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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10539267 No.10539267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He unironically "meditates"
It's a fucking meme. You know who spreads that fucking meme? The same MBA normies who say shit like
>That wasn't on my radar
>Let's circle back and hash this out so we have all our ducks in a row
>After this, we need to do a deep dive into the data points
>Ping me when you're available to touch base
>We don't need to boil the ocean, we just don't want to be caught with our pants down
>I will put that on my calendar

It's a placebo to make you feel like you're doing something good for your mind and soul. When in reality you're just buying into MBA normie bullshit.

The people who "meditate" are the same people who keep sharing cheesy inspirational quotes on social media plastered over a scenic background, with 30 year-old burnouts posting things in the comments like "Amen! I will be a rich man! #allAboutThatGrind #hustlin"

>> No.10539276

Strange new wave of kike shills. Are too many people meditating and thinking about things? Can't have the goys actually reflecting?

>> No.10539281

>That wasn't on my radar
Is that the ultimate normie wagie phrase?

>> No.10539289
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>> No.10539297


>> No.10539309

"Meditating" is a housewife idea of achieving spiritual enlightenment in-between shopping and sucking Chad's dick.

>> No.10539321

Man... Imagine the feeling of being really, really successful and knowing you're successful, then telling normies in a big interview or something to "go meditate" and knowing that you're feeding them horseshit but it's CEO-approved horseshit and every other successful person will get the joke. That must feel really good.

>> No.10539323

>he literally doesn't even know how to think without performing a convoluted pseudo-metaphysical ceremony
I bet you also need to face East and pray five times a day before you can even wipe your own ass

>> No.10539343

Like seriously I can't even imagine why there are shills attacking meditation. I can't comprehend the reasoning behind it.

>> No.10539376

There you have it. People who "meditate" are also paranoid schizos

>> No.10539392

This is mind boggling.

>> No.10539426

How much are you getting paid to be intellectually deficient dotard shill?

>> No.10539441

I used to meditate a lot because I'm a Buddhist, but now I'm more chill. Meditation does give you insight into reality and puts you in states which, while are full of bliss, will make you an outcast from society at the same time. That's why the Vinaya exists. Meditators are weirdos

>> No.10539446
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tell me about the transdimensional aliens who you are engaged in spiritual warfare against, I'm interested

>> No.10539485

Op you're an absolute basement dwelling faggot who's too afraid to listen to your own consciousness.

You've had too much soda, watched too much TV, and have become numb to the inner workings of your mind.

You should probably just carry on with your life keeping your superiority complex while masturbating to cuck porn. Surely it has no underlying effects on you.

>> No.10539489

>Sitting quietly in a room thinking about things and relaxing

Really this is shill 101 strawmen. I can understand a lot of things but why the fuck meditation? It is one of the most harmless things people can do.

>> No.10539507

yall mfers need buddha

>> No.10539510

>practically every CEO and business leader in the world
>some random 4chan neet
Hmmmmm who to believe...

>> No.10539535

I'm making fun of you for calling anyone a shill for criticizing your autistic ritual.

Are you literally incapable of thinking or "listening to your own consciousness" without performing some grandiose ceremony? How retarded are you?

Tell me all about your corporation you successfully run

>> No.10539559

>grandiose ceremony
You clearly dont know anything about meditation aside from whatever delusion your 16 year old mind is pulling out your ass.

>> No.10539562


This. Nap > "meditation"

>> No.10539563

I'm just going to assume this is a slide thread of some sort but I can't begin to assume why on such a slow board. Its the best reason as to why someone would make this thread on business and fucking finance. This thread should be on /x/ but it is here so its obviously a shill thread.

>> No.10539568

>we just don't want to be caught with our pants down

kek I like this one

>> No.10539582

fuck you, you stupid faggots! I was planning on going to meditate, and if you ask me it is very good for you. I mean, how els are you going to get spiritual enlightment???
Praying? that's fucking stupid, I mean what god would you even pray to, there are thousands of them.
Going to church?? If you want to get molested, that is.
finding some guru?? Do you trust gurus? I don't

>> No.10539587

This thread is here because it's prevalent in MBA office circles. Read the whole post before you reee because someone criticizes on your autistic ritual. Very business-related, and about as idiotic as MBA jargon.

>> No.10539602

Whatever you say shill.

>> No.10539605

Whatever you want to call it, the point is that you're incapable of using your tiny brain without closing your eyes and doing breathing exercises lol

>> No.10539613

Say hi to the aliens for me

>> No.10539642

>Purely shame based
>No actual arguments
>Straw man
>Ad hominem
Oh I missed you.

