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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 1910x1000, 104258723-GettyImages-104554645.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10524754 No.10524754 [Reply] [Original]

Warren Edward Buffet Edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

>How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed]

Technical Analysis Guides

>>10517941 last

>> No.10524773
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>> No.10524774
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>> No.10524780

>FEYE imploding
So happy i got out at 17.

>> No.10524781

first for GEO locked up gains

>> No.10524787

Trump approval rating at 50%

It's over libtards

>> No.10524798


AMRS Is at 6.99
A few days before a big ER
May be a very good buy.

>> No.10524803 [DELETED] 

Just got HMNY at .14. How fucked am I?

>> No.10524808
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First for FNGU rally today

>> No.10524810

y u do dis

>> No.10524812

its a gamble

just pretend the money is gone and you bought a lottery ticket

see if you won in a few months

>> No.10524817
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tfw bought exel at the top
pumped and dumped

>> No.10524829 [DELETED] 

>takeover a shitty company with shitty management and shitty business model.

>> No.10524839

They are reverse split scam
Saw a wiki article about it

>> No.10524842
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tfw i didn't sell at $87

>> No.10524857
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How have you been doing SMG?

>> No.10524861

Just hold retard, it's going to 30 by January. They have a great pipeline, and approvals incoming. Cabo is taking off

>> No.10524863 [DELETED] 


>> No.10524872
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>HABT @ $15

>> No.10524889


>> No.10524908
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Bilibili hodlers on suicide watch

>> No.10524915
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>Dump and dilute schemes, where companies repeatedly issue shares for no reason other than taking investors' money away. Companies using this kind of scheme tend to periodically reverse-split the stock.

>> No.10524918
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TNK TNK Teekay Tankers all the way

>> No.10524925
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>make money
>have tariff advantage
>still crash

What the fuck

>> No.10524932
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>> No.10524976


>> No.10524981

>waiting while she reloads
Deserved it

>> No.10524992
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>> No.10524996

you saw AKS earlier this week, didn't you? Why did you think X would be different?

>> No.10525003

0.13 is unironically a strong support for HMNY

>> No.10525014

Is this picture real or photoshoped for the "that boomer who eats lunch at dairy queen" meme?

>> No.10525024


warren buffett is not a boomer you fool

hes a golden god from the golden generation

>> No.10525037

How far will WEAT go?

>> No.10525042
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>> No.10525060


>> No.10525067

LMAO the meme was actually true
time to get lunch at DQ then

>> No.10525068
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>> No.10525076
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I know anon

>> No.10525080

>tfw bought WWE when it was $12
This has been the Holy grail of my portfolio, lads

>> No.10525086

Is it going to happen? Will AAPL hit $1 trillion today? Praise Tim "Allah" Cook.

>> No.10525089

Warren Buffet owns Dairy Queen :)
Buy BRKB for earnings tommrow

>> No.10525091

How do you feel knowing I made more then that today?

>> No.10525100

How much unrealized gain has Tim Cook made in the last 2 days? 15-30 mill?

>> No.10525103

With enough water and sun, pretty far

>> No.10525117

Should I sell my based HABT for ATVI and pray for good earnings? Either way, I wanna invest in UNIT next week for the ride back up to $22

>> No.10525125

Unironically this. Everything on my portfolio and watchlist is red except a couple of reits. Those are all over 10% yield and green for the past few weeks.

>> No.10525127

brief redpill me on this stock...looks interesting but risky

>> No.10525145


Prison REITs ftw

>> No.10525157 [DELETED] 

>is not listed on a national exchange
But this is listed in a national exchange. It's not a pink sheet stock.

>> No.10525166
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Fuck this shit man

Fuck options
Fuck pandora
Fuck apple
Fuck fitbit
Fuck everything


>> No.10525169

And I can show you a retard on wsb that made more than you today. How does that make you feel? I don't care about feelings, feelings are for bitches.

>> No.10525170
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Hey a order actually filled.

>> No.10525173

Think ATVI is worth getting into just before the earnings report?

>> No.10525178

You should straddle it. It will be a big move either way.

I got my 12.5 8/17 calls/puts ready to go.

>> No.10525184


>> No.10525188

>penny stocks
You deserve everything.

>> No.10525193

Me call this an alleGORY (kek)
Her waiting for reload skin to stock holders waiting for stock split !

>> No.10525197


>> No.10525198

Sold AAPL months ago for a nice 2k income. The 6k income right now looks so much better. Ah well

>> No.10525201


Apple will be around when our grandchildren have grandchildren

Its the new XOM and PG. It will be in every industry while leading the tech charge.

>> No.10525205


>> No.10525212

In the last month I have over 110% profits so... I'm more then happy. But Fuck RH and their no cash account bullshit.

