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File: 226 KB, 890x857, 1532894525296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10518310 No.10518310 [Reply] [Original]

You really think 20k was the top anons? Think again. Prove me wrong protip you cant.

>> No.10518318


year after year after motherfucking year
all of these threads forever
you'll lose your money
the bubble popped
its dead
this year
and last year
and 4 years ago
and 10 years from now
I guess what I'm trying to say is
You're a faggot and go fuck yourself OP

>> No.10518338

yeah but this time it popped because the tech itself is shit, not because of some regulation fud or general fear

>> No.10518359
File: 62 KB, 460x350, 1531326626907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518360

did it, you fucking newfag?
did it really?
you can't read
you can't comprehend
because you're actually retarded

>> No.10518362

Yea, the tech...
The fiat tech sure is better and everything else, that's why everyone uses it...

>> No.10518383

Uhm anon are you retarded?

>> No.10518400


year after year after motherfucking year
all of these threads forever
you'll lose your money
the bubble popped
its dead
this year
and last year
and 4 years ago
and 10 years from now
I guess what I'm trying to say is
You're a faggot and go fuck yourself OP

>> No.10518408

Chart since 2010


>> No.10518488

Just because you're holding $50 dollar nano bags doesn't mean you know anything about crypto.

>> No.10518670

looks about right op

>> No.10518709

So Q4 2017 wasn't mania phase according to you?

What was it then? Just some random unimportant event? lmao get over it, we are crashing harder than you think.

>> No.10518733

My life savings didn't hit btc until 8k, if it keeps crashing down to pre-mania 2017 levels I'm literally going to sperg

>> No.10518779

There's too much money streaming into crypto, the chart is literally correct.

>> No.10518789

Crypto hasn't been adopted by normies yet in a easy to use fashion. Its inevitable, it will happen just as the sun comes up and the moon dawns over us, the governments are powerless to stop it.

>> No.10518834

I think you're actually high right now, you just don't know it

>> No.10518866
File: 504 KB, 728x372, bitcoin crypto exponential growth animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10518923

I think you're actually high right now you just don't know it.

>> No.10518949

Oh nice, I didn't know I was talking to a fucking 10 year old retarded kid.

>> No.10518954
File: 102 KB, 410x414, preppy groyper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you bought the dip anon

>> No.10518999

based and redpilled

>> No.10519008

>Imagining anyone would pay more than 20k more for fake internet money

>> No.10519049
File: 27 KB, 500x387, bogged-5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep the market horizontal for a 100 years

>> No.10519060

Somebody actually did lmao, that's the worst part

Long live the free market

>> No.10519062

I'll wait to buy at 0 according to your graph.

>> No.10519078

I certainly hope someone is stupid enough...cause these bags are heavy and I could use a nice house in a few years that I totally don’t deserve.

>> No.10519754


>> No.10519815

Oh nice, I didn't know I was talking to a fucking 10 year old retarded kid.

>> No.10519828

Nice. Epic. I like it.

>> No.10520382

I know you are, but what am I.

>> No.10520848

Based and redpilled

>> No.10520892

I think you are the dumbass. Point proven.

PS: Go fuck youself.
PS2: Your chart was proven wrong multiple times.
PS3: Stop posting here.
PS4: <---- What I'm playing right now.

>> No.10520908

dude. breathe. youre gona make it ok. you dont have to be their crypto messiah. just let them cast their stones and just moon walk away

>> No.10520939

HAHAHA yeah let's all just wait for price to reach 0 according to the graph. Thanks for the chart OP! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
...OP... Fucken jackass.

>> No.10520980

>doesn’t know how to use, “you’re”
>calls people dumbass
Whoa upboated, so smart upboated again

>> No.10521042

>calls out anon. feels better about himself
I'll upboat you, boat bitch.

>> No.10521063

If we reached mania already (which we did) then the bottom is already done too. We will be sideways for a while then the cycle repeats.

>> No.10521174

>for a while
can't take anymore
also my favorite alts all bled out like cunts
is it over yet