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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10544780 No.10544780 [Reply] [Original]

who here getting JUSTed right now?

>> No.10545184

unironically me
Invested at $8300 and now it's $7300.
I'll keep HODLing I guess. If it drops @ $6300 'im getting the fuck out

>> No.10545191

no idea desu. my doge alarm to check my folio hasn't gone off in a while

>> No.10545221

50% down from initial investment. Mildly justed as it

>> No.10545235

My life has become quite pathetic. As if a shrinking portfolio wasn't enough, I've discovered my phsyque is correlated to how big it is. I'm losing weight my nigga. Gains evaporating. Shits bleak. Starting to look like Hide the Pain Harrold in the mirror.

>> No.10545266

If it drops buy more, don't sell at lows.
Fucking /biz/ I swear

>> No.10545277
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Thank God I didn't make my whole portfolio crypto like the assholes on here but yes I am getting justed on what I have

>> No.10545317

Comfy af with my BWK stacks

>> No.10545426
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ive lost everything

>> No.10545522

This is why /biz/ keeps getting JUST'd.

>> No.10545544

I greedily invested what little I had saved for a down payment on a house, $20,000. I now have $600 worth of req tokens.

>> No.10545589

Positive $845 and rising. How are you losing money anon?

>> No.10545593


Bought 10K Req at 8cents
almost 50% down feeling pretty justed rn

>> No.10545616
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For once in my life, No im not.

>> No.10546204

The Hodgetwins


>> No.10546216

all in in omnidex.io. can’t lose

>> No.10546348


>> No.10546404

Fuck i couldnt even watch 5 secinds of that trash. Fucking hell...

>> No.10546479

I was yesterday but the market is coming back today