>> No.10525216

If it goes up, gratz
If it goes down, ATVI is a long term hold and it would be the most comfy bag ever

win win

>> No.10525219

>not throwing your spare change into a penny stock incase it moons

Same reason I've got 3 dollars in on a ton of shitcoins

Never know.

>> No.10525239
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I think I broke it.

>> No.10525249

HABT babaaaay

>> No.10525254

How much do you have invested in there?

>> No.10525269
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based HABT bros

>> No.10525273

>all in on banks, visa, defense and msft

It's a red day boys. I got $800 more to spend. What do I buy today is activision blizz a good gamble? Intel?

>> No.10525276

You can switch to a cash account.

>> No.10525277

How are these burgers doing so welll

>> No.10525292

>While everyone thought the magic number was $203.45, it was based on an outdated number. According to the filing, there are 4,829,926,000 Apple shares in circulation. Apple is going to hit $1 trillion when shares are worth $207.043 — so let’s say $207.05.

oh yeah

we are reaching that for sure

>> No.10525302

You can't trade options except I'm their margins account. Got they directly from the staff when I was asking how to do so.

>> No.10525303

>Brainlet who doesn't know about cash accounts and has sub $25k port
Hurr Durr I made profit I so smrt.

You got lucky kid leave now before you end up like big5, a broken man with nothing left but his desire to troll this board

>> No.10525311
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>Starting to do Drive thrus
>continues to expand
>Starting to do healthy Chipotle style breakfasts

That's the power of HABT

>> No.10525313

sold my wynn in exchange for 10 shares of MSFT, should have done that years ago

>> No.10525318

How many shares ? I had 20 shares this time last year

>> No.10525319

buy BKNG anywhere under 2000

>> No.10525339

RH won't let you take options with a cash account and everyone else want to know what I look like. When I get a PC I'm moving to a real broker. And all I have to do is finish building it. Im not even using all my money now, at 25k I would be having so much doing nothing.

>> No.10525364

Degeneron bros, ww@?

>> No.10525378

My bags are lighter now

>> No.10525388

Are you holding all the way from $500?

>> No.10525396
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it feels good to be alive.

>> No.10525397

ATV is long term but should be a good investment with how hard they are going into esports. They're selling off new team slots for next season rn and three of them are already gone at like $100 million buy-in.

>> No.10525398 [DELETED] 

Buy companies you imagine yourself being owner of. Keep buying over and over.
Become large shareholder over a long period of time.

>> No.10525405

what companies do you want to be the financial owner of personally

>> No.10525415


>> No.10525431

I panic sold my UWT on open this morning.

Just kill me senpai

>> No.10525436

That's not even unrealistic at this point kek

>> No.10525455

I sold at 34.93, what's it at now? It was a dollar more then I bought it at so I was fine with the profit. The risk of it going down outweighed the risk of going up.

>> No.10525461

HMNY reversal coming

>> No.10525482

I averaged down to $419
But yeah, basically my first FOMO
I bought it during the crazy Dupixent bullrun, which was a semi-dud

>> No.10525503

those valuations wtf

>> No.10525504

I sold at 33.65. It's at 35.5 now

>> No.10525516 [DELETED] 

Lol no

>> No.10525525
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day +33%
from start of year 58%

Doesn't mean anything though since it can go down just as fast.

>> No.10525543
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Comfy af, like a big titty octoroon gf.

>> No.10525550

Here you go anon

go sue https://www.glancylaw.com/case/helios-and-matheson-analytics-inc

>> No.10525562
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>HMNY reversal coming
yeah sure, tomorrow probably going to 4.72

>> No.10525578

Stock market is supposed to be open from 8:30 right?(NYSE)
From that time stock prices can move in any direction any time?
Why exactly is there a 15min or 30min gap in between every major move?

>> No.10525580

Tv contracts and their own streaming network plus merchandising, and reality series .

>> No.10525598

I work as an engineer at AK Steel, if anyone is holding sell that shit. It’s not looking good from the inside.

>> No.10525601
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66 Please!

>> No.10525607

Plus, this shit is like DIS
You buy a share of WWE, you are literally buying a piece of American culture

>> No.10525608
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Small reminder, LPL unironically heading to mid teens

>> No.10525610
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I put them at max just to see, damn that's a lot of cash

>> No.10525611
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As if this shit was the problem and it wasn't going to continue dumping anyway.

>> No.10525615

Huh? It opens at 9:30 Eastern time.

>> No.10525616
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Any hope?

Also will Microsoft hit 115 buy end of month?

>> No.10525622

BZUN is officially in a buy range. May dip another dollar may not.

>> No.10525640

Question still stands

>> No.10525647

but c'mon the price suggest is the next netflix of smth and who even watches that shit? I think I heard that they signed some contract in ME, didn't know that mussos were into that shit.

>> No.10525652

I always set limit sells on robinhood options, because I've had idiots buy them at almost double the top ask.

