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File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1533109846750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10527528 No.10527528 [Reply] [Original]

Just relax edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

>How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

Previous thread:

>> No.10527544

Previous thread: >>10524754
I forget this piece of shit every fucking time

>> No.10527548

>took out the TA pics


>> No.10527551
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>> No.10527556

Any yuro using Lynx here?

>> No.10527560

Lock in profits, selling only now.

>> No.10527581
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>> No.10527582

Will bears never learn?

>> No.10527603
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>> No.10527605

>SPX going up
>Metals and China going down
Everybody wins! w00tage!

>> No.10527611
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*Bull Noises*

>> No.10527623

Damn IQ straight to hell, all I asked for was it go down to 28 on all the bad news but bulls are keeping it at 30, even though everyones stop loss is 29.80 and if it could hit the stock would plunge over 2 bucks. Fuck.

>> No.10527635
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Iron Hands Nigga.

>> No.10527636
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May your days be green and full of wealth, my safe trading friends!

>> No.10527641


>> No.10527645
File: 20 KB, 760x415, BLERGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made that today on accident.

>> No.10527647
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comfy plz

you're being retarded again

>> No.10527655
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You too brah!

>> No.10527669

Why is it always the longs that taunt? There has to be some kind of personality overlap between people that kick someone when they're down, overvaluing current trends, following the herd mentality and having no empathy for those outside of your group.

I noticed it with Hillary Clinton supporters during the election and with longs, especially TSLA.

>> No.10527681

I just don't know what to do. I'm reading "A random walk down wallstreet" and the author redpilled me hard on index funds
But I can't buy into index funds right now at the all time high.

>> No.10527684

we need the bears, without their constant fear mongering and doom peddling the market can't go higher

When you run out of bears the market crashes

>> No.10527686
File: 244 KB, 570x849, 1530023532314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bearish in a bull market
>expects to be taken seriously
laughable. Bears are mentally ill and deserve to be impaled

>> No.10527746

Being a bear is fundamentally seen as evil because of the way society functions. Society is basically set up so that people see billionaires etc as encouraging and look up to them.

The bear harnesses his inner emotions of wanting someone to fail to come back to earth, but this mentality is shunned and seen as being a hater

>> No.10527770
File: 31 KB, 423x439, bear eating wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you can. Stop fighting the trends, unless you have REALLY REALLY REALLY good reason to bet against it, that only yourself and possibly a few others know.

You don't understand, the bear life is about not getting fucked by wall street & other powers that be. Not about seeing your fellow man fail.

>> No.10527783

Kek. Thats now what i meant. When i mean come back to earth, i mean it more in the sense of rather than looking up at a guy and wishing him sucess, the bear questions how he got there and in the process sees the writing on the wall. The sucessfull bear is the moderator of human greed

>> No.10527799

That's not a being bear, that's just being a crab in a bucket.

>> No.10527806

Alright then whats your understanding of being a bear?

>> No.10527816

There's nothing to understand. Bearfaggotry is a false paradigm.

>> No.10527819

I don't know what's worse, crypto shit, or missing my AMZN limit buy price

>> No.10527824

if you want amazon for years then just market buy and hold onto it nerd

>> No.10527827
File: 171 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180802-145030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's worse, crypto shit, or missing my AMZN limit buy price

At least I sold some WTI bags this morning

>> No.10527828

So are you denying that being a permabear is unprofitable, because if done correctly it absolutely is?

>> No.10527831

Perfect example. I only see this hatred go one way. As if it is somehow offensive to suggest that companies that lose money and fail to deliver should have less value. This investment process appears like nothing more than emotional optimism and no analysis.

I don't want to see anyone fail. I just think it is only logical that companies that perform be worth more and companies that don't be worth less. The older I get, the more I realize the majority of humanity can be easily emotionally exploited and very few people rely on logic. I feel bad for "bulls". I can't help but think they are tools of the institutions to drive prices higher and will ultimately be left holding the bag.

>> No.10527833

Try misclicking your order and getting a market order executed at 10% markup during after hours

>> No.10527844

By that logic why wouldnt bears be the tools of institutions to drive prices lower so the institutions couuld get in

>> No.10527846

no, its called 4% GDP growth, massive tax cuts, technical breakouts, and unbelievable earnings growth

being a bear here is just delusional

>> No.10527849

>Crab mentality

>> No.10527853

Fuck tech

>> No.10527855

Kek you can be a smart bear and short stuff even in the climate. Youve just got to pick sectors

>> No.10527863

Being bearish on the sp500 is Retarded, doomsday faggotry
end your life if you are bearish on the sp500

>> No.10527865

pull up a 70 year chart of the stock market

bears BTFO

>> No.10527874
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I'm suddenly hopeful when all the bulls on /smg/ are triggered AF

>> No.10527881

goddamnit i missed a perfect bounce trade this morning on dumpster fire penny stock FFT. It mooned 45%. Too risky, I thought.

