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File: 173 KB, 600x503, btcmatrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10534931 No.10534931 [Reply] [Original]

Gavin Andresen is a CIA operative
After satoshi gave him the bitcoin alert key, Gavin immediately went to the CIA and satoshi disapperaed from the project.
He also visited the Council of Foreign Relations, a New World Order think-tank.
Gavin is a staunch supporter of large blocks, and BCH, just like roger ver, and craig wright.
Gavin, years before the creation of BCH, proposed the following BIPS (Bitcoin Improvement Protocols) in an attempt to hardfork the network:
It is, and always has been his goal to infiltrate and centralize bitcoin via the authoritarian changing of consensus rules.
This is more proof Bitcoin Cash is a CIA psyop in order to divide and conquer bitcoin.

>> No.10534945

why wont satoshi come back to us

>> No.10534974

He was most likely killed by the CIA

>> No.10535381

Do you think getting caught was part of his plan?

>> No.10535438


>> No.10535788

>BCH ancaps who hate the government more than anyone else are working with the CIA

>> No.10535810

Also, how do you "conquer" bitcoin? The most useful currency will simply win in the end, because that's the coin most people will choose to use. What are you so afraid of?

>> No.10536060

You can follow Satoshi on twitter you tards. He posts everyday about how BCH is going to be global money.

>> No.10536082

Satoshi is a meme meant for us plebs
a meme of hope.
a hope that will be milked

>> No.10536110

Satoshi is working on Ethereum

>> No.10536129

he will when they unfreeze him

>> No.10536156

Coinbase is full of former clinton advisers, it supports the theory that nwo is in cahoots with everyone associated wiith btrash and their continuous attempted hostile takeover of the bitcoin brand and network

>> No.10536265

Just like infiltrated alt-right (jewish given name for normie retards to call anons) e-celebs, right?
Being smart in this world is so painful sometimes.

>> No.10536290

this would be possible if mining nodes did anything but they don't because bitcoin is proof of work not proof of stake

the real question is why did miners not just mine bigger blocks and tell core and blockstream to shove segwit up their ass

>> No.10536338

everything in this thread is a blockstream funded FUD psyop. the nwo bilderberg group owns blockstream and they crippled btc to separate the settlement layer so they can turn lightning into fractional reserve banking 2.0. bch is the real bitcoin and forked to save bitcoin from the jews

>> No.10536558

they "crippled" btc to force all the delusional conspiracy theorists to jump ship to "Satoshis true vision"
part of the narrative bro

>> No.10536578

Alright but what does NEO have to do with this

>> No.10536742

kill yourself you nigger

>> No.10537659
File: 351 KB, 1920x1620, blockchain reloaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upgrade your image

>> No.10537762

no shit

>> No.10537773

dave kleiman or hal finney both strong possibilities

>> No.10537786

He's dead

>> No.10537792

Because Satoshi is Nick szabo and he spent his life autistically incelling on this shit when no one believed in him, probably wagecucking all the time in between to support himself.

Let him sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He already fucking saved us more than anyone else

>> No.10537803

It's not Hal. Just fucking cage at thinking its David kleiman

>> No.10537835

>Also, how do you "conquer" bitcoin?
you centralize it by requiring nodes to have a large amount of resources so i can be reigned in, so it can't be forked, so it has fewer validators controlling the network
you deanonymize it and prevent upgrades that add fungibility
pretty much everything bcash is doing

>> No.10537839
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>> No.10537852

Bcash is a massive CIA psyop to try to destroy btc.

The sad part is I think Roger actually believes in what his puppet masters have convinced him to do. What a fucking choad.

All cashies should be lined up and shot for their treason

>> No.10537854

i think "they" are playing both sides in opposition to each other, as always.

>> No.10537858

>Coinbase is full of former clinton advisers
exactly coinbase is basically a government front
why do you think they were allowed easiest access to be a crypto on and off ramp
why did they hire the prosecuting judge from the silkroad case
why are they not getting investigated for insider trading
why did they manipulate and pump bcash

>> No.10537864
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>> No.10537873
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>> No.10537875
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Satoshi is nick Szabo it’s already obvious at this point.

Nick Szabo supports ETH.