>> No.10525658

are you serious bro? I was thinking about picking up 1000 shares

>> No.10525674

Just keeping it real my man, a lot of people were buying because of Tariffs and shit.

>> No.10525679

I bet some dude wanted in NOW and I was the only one selling, easy cash

>> No.10525685
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>> No.10525686
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lets go

>> No.10525696

9:30am to 4:00pm, 8:00am to 6:30pm if you include extended hours.
Prices can move in any direction except backwards (:^]) but there are some restrictions ie events that cause an automatic trading halt.
This is simply not true.

>> No.10525702

yeah I sold Monday

>> No.10525709

why is it bad?

>> No.10525719
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>Why exactly is there a 15min or 30min gap in between every major move

Please let me know when you find out, Oracle of /biz/

>> No.10525724

Tariffs won’t have fiscal effect until 2019, and a lot of shit that I can’t talk about has gone down.

>> No.10525736

>BREAKING: Iran begins large-scale exercise in the Strait of Hormuz Thursday involving more than 50 small boats, practicing “swarming” operations to potentially shut down vital waterway: U.S. officials

Let's hope for a false flag so we can enter the defense sector and make some money this month.

>> No.10525738

Good call, it will prbaby hit 3 bucks after news come out

>> No.10525746

US Steel... why the fuck are we trading 10% down

You’d think AK would be in a worse spot

>> No.10525747

Irans economy is falling apart typical distraction

>> No.10525748

I'm up $1500 in the past 3 months.
I want to gamble all my profits on a binary event. What should I do? Preferably very high risk options

>> No.10525759

don't do anything, thats the right advice

>> No.10525760

What are some decent defense stocks to get into?

>> No.10525764

Boeing, Lockheed, General Dynamics

>> No.10525765

All my quants are pointing to HMNY in this context

>> No.10525769
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>> No.10525773


>> No.10525777

who here /wheat/?

based wheat

>> No.10525779



>> No.10525781

Hey guys GPRO earnings after hours today, its down 5% right now , kinda looking like it might surge +10% after the report

>> No.10525789

Are you saying buy puts
And if you are are you saying buy for the 3 month range

>> No.10525793
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s'all in a days work

>> No.10525796

C'mon man I want to yolo my profits

>> No.10525800

GO for it, be a PRO. Ask yourself, does it have equal chance to dump 10%? Straddle.

>> No.10525819
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>> No.10525822

can't do it, even if you win you'll just keep throwing it towards memes till you blow up

>> No.10525826
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>> No.10525827

Yeah , I really only worry about It dumping if its being pumped during the day , Even though its a shit stock 5.92$ seems a bit undervalued

>> No.10525829

>Apple is $25B from being $1T company

>> No.10525839

What did you do

>> No.10525856

Pulled out almost 8k

>> No.10525860

I actually noticed 8 calls going for 300 dollars possibly on SNAP, you have like a week to sit there and see if anyone fills your order, its going to be pretty insane if that goes up to 18 and you're holding 8 calls lol

Also unless it crashes hard you'll probably only lose 50% of your profits or you can keep them and execute them take a loan out and use it to buy them and then sell your stocks and repay the loan.

>> No.10525878

How did you make your big money

Also Everyone Buy KTOS

>> No.10525900



>> No.10525920

poor dan

>> No.10525921

I am currently straddling. SNAP likes to skyrocket or dumb on earnings.

While I'm happy to see that KTOS is still talked about on /smg/, I can't recommend you buy going into earnings. Not enough contracts to be profitable even with the cost cuts they made beginning of year. I have short position.

>> No.10525922
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>> No.10525926
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camera on a stick guys

>> No.10525932
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Another man of fine taste I see

>> No.10525934
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>> No.10525936

Why? I just dumped them at 2.50 a share profit. I wouldn't enter again unless under 12.

>> No.10525941

+36% today
+61% since Jan

Reminder, Trump winning was good for the world and in ways small minds never understood.

>> No.10525978

Kinda worried about my snapchat puts

Basic bitches and normies use Apple, apple is doing well, the same people who buy a new iPhone every year also use snapchat.

Ergo, snapchat is doing good

>> No.10525985
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good year so far

>> No.10525986


>> No.10526000
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>> No.10526003

Have you ever used their product?
The layout is awful. Advertising is out of the way. They have repeatedly shown they are awful at making design decisions and have repeatedly alienated their user base.

>> No.10526014
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Now we're cooking

>> No.10526034

I used to use snapchat but I stopped because they designed shit so much that it's pointless, it feels less like a chat app and more like an ad cluster fuck

Most of my friends switched or barely use it. But every basic bitch I know still does

>> No.10526043
File: 38 KB, 640x536, 0C3A8E65-1319-49DE-B47D-6E4513926673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost most of my gains to a black swan recently.

