheese with them. Though I hate having people go through my room or do my laundry.

Yeah I paid my loans super quick and started saving like a mad man. Honestly my coworkers commend me for this, even if they silently think I'm a loser.

>How much of a beta do you have to be to waste 1/3rd or more of your slary just to attract a hoe into your "own" place copletely compromising your finances and future
Almost fell for this trap and then realized how pointless it would be. I'd still be the same, I still wouldn't want to go to bars, and it would hinder me from doing the things I enjoy (biking, hiking) and the possibility of finding a girl who enjoys the same.

>> No.10551397

How old are you ?

Agreed mostly. But I don’t enjoy having roommates/housemates. I like having my own space. It’s worth it.

>> No.10551403

>they are like friends to me. maybe its just a different mentality here in europe.
It's not that young adults here still act like sullen teenagers and hate their parents, it's more a desire to be completely independent. Even though in reality they bounce between living at home and moving to X city every few months.
Funny enough I'm all about self sufficiency and doing things myself, but I compromise on this.

>> No.10551592

I'm 24 living with my parents. It's a huge pain in the arse to not have any Independence and still have to think about things like makig noise after a night out or not even contemplating trying to bring a girl back. But there are just too many upsides to move out for the sake of it. Namely: no rent, clothes washed and ironed (cheers nan), food most evenings.

It also meant i could start a genuine biz without worrying about having to kike out 700+ bongs at the end of every month.

I think i only makes sense to rent if it represents <25% of your monthly expenditure otherwise its just a waste.

>> No.10551639

OP, i am 25 make 60k a year (over half of that is tax free) and choose to live at home.

I live 1/2 mile from work, parents let me smoke weed in house and bring girls home whenever.

why would i move out? just to pay 1500 a month to tell people i live in my own apartment? its a meme. ive moved out before, and will do it again when im nice and COMFY

>> No.10551645

>not even contemplating trying to bring a girl back.

this is the worst part

>> No.10551660

Have you done it tho? I thought they would care and they didn't. Just put my hand over her mouth if she got too loud.

>> No.10551683

Live with your parents as long as possible, save and reinvest as much as you can. Live extremely cheaply, but also try to get the highest paying job you can.

Work on self improvement as much as possible, don't get distracted by quick pleasures like video games. Read books constantly, research constantly, your focus is to make your future as bright as possible before becoming independent.

t. 28 year old who is barely scraping by because his parents kicked him out of the house the second I graduated high school

>> No.10551707

I fell for the independence meme and was paying $1500 a month for rent out of college with only making 60k a year. God I was stupid

>> No.10551804

>its pretty redpilled but its not about the money in first place.

Grow up oedipus.

>> No.10552312

It sucks that this generation is stuck being in the middle of insane rents and a median income pay that just gets you by. Obviously we also have to take responsibility, but it was a hell of a lot easier for the previous generations to move out, get their independence and get by on a minimum wage job. I’m figuring out how not to shoot myself in the foot and get a decent paying job.

>> No.10552351
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>live at home throughout 20s
>friends mock me
>save up money for years
>invest it all in crypto a couple years ago
>rich af now
>move out finally
>friends start asking me to borrow money

>> No.10552354

Suck it up and do it for as long as you can take it (assuming your parents don't mind) and live like a monk and save everything you possibly can. It's a huge financial blessing that will impact the entire rest of your life.

>> No.10552368

I know man, i'll be chatting to a girl and psychologically I won't even be in closing mode.

I live upstairs from my parents, nan and sister. My room is a fucking hole with a single bed. It sucks but i can probably keep it up for another year. Feelsbadman

>> No.10552378

funny, i had the reverse story
>spent 20s living at home saving
>put half my net worth in Req at 98c, Link at $1.20 and Ether at $1100
>fell for the hodl meme

it's like I wasted my 20s. I'm back where I was 5 years ago financially.

>> No.10552379

But then where do you keep your individual machine guns?

>> No.10552382

>I bought socks for the first time recently, that was a strange feel.
bless you dear child

>> No.10552401

found the kike. gas yourself shlomo

>> No.10552491

This isn't the same for everyone. I just dropped out of uni(some software I'm working on is taking off, separate story) but when I was there you have to realize that everyone just fucks everyone. Freshman year I shared a room with two other guys(The same room) and we would have girls in there at the same time as one another, and it was totally normal. It's a bit awkward knowing there's someone RIGHT there as you're getting with someone else but, after a while you get used to it. one of the three would leave the room every time me or the other one would bring a girl home lol

>> No.10552848

>Not like living alone will instantly make you get laid.
It actually did. Not sure if it is a sufficient reason though, for me I did not get along so well with parent.

>> No.10553153

would not even consider moving out if I don't have at least 100k in US dollars

>> No.10553316

I make 75k a year. 22. I have 10k in crypto. 4k in 401k. Work as a civil engineer. I will live at home until my company makes me move. I will live at home until I am 30 and have made it using exponential returns.

>> No.10553334 [DELETED] 

I moved out into an apartment for my first year of university and I'm choosing to just move back in with my parents, because we decided that I wouldn't pay rent for the duration of being in school. From a psychological standpoint, it's absolutely the worst thing I could possibly do given that money isn't really something I think about to any large degree, thankfully, but my brother and his dumb wife and kids coming over makes me want to kill myself, because I hate them all.

Part of me just wants to outright buy a nice mobile home in a decent area here and just live in that on my own for the next 5~ years or something.

>> No.10553582

I'm somewhere in the middle. Could have easily made millions once I started working full time after college, but had a bad taste in my mouth from losing a couple hundred dollars on various shitcoins from back in the day. The kicker is I didn't even lose money overall, I just never tallied it up and thought I did.

I'm trying to get my finances rock solid and then hoping crypto will be the icing on top for the next 5-10 year time span. I'm patient as fuck so I have high hopes.

>> No.10553590

Moving out immediately with no plan and no savings is one of the major reasons why there is such a massive problem with poverty and disenfranchised youth unable to get a leg up on anything in the civilized world.

It's literally just another antiquated boomer-tier ideology where one should strive to be independent as soon as possible, where parents will just throw their kids out into the street just because the same thing happened to them, even though back in the 50s-60s far more opportunities existed with far less risk for the individual. The fact that an entire generation of people have the financial resources to aid their children through their young adulthood and into independence, but choose not to, is absolutely disgusting to me. My parents let me stay at home rent free after graduating and by working full time minimum wage I was able to afford enough by the time I turned 21 to assure myself a graduates degree in business with 0 debt to my name. Now that I'm graduated and making 60k as an OM in an oil tech firm I am finalizing plans to purchase a home. I don't come from a wealthy family, either.

Meanwhile kids are kicked out at 17 without a dime to their name and forced to work under outrageous circumstances with 4 roommates, barely saving anything. How anyone expects people to get ahead under those conditions is beyond me.