I took a different bounce trade on RTI at 90 cents. It's up 3% from my entry but i'm not sure if this will give me much more before close. I'd rather not overnight hold it.

>> No.10527890

being a permabull is just as retarded as being a permabear

anyone with half a brain understands that to beat the market you need to be able to win on both sides

>> No.10527901

>shitpost incessantly
>be wrong about every stock call you ever made
>get called out for being the retard you are
You should gaymarry Big5 post haste, you two deserve each other.

>> No.10527913


Also fuck Tesla too

>> No.10527919
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good thing we are in a strong bull market so I dont have to choose the faggot bear side

>> No.10527924

I try to feel sorry for shorts. I don't think anyone losing money is good. It's just the market finding prices over time and the more accurate we all are the less waste in the world. Just make sure you are okay with the risks and realize the bulls will feel like geniuses even though it still had odds of going either way obviously.

>> No.10527931

You seem upset, maybe take a deep breath before posting next time

If you guys are interested in what warren buffet is holding, you can see what he's holding here

>> No.10527933

Institutions get in very early. They don't pay the same prices the market pays.

I never said I was bearish on the S&P500. I think there are good companies in the S&P and bad companies. Some good companies are very overvalued. If a company's valuation deviated greatly from what I think it should be after doing extensive research, it makes sense to take a position opposite the market.

>> No.10527935





>> No.10527941

Bulls won the last hundred years, we'll win the next

>> No.10527942

completely untrue, being bullish on the general market is a much more profitable side. Not saying there's not risk mgmt involved, but most the times a general bullish bias is correct

>> No.10527948

Then your changing the subject because I only talking about being bearish on SPX
Obviously you could short hmny ect and make money

>> No.10527952

Thats just not true. Only venture capital gets in early, and by the time its on the market the ventrure capital is out of there.

The redpill is that most hedgefunds underperform the market, so those memes of "getting fucked by wallstreet" are just salty peddling by investors who follow the crowd and loose money

>> No.10527954

>buy oilu at open
>sell at 11 thinking the market will kick it down again
> make 200 cuck bux
> market kicks it up another 3%
Not the worst day but feels a little hollow

>> No.10527968
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Bill! Bill Connor! It's me, Ned!

>> No.10527971

think I just found the perfect stock for /smg/

>"Golden Bull Ltd."
>Chinese loan shark company
>literally not even a single bid being displayed right now

its perfect

>> No.10527981
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>> No.10527982


so you never sell then or what?

>> No.10527992

Tsla run is so strong, I was expecting 330 max.

>> No.10527996
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Most DNJRusu!

>> No.10528006


>> No.10528012
File: 49 KB, 816x555, buffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like Buffet's favorite sector is the banking sector.
When referencing buffet, most people ITT focus on consumer goods
Is anyone holding banks rn?

>> No.10528017


>11.5K 10 day avg volume
>13M shares outstanding

/smg/ could pump its own stock

>> No.10528021

Don't worry about missed gains. It's better to be wrong about gains than to be wrong about losses. If you aren't sure but still want to lock in gains maybe pull half out and stop loss.

>> No.10528025

Hes not holding banks, hes holding insurance( berkshire runs an insurance business). And yes, but i own EU banks(cos they just bottomed)

>> No.10528032

I sold JPM like a cuck but still have my BACs
Berkshire and kraft pump tommrow

>> No.10528033

JPM for Dimon-sama

>> No.10528037


in case youre a huge newfag reading this

dont buy this meme

buy apple stock

>> No.10528042
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berkshire holds a ton of bank stock because of the interest rate enviremont

>> No.10528048
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not a great week for me desuuuu...

could be a hell of a lot worse though. I could still be in crypto!

>> No.10528052
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>> No.10528058

Shut up, it will reach 2000 in 6 months, SMG told me so.

>> No.10528063

Yh i know but im saying that they dont only own banks, and that thye actually run GEICO

>> No.10528068 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 247x295, timo_kloy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla :3

Bears on auschwitz watch!

>> No.10528070

what you got bet on tesla?

>> No.10528071
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>> No.10528074

Way to play it safe friend, you'll be thankful in the long run. Keep it up!

>> No.10528075



>> No.10528099

Shortboi pls.

>> No.10528126
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r8 me /biz/

just got just'd over some puts on netflix so tell me what I'm doing wrong now

>> No.10528142
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This is My Fngu Story

>> No.10528173

Someone bought the bottom, and it wasn't retail.

No one's covering. It hit 380 last time so unless someone shorted in the last month, no ones getting margin calls until then.

