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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10549769 No.10549769 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.10549779

>tfw comfy equipment operator job

Life is pretty comfy m8

>> No.10549794

>dumb wagecuck thinks he is comfy because he has to spend 9 hours a day working for someone else wasting his time until he can go home and do what he wants
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.10549804
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>> No.10549809

Try 60 kiddo
>Do what he wants
I technically can't since I get random drug test

>> No.10549816

NEET it is saturday, its our day off.

Give us a break just once. You can remind us tomorrow night about our impending slavery.

>> No.10549839

Work gives meaning to life. No matter how insignificant it might seem, it is always better than degrading yourself to the life of a child.

>> No.10550001
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>> No.10550036

Based neetposter getting all the wagies mad.

>> No.10550045

Work sets you free-the last thing you’ll read Neet

>> No.10550192

>anon on mental disability neetbux reaching for fulfilment by posting the same retarded sludge every day

>> No.10550393

Yeah no one is actually triggered by these, I think people respond to this guy because he needs something in his life.

>> No.10550451

I faked being a wagie so I managed to talk with a few actual wagecucks who lurk /biz/. These "people" are out of their mind. They're basically here just because they get triggered and they spend their time trolling on /biz/. Fucking subhumans.

>> No.10550507
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when will the wagies learn to not cope so hard? its reaching levels of absurdity dont you think?

>> No.10550541

As opposed to you, who is so secure they post every day how much happier they are than everyone else? Tell me another.

>> No.10550559

Happy people would certainly need to start these threads.

>> No.10550563

oh no, the wagie has succumbed to the ragie again. we cant have that now can we? oh no no no, our wagie must be ready to face all matter of challenges on monday morning! please wagie, you've earned your 2 days rest, use them wisely!

>> No.10550607

Don't worry, in 5 years. I won't be. I am accumulating wealth. Have 100k networth. 5 more years of saving and reinvesting I'll be 500k networth easy. With 500k I can passively live without worrying. I'll start my own business because being a NEET doesn't get you laid.

>> No.10550635

Why are you so obsessed with wagies?

>> No.10550638

i can neet it up but ill still be sleeping in street then or starving
miss my neetie days somewhat

>> No.10550643
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>he does all of this because he fell for the vaginal jew

>> No.10550653
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are twitch whores good investment? any wagies want to chip in?

>> No.10550670

Thar’s how you can tell how happy he is: he has to convince himself every day that he enjoys being kept like a pet by his family.

>> No.10550685
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>d-disabled master race

>> No.10550708

Because depression and defensive mechanism masked as sense of superiority.

>> No.10550730
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>> No.10551065

Viginas are great, buckoo.

>> No.10551882

>y-you must be depressed!
Look at the wagie squirm

>> No.10551941

>I need other people to tell me what to do to give my life meaning
Only working for yourself f a m

>> No.10551997

When I make it, I'm going part time at mcdonalds to stay humble. Going to find the one guy that is too promising to be there and gift him 50k all taxes payed anonymously.

>> No.10552018
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Lolololol I inherited enough to live a carefree lifestyle and never work a day in my life.

I get to travel the world, while you slowly get fatter and more depressed in your self-inflicted prison.

Have fun being one one of those crazy old hobos living on the street in a decade or too :)

>> No.10552074
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>haha stupid NEETs
>i love my job and so much
>i definitely prefer working over anything else
>it's not that im being compelled to work by the threat of starvation n-n-no
>truly the pinnacle of human existence is working to increase my boss's kid's trust fund until i drop dead haha checkmate incel NEETs

>> No.10552080

>dogshit 20 footer

>> No.10552211
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38.4' Catalina, actually. Honestly would prefer something smaller, a little too big for me. 28' would be just about right, especially since I don't live aboard it for extended periods.

>> No.10552286

Two months of my NEETbux could buy a more worthy sea dweller that that sack of shit.

>> No.10552333

The richest man in my city works over 50 hours a week. He has helicopters and part of an NFL team.

A man needs to work. Granted, he wouldn't have to work another day in his life if he didn't want to, but a pure life of leisure is not human nature.

We need a purpose and a drive.

I'm not richer than 3 feet up a bull's ass, but I have a modest house and a good couple of cars. My wife doesn't have to work so she can stay home to raise our daughter. I have a few toys. All our needs are met and most of our wants don't slip away. We have some debt, but nothing that can't be handled.

I'd rather have it by the sweat of my brow and reasonable decisions than to have everything given to me.

But if I hit the Powerball tonight, I'll tell even people I like to kiss my ass.

>> No.10552384

I would work some shit tier job even if I was a millionaire. Puts you out there. Most times I have gotten laid has been from girls at work.

>> No.10552994
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You make 50k a month in neetbux, lol? A decent used Catalina of that size is usually around a hundred grand.

If you could afford a boat and a slip, why do you still live in your bedroom? Why waste the best years of your life alone and depressed? It's pathetic, but it's also sad.

>> No.10553013

trips of truth, sage all NEET posts

>> No.10553032

fucking shit lmao this is one of the best things I've ever read

>> No.10553066
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>TFW I wrote the second half of this opus.

Cry for me wagie.

>> No.10553538


>> No.10554245


>> No.10554305


>> No.10554323

based and redpilled


>> No.10555407

Can anyone tell me how a 19 year old is supposed to escape the min wage pit?

>> No.10555491


Chase demand instead of dreams.

