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File: 159 KB, 900x900, le crypto news guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10545482 No.10545482 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto markets start moving again
>coincidentally starts making new content again

>> No.10545493

People 90 percent down on their investment got tired of getting crypto updates about how we’re out of the bear market for 7 months.

>> No.10545798

He s chill.nothing much to say when everything is tanking...

>> No.10545825

richard spencer's starting a crypto-funded ethnostate?

>> No.10545920

fuck off cryptonick

>> No.10545932

lmao probably true

>> No.10546429
File: 301 KB, 525x247, bitcone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only content worth watching in this gorilla market @kryptotwins

>> No.10546465

not gonna lie these 2 are growing on me

>> No.10546480

>start moving again

>> No.10546524

>When crypto is boring he doesn't make content
>when crypto moves he does

Wow. Such coincidence!

>> No.10547234

Doug Polk is into crypto? I know him from poker

>> No.10547251


>> No.10547264
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0a34bddcebccf9209418be57b7a16f83--chicago-sun-times-coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look to see if Tina Hui (Follow the Coin) is making videos again

>> No.10547273


hate all these youtube scumbags

>> No.10547314

Literally every crypto YouTuber are all giant normie faggots. Can anyone on biz recommend any that actually know what the fuck they are talking about or any of /our/ guys that have channels ?

>> No.10547365
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, paj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10547400

ReadySetCrypto is legit and doesn't shill based on people paying him to do so. He even did a review on Link in October.

>> No.10547423

Thanks I’ll check him out. Oh o just membered there’s one dude I don’t mind he’s more trader boomer tuber than just crypto tuber though. Alesio rastani or some shit like that. Been pretty accurate with his calls

>> No.10547434

no, because people who know their stuff dont share the information

>> No.10547442

Is Panama Buyers Club a real group or was that just a meme?

>> No.10547452

This is true too

Those that can do
Those that can’t; teach

>> No.10548045

Doug knows what he's talking about. He is good friends with some of the smartest and best connected people in crypto today.

>> No.10548181

He's a blockstream shill

>> No.10548189

none of them you retard. the only way to learn is to experience or actually read shit. everyone thats on youtube is a brainlet.

>> No.10548197

much better as a poker player imo.

>> No.10548521

Hes YouTube channel is made so he can grow his brand, and he didn't do much videos while markets going down because ppl are already sick of the justing news. More ppl watch his videos in a bull market so for him it's wasted time to do videos and lose money on them ( he hires editors etc). All this he told in a recent video, I don't see the problem?