>> No.10539657
File: 34 KB, 682x760, IMG-20180801-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks meditation involves a ceremony or ritual
>Doesn't realize meditation is a mental exercise comparable to what working out does for your body
>Came on to /biz/ to open an off topic dumbass thread
>Is that lonely

Anon, you're unironically never going to make it.

>> No.10539664


I unironically use this verbiage at work.

>> No.10539676

>all these expectations
>acting as if every other thread on here meets any of those requirements
It's like you ignore every other thread but have double standards for your gay "meditation" ritual

>> No.10539678

>nihilistic religion produces nihilistic form of prayer with nihilistic results

If inside is shit, looking within for answers will only result in shit.

>> No.10539695

If you can’t reflect on how autistic this is, and thinly veneered Dunning and Kruger cope. You need to unironicaly check your ego, and think deeply and mediatate on reflection. Why put on the Persona that can’t think deeply then get mad about people thinking deeply. Grade ++A Frog posting Autism

>> No.10539709

No, "mental exercise" involves solving puzzles, math equations, riddles, anything really that challenges your mind.

>If inside is shit, looking within for answers will only result in shit.
Yeah, that's one of the main problems with meditation. If you find yourself so stressed out and fucked up in life that you need to meditate, what "answers" do expect to find "within?" Clearly you don't have any, or you wouldn't be in this situation

>> No.10539715

>he literally can't think deeply without closing his eyes and doing breathing exercises

>> No.10539743

>Stop liking what I don’t like the post

you have autism

>> No.10539754

No, by all means, like what you like. I never said I won't allow you to. I will allow you to. Just don't get angry when I call you a brainlet.

>> No.10539769

Let's be honest, if meditation had any of the benefits you tards claim it has, it wouldn't be this easy to make you this angry and defensive. What happened to "inner peace?" Guess you better go meditate some more! HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10539788

Yes goys, don't meditate it's bad for you, don't forget to watch nigger ball and jerk off to porn at least once a day though, it's good against stress.

>> No.10539805

Someone literally posted a video in this thread with two kikes pushing meditation. >>10539289
>falling for the metaphysical jew

>> No.10539888
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Yes, good goys. This is all you need. Good little slaves. You are reaching enlightenment! Be at peace, with your situation....

>> No.10539911

Why the fuck do people immediately jump from meditation to being a spirtual fucktard.

I meditate - as in take 10 minutes at the end of my day to think about what i fucked up and what i can do better. Only way to improve my shitposts.

>> No.10539917


These things were meant for use with drugs OP.

>> No.10539951

Just face it, meditation is for normie retards who fall for all kinds of stupid fads just because "rich and famous people do it too, you think you know more than them?". That logic is LITERALLY a sign of <100 IQ.

>> No.10539952

wtf nobody in this thread even understands what meditation is. The whole point of meditation is to NOT think, you absolute mongs

>> No.10539953

This is actually a useful application of meditation, unfortunately it's also laden with spiritual bullshit
But again, do you really need to sit and close your eyes, and do breathing exercises, just to think about "what I fucked up and what I can do better?"
I don't know, looking at the answers in this thread, apparently my brain is highly evolved since I can do everything from inner reflection to thinking deeply without the ritual

>> No.10539966

No, there are different applications of meditation. Some are more related to mindlessness, as you said, to let the mind rest and relieve stress
Others are meant to make you "think deeply"
Of course, you can do all of this without the ridiculous performance of closing your eyes and doing breathing exercises. But maybe that's just me. Apparently my mind is more capable than the rest of you.

>> No.10539967

yeah, fuck crossing your legs and all that. i literally just lay in bed thinking about how my day went, then turn off the lights and pass out

>> No.10540045

>My brain is highly evolved
Dunning and Kruger at its best, please retort with brainlet , your making a shit show with your ego unable to accept the merits of deep thinking if you include "meditation" as a line of thinking
Your projections are SAD

>> No.10540128

meditation is fucking autistic, aren't you thinking throughout the day about stuff? why do you need to do a whole ritual just to THINK?

>> No.10540165

The brain makes us dream for a reason. Meditation can achieve similar results.

>> No.10540217

It's pretty nice if you have anxiety issues. The slow breathing physically helps me calm down and then I can actually focus without fear/guilt constantly tugging at my leg like a child.

>> No.10540220

>So butthurt you had to change IDs

>> No.10540256

There have already been published studies that confirm benefits of meditatio such as reduced stress and blood pressure. I'm not going to look it up for you but just go search meditation on pubmed.gov

>> No.10540271

>being calm for an hour reduces stress
wow who would have thought!!

