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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10544480 No.10544480 [Reply] [Original]

Is this truly Ethereum on Steroids? Or just a fake that failed to do what Ethereum does but better?

>> No.10544491

Go use it, it's amazing and filled with FUD

>> No.10544517

or a terribly coded clusterfuck rushed to market in a centralized system that grants a few EOS faggots the right to freeze accounts and funds at a whim.
>truly a piece of shit

>> No.10544557

I fucked hookers with Dan Larimer.
He is a pretty ok guy.
Vitalik was not interested in pussy when we met.

>> No.10544565

It has no purpose because dapps have no purpose. Putting decentralized in front of a word doesn't make your shit worth money.

>> No.10544613

>erc20 token
>ethereum on steroids
many keks indeed

>> No.10544640


>> No.10544658

kek gottem

>> No.10544669

>Is this truly Ethereum on Steroids?
Dan looks like the kind of guy with massive gyno

>> No.10544693
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Mr. Larimer. As you can see, we have had our eye on you... for some time. It seems you have run an unregistered 4 billion dollar ICO for the security EOS in direct violation of US law. We are willing to give you a second chance, to wipe the slate clean. In return we only ask that you help us to bring a number of known troublemakers to justice. All we require from you is to freeze any and all accounts that we bring to you and to transfer those funds to an account of our choosing. What do you say Mr. Larimer?

>> No.10544863

Going to laugh so hard at all biztards when this hits 100$ within 2 years

>> No.10544864


>> No.10545118

dapps are worthless and will continue to be worthless for a long time.

there is value in smart contracts as scriptable stores of value, but this requires an immutable public chain that is beyond reproach in its integrity.

EOS is politically toxic, doomed to recapitulate every failure of representative politics, and architecturally broken in multiple ways.

basically on-chain scaling is a really dumb meme, they have sacrificed everything of value in a public chain to get it, to be usable it will still require off-chain solutions, which render its one supposed advantage irrelevant.

>> No.10545145

eos isn't even better than ethereum, its tech is just as rudimentary they can only handle 21 nodes with zero verification just to get it to run.

maybe we'll see a successor to ethereum at some point, but not today, and certainly not from something as technically unimpressive as eos.

>> No.10545207

Literally the most used blockchain in the industry right now. Blocktivity.info

With 10x the amount of txs as ETH and only using .66 % of the Network

Get fucked retard this isn’t pre mainnet the erc20 token fud only works on people with an iq lower than 60

>> No.10545219

T.never even programmed an alarm clock in life

Devs love eos you tard

>> No.10545258

hi Dan! we love you Dan!

>> No.10545270

who do you really think you're fooling with that? eos might have a fancier API than the EVM, but nobody gives a fuck about that. if you're developing for a blockchain, it's because you're developing for a decentralized censorship resistant network, which EOS is not. there's a very small overlap of developers that care about developing for a blockchain but don't care if it's a permissioned network like EOS.

go look at the pitiful developer interest and support EOS is enjoying and try to tell anybody that isn't some worthless late adopter speculator like yourself that devs "love" EOS.,

>> No.10545551

>which EOS is not. there's a very small overlap of developers that care about developing for a blockchain but don't care if it's a permissioned network like EOS
First of, it is incredibly censorship resistant compared to regular web hosting.

Second of, sure ethereum is more censorship resistant, but bitcoin is even more censorship resistant and look how ethereum destroyed bitcoin because it has more use cases.

Third of, devs dont like ethereum because currently, it's impossible to actually code any dapps on it. The only useful things you can code on ethereum is research on scalability. Apps for end users are pretty much inexistant.

You don't know shit about programming faggot.

>> No.10545566

what do you think the first successful dapps will be?

>> No.10545630

Ur a fucking idiot if you think there is any point in a dapp. Reinventing the wheel and throwing decentralized on the name doesn't do shit. Laugh when you all get burned.

>> No.10545823

Decentralized applications only works if the application actually benefits from being cencorship resistant and not be taken down but a single point of failure. Something like distributed computing, cloud storage and content/web hosting. These are the only use cases I can find for having decentralized applications.

>> No.10545830

>Ur a fucking idiot if you think there is any point in a dapp
People are already using dapps u fucking moron. 2 prime examples are bittorrent for piracy and monero for buying drugs. It's only a matter of time before more and more emerge.

>> No.10545837

read my earlier post.