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are inferior to 0xBTC

>> No.10537878

>the real question is why did miners not just mine bigger blocks and tell core and blockstream to shove segwit up their ass
because the greater community was against the miners vision so they would be wasting money mining a shit chain nobody wanted
while the blocks are still small bitcoin can have enough nodes to continue to operate and changing the mining algo would be an alternative to btfo the chink miners and they would be out 100s of millions of dollars at least
it's all a money and efficiency game that allows the network to operate while everyone is acting in their self interest

>> No.10537881

Was thinking the same thing

>> No.10537884
File: 352 KB, 1461x497, Proof-CSWandQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly possible.
But still, I can never side with someone who has to censor and lie and spread fud in order to win (bitcoin core).
Bitcoin deserves to be allowed to scale on chain.

>> No.10537891
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>> No.10537900

Imagine being retarded enough to actually believe this.

Half of blockstream is cypherpunks OG's who would die for Bitcoin. Bcash is all psychopathic corporate retards who have no fucking clue how to write a hello world python program and are just in it for money.

Please neck yourself you fucking clown and fuck off

>> No.10537902

craig didn't so shit
he hasn't proven anything

>> No.10537911

If this were true Craig would sign the genesis block. Please kill yourself Craig is a fat low I scam artist who was lucky to stumble across btc in the early days

>> No.10537914

>Half of blockstream is cypherpunks OG's
exactly, and look at the history of core contributors
they have decades of reputation on everyone else in this space

>> No.10537920

Kek, it's literally the exact opposite.

I hate to say it,
but in time it wont matter what anyone of us in this thread thinks
Sooner or later the truth will come out.
I put out information in my posts that you can verify for yourself (or not) online. Free and open source.
Choose a side and whoever wins wins.


>> No.10537924

Exactly this. Craig is just a lucky insecure larping faggot

>> No.10537931

Did you not read the part where Hal Finney and Dave Kleinman wrote the code. And guess what, both of them are dead. Thats why Satoshis coins will never move.

>> No.10537932

That's a lie, actually. The exchanges allocated the ledger backed by the core dev team to the ticker BTC. That's all. There's no objective way to survey "what the greater community wants" and Bitcoin was a specifically anti-democratic creation from inception, having been created to overthrow something that had wide democratic political support from the incumbent monetary system.

So the miners did the only thing they really could. They hard forked a new chain explicitly adopting the original rules and plan, and they rubber stamp blocks on the BTC chain until it dies, selling the stake they earn in it for money both to run their operations and accrue stake in BCH.

>> No.10537936

God damn you faggots need to die. If you're trolling you've done a good job of pissing me off I have to say.

Bcash is absolute trash and is an entire campaign to destroy Bitcoin. Thankfully it doesn't matter what you cunts do because btc is winning and will continue to win until all you fags are broke and sucking btc dick for crack

>> No.10537947

They added to some of the original code under their real names. Why would they use a pseudonym and then go and make themselves public?

They are cypherpunks OGs but szabo is the Merlin behind it all. We all should be bowing to him and kissing his feet for saving humanity.

>> No.10537960
File: 19 KB, 197x200, 3B10DC90-47E2-4E2F-8041-551EC44C1EB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy 0xBTC the only non corrupted version of bitcoin

>> No.10537991

you're a moron, if bcash had any traction people would have got a "deal" 1 coin for 10 of your bcash
that's how the greater community, not saying democratically but the ones with the economic power chose the winner and the miners followed because they only provide 1 service out of many in the bitcoin ecosystem

>> No.10537994

Kek make me laugh

>> No.10538008

although I'm sure the majority whether economically or democratically chose bitcoin because the difference is 10 to 1

>> No.10538023

and that .1 bcash ratio is being held up by billionaires trying to pump it on CNBC and and coinbase, lol christ

>> No.10538235
File: 55 KB, 460x460, pick yourself up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry about the trade ratio, it doesn't mean anything in the long run. hype and blind speculation will not last forever on BTC. though the ticker is well known so it will take time for information to reach people.

>> No.10538315

Your 4chan guys think you are pretty edgy when actually this is very Normie. The truth is far harder then your faint hearts can handle. Let me lay a truth bomb.

Bitcoin was almost 99% likely to be a NWO project to centralise money cause most of the tech involved wasn't even available to anyone outside the NSA.

>> No.10538381

lol ok buddy

>> No.10538402

>let's create a decentralized money we can't control, so we can later infiltrate it and centralize it.
>opensource project based on other prior opensource projects which contained many of bitcoin's fundamental properties such as POW algorithms and digital signatures.
>not available to anyone outside the NSA
Totally makes sense to me

>> No.10538440

Well I did say it was over your heads...

>> No.10538469


>> No.10538482

This is a classic psyop technique. They have been doing shit like this on /pol/ forever. Do not listen to OP. He gets paid to do this and is trying to confuse you so you don't know what's what anymore. This poster is paid for Blockstream, end of story. Sage.