>> No.10528182
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I'll give being a bear another two weeks.
If it still doesn't work out, then I'll start buying into daddy warren buffets portfolio positions that haven't mooned over the last 5 years
I am calm, I have the rest of my life to invest

>> No.10528183

Can i not do options on robinhood on my PC browser?

>> No.10528190

Thanks fellas, good advice about 1/2 in/out, I’ll try that next time I get a bearish tingle in the back of my mind.

>> No.10528209

>0 day trades this week
>sell SQQQ for 50 gain on open
> gon buy me some fucking TQQQ
>warning doin this will mark you as a DPT
what gives

>> No.10528223

sell when you want or need the cash

>> No.10528224

Almost entirely 2x leverage etfs. That, that is what you are doing wrong.

>> No.10528237

That's why I left. Maybe keeps some cash in RH for option trading and go to Webull for stocks. Webull has cash accounts so no day trade limit. RH has no options day trade limit. I think it's because I bought straight stock that it shut me down. Need more people to test it.

>> No.10528247

I see your running with the wolves for camera on a stick today after hours, me 2 bro
hope ur ready to make some money.

>> No.10528283

Gambling on Pembina and Activison earnings tonight, praying for a green day tomorrow. Wish me luck, fellow bulls

>> No.10528304

What happened to TEVA?

>> No.10528310

its a 5-trading-day waiting period for a day trade to '''cleared'''. But Robinhood seems to be fucking up lately on it.

>> No.10528323 [DELETED] 

(((Nobody Knows)))

>> No.10528338 [DELETED] 

(((oy vey)))

>> No.10528350

Is "Ultimate Survivor Kaiji: Helios and Matheson Arc" the ultimate tale of suffering?

>> No.10528354 [DELETED] 

)))hard to say(((

>> No.10528363


They found Hillary's missing emails.

>> No.10528364

Any fellow degenerates in KTOS?

>> No.10528366

my guess is that they clear your money in a day, but loan it out on margin for 4 days, that's one of the reasons they give you """""""""free""""""""" trades

>> No.10528370

Teva is what I meant by it's the worst kind of gambling. 10% drop, for no know reason.

>> No.10528376 [DELETED] 

(((6 million)))

>> No.10528382


ha ha wow ha ha what a totally unexpected response ha ha lol epic 4 the win bros :)

>> No.10528387
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>> No.10528406
File: 2.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-31-17-11-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded and keep filling Limit orders when I mean to use Stop Loss

>> No.10528411

im 0/3 Day trades currently, It gives me this warning my best guess is cause its a ETF so its trying to trade all the stocks within the ETF

>> No.10528417

Everybody in /biz/ goes through that at some point. This board didn't earn the name /kaiji/ for nothing. You only truly lose if you give up.

>> No.10528420

>its a ETF so its trying to trade all the stocks within the ETF
That's patently retarded.

>> No.10528425

AMD graph is holding steady
think it will drop before next earnings report?

>> No.10528433
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You know it my man

ATVI, TTWO also. Heaven or hell, let's rock!

>> No.10528443
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Guess Im the only one here that bought Kraft Heinz

Guess its true when you want something done right you have to do it yourself

>> No.10528452
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>TFW fell for the long vol meme

>> No.10528455

Daddy Buffet owns so much Kraft I think I might switch from bear mode to /Kraft mode/
I'll have to wait and see

>> No.10528482
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>> No.10528483

I bought in too early. Didn't wait long enough to let the bad news really drive the stock price down, so I'm still in the red for a bit longer on that one.

>> No.10528496

growth are seen as positive even if they are excessive. Even if you are just helping to pop a bubble you will still be seen as evil for waking people up from their dream

>> No.10528505
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Earnings tommrow +10% then your chances are gone

>> No.10528509

All of this is going to dump tommorow isnt it.

>> No.10528545

I'm out of day trades, so I'll have to watch from the sidelines until tomorrow morning
hehehe I hope so

>> No.10528559

>2x leverage etfs
explain to me why this is bad
thank you for your patience

>> No.10528560

does anybody else has a problem with NASDAQ homepage? it just shows 'site under maintenance', its been like this for at least three weeks, what gives

>> No.10528561

Is it too late to buy LockMart?

>> No.10528567
File: 25 KB, 839x526, 1520022010104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best time to go long on Tesla is when it crashes next quarter thanks to Elon's false promises.

He's going to step down as CEO, the meme stock is going to drop further, and then it will be a good time to buy

>> No.10528575

I bought based only on this post with no DD and am already up over 1%, thanks based newbie

>> No.10528576
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>> No.10528583

Based sunrun frog poster, I believe in what you say

>> No.10528587

You are the bottom now.

>> No.10528588

For those that forgot just a friendly reminder that Buffet bought IBM and waited for 10 years to turn a profit, and recently dumped.