>> No.10540292


Meditate on it

>> No.10540300

Mindfulness has been clinically proven to work.

>> No.10540347

That's basically what meditation is. You focus inward so you begin you realize flaws in your own behavior. Helps to clear away emotional thinking and make more rational decisions.

You're basically focusing on the state of your life and becoming aware of areas that need improvement/correction.

It's not too different from say a bodybuilder or an athlete who is perfectly in tune with the state of his game and can see the very minor flaws that need to be changed.

Like someone else said meditation is a workout for the mind and heart (soul).

Maybe if you tried it you wouldn't be so irrationally angry on a chicken feed forum.

>> No.10540365

you're probably just weak and the thought of your portfolio or wont stop popping into your head every time you've tried to relax and clear your mind.

>> No.10540384
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You're the guy why Fresco was made. Can't chill for a second, It doesn't matter. You don't need to meditate, just go to sleep, you'll tell yourself the story you want to hear because otherwise you'll go crazy and hear the walls speak. You have 2 brains and they're battling, listen to both.

It's like when you're with a girl and you give her flowers. Yes, she has a small brain she doesn't even know that Rosaceae and Liliaceae aren't the same fucking thing they're too stupid for the whats. But they grasp the hows from the gut, if they come from you she may know they are pretty and she may be stupid enough to believe you're apologizing after clicking a link to her horoscope.

Like love yourself, tell yourself all the lies you need, because once you remove all your layers and focus only on what you MUST do, you may be a not much more than an animal. if you can't build your own myths you'll borrow them from someone else and guess what, they'll try to control you through them. Otherwise might as well not have anything. Get rid of laws, we can't have laws that satisfy all of us. But laws matter and so does respecting them, without the illusion that they're there and are being shared we don't turn into something nicer. When that shit gets shattered is when it's time to get rid of everything that gets in the way of surviving.

>> No.10540386

cool so that's basically what I do when I lay in bed before going to sleep, or randomly throughout the day when I drift off into my own thoughts. the fact that you call that meditation and have to do a specific ritual just to THINK reflects your iq.

>> No.10540389

I say all of those things and I dont meditate. Based.

>> No.10540398

Here's what meditation is:
a word for thinking about stuff without distracting yourself with external stimuli
Here's what OP thinks meditation is:
a religious ritual

>> No.10540426

Wrong. You shouldn't be thinking about anything. That's the whole point, brainlet.

>> No.10540438

you can't not think about anything, if you try you're thinking about not thinking about anything

>> No.10540446

that's even more retarded

>> No.10540458

Explains why they are so angry desu

>> No.10540461

What the fuck caused the explosion of meditation in the last decade? Seems like a crazy waste of time to "cope" with your shitty life.

>> No.10540474

it's free

>> No.10540481

>Thinking it's just about temporary peace rather than taking time to mull over problems in your life and think of solutions

>> No.10540484

the west abandoning Christianity, realizing they have a void and trying to fill it up with exotic rituals to spite their parents

>> No.10540492

In your case probably not because yelling at strangers for reasons that have absolutely no impact on your life seems to be a hobby.

Taking a nap is not meditation.

Try one thing. Close your eyes and try to hold your focus for at least 30 seconds on one thought. Any thought.

For most of us this is next to impossible because the mind is a chaotic storm of random thoughts. When you calm your mind and gain control of your thoughts you think more clearly and logically. Emotions become pointless. Your posts show you're not there yet.

Meditation is simultaneously the easiest and the most difficult thing to do. It's the process of calming yourself down and training your focus.

Take care anon.

>> No.10540494

You seem pretty unhappy. How do you deal with stress?

>> No.10540495

Same. Or I think about where I want to be in a few years, and form a plan to get there. And then adjust it as it becomes evident it is or isn't working

>> No.10540514

literal retard

>> No.10540537

from my experience, people who meditate are really really insecure

>> No.10540550

so much bullshit lol. again it clearly shows how "intelligent" you are. focusing on one thing for 30 seconds is unnecessary if you don't NEED to. your mind has gone millions of years of evolution and it's damn good at what it doesn. why are you forcing yourself to do that? to gain "control" over your mind? can't you understand how dumb that is? you are already controlling it to some extent. It's like telling me "push this wall for 30 seconds just because. you'll learn to control your arms". fucking lmao. again, if you cannot reflect and think without following all those stupid rules and rituals you are just a brainlet just like OP said. and I'm calm as fuck, just having fun poking at your stupid practices.