>> No.10538512

You are a fuckstick, the statement I made said nothing about BCH traction, merely that the BTC ticker had been allocated by fiat on exchanges to whatever the core dev team says it is.
That's simply a fact, whether you acknowledge it or not.

>> No.10538517

op here,
are you saying gavin is not a CIA shill?
are you saying he didn't go to the CIA and the council of foreign relations after satoshi gave him the alert key?
are you saying he didn't propose multiple hardfork BIPS to raise the blocksize?
I'll let you in on a little secret. All those things happened. You can draw your own conclusions.

>> No.10538684

where in the "original rules" of bitcoin was there an EDA that gets triggered multiple times fag

>> No.10538693

Didn't say that either, cuntlips.

>> No.10538714
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They hard forked a new chain explicitly adopting the original rules
>Didn't say that either

the absolute state of cashies

>> No.10538733

>Didn't say that either
>That's a lie

>> No.10538746

Oh yeah, I totally see your point, it's inaccurate to claim that BCH is closer to the original rules in light of it having all of them except the difficulty adjustment algorithm, when BTC has changed... Oh, shit, right, *ALL OF THEM* by removing the central consensus mechanism for the allocation of any consensus rules whatsoever.
Neck yourself faggot cuntbrain.

>> No.10538797

bitcoin is backwards compatible, segwit is a soft fork
your altcoin isn't
keep crying nigger it won't save your alt

how did they remove the "central consensus mechanism"
it seems the market agrees bitcoin is bitcoin and bcash is a copy alt

>> No.10538935
File: 16 KB, 293x172, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was the consensus mechanism for Bitcoin and remains the consensus mechanism for BCH. The consensus mechanism for BTC is whatever the core devs says it is. That is the official definition for the ledger backing BTC that the exchanges announced a year ago. You being too much of a stupid cunt to understand what any of this means is nobody's problem but your own.

>> No.10538986

I wonder how dumb one has to be to still think bitcoin is about bitcoin anymore... they literally killed the project when it was max hype because of "decentralization" when the only nodes that matter are miners....... Read the whitepaper dumbo.

The main devs have even celebrated high fees and slow transaction times.... LN is being funded by Mastercard and DCG which has the same chairman as the FED... Blockstream is being funded by the second biggest corporation in the world, AXA with the CEO being head of Bilderberg... Theyve hired former CIA operatives to do psyops... /r/bitcoin is completely and utterly controlled... and yet all you can do is parrot "btrash"..... It boggles the mind.

>> No.10538997
File: 19 KB, 549x469, Original-announcement-of-the-SegWit2x-fork-suspension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Segwit 2X, which is the only fork that matters for your argument since bcash was not reusing addresses and was truly a separate chain, was a buggy p.o.s. at launch. Segwit 2x was created by a small group of people. The core devs and users were completely right in rejecting it.

It's funny how you project.

>> No.10539007

they vote and extend the blockchain by PoW
not by EDAs
the rules and incentives kept the consensus

what's hilarious is cashies talk shit on core devs yet they use their code, the one thing they didn't use their code on was a disaster resulting in 8 hours on no blocks and multiple EDAs being triggered which resulted in 100k+ bcash being mined outside the distribution consensus

I can't believe you people are such brainlets
the rules and incentives are for everybody in the ecosystem, not just the miners
users in the early days were miners and node operators
now they are in 3 different categories due to growth but the same rules and incentives still apply

who would follow a miner coin? that makes no sense

>> No.10539016

My argument has nothing to do with Segwit2x, it is simply highlighting the fact that the consensus mechanism, and thus literally every single fucking thing about the ledger in question, changed between the original definition of Bitcoin and what presently constitutes BTC. The segwit2x bait and switch was probably controlled opposition from the start, and had always intended to stab the original vision in the back, and even if it didn't, it still had the same result; the revolutionary consensus mechanism of Bitcoin was overthrown entirely and replaced with a single central political council with dictatorial powers.

>> No.10539026

>who would follow a miner coin? that makes no sense
Literally the fucking original design you brainless cunt. Unironically kys.