>> No.10526049

is it a good time to dump all my savings into amd

>> No.10526057
File: 542 KB, 854x480, Screenshot-2018-8-2 $50 VS $500 WHISKEY - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got $20,000 in stocks. Fuck off and buy
some land
I bought today to make my average price go down.
Because I own calls w. a strike date of 01/19. If KTOS goes up a dollar I make beaucoup bucks

>> No.10526058
File: 114 KB, 1200x675, WEB-Turkey-US-Pastor-Trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make money from the sanctions Trump is going to put on turkey for not releasing that priest?
Neither Pence nor Erdogan are going to step down. And we all know that sanctions come so easy these days.

>> No.10526066
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It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having a chicken salad from the salad bar because I feel like a winner today! I'm currently sitting at +8% thanks to WEAT! ROAD is down today so I might buy back in, it's a fun stock.

Heading out to the driving range with a buddy today for a fun contest, what a great fucking day!

>> No.10526068

you're late to the play but look at $TUR 6 month chart

>> No.10526070

Started trading a year ago, several rookie mistakes have me down 50% but I learned from them and I'm working my way back up

>> No.10526073
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>> No.10526081
File: 230 KB, 1242x2208, 87B1A0E8-66DD-4702-8776-4822651030C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bro

>> No.10526094

yeah I just started playing, I'm going for +400% a year.

>> No.10526095

You'll make your money backbecause I love you.

>> No.10526121

I wish you the best of luck, Anon

>> No.10526132

D-lish! Shockingly I'm still up today despite my idiotic UVXY calls, which I think I got rid of at a good time. Coffee ONLY!

>> No.10526133

well, I'll need lots since my plan is to create AGI with the money

>> No.10526140

Just bought a short term twitter call as my first option purchase am I gonna get raped?

>> No.10526164
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Up because of FNGU but praying I dont get justed tommrow by Berkshire and Kraft

>> No.10526165

Like a pedo in a state prison

>> No.10526173

It don't matter, none of this matters.

>> No.10526176

If I had to choose one right now, should I buy Intel, Apple or Twitter

>> No.10526179

Checked. Chicken and Brown rice with a salad on the side. Ate the baby carrots of the salad while my food was cooling. Ate the chicken, and then I ate the rice with the salad. Gonna buy a pack of whole WEAT bread, so I can have a delicious and nutritious sandwich tomorrow.

>> No.10526183

VERY short term that might be ok, but it's not going to be a good idea to hold that even maybe until tomorrow.

>> No.10526185
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>he fell for the crash meme

>> No.10526188

TWTR is a good choice but I am concerned about "short term"

>> No.10526189

Gamble ATVI earnings instead, choose between those three later

>> No.10526192

none of those.

no choice then INTC

>> No.10526193

If snapchat hasn't done anything to increase their audience, what have they done to increase their capitalization on their remaining audience?
SNAP is a shit stock and your puts will be fine

>> No.10526202
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>FNGU 65


>> No.10526207


muh trade wars

>> No.10526209

Up $500 today but crashed my car yesterday overall pissed off probably shouldn't be trading

>> No.10526210

Thanks fren
Will Erdogan finally adjust interest rates once business goes to shit due to sanctions?

>> No.10526215

Well. My year this year stinks but the past two were glorious thanks to biotech and crypto. Biotech ironically is what killed me this year though. +400%ish in that timeframe. I take a lot less risks now
A news report will determine if it all comes back. Long story short trial patient died with a very safe treatment. Now no one is sure if it’s actually so safe. No word on autopsy results yet. We’re all gonna make it boys

>> No.10526220

Look at erdogan's palace and then tell me he knows jack shit about economics or money management. Turkey is fucked with him in charge.

>> No.10526221

When you guys think about FNGU do you pronounce it in your head like an anime girl saying "Fingu!" really cutely? I don't even know what that means, but I do.

>> No.10526223

Nice, that's usually my after workout meal but I have a protein shake to drink. I got some WEAT bread for tomorrow's lunch since I gotta brown bag it.

>> No.10526224

AAPL crosses 1 tril cap


>> No.10526231

your blood will be used as lube

>> No.10526240
File: 145 KB, 619x577, honk trycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10526241

I laugh uncontrollably when I see the GUSH ticker

>> No.10526252

AMAT crash these bags arent heavy enough

>> No.10526273
File: 565 KB, 862x416, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 12.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a perfect score on my MCAT and am a physics major at a top Ivy. I've always been deeply interested in medicine and biotechnology.

How do I get into biotech/pharma investing? Where do I start? Is it a meme or is it legit?

>> No.10526275
File: 1.38 MB, 1435x1640, SmartSelect_20180802-112747_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay meal today !!!!

>> No.10526294


Or just work for one of those companies.

>> No.10526304

I thought you were real sick and in the hospital.