Can your financial situation afford you the same leeway?

>> No.10528599


>> No.10528602

China could issue an export ban on critical electronic components to specific companies/countries as measure in the escalating trade war. So, China basically has America's $1 trillion company by the balls.

Goodbye TSLA, goodbye Apple.

>> No.10528606
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firm support around 0

>> No.10528616
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Where do you think goyim?

>> No.10528621


>> No.10528622

I had nothing better to do before work so I made a messy list of warren buffets top holdings and sorted them by 5 year return.
Buy the low boys on Kraft and GM

>> No.10528636
File: 19 KB, 433x487, warren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10528641

I lived to see the day comfy became the feeder fish suckling on buffetts old hairy ballsack

>> No.10528647
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>when the FNGU breaches 9.5%

>> No.10528651

oh no no no

>> No.10528652


No soup?

>> No.10528667

nows THATS golden bull

>> No.10528674
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Ok, ATVI and BMRN earning calls time !

>> No.10528683

You about to be up alot more thhan 1%

>> No.10528685
File: 38 KB, 530x298, 3D544C9A-1079-4526-9BBD-2E8AEE108340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I’m up .3%, I managed to get rid of my moronic UVXY calls without losing too badly. Earnings time!

>> No.10528696

come on my baby ATVI

>> No.10528697

When did buffet buy them? Looking at some of those precentages, it looks like they pretty much ran out their growth for this cycle(and lets face it, most people here wont hold for even a year).

>> No.10528699

I saw 2% for a second, my life is turning around!

>> No.10528706

Let's post some watchlist for tomorrow.

I'm looking at GBR and GERN.

>> No.10528707

insane comeback given i was holding a lot of tsla puts. SPY puts and AAPL calls moer than made up for irrational tsla bulls

>> No.10528709

Look again

>> No.10528716

damn, today is also TTWO earnings !

>> No.10528717
File: 157 KB, 528x321, 1531849176569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all gonna make it

>> No.10528726


>> No.10528729

They tend to be seen more as temporary plays, not really long term holds. The 2x means they move 2x down as well as 2x up. They are just generally higher risk and less control, the ETFs also have higher operating costs when they have more leverage. The ones you picked also have a rather narrow range so they probably won't go too high or to low. But that's just like my opinion man.

>> No.10528732
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 02f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing i sold those puts
time to pile on more huh? basically free money

>> No.10528749

EXEL and Micron crushed it today.

>> No.10528776

+85% today

>> No.10528778

Up 2.5% thanks to oil, WEAT and HABT

>> No.10528782

I did good, except for the fact that I sold Pepsi today on accident. When my dividends start coming in I'm gonna play with my butthole and jerk it like I was 12

>> No.10528783
File: 22 KB, 701x364, fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had my worst day today. IQ getting JUST'd hurt and thinking I could make even a single penny off of HMNY was silly. These expenses are paving the road to my financial success, r-right?

>> No.10528804
File: 85 KB, 754x1158, 1530547534746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 7%

>> No.10528811

Can KTOS please make up its mind.

>> No.10528819


>> No.10528832

Only if you learn from them. Also 30 bucks isn't horrible. My worst day was like Feb 12th when I was down 10%.

>> No.10528834

As I thought, it was

>> No.10528839
File: 298 KB, 531x717, 1522556307867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warren E. Buffet says
"the first rule of investing is dont lose"
"The second rule is to always follow rule 1"

>> No.10528855

Oh God oh fuck please no

>> No.10528857
File: 967 KB, 1200x800, buffett-sama_tvix_policy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a real Buffett-sama quote

>> No.10528860

Up on REGN, but that was just a $1k play.
I'm almost all cash waiting for an entry to go all in on yeast memes.

>> No.10528879

byebye blizzard, overwatch is dead

>> No.10528881


>> No.10528888

I was down big time on REGN
But it is fundamentally a good company with a strong research team
It is a long term hold imo

>> No.10528892

Frogposter please give more advice. You've made me so much money

>> No.10528893

In 5.93 out 6.50 based sports cameras

>> No.10528910

Opinions on Dfen?

>> No.10528920

Good thing is I bought the shares during the february dip and sold a covered call ($75 8/17 expiration)

>> No.10528923
File: 109 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20180802-152212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help

How to I fix this

>> No.10528926

Lmoa. I was the anon from Last thread with the call options. My sell order didn't go through..... :/

>> No.10528932


>> No.10528937

Both quotes work well together. You always win by being greedy. Kaiji teaches this lesson too. Notice how Kaiji loses his winnings the moment he starts being nice. If he were greedy, the series would have ended in part 2.

>> No.10528939

Yeah i saw that coming a mile away
Im hoping tommrow is a good day ill be able to pass 500$ in a week

Jus trying to fight my way out of Burger king.