>> No.10545849

Tokenize everything.

>> No.10545973

If you aren’t in EOS for 2019 you’re not making it

>> No.10546221


It's just a centralised EVM implementation lol. You could set up a private Ethereum POA system (literally an existing feature) and accomplish the same thing. Or just use Loom, which is still basically that, but sidechained to Ethereum directly for proper interoperability. EOS was a gigantic scam.

>> No.10546675

First of all POA are complete shit and completely different than EOS.

Second of all, sidechains are a completely unproven way of accomplishing the same thing as EOS (which is also unproven). So betting 100% on one if quite retarded. If you're smart you're betting on both.

>> No.10546751

>there is value in smart contracts as scriptable stores of value, but this requires an immutable public chain that is beyond reproach in its integrity.

thank you...one person on biz actually understands the point of this technology in the first place

>> No.10546820

I'm validated

>> No.10546839

Amount of Tx is really nice from EOS. They are proving they can actually do a nice amount of Tx's.

The big problem I have with EOS is their governance system.
It's barely decentralized and in a very laymen way its like 21 people running a single bank and they can do whatever they want.

>> No.10546874

they have a better logo
>smart contracts
>ETH contracts written in javascript derived garbage language
>literally thousands of smart contracts that will ALWAYS be easily hackable
>EOS contract written in C++
>Same people who write processor architecture are writing EOS smart contracts
yeah I wonder which one will be left standing

>> No.10546889

>allegedly most used blockchain
>literally no one uses it in real life
I'm really curious where all those transactions are coming from

>> No.10546898


Can you play space invaders on ETH?

>> No.10546906

>It has no purpose because dapps have no purpose.

OMG the cope is fucking insane. The only value ETH ever had was dapps you fucking brainlet.

> ETH was always a store of value and dapps with smart contracts were just some side project!

> Bitcoin was never supposed to be money its just a store of value!!

I see a pattern here anons.

>> No.10546910

is that it? every single move is a transaction and that's how you're claiming it's the most used blockchain? isn't there massive latency with 0.5 second block times?

>> No.10546919

I like EOS and I hold some, but the community is the absolute worst.

Just go on reddit and look at the type of posts. Its all 'investors' asking questions about airdrops and how to sell them.

Fools dont realise that airdrops are worthless if nobody wants to pay for them.

Unfortunately EOS is full of january crypto noobs hoping to get rich

>> No.10546923

Absolute garbage compared to ETH

>> No.10546935

this is ultimately why it will fail. 95% of the community is only trying to make a profit and doesn't care about dapps, and most are too retarded to even use wallets.

>> No.10546957

I absolutely love the fact that ETH bag holders are now being forced to claim that smart contracts and dapps where never the point of ETH in the first place.

You guys are in full fucking cope mode holy shit. This is even worse than people claiming that scaling is not important just because their choice shitcoin can only do 3 transactions per second.

>> No.10546964

>First of all POA are complete shit

EOS IS basically PoA. 21 block producers who do everything on the network. You can clone ethereum and throw 21 authority nodes and it would be the same shit.

>> No.10546972

>You can clone ethereum and throw 21 authority nodes and it would be the same shit.

That's bullshit, you would need to completely rework every aspect of ETH until its not even ETH anymore.

>> No.10546994


Parity offers a PoA version of ethereum right now. Anybody can literally fucking download it and kickstart a PoA blockchain.

>> No.10547020

On that note ETH with plasma and casper it will essentially just be EOS anyway. It will force you to choose nodes that can censor your content and wallets. You will be forced to stack ETH to gain some kind of benefit.

People will complain about child porn holding the growth of ETH back once it gets actual social media dapps. Nodes will be give control over peoples wallets to curtail that kind of content.

YAY you could have fucking bought EOS in the first place you fucking morons.

> Parity offers a PoA version of ethereum right now. Anybody can literally fucking download it and kickstart a PoA blockchain.

EOS is extremely robust in its design though. Anyone who says otherwise or that its easy to duplicate is fooling themselves and has no clue about the nuances of the tech. Look at every aspect of EOS and you will see layers deep design to make the coin continue to go up in value as it gains adoption.

>> No.10547087

Eos tried to FUD ETH with the “childporn” strawman.

Meanwhile EOS was created by a team of PEDOPHILES

>> No.10547116

>Eos tried to FUD ETH with the “childporn” strawman.