>> No.10526306

Ramune is good but you should have gotten cheese and crackers, those are GOAT. Lunchable ain't the same anymore :(

>> No.10526308

nice Kraft Heinz brand product

>> No.10526316

Probably. He is against raising interest rates for "religious reasons". Pence vs Erdogan will end badly for the turkish economy as well. Both are hardliners but Pence has the bigger dick by far. If Erdogan was to put sancions on the US in retaliation he would cripple his country even further.
Why are anons talking about tesla when you get to bet against a whole country?

>> No.10526336

>Perfect MCAT
Go join MENSA for maximum gibs

>> No.10526338

Biotech/pharma is the worst kind of gambling. It's legit but technical analysis and value mean nothing. Drug could not pan out, could kill a test case. Ive had 200% returns and -99%. They are also reinstated long plays in general.

>> No.10526350
File: 38 KB, 658x369, 19681d9ac750cbf7224fa9d643633248dbd95b4a_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acct up 50% today
cathartic and upset that it's behind my goals. Also upset the market is much more irrational and stupider than I thought which means I have to adjust my predictions.

>> No.10526361

Martin Shkreli youtube channel and blog. In that order
Biotech is basically a meme though with a lot of binary outcomes. Ie the drug works or it doesn’t, the company is worth something or is worth zero, with little indication on the way. It takes a long time as well. Most of the value is contingent on FDA approval. After that you’re looking at m&a opportunities which are highly speculative.
Big pharma not so bad, biotech pretty bad.

>> No.10526376
File: 81 KB, 604x700, 881aabb7031551c33e1a4dfcb4697344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technical analysis and value mean nothing
Then how do you make the big bucks? Is it just blind betting? I thought you read about these drugs and basically make bets whether it will past the next stage of clinical trials.

Who are some big names in the field?

>> No.10526380

im long USDTRY 20x leverage right nwo which is the max available to me, already up well over 100% in like a weeks time

riding this profit to probably a years worth of pay when that country collapses

>> No.10526386

What's with all the health/biotech/pharma ERs today?

>> No.10526394

>erdogan palace
The toilets there are meme worthy.

>> No.10526411
File: 6 KB, 230x219, cortez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ATH earnings
the todays list is so fucking long, still checking all the companys and haven't made it to the letter K, does someone has a couple tradeable stocks on the list? besides ATVI, GPRO, AIG etc.

>> No.10526416

bruh i literally gave you the 4 best in the field right here: >>10526294

>> No.10526421
File: 194 KB, 675x601, 1529650962665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playing MNST earnings next week?

>> No.10526445

Thats beautiful anon

>> No.10526456
File: 331 KB, 1000x1215, b4b18c9cf93d5fa7db239deb6e344197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me have been out hospitalized 3 weeks now
Spent all morning @ physical therapy today trying for get ability 2 walk and use arms back >_<

Me tushy getting muscle & fat over it again!!

Ramone nice & cheap, and all the crackers were sold out :( HEB was having sick 75c sale on lunchables!! The whole isle was cleaned out

Dining with the devil today !

>> No.10526463

Short TTWO.

>> No.10526464
File: 10 KB, 275x183, erdogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erdogan palace toilets

Is this the extent of research required to short anything related to turkey?

>> No.10526476
File: 259 KB, 700x388, 1000 staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erdogan's palace

>> No.10526481

If I bombed it, would he die?

>> No.10526484

It's mostly blind betting. You can try and figure out how much of a demand there would be for the drug. Read the research follow the trials. But the best is to stick with the big names or find small companies that already have a fda approved drug coming out soon. Also someone already posted a good list, but I'll add TEVA and Abbive and Giliad

>> No.10526493

It would be extremely painful

>> No.10526500


>> No.10526507
File: 225 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180802-094323_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends! I hope you are having a safe day trading!

Remember, slow and steady wins the race! You want to make it, dont you?

>> No.10526509

is DOW going green soon???

>> No.10526512
File: 356 KB, 1500x1000, erdoganottomans1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erdogan posing at palace with ottoman themed soldiers

He appointed his son-in-law to finance minister.

>> No.10526513

Post positions

>> No.10526516

I'm going to take all my thicc gains from my yesterday's ER gamble and funnel them right into today's ER gamble.
Go to bed, old man.

>> No.10526521

Don't buy Edit, I'm holding that fucking bag to my grave.

>> No.10526545
File: 77 KB, 770x578, erdogan-bambina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but this is:
Erdogan doesn't want to raise interest rates because Allah says that interest is evil.

>> No.10526550

Is rkg Jewish?

>> No.10526555

it would be extremely profitable

>> No.10526562

What do Apple's gains mean for Microsoft?

I see they're spiking today, will the trend hold?

>> No.10526565
File: 195 KB, 517x768, eed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He appointed his son-in-law to finance minister.
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.10526576

Truly the Zimbabwe of Europe.