>> No.10528940


>> No.10528947

What do you based boys think of tata Motors? They own luxury brands in the West and shitty Indian cars in the east, good growth potential, healthy and undervalued
Do you goys have any negative deets on it?

>> No.10528951
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>> No.10528953

-20%. TSLA short. TSLA puts. UVXY puts. QQQ calls.

>> No.10528961

Based. Indians deserve shitty cars because they'll treat it like a second toilet.

>> No.10528967

It is a cyclical stock
Is it the bottom yet ?
Also, are you willing to trust a pajeet poo in loo curry nigger ?

>> No.10528970

Short of showing the actual portfolio I'd say get out of crypto. I play it myself but I'm bearish on it right now.

Bought 50 on a lark. Sold 25 at 40 cent profit. Holding the other 25 to see if the earnings goes well. I doubt it but this has been a crazy tech quarter.

>> No.10528975

Yeah, I'm gonna hold them for the long term, their product pipeline seems p. solid.
Also nice quads.

>> No.10528982


>> No.10528990

Whew lad, dodged a bullet there.

>> No.10528995

More trust worthy than a white man aka JewTwo. This is why Elon Musk is God. He has the beauty of a white man, yet he has the honesty of a black man.

>> No.10529001

Anyone see that NVDA dump at the bell? it hit everones stop losses

>> No.10529009
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>> No.10529038

true, thats why bullying small specs is necessary to help them grow

>> No.10529043

You doubted Strauss "the brick" Zelnick?

>> No.10529049

>How to get McLiberated 101

The chinks won't do shit.

>> No.10529052
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>> No.10529058

Imagine if zuckerberg didnt cuck us.

>> No.10529123

Dump the cuck. Facebook isn't tech.

>> No.10529126
File: 39 KB, 980x830, img_521867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who bought the MCD dip

>> No.10529140

he didnt, he hit us with that 100b drop so that it would appear we deflated so that we could pump again,therefore prolonging our bull run

>> No.10529149

Their CEO pajeet seems like a nice guy. If we don't see red tomorrow, I'll probably switch to the tata car

>> No.10529159

fucking shit gambled gpro would hit 6.78, got in at 6.54 shiiit, lost my yesterdays gainz

>> No.10529164


What part of "camera on a stick" don't you understand.

>> No.10529183

Honestly straddling Gopro.

I have some long term Microsoft calls but I need a win in the short term.

I made like 50 off Sprint Calls, if I make 40 more I'll be somewhat green

>> No.10529187

grats to those who made a profit on it after hours its dumping now :D

>> No.10529189


Well fuck me. RTI dumped again and stopped me out. Worst day trade i've done in months. Meanwhile "too risky" FFT ran 77%. Yeah. Seventy seven.

>> No.10529194
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Take your $ 30 out. Two more days and you can buy the whole company for that.

>> No.10529198

Yep just sold the last 25 at 14 cent profit.

>> No.10529199

I think I gonna fap to Tracer before going to sleep

>> No.10529232

what's so good about FFT? indoor farming is a meme
>canadian company

>> No.10529258

HMNY has almost completed a round trip from its 250:1 reverse split kek.

>> No.10529276
File: 174 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180802-164715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ended up in the green, still no AMZN though

On the one hand I want to buy it asap, but I imagine it's going to dip sometime between now and October. And I'm not sure if I want one stock making up 33% of my portfolio, even if it is an amazing meme growth one
Does making more money with options or bulk ammounts of stocks sound like a better idea than just holding Amazon?

>> No.10529287

Based, however Mercy is a far superior waifu

>> No.10529307

ayy is there a discord

>> No.10529333

Just a regular cord for you to go and hang yourself on.

>> No.10529345


Nothing is good. They're a US based Canadian owned weed spec. Latest financials were junk. I figured oversold bounce would be weak at best so i didn't touch it.

Now i need to think about trying RTI again tomorrow or not. That's a better company but bleeding out for who knows what reason. They did dilute some to raise cash but that's not enough to drop as much as it has. Daily RSI is 24. It was 27 when i entered my day trade this morning.

>> No.10529348


>> No.10529349
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Western Union miss

>> No.10529382

How about...

>> No.10529400

Is Amazon over values? Is it likely to tank soon?

>> No.10529404

Apple hit the one trillion market cap, this is the top of the market, sell now.

>> No.10529435
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>> No.10529440

Last year it peaked the week after earnings, then "sank" until mid September

But that's just last year, don't get sucked into gambler's fallacy

>> No.10529535

congrats on reporting everyone in the thread
Bearfags are mentally disabled, the proof is all here

>> No.10529570

> Shorting after a stock got hammered, n1

>> No.10529619

I’m just sitting here with $3500 in cash and no idea where to put it in options...watching apple calls go 1000% makes me feel like puking....