>> No.10539044

well your miner coin is trading at less than 10% so you must be really smart lol

>> No.10539075

>Bitcoin was overthrown entirely and replaced with a single central political council with dictatorial powers.
if that's the case the price would fall nigger
you don't understand the balance of the ecosystem
the rules and incentives that bring consensus
when one of those is thrown out of line the price drops

early miners were CPU and distributed among users and node operators
now it's warehouses and pools run the miners what about the other people

you need to see that distinction or else you're too stupid to get it

>> No.10539085

The valuation of one chain over another is not based on a single metric you brainlet. Having more hashpower than another chain is a consideration, but if the users and speculators decide that such a chain is inferior to another, they have no reason to adhere to it. That's why miners cannot create consensus in that sense. they create consensus is a more bounded way. If miners want to mine a shitcoin will obvious holes and vulnerabilities, why would you be surprised when people don't follow them?

Cashies are mentally ill.

>> No.10539099

I'm sure satoshi's vision was a bitmain warehouse right >>10539026
that's really the white paper's vision

like seriously read the paper and apply it to the conditions we have now

>> No.10539122

If the market were always correct, there would never have been a multiple thousand percent rise in the legitimate Bitcoin before it was hijacked to begin with dumb cunt.

>> No.10539136
File: 58 KB, 320x553, II62IJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exact present mining architecture was predicted by Satoshi in the beginning, and was brain numbingly obvious to anyone with the slightest fucking clue of how technology works, which you clearly don't fucking have, useless cunts.

>> No.10539151

If the core devs want to issue a shitcoin with obvious holes and vulnerabilities, why does the market follow them?
Coretards are fucking retarded.

>> No.10539169

That's like the complete opposite.

>> No.10539210

if it's so obvious then why are coins like ETH hard to run nodes on and sync, you can't find a single site that observes how many ETH full nodes there are
satoshi was wrong in his bandwidth predictions look into it

>> No.10539287

For one, the image I quoted wasn't referring to the calculations on throughput, it was the top part that directly says "professionally run farms of specialised hardware" to which I was referring. That said, You're wrong about the volume too, the quote he gave is only 670mb blocks, not even 10mbps.
Why does ethereum peak at 1.2M tx per day by contrast? Firstly, it doesn't choke. I run an ethereum full node well provisioned with a 100mbps link and ssd drives and it can keep up just fine, just because some random sadsack can't manage it on their shit tier hardware is irrelevant, and secondly, the load of the ethereum node software is signfiicantly higher than that of the bitcoin derived node software. They have a completely different model and ethereum requires more resources to do the more complex things requested of it.
He wasn't wrong about the volume predictions at all, that's why gigablock testnets on BCH have been a thing for years, and only halfwit braindead cunts like you who think 13.33kbps streams are srs bsns unwittingly swallow the core propaganda to the contrary.
The technical sabotage to which BTC has been subjected by said core devs is the clearest example yet of why switching the consensus mechanism for the chain to their dictatorial control is absolutely idiotic, even disregarding the implied necessary vulnerabilities it means given their jurisdiction issues with USG.

>> No.10539320
File: 195 KB, 592x408, hey bitcoin do you even scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly the way BTC devs/supporters are acting is much more likely way to destroy bitcoin.

increasing block size to allow for more utility is not something someone who wants to kill off bitcoin would want

>> No.10539947

>soft fork


>> No.10539987

This is why I just pick the coin that’s on the uptrend

Teams are for losers

>> No.10540357

Won't BTC price plummet if we increase block size? Is that's why jews are trying so hard to push BCH and muh muh BLOCKSIIIZE. Apart from the fact that they can't offer anything other than that and always resort to muh muh block size.

This is exactly the reason CIA is trying to shill BCH so hard. They want to crash BTC. Scoop them up for cheap. Destroy crypto rich class. They never foresaw BTC. They're afraid.

Power returns to the people because people nowadays are smarter than old fart jews sitting in high chairs. They became dumb thanks to their secure jobs. Why bother reading when you can eat goyim taxes. Hillary lost. BCH will lose. People will rise. Everything is being set in stone. Whats done in the dark will be brought to the light. Christ consciousness is coming. Yall niggas gonna burn in hell for denying and murdering the messiah.

>> No.10540684

Yep i'm a just DCA the #1 coin every payday. I am not missing out on this in 10-20 years. Are you all new or something I got BCH for free as an airdrop and wont sell anything until we bull or its clearly exit scamming. Who fucking cares the market will determine this and the market isn't looking for a new visa (just look at what happened to nano) but people do want to store and grow wealth. The coin that beats inflation and other investments year after year will win. BCAShers seem like Venezuelan's with bolivars want to do nothing more than spend the bad money as soon as they get it. If BCASH can overtake XRP or Ethereum ill take it a little more seriously lol.