>> No.10540560

>not meditating into preferred markets
>infinite amount of possibilities

>> No.10540561

It's the same brand of New Thought cancer that started to spread rapidly in the USA recently. They're also the kind of people who believe in the whole "muh positive affirmations will make me a billionaire", in the law of attraction as they call it and are the type who'd drink reishi or kombucha daily

>> No.10540562

>clinically proven

praying to God has also been proven to relive stress. Why aren't we calling for more Christian/Muslim/Jew prayers

>> No.10540591

>this is what calm looks like

>> No.10540603


>> No.10540605

Brain grey matter significantly thickens and the amygdala (brain part responsible for anxiety) physically decreases in both size and volume by 20%. But you will have to meditate atleast 1 hour and 30 mins a day. Not the gay crap of 10 minutes.

>> No.10540621

nice argument. maybe you should meditate on an answer for a little bit

>> No.10540627

nice schizo post

>> No.10540632

Placebos work you fuck nut.

>> No.10540633

I think it comes from the expansion of the critical theory shit. We used to do things that were really to the point and simple. Then we got experts that complicated everything by pinpointing borders and pushing out of the conversation anytone who disagreed on the borders and it made all the things confusing. And only the people that know the definitions can form an opinion on how things must be done. Before you had the guy that tended to his lettuces and he didn't have an existential crisis doing it, now you have people designing GMOs or brainstorming appmakers. You used to have people that had children, bachelors and villains travelling to the abyss. Now you have future divorces for which we need a plan on how to get rid of, incels and 1531 flavors of faggots.

>> No.10540654

I don’t see the issue really. If you were actually busy it might appeal to you. I don’t meditate, there is nothing wrong with not thinking about anything for a while.

>> No.10540659

There are hundreds of thousands of studies all concluding that meditation increases both intelligence and mental stability. There are MRI scans online of the brain showing phyiscal reduction in the amygdala and increased grey matter. If people like you still dispute this fact. Then i will only look like a fool debating to you.

>> No.10540685

>he thinks meditation it's a meme
>he doesn't realize that without It literally life is a meme
Dude I don't care about this topic BC this is biz/ but you are kinda talking shit about something you clearly haven't even done.

>> No.10540699

>hundreds of thousands of studies all concluding that meditation increases both intelligence and mental stability.
>increases intelligence

top fucking kek

post at least 10 or get the fuck out

>> No.10540723

Unironically this

>> No.10540796

>the law of attraction
I think the problem there is that for some people the opposite may work best. I also find it suspicious. I tried to stop smoking, convinced myself it would be too hard to do and I would never do it. Someone told me I would never quit and that's when I stopped. And for someone else it may be even a 3rd thing that's even simpler. A motivational speaker for me may be a prophet of doom and gloom. I don't know it's hard, effort is required for a lot of things, effort is not enough to do anything, you're not going to be able to fly by shaking your arms, but there's a bit of you don't know until you try and endure it and once you do it you may surprise yourself of what you're able to do or the people who were supposedly better prepared and had better prospects but drive too fast and kill themselves.

>> No.10540800

Why would we bother...

>> No.10540816

10? heres one hundred eighty thousand (scholarDOgoogleDOTcomSLASHscholar?q=meditation+intelligence) Now its your turn? Are there any reputable studies that show decreased intelligence and emotional instability with meditation? Your only showing yourself as a fool and your clownish way of typing proves that.

>> No.10540900

Continue to live in ignorance then. Thinking "deeply" about life is different from meditation.

>> No.10540927

It's a K_B/ C_A psyop you dumb fuck
you are falling for the meme

>> No.10540982

Make no mistake: the benefits of meditation are VERY important, especially if you're dealing with the stress of the business world.

The thing is, you can get those benefits without the eastern spiritualism shit. That is, you can get those benefits without the practice known as "meditation." When I say meditation, I mean the western fad of indulging in eastern mysticism, getting on the ground cross-legged and closing your eyes. That is a meme.

What is not a meme is the actual definition of the word "meditate." There is a lot you can do to get the benefits of meditation without having to do all that retarded buddhism shit. And these benefits are very important. Just do what you guys think is best, but don't underestimate the benefits. Stay calm and happy anons

>> No.10541038

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.10541061

You are a MANIAC!

>> No.10541067

>OP meditates
>past traumas of his dad licking his butt hole arise
>images of sucking his dads cock come up
>feelings of penetration emerge
>instead of dealing with the issues, he blames mediation
OP, we are here for you

>> No.10541133

No, he's right. So are you: deep thinking is very important, and mediation has a lot of other benefits too. But you can get all of those benefits without the embarrassing buddhism shit of getting on the ground and crossing your legs, etc.. Skip the "spiritual" shit desu, that part is a meme

>> No.10541148

I hate all those numale wagie lingo phrases they make me cringe