No censorship and anonymity says, people can post anything they want any time they want! Explain to me how this is a fucking strawman you moron.

We all need to hear your well thought out argument on how child porn isnt going to be a problem with social media dapps if there is no way to control or identify anyone who is posting said content.

I strongly suggest you stick to the

> Waaaahhhh ETH is a store of value like gold and was never meant to use smart contracts / dapps

At least there you might be able to pull off the pro child porn angle of the argument. Otherwise ETH wont be getting any social media dapps. And thus no mass adoption.

I would love to hear why this is a strawman though

>> No.10547324

Methheads btfo

>> No.10547329

Vitaliks tweet caused that fud lel

>> No.10547342

Child porn isn’t going to be a problem. Just don’t be “friends” or “follow” people who post child porn. Problem solved

>> No.10547354

I’m all in on eos and bcash when the market bottoms out. The pattern is strong

>> No.10547369

Ur gonna maek it

>> No.10547374


>> No.10547386
File: 295 KB, 375x523, C9A5536E-54E4-4C85-83B8-8A02556CE12A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey baby <3

>> No.10547398
File: 86 KB, 832x832, 3D85D4CD-0EFA-4034-A83F-EF43A41687C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know senpai, I’m a psyop master the market bows to me and my frens.

>> No.10547498

Do you ever think about the fact that there are literally people on /biz/ that own this shit? Fucking lol.

>> No.10547503

>Child porn isn’t going to be a problem. Just don’t be “friends” or “follow” people who post child porn. Problem solved

Actually, this wont solve the problem. Like I said above. The cycle will go like this.

> ETH gets casper and plasma and everything is great.
> Chad coder makes awesome facebook killer dapp.
> Child porn floods the fucking thing and people freak out.
> The coin drops in value as the FUD around the problem get intense as fuck.
> People using awesome facebook killer dapp demand that the dapps devs make it so that kind of shit is harder to post without consequences.
> Nodes you choose to connect to can now censor content!
> OH NO! Thats too much power for the nodes! We need to make it so they cant have too much control over everything!
> Let's make it so people can vote on the nodes.
> YES! A democratic solution!


> YAY you could have fucking bought EOS in the first place you fucking morons.

You have arrived at EOS land bitch, maybe you should have just skipped the bullshit and realized that this will be the same cycle FOR ALL DAPPS COINS PERIOD!! Every fucking coin with significant dapps is going to experience this cycle.

No, unlicking follow or "unfriending" people is not going to solve the problem. If that kind of content is able to be posted then people will demand it gets removed entirely or they will flee completely from the platform. End of fucking story, its obvious this is true.

EOS was designed to solve it DAY ONE. If you have zero control over shit like this then your coin will be completely fucked the moment you get a decent dapp.

>> No.10547553

>21 people running a single bank and they can do whatever they want.
kek are you fucking retarded?

the block producers are ELECTED by STAKEHOLDERS, and that will be UNELECTED the minute they fuck up or do anything shady.

the block producers literally cannot do anything they want. They can do what they think will not get them voted out. That's all they can do.

Please kys brainlet

>> No.10547564

A’s much as I hate the reddit and normie side of the eos community anons you like you two make me know I’m on the right team

>> No.10547579

EOS is not even decentralized.

>> No.10547586

This is exactly how its suppose to work as long as the community actually participates and votes.

The dumbass BP that didn't enforce the blacklist got voted out pretty quickly.

>> No.10547587

>people arguing that centralisation is a good thing on a crypto forum
Literally kill yourselves you pathetic faggots.

>> No.10547596

Serious question - is this shit getting shit on ad nauseum for any specific reason lately? One day everyone will love and shill this shit, the next, everyone's shitting on it and lol'ing at bagholders - the fuck is it?

>> No.10547618

that dumbass BP actually moved up 10 slots after it happened

>> No.10547640

Yeah it is. You will be able to drop the word nigger on live streams and not get banned by some butt hurt basedboy. You will be able to be racist as fuck if you feel like it and not worry about being banned.

Dapps platforms are a new breed of social media and EOS will bring decentralization in ways that is unheard of in places like Facebook, twitter, twitch and youtube. Hell, just the fact alone you dont have to worry about ads for monetization of content changes shit a lot right out of the gate. No Adpocalypse is possible.

>> No.10547643

And once more people started voting they were knocked out of the top 21 and are now in the 40's.