>> No.10556184


>> No.10556217

'I LOVE MY JOB!' the Ragie Squeels, glancing to see if his boss approves. Pushed on by the master's smile he continues, sweat pouring down his face, "I'm contributing to the world and thats great! I dont need millions, who would need that much anyways! PLEASE! PLEASE let me do this everyday for the rest of my life! Even if I was a billionaire I'd want to keep working!!". The boss motions this is enough as he retreats back into mega office. The other wagies look on nodding in approval.

>> No.10556271

Well what's in demand exactly that isn't outsourced either to foreign countries or "guest workers"?

>> No.10556274

most based post of all time tbhfam

>> No.10556295
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>> No.10556296 [DELETED] 


>> No.10556321 [DELETED] 
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>living the dream

>> No.10556355

"SHHHHH!" the Ragie shouts. "Do not talk about the NEETs here, not here, this is our space... If a NEET was here I'd tell him hes lazy right to his face and he would immediately feel bad and beg to work here with us... but I wouldnt let him! NEETs dont belong here on the line.' 'Thats right!' 'I agree!' 'I love my job!' the other wagies squeal forth. One of the new workers was arranging his work space when he mentioned that he thought his desk was "neat" enough but the Ragie, the most stubborn wagie, misheard him and it set him off. "How could those who dont serve a master be satisfied with their life? Who tells them what to do each day and for how many days they are allowed to see their family or rest? Its just madness." There was a strict hierarchical structure in this place, where only the most loyal wagie, to the master of this place, was treated with respect as they had the master's ear.

>> No.10556378 [DELETED] 

now THESE are BASED posts tbqhfam

>>10549769 (OP)
>>10553032 (You)
>>10553538 (You)
>>10554245 (You)
>>10554305 (You)
>>10556184 (You)
>>10556274 (You)

>> No.10556386

Cool thought

>> No.10556393

wow niceu Asian accent :3c

>> No.10556398

Thank you, senpai.

>> No.10556418
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>tfw sit in airconditioned tractor all day

>> No.10556439

Should I get myself injured at work and go on disability payments at centrelink?

>> No.10556442


>> No.10556522

What the fuck happened to this thread

>> No.10556524

Thanks anon. Ill stick it out for a few months and say the work gave me scoliosis lmao

>> No.10556557


this is unironically what is happening

I work for some Jews and they are literally taking all of the money I am making them and putting it into their children's trust fund, no exaggeration. They even tell me this to my face

>> No.10556633

shills trying to derail it

>> No.10556675
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based and neetpilled

>> No.10556766


>> No.10557074

You need knee pads

>> No.10557249

>work for an alarm company

>guy who owns it literally stole the business by getting it from the original owner when it was supposed to go to him and another long time employee but he took ownership when the other guy’s wife had cancer

>keep hearing about how great a place it used to be to work but this guy is a superjew and took all perks away

>work there 3 years and he promised me that he’d give raises and schooling if I worked enough overtime to keep the place going

>when I mention his promises he gives a little smirk and says we’ll see

>unknown to him I kept a list of all accounts with contacts/hundreds of names, phone numbers and addresses

> bring it to new small company and they give me a bonus for every new contract they sign

>more than triple salary

>eventually get whiney phone massage from Mr. Nosestein saying what I was doing wasn’t fair

>> No.10557268

to clarify the NEET alternative is to back a shitcoin and hope it moons, right?

>> No.10557296

Similar to how this Jew got in business. Him and 3 other non-Jews started it. They all sold their share because they aren't greedy and wanted to move on with their life. So now this remaining Jew owns it and he happily fucks everyone who works there.

>> No.10557336
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Wage slavery is abysmal, degrading, soul-destroying and I hate it a lot.

But OP is without a doubt the most pathetic person in this thread and definitely has no friends so his insults cannot hurt me

>> No.10557378

honestly customer service is where I get all my stories, otherwise all I'd have to talk about would be video games and korean variety television and that would look boring as hell on my yearly cruises

>> No.10557397

If you can start finding out who his customers/suppliers are-take pictures with your phone and keep files.

>> No.10557398

Just get a job you enjoy.

>> No.10557611

Amazing poetry

>> No.10557896


Depends on your area of interest, for any given personality disposition under the sun there's a career path that's highly paid and wouldn't be unbearable in the day to day if you can handle the training. Medical in general is a good bet with most boomers on the brink of death and immunity to outsourcing but it's far from the only one.

>> No.10558121

seething wagies, is this how you spend your hard-earned weekends?

>> No.10558139

stop posting, the only exit is a gun

>> No.10558168


my parents told me to clean my room and my life was filled with meaning

every day i flip burger and dopamine is released when i see happy smiling faces getting heart disease

>> No.10558198

>it's not a bot and NEETanon is just merely satisfied with the dark glow that comes from knowing he caused some wagie tears

>> No.10558215

kill me

>> No.10558226
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>> No.10558363


>> No.10558369

fuck you

>> No.10559404

OP is based

>> No.10559430

>travel the world
>in that thing
I used to pick little snots like you out of the deep Atlantic. Please don't forget to grab your passport when we get you, it delays customs so much when we get shoreside.

>> No.10559439


>> No.10559479
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>> No.10559487

now that's fucking based (and redpilled)

>> No.10559502


>> No.10559916

Now being spammed

>> No.10559961

epic. Way to stick it to mr noseberg

>> No.10560981