>> No.10526583

Join up my room bros

>> No.10526584

It is evil. Interest Rates will be the reason the stock markets crash, mark my words.

>> No.10526590

well his son in law has good credentials but the point still stands.

>> No.10526591


>> No.10526595


what >.< ?

>> No.10526599


oh hell ye

>> No.10526603

>Topics: Cryptocurrencies, Long Term Investing, Non-Market Talk
Miss me with that gay shit.

>> No.10526606

Moar liek the Europe of Zimbabwe

>> No.10526613
File: 67 KB, 827x433, DjePbj1UUAAx97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infographic for possible opportunity in being ASX bears

>> No.10526615

Are you Jewish?
It's an extremely simple question.

>> No.10526625
File: 526 KB, 364x489, sweatysnaek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10526628


>> No.10526629

Can't, I'm banned

>> No.10526631

This looks like a lost blackadder epiosode they never broadcast because it was incredibly shit.

>> No.10526640

>Short TTWO

>> No.10526647

Kill yourself

>> No.10526653

Why is HMNY not moving? It has been a straight line for 20 minutes.

>> No.10526657

Should I go for the Gpro surge?

Seems like I was hearing the same shit about Fitbit and lost money

>> No.10526661

who cares fuck off

>> No.10526665


For a second I thought you were talking about Trump and Kushner.

>> No.10526670


It's the gooks pulling out of the market because of the credit crunch in China.

Tasmania's increase can be explained by rich boomers who already sold out getting into cheaper Tasmanian real estate.

I don't know how you can easily short the housing market in Australia. There is no specific instrument as far as I'm aware.

>> No.10526675


>> No.10526677
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x1333, Bear Waving 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me in you whore

>> No.10526680

As someone who owns stuff made by both. I wouldn't bet on the stock price going up. The GoPro session is too nice and indestructible, the fitbit ionic is an over priced pedometer that never works.

>> No.10526683

fueling gas in tanks for moon mission!!

>> No.10526687

They avoided the 2007-2008 recession due to being linked with China. Now it might hit.

I'm not shorting it at all but I follow it.

>> No.10526706
File: 33 KB, 365x274, IMG_20180803_010231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bilibili is now putting pic related in their headquarter as if they're begging for forgiveness by showing their loyalty to the party

>> No.10526718
File: 17 KB, 365x274, IMG_20180803_010224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Xi Jin Ping's memorial book

>> No.10526731

Facebook puts then 400 the next day on twitter calls after er

>> No.10526732
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>> No.10526735

Tried to catch GEO @ $24, went to $24.08...next time, next time

>> No.10526739
File: 92 KB, 599x513, 1426710834712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine ironically investing into Chinese company kek

>> No.10526747

Im glad US companies don't have to suck that much dick.

>> No.10526761

At what point did you buy the fb puts?

>> No.10526769

pathetic communists

>> No.10526775

Tits or gtfo

>> No.10526781

holy fuck WOW

>> No.10526797

Middle of the day right before their ER. I meant to flip them but got stuck with day trading so I bought calls and straddled. The twitter one locked day trades for 90 days and yesterday I locked my whole account to make another 500. Leaving RH.

>> No.10526835

You can day trade options on RH even with PDT lock. They are literally that shitty.

>> No.10526836

That is why investing in China is such a fucking joke
The government can fuck your shit on a whim and you go to a labour camp
That is also why their goal of petroyuan and RMB as a reserve currency will have a very hard time to work because you cannot buy valuable assets in their scam markets

>> No.10526853

Im heavy in microsoft, stag, and Clm

>> No.10526855

If you do that they won't let you buy anything for 90 days. So while I can still sell them if I can't buy anything what's the point. Id go cash account but they don't have options for that.

>> No.10526869
File: 552 KB, 480x360, vlyLkSq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there it is
70 next

>> No.10526890
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-02-12-18-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I sell my KTOS calls before earnings today? I'd only lose 5 dollars over all and can buy back in at a better price after. ...

>> No.10526921

No, that is not how that works, at all. PDT Lock means you can't buy & sell on the same day. You don't understand,they say you are PDT locked, but you can buy & sell options same day. This won't apply to normal securities; you will be unable to buy & sell stock same day. If they block you from buying it would be absolutely retarded on their end; you could pull your money & move to a different broker, hence no $$$ for Robin hood.

Sell a covered call.

>> No.10526952

Or you'll feel like a dumbo when KTOS moons 30%. Not that there's much chance of that.

>> No.10526969

tsla cracking 340

>> No.10526987

That's good because I'm in at $360

>> No.10526999

Yep, I lost up there too earlier. Doubled down at lower prices.

>> No.10527013
File: 43 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180802-132847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit hazy and what you described is what I'm doing. They don't want my money. No option on cash accounts, now no trading period.