Like I said EOS will succeed if the community is active and actually votes

>> No.10547658

>Serious question - is this shit getting shit on ad nauseum for any specific reason lately?

Dapps coins with real world use cases are game changers and it scares the fuck out of people. Its not just EOS. Look at NEO too. Hell look at all major dapps coins, ADA IOTA TRX ect...

Paradigm shift, why else would BTC be bleeding out to fucking zero? The market is shifting to newer better coins.

>> No.10547665


>You will be able to drop the word nigger on live streams and not get banned by some butt hurt basedboy. You will be able to be racist as fuck if you feel like it and not worry about being banned.

is this literally the only reason crypto exists

>> No.10547668

I have a great account to be racist af with on eos


>> No.10547670


thanks m8 - I'm hodling because I'm a fuckin idiot and I buy based on consensus and sentiment but EOS is actually one I'm willing to not dump completely at the next good rally

>> No.10547689

>is this literally the only reason crypto exists

Ok replace what I said after conservatives end up in full control..

> You will be able to drop the word satan on live streams and not get banned by some butt hurt cult member. You will be able to be pro free thinking as fuck if you feel like it and not worry about being banned for being a satan worshiper.

On that note though, crypto exists because its a form of automation on middlemen who leech off of people's success. There is no fucking reason a big time streamer should be beholden to fucking Pepsi.

>> No.10547691

Mine is “bofadeeznuts”

>> No.10547702
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>after conservatives end up in full control.

>> No.10547785

You can't code or design market sentiment, i.e. perceived value.

>> No.10547798

Ethereum is not untraceable...

>> No.10547822

You can predict that unmitigated child porn will ruin mass adoption to a point where even admitting you have an account will be awkward socially.

I mean, this entire argument hinges on of casper and plasma ever actually happen anyway. Which is skipping a massive show stopper argument anyway.

But I believe pretty fucking strongely that all dapps coins are going to hit this wall and they will all pretty much follow some solution similar to EOS.

Its fucking obvious. Its not even debatable. Its a problem we all know it will fuck shit up if left unchecked. We all know a solution will end up having to give too much power to some entity. Thus democracy of some form is born.

If you don't like it, stay out of dapps coins and go with monero or something like that.

> Ethereum is not untraceable...

Yeah but the content will still be there unchecked even after the FBI breaks the guys doors down.

>> No.10547857
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it's the only way to deny the holocaust anon. (((they))) can't shut it down now oy veyyyy

>> No.10548170

eos will start the new altcoin, ico fueled bullrun. like eth did in 2017.


>> No.10548184


>> No.10548193

It'a a centralized shitcoin that isn't even that fast.

>> No.10548199


I'd say 50-50 chance to go either way, that's why I only hold a small bag

>> No.10548231

One girls I know told me the other day that their small company specializing in some online marketing and basic coding is writing some stuff as smart contracts on eth platform.

The crypto revolution is coming guys.

>> No.10548545

People are arguing about having child porn and then resorting to saying it'll end up as EOS democratic ways of voting.

But you're only looking it at a social media platform, dapps can be more than that like cloud computing/storage, decentralized exchanges etc.

>> No.10548596

21 fucking nodes....unbelievable.

May as well run the entire world wide web on my granddads bridge group pacemakers.

>> No.10548616

so it's like google play store? hahaha. i love that faggot term dapps. Like im gonna learn some sperg level bullshit to get an app for my phone. fuckkk

>> No.10548925

>Paradigm shift, why else would BTC be bleeding out to fucking zero? The market is shifting to newer better coins.

Meanwhile, in Reality, BTC dominance is at its highest level this year.

>> No.10549127

EOS is ETHs little retarded brother, just as LTC is to BTC.

LTC is silver compared to BTC that is gold.
EOS is silver compared to ETH that is gold.

>> No.10549185

you are a fucking idiot. thise block leaders have ALREADY FROZEN ACCOUNTS/addresses arbi-fucking-trarily. a total bullshit project that can never ever be trusted

>> No.10549236

EOS is pot-metal compared to ETH which is bronze... gold and silver platforms yet to be fully realized

>> No.10549292

its a shitcoin thats main marketing strategy is performing ddos attacks on eth

>> No.10549299

go hack all them solidity smartcontracts, fucktard, I'll wait

>> No.10549312

It actually will. If it follows a similar trajectory to eth it’ll pump to $200-$300 next bill run