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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10518209 No.10518209 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10518220

Bitcoin will crash back down to $10.

Ethereum will crash back down to $10

That is where the flippening will occur

>> No.10518235

I would like to be retarded like you, I would probably be happier.

>> No.10518262
File: 9 KB, 940x348, F20EF9F4-C438-4ED5-B533-CE2FA107888A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay brainlet. You’re still near the absolute top and have so much further to drop. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

>> No.10518274

I'm already down 90%.

Are you saying I'm going to be down 99.999%?

>> No.10518292

jesus, you bears are getting lazy. at least pick a realistic point on the chart.

>> No.10518293
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>> No.10518298

Based and red pilled

Cringe and blue pilled

>> No.10518308
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Bitcoin is overpriced for the amount of USD being transferred

>> No.10518311
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year after year after motherfucking year
all of these threads forever
you'll lose your money
the bubble popped
its dead
this year
and last year
and 4 years ago
and 10 years from now
I guess what I'm trying to say is
You're a faggot and go fuck yourself OP

>> No.10518363
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maybe, maybe not

>> No.10518463

Faggot and group thinker

>> No.10518475

actually its past bull-trap to the "return to normal" and bulls are losing momentum so fear is next.
There goes my 120 dollars...

>> No.10518499


I'd say Capitulation is next, but either way we're going down

>> No.10518512
File: 50 KB, 465x640, 08DFCE59-13DB-4EF2-90A0-33B105D1CCE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek nice arbitrary lines

>> No.10518690


>> No.10518787

>MOMMMMM what do you think of this chart meme >>10518209?
>Okay. what do you think about it now compared to this log >>10518262 chart?

>> No.10518817

it's actually true. normies STILL think that their cryptos will overtake the current financial system.

we are literally still at 'new paradigm'

>> No.10518835
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>> No.10518858

Bitcoin didn't hit $1000 until January 2017 expect briefly in 2014. The price HAS to drop below $1,500 before we can get out of the downtrend.

>> No.10518870

You're all wrong. We returned to the meme and moved off the parabolic meme chart and onto a Wyckoff cycle. We are nowhere on that chart.

>> No.10518917


There is literally only one single point on that entire graph that mathematically speaking, cannot be where bitcoin is now, and that is the one point you chose. How retarded are you?

>> No.10518927
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TFW we are currently in the awareness phase

>> No.10518953
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>> No.10519103