>> No.10527023

Just got into HK before earnings yesterday, waiting to go to 5-6 dollars and stop trading for a while. Small cap oil is the fuckin shit rn

>> No.10527033

anybody else killin the game and buying up some QQQ and SPY shares?

sneaky way into retirement, big if true

>> No.10527039

what the fuck. Contact them or switch brokers, I'm not aware of any SEC rule changes. My RH has been on PDT lock for months; only expired today and I have had 0 issues opening new positions. I have day-traded options while PDT in the past two weeks on my RH account.

>> No.10527061

Reminder owning gold is for morons

>> No.10527068

I do alot with QQQ, is there a leverged SPY ?

>> No.10527069

Already pulled out almost 8k, too late for that. Might go to interactive brokers or something. Its in their day trade policy that you can sell but they'll shut your account down so it's not like I can complain.

>> No.10527070
File: 991 KB, 245x260, giphy3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market refuses to correction. nasdaq and s&p flirting with ath again and eur is under constant pressure, at some point it will give up

>> No.10527084

I made 6k from the extra cash provided by gold.

>> No.10527085

Sell it short then, faggot.

>> No.10527090
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>> No.10527096
File: 1.83 MB, 245x245, Chloe-Moretz-chloe-moretz-38804260-245-245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been shorting eur since 125 and i have overall positive forex track record for years

>> No.10527098
File: 118 KB, 611x429, nodaddyno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me convinced him for sell TSLA @ 330
now TSLA am 342 and he furious at me, he gonna give me spanking @_@ nuuuuuu me was just trying for be good girl nuuuuuu

theyre so fugged with their currency kek
they need to devalue it, but they cant because chinese people dont give a second though about dumping their money and putting the value overseas the second it gets too weak for buy local goods

>> No.10527099
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>> No.10527102

S&P 4000 by 2020

>> No.10527107
File: 496 KB, 983x717, 1530566997306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels damn good to be a golden bull

>> No.10527112

could be very well

>> No.10527120

I kept 2 calls of my 7 and bought 5 shares, so if it does moon I'll still be dabbin'!!!

>> No.10527125

by 2023-2024 4000

>> No.10527127
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>> No.10527135
File: 452 KB, 1024x683, 8076031771_a705c6144b_b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bulls flexin rn

>> No.10527137
File: 5 KB, 219x230, youwillfail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10527143
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>> No.10527145


>> No.10527148

tsla up 13% but since 2014 the stock has been so volatile this is not new at all. it's excellent trading stock for sure

>> No.10527150

up (91%) over 6 months :^)

Bulls win

>> No.10527158

Interactive brokers seems to be pretty good. I'm probably going to switch from Etrade to them.

>> No.10527161

Trump keeps flexing for a while(2 weeks), and then lets china get off easy, sending everything higher.

>> No.10527168

for sure, but I think it has upward pressure for a few weeks. Going to be hard to shake the bulls on it for a while after the conference call pump.

"Tesla Computer" really sealed the bulls in.

>> No.10527174
File: 180 KB, 586x439, 37x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats that small spec
cant hear you over my Bull gains

>> No.10527191
File: 440 KB, 500x669, 1533067215910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile the european indexes have not even surpassed 2007 levels

>> No.10527200
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>> No.10527205

nikkei is looking finer than europe than emerging markets. jpy also is looking ok

>> No.10527214

they need more immigrants

>> No.10527218
File: 105 KB, 754x640, ef6e375d42649c77d2ac175e3790a5a6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you guys ever need jacked images of bulls just image search for Indian Gaur these things are fuckin beastly

>> No.10527220

cos europe still hasnt solved any of the problems in their economy(ies)

>> No.10527227

that's a big bull

>> No.10527229

EU was designed in a really stupid and flawed way.

>> No.10527230

it's a total mess eur is becoming dangerous currency to hold

it's unsolvable it has gotten so bad in southern europe

>> No.10527237

horns are turning the traditional gold color

>> No.10527238
File: 398 KB, 727x498, Behemoth_FFXV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irl behemoth and shit

>> No.10527248

(94.9%) so close to goal...

>> No.10527253

It doesnt take a nobel prize economist to realise that control of fiscal policy without control of monetary policy is gonna someday backfire

>> No.10527263

I thought about this a bit. They should just do partial currencies. Part in Euro and part not. Allow some slight deflation/inflation differences to help the shit countries.

>> No.10527264

The French one hasn't even recovered from the dotcom crash.

>> No.10527268

the french one has not recovered from 80s era socialism

>> No.10527276

they talked about N. euro and S. Euro currency in the beginning I believe

doesn't matter now, place is a fucking disaster

>> No.10527279


holy shit

>> No.10527282

that GIS comeback

>> No.10527289


First doubling complete... now 1 more in before 2019.