I need a win Jesus Christ I’m a literal virgin trader

>> No.10529651

Stay the fuck out of options till you actually know what your doing. Buy, Sell, Hold. Save options for when you can routinly make a profit on normal buying and selling.

>> No.10529677
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>> No.10529689

Any advice for SNAP with earnings next week?

>> No.10529708

go all in SVXY they just reported earnings and are looking good

>> No.10529712

Buy puts, and hold until a day after earnings.

>> No.10529727

Im actually with you on this, Snap looks highly over-valued right now.

>> No.10529737


This is how the market works

>> No.10529740



>> No.10529745
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ATVI got my boots shaking. I'm going to have to wake up early tomorrow and figure this shit out.

>> No.10529781

Games don't sell well during the Summer.

>> No.10529785
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this also is rather distressing

>> No.10529801
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Yay GPRO ! hope everyone bought some GoPro today !

>> No.10529803

It was their Q3 guidance that fricked everything up. They did amazing Q2 and will most likely do amazing during Q4. I might buy a call for next year on them. Most of the volume in after hours is on green candles so there might be some hope for tomorrow showing a little pop

>> No.10529809
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ATVI is a strong long term hold...
If you were just gambling on their earnings, you deserve getting bogged

>> No.10529811

>implying street shitters have a first toilet

>> No.10529820

The first toilet is India itself.

>> No.10529834

all the gains were washed away

>> No.10529847

If you bought at any time 20 minutes after the bell you should still be up somewhat right now. If that holds is the question.

>> No.10529855
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Mmmm TA

>> No.10529883

it's going to pull a FIT and open down tomorrow

>> No.10529941

reluctant kekpads only bought like 2 shares

>> No.10529950

entering position tomorrow on GOOS. Anybody holding this should probably sell. My luck this year is poor and it will nosedive the instant my order fills. Enjoy the jinx. You're welcome.

>> No.10530027

literally why

>> No.10530062

Nice. Took out a payday loan on my financed truck and put half in svxy and the other half in sqqq.

>> No.10530128
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No.... why.... ;_;
They beat earnings & revenues
This no fair...

>> No.10530166
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LOCO tanks after hours
Gonna rebuy that shit

>> No.10530241

load up some CC tomorrow. Earnings beat, share buyback and Divi increase.

>> No.10530265
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Get on my level

>> No.10530284
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SEC niggers glow in the dark

>> No.10530310

Straddling is the best IMO the fucker is going to fly either way. 2 earning ago /smg/ thought it was going to tank and it flew. Don't get cucked

>> No.10530329
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>tfw you're going to stop being a bear and go all in on SNAP
No one will know... teehee

>> No.10530341

>fuckers watched FB shit itself and now talking about throwing money at other social media companies

y'all SNAP boys gonna get snapped in half. Smg way right?

>> No.10530396

Will give chart but how much scalp you looking for?
Kinda looks like it still has room for 68

>> No.10530409

Is straddle good if you just plan on selling contracts and not exercising?

>> No.10530432
File: 97 KB, 1000x948, 1528925273118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le reddit is betting against SNAP
This is the best indicator is will do well

>> No.10530448

The fact that YOU are bullish on SNAP is the best indicator to me that it will be fucked into the ground. Comfy, the tripfag who never calls right.

>> No.10530476
File: 337 KB, 600x600, 1528925153369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do the math
WSB = retarded = hates SNAP
Comfy = autistic = loves snap
It's the battle of the century, will the retarded or autistic come out on top??

>> No.10530478
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if I expect my kid to get an F- and it comes home with an F+; I'm still going to beat my kid for not making good grades
there are so many people holding the GPRO bag through the last year, you are going to have to tear through the bagholder resistance

leave an order up for a put contract 1 month out if there's any sign of upward momentum tomorrow on the money, it will fucking B-line down due to the last 3 months of upward momentum, people will profit-take from this manipulable stock
if you understood anything from what I'm saying; you still have a chance, that's an open piece of advice to the room

>> No.10530571

What are your guys thought on QQQ right now?

>> No.10530596
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>> No.10530668

Whoa. Someone bought 500,000 shares of CEI at the end of AH.

Good thing I got in at .29

Tomorrow will be interesting.

Might finally make it guys.

>> No.10530682

It means you buy contracts for a call & put same strike price same expiration. It means you expect a big move in either direction. The only way to lose money is for the the stock to move sideways.You should sell the contract that is going to lose once you are confident in the direction of the stock; your decision to exercise or sell the contract of the winner.

>> No.10530697
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>> No.10530699

HAHA you can't make this shit up

>> No.10530701

The problem is stocks which are likely to move usually have options with high IVs, and you won't be making any money with a straddle unless it really moves like 10%+ either way. There's no free lunch.

