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File: 699 KB, 1066x600, AFCABBD1-6AA9-48F5-BDCB-C00E425C94D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10545746 No.10545746 [Reply] [Original]

hi. im working on a documentary (pictured) about the asia hustle. id like to hear anecdotes and stories from you goys about how you’ve been asia hustled. a list of asia hustle coins would be helpful too. ps sunny lu pasta is appreciated

>> No.10545753

I bought TRX on a pump without reading about what it does and got dumped on immediately.

>> No.10545914

Why does everyone feel obligated to fold their arms? What are they compensating/hiding?

>> No.10545956
File: 810 KB, 800x5132, chinamentality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the chinks steal from everyone else, including their own kind. Look up it's history and the lack of empathy the culture has. It's not a meme, the chinese legitimately do not care about anyone but themselves, family, and their name.

>> No.10545969

ICX, from 8 dollars to 99 cents.

During the pump the daily conglomerate was shilling ICX then suddenly you they made it clear Ivon was an independent company and had nothing to do with them despite daily providing funding and shilling the whole thing.
Basically they offloaded their 200million dollar bags and got off and made sure they were not connected to Icon and less than 6 months after Icon was 1.90.

>> No.10545971

XD well memed

>> No.10545993


What does that have to do with folding their arms?

>> No.10545996
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I invested in Binance coin but when I went to go check their main office in China, it turned out that it was just some empty warehouse with CZ jerking off to anime porn.

>> No.10545997

Its what they do while they do it

>> No.10546010

You need to call you documentary Insectoid.
Anyways I got chinked by Vechain. Technically I didn’t lose any money but I did recommend it to people which I care more about. I actually believed the hype.
I think you’d do a lot of good exposing chinks for the scum they are.

>> No.10546034
File: 33 KB, 320x320, AsianSteveJobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have any original ideas or thoughts.

>> No.10546051
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Dont forget these revolutionaries

>> No.10546555

I wanna squish these yellow insect niggers, literally smash their fucking skull in

>> No.10546586

I'm Asian and I know for a fact Asian people are hustlers. Especially if of Chinese descent, the Jews of Asia.

There had been hate crimes and mass killings of Chinese population all over Asia because locals were pissed that the Chinese owned big businesses and had money.

>> No.10546602


I can agree that Chinese can be scammy, probably due to desperate circumstances of its recent history BUT not all asians are scammy. Like the West you got scammy people and you got non scammy people. Some of most sincere people I know are Koreans.

>> No.10546610
File: 67 KB, 1024x622, 9D468EBA-00C4-451A-9DAB-6F113706A64A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invested in WTC because the large active twitter community convinced me it was a legit project. Pic related happened. Now I'm down >50%

>> No.10546959

If you're still reading this and invested in a Chinese project, you deserve to lose everything.

>> No.10546978
File: 67 KB, 400x400, icx ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please include pic related
when the camera zooms into mins face somebody gotta say "if only you knew how things really are" in a thick asian accent, then short fade to black screen and then charts of ICX in freefall.

>> No.10548082

Were they brought up in the west?

>> No.10548131

Those Koreans are just faking it. They’re even worse than chinks

>> No.10548154

They're not perfect but they are in no way worse than chinks.

t. lived in both china and korea

>> No.10548187

bought ETP at like $5-$6 when it was shilled relentlessly last year, then it dumped to like 50 cents, only wash trading scam exchanges available for burgers.. then once me and the rest of the retards capitulated now its pumping hard for another generation of bagholders to get dumped on
>no communication ir marketing
>no effort to get on non scam exchange
>told binance to fuck off
>stealing money from metaverse "foundation"
>lied in whitepaper about block time and thus length of time coins are locked up

>> No.10548267

>all Asians are chinks
and all whites are frenchies or canadians
what now faggot

>> No.10548279

Company Chinapex that runs coin Apex (CPX) is an uses other company's tech to bid on digital ad space and claim it as their own "AI" technology. Their entire codebase is junk and their idea is not even GDPR compliant.

>> No.10548582


>> No.10548631


Smart post and yes it’s true

>> No.10548651

>from you goys
rabbi your mutilated benis is showing

>> No.10548671
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>> No.10548808

Why do you guys hate Asian coins so much. It is some of the easiest profit. You are supposed to sell the pump. You didn't actually hold did you??

>> No.10548822

what kind of idiot buys a pump? got nothin to do with the coin ur buying m8

>> No.10548909
File: 227 KB, 461x320, U3xVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In over ten years of buying chink shit direct from China I have been chinked more time than I can count. Still works out to be ok value when you average it with the savings you make when they don't cheat you but I'd never want those bastards building my blockchain.

>> No.10549087
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>> No.10549159


>> No.10549166
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PLS do eettt

>> No.10549243


>> No.10549269

subtle icx shill

>> No.10549291

Oh, anon....

>> No.10549362

hilarious, but this guy ain't scamming you. terrible pr? sure. I know someone who went to their office in seoul.
>inb4 bagholder
I sold my bags when ian balina did kek

>> No.10549368

Do Japanese scam gaijin or are they literally /our guys/?

Not sure if there are many Japcoins

>> No.10549374

Honor culture, developed country for decades, better system of law. much less likely.

>> No.10549420

>BUT not all asians are scammy.

Hi Chang

>> No.10549504


>> No.10549911

Good friend of mine is chinese, everyone within his family are hardworkers regardless of their profession (applies to every generation) - all are Christians, adults are stingy as fk and rarely buys stuff but doesn't compromise when it comes to education for kids

guy's a retard when it comes to flirting with chicks tho