>> No.10527322


>> No.10527327


>> No.10527332
File: 12 KB, 148x537, double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good, but I can't change mentality or get emotional.

>> No.10527340
File: 412 KB, 404x491, upsidedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10527343

If you had bought one NQ contract at open youd be like 5k richer right now.

>> No.10527344


>> No.10527350
File: 145 KB, 800x688, 5515e681bb835067ebcb6e3fb80d748c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rdy 2 plow le market sir~

>> No.10527353

>said an incredibly nervous bear everyday for the past 9 years

>> No.10527362

The only piece of trading advise I've actually listened to was don't worry about missing out on gains. Saved my account many times.

>> No.10527366

Conference call for my man LTBR next Friday, hop in for spills and chills

>> No.10527373
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, tim curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There shall never be another crash.

>> No.10527374

With options trading do i have to wait til the contract expires to make the money or can i sell it off early for profit

>> No.10527375

So I made a fuckton of money on AAPL 202.5 calls expiring tomorrow, and decided to take a closer look at Apple. 220 PT 8/14. Maybe more. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AAPL/pDCswT6a-AAPL-220-PT-8-14/

>> No.10527384

If you are actually talking about Lightbridge, you must be insane to trade
a) that price
b)that graph

>> No.10527385
File: 54 KB, 225x234, 1528335582076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FNGU going +10% TODAY

>> No.10527387

Always sell it. Usually on the same day.

>> No.10527392

>yfw we are in the golden bull generation
>yfw today's kids will grow up to be investors having never lived through a crash
>yfw when you are a boomer the kids will ask you about the famous crash of '08, the last of its kind

>> No.10527393

Sonos IPO launched today. Didn't even notice.

>> No.10527403


>> No.10527405

I think if their commies shitlords dump the RMB again, it may coincide with a BTC bullrun

>> No.10527406
File: 164 KB, 1524x938, AAPL ER Bullrun 8-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot chart

>> No.10527425

the french hasn't recovered from the payback of 19th century colonization of africa

>> No.10527431

Alot can happen after hours. Maybe it's worth the risk but I'd you don't think you'll make money over night just don't hold.

>> No.10527435

I still dont understand whats so special about the product

>> No.10527447

Yeah me neither. I don't know anyone with a Sono speaker.

>> No.10527457

Bonds, equities and usd bought today, banks are selling to you right now. Be careful.

>> No.10527472
File: 29 KB, 755x567, UWT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone fuck around with Oil/Natty gas? It's about 15% of my portfolio and exists as "play money" to speculate/take dumb risks

>> No.10527480

my boomer grandpa has one of those Alexa speaker from Amazon. he uses it to change the television channel or something
how will sonos possibly compete?

>> No.10527485

Yes, but its actually like 50% of my portfolio rn.
The small caps especially(300mln-3bln) are likely underpriced as shit. But i suggest researchign specifics and not etfs

>> No.10527487

I jus never done calls and puts before and honestly dont understand it alot.

>> No.10527488

AMRS about to assume the position.
Probably best bet for an entry before the ER.

>> No.10527499
File: 88 KB, 480x420, 1481585053096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never touching that shit again

>> No.10527507

Did you get assfucked during the reverse split days?

>> No.10527510

You are right on that. Shorting the everliving fuck out of them.

>> No.10527517

I like AMRS but this is dumb as fuck. They are trading at 52wk high right now, literally no reason not to cash out and minimise exposure to ER.

>> No.10527519

total newb here, which is why I just chase margins on ETFs/Inverse ETFs... what is a good place to start?

>> No.10527531

thread baked

>> No.10527533

They were trading at 52w high before mooning last ER too. It will be 52w highs all year long from now, my man.

>> No.10527553

Alright, first of all i dont LNG is a good place rn.
You wanna focus on 3 things:
Actual balance sheet(not too much debt, if they are paying down debt right now they are not expanding)
You want something that is close to existing pipelines(pipelines are what is limitjng permian basin shit)
After that, you wanna check around and see earnings dates. Try to snag some stuff that dropped after earnings( i think there was one yesterday), and be ready to either buy before earnings or wait out earnings and then get a discount.

The next 6 quarters should deliver very solid returns, barring a crash below like 60

>> No.10527597

>TSLA - "were gonna not lose money anymore. pinky promise"
>Stock soars to the moon
what did they mean by this?

>> No.10527609

Get hired on to a major company doing sales (believe it or not there is a shortage of salesmen with smarts) and then get insider trading going on make B A N K, like imagine owning 10000 dollars in Madrigal before it boomed holy crap. Find a tip and leverage it for max gains, be happy, win at life.

>> No.10527656

>get insider trading going
that's illegal anon

>> No.10527769
File: 69 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 me /biz/

just got just'd over some puts on netflix so tell me what I'm doing wrong now

>> No.10528007

For one you are posting in a dead thread