>> No.10530778

teehee okay fine

>> No.10530817
File: 174 KB, 1524x938, SNAP Straddle 8-2-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at this chart. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SNAP/2oSVL1Dx-Straddle-into-Earnings/ (pic related)

SNAP usually moves ~32% heading after ER over a 7 day period.


>> No.10530870
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O -okay am kinda understandable....
Thought the bag holder dump @ 6.90 would make bag dumpers happy....
Dont know why they'd dump GPRO back under $6

If GPRO dumps down to 5.40 tomorrow would be sad
But your put idea makes alot ot sense for a hedge !!

>> No.10530896

Fuck stock buybacks

>> No.10530990

I am willing to buy out HMNY entirely for 10k market cap.
Once I have the app, I can sell 50% of it to AMC for 50k, I'll remain 50% owner of it.

>> No.10531026


Why are you insulting meme retards that went all in on tesla long? Just look at the results.

>> No.10531037
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I can't believe it's back to $0.10. It's the equivalent of being $0.0004 pre r/s. What a humongous turd.

>> No.10531111

Might throw $100 into HMNY tomorrow.

>> No.10531185

quads are saying your 100 will turn to 1.

>> No.10531222
File: 132 KB, 706x951, 1497520949129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did the american markets go?
Did you have a GAINS day?

>> No.10531240

If you just want to give money away, I will take the 100.

>> No.10531269

>Musk apologizes, Tesla stocks rise


How the fuck isn't this a cult meme stock?

>> No.10531276

So do retail investors really lose 90% of the time?

>> No.10531289

>in the short term, the market is a popularity contest
>in the long term, its a efficient weighting machine
give it time

>> No.10531341

SWN fag here, 3rd consecutive earnings beat, going to $7.70, get in before it's too late

>> No.10531391

It is completely a cult meme stock. I don't think anyone argues it isn't.

>> No.10531463

So is apple, nike, supreme, gucci, chipotle, shake shack, etc etc.

>> No.10531466
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>Did you have a GAINS day?
Yes, at the end

SPY was up all day, DIA ended positive, (about an hour before markets closed)

Is asia markets still KIA ?

>> No.10531587

apple and nike make money tho.

>> No.10531596

tesla stock is going to drop when Musk leaves
Wall St and lefties love sucking Musk's dick

>> No.10531645
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Every day these past two weeks I get a notification like this on my phone after close. EVERY. DAY. What's to stop it from going to 5 cents tomorrow and then 2.5 cents on Monday?

>> No.10531655


This video is so fucking good.

>> No.10531657

>mfw bought amd 19$ calls at 18.2
who else here comfy?

>> No.10531662

Musk's exit plan puts him in charge of products in some way. Just not day to day. He would still be in charge just not as active.

>> No.10531681
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Me quant friends say no
Retail has been getting better & better last few years
They no longer to safe contrarian bet against

>> No.10531682

Statistically yes. But that's because people are stupid and a monkey throwing darts can out perform most. Then you got hedge funds going -18% because they shorted Tesla when it's obvious that is a dumb idea.

>> No.10531683

Probably wanted to add to his bags. Thing already mooned for no reason it’s going to correct.

>> No.10531692
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>TFW down 1700 bucks on USLV
founding fathers whyyyy

>> No.10531750
File: 97 KB, 388x306, 1499978405542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I've been doing a little more digging on TSLA; they're running high debt and have been for the last 4 years, but they have been fucking piling on the debt as the years go on
they stay at about 80% debt to assets, but have more than Quadrupled their assets/liabilities

Now that's a fucking issue. Here's a worse one, total revenue continues to rise YOY, almost triple now but not quite triple HOWEVER the cost of production on the newer models appear to run higher than the ratio of revenue gained YOY (last 3 years); short hand speaking, this means the profit margin's lower on the newer models, and worse still the cost of selling, general management of sales locations and administation plus R&D; more than tripled.

This is a lot to understand, so I'll try it like this: the profit margin is decreasing which negates the profits made through more customers willing to buy the newer models, but the costs in developing and selling these newer models are also increasing. Their operating income is taking a negative turn which is a very dangerous sign at this level of debt

I will not say TSLA is a ticking bomb, it might pull a fucking trap card outta nowhere any time now; but gross profit isn't increasing while net income continues to drop while heavily in debt.

>> No.10531770

meh, and I had a feeling the market would rally the whole day.
Sshould've just listened to myself and sold calls on friday

>> No.10531782
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forgot pic

>> No.10531851

you beat me this time, ratsu
but I will not be stopped

>> No.10531895

Don't think it would correct 2 days before earnings bud.

>> No.10531904

These tiny gains for a decent capital makes me fucking so angry inside
reminds me of the day i was down 150$ then was up exactly 150$ at market close for a whopping profit of 0$ for the day

>> No.10531927

lefties are starting to jump ship but redditors will probably start picking up the slack

>> No.10531992

I bought back into GBR at $2.50. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.10532003


It's def been oversold.

>> No.10532082

What are people’s opinions on AT&T?

It has reach the lowest it’s been in years since it’s merger with times warner has been approved, due to its collosal debt. However times warner was making solid profits and AT&T have said their main focus now will be reducing that debt. What’s more their directors bough a shit load of its stock, so their obviously confident in their own companies ability to go up from here.
I’d be looking to buy and hold long term

AT&T low as fuck with over 6% dividend, has massive debt since merger but company says their committed to reducing debt. Buy?

>> No.10532146
File: 76 KB, 564x847, 13680736_1824904574405823_6685052825636453590_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how far out would you recommend putting a strangle then? Also, SNAP has risen quite a bit since it's last earnings and all-time low. Do you think this might translate to more of a downside on a miss?

>> No.10532150

No shit. Shorts have known this for years. It's incredible. Regardless, the stock still jumps on promises. Profitability is always just around the corner. The short thesis just gets stronger and stronger through a deteriorating balance sheet and failure to meet goals while the long thesis gets strong as the profitability corner keeps appearing nearer in their minds.

I don't think there has ever been a stock like this. Half the people think it's going to go bankrupt in under a year, the other half thinks Musk is making iphones you can drive to mars.

>> No.10532153
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Activision-Blizzard Q2 report is out.
Not amazing but still good.
Also their report format is absolute shit. Get in with the times holy fuck


>> No.10532169

This has been the story since April. Try to get a good entry and hold.

>> No.10532230

I’m shorting the fuck out of it

>> No.10532244

>since April
But wasn’t that because the merger was being sorted out? Now that’s it’s been approved and dropped
Isn’t right now a good entry? How much lower could it go and if so what would cause this and when?

I know the market generally dips during August/September but a stock that’s already the lowest has been in years...

>> No.10532286

>uncertainty about merger not going through, stock down
>merger approved, stock down
> stock rallys
> ex div
>stock crashes
>stock crashes
>stock stabilizes?
I've lost 2 grand trying to play this with options.

>> No.10532309
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as an aside, I will say this; for better or for worse

tesla has made these cars and the technology, tesla's worst foe is the fact that they can only create high-end luxury cars because there's a hard floor on the manufacturing costs of creating these engines and batteries at the moment, they're already cutting as much as they can out of the manufacturing costs as indicated by the usage of tents. The tariffs have probably really fucking hurt their margin due to the increased cost of materials used (and so much materials being needed in inventory production), so when this trade war ends then tesla will probably do much better, they'll have an amazing beat if they come up with lower cost models to introduce lower income buyers; keep this info in mind

this rally is just begging for a short, this was one of the most brutal short squeezes I've ever seen, this is actually THE worst squeeze I've seen yet
blood for blood, the time for retribution is ripe now

liquidity is worrying; 2/3's of the value is in real estate and production, the rate of total operating expenses is up 25% over a year's time... the real hard part is timing everything, everybody's right eventually
it's just looking more and more assured that this is an over-propped stock long term, and short term? ohhh buddy
this is gonna be the most expensive, assured put I've ever bought

>> No.10532336

you just have no friends. Everyone I know uses Snapchat. As soon as they figure out a way to sell your info to the government the way Facebook does, they will be huge.


>> No.10532369

It will be the most expensive put bought for sure. The IV on the 2020s is insane. What I am worried about is a balance sheet fudge in Q3. Stock soars. Stock is a darling. They do a capital raise from "strength" and the company survives on promises for another 2 years.

>> No.10532444

Anyone eyeing VRAY?

>> No.10532450

Never gonna make it kid

>> No.10532480



>> No.10532484
File: 17 KB, 1670x100, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's absurd how easily I'm making a fortune off AAPL. It was supposed to be a safe low risk/low return stock for me after my adventures in EM. Literally free money.

>> No.10532489

So any word on Gopro? I straddled so as long as there is a big jump I'll be fine.

>> No.10532661

Just to be clear - I am recommending a straddle (ATM option contracts), not a strangle. I tend to not like buying OTM options (this is a strangle). If you are inclined to do a strangle I would do it for approximately 10%. I do not like recommending OTM option, especially on/smg/ where there are alot of people new to stocks; people tend to get carried away after getting a big win and lose it all (gambling)

Anyways, for a Strangle about 14 & 11.5, call & put, respectively. I personally think the company is an absolute shitfest, doomed, so I think it has a long farther way to fall to 0 than previously.