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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10515323 No.10515323 [Reply] [Original]

If your coin is not on this list, it's utter shit.

>> No.10515323,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sure thing - that's how the "next" of everything gets found, yeah?
Are you sipping from your own colostomy bag?

>> No.10515387

>my coin is on that list
feels fucking good man

>> No.10515405

WOOLET is on the list thank god

>> No.10515412

there is some absolutely worthleds shit in that list... i mean bgold? vertcoin? btcp? the fuck outta here

>> No.10515413


>> No.10515417

Well link is an erc20 token
And I can store it on ledger
So what you are saying is
1k eoy
Thanks op

>> No.10515429

i hodl 400K of one of those coins

>> No.10515431

all coins are shit lol

>> No.10515492

>NIMIQ is on there

what the fuck, didn't it only just release?

>> No.10515932

>shitty btc forks
>shitty doge forks
>erc20 tokens
If your coin is in that list(beside btc) you won't make it.

>> No.10515974


>> No.10516028
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Ah the memories

>> No.10516052


OP is a faggot confirmed.

>> No.10516090

Ark 100$ eoy

>> No.10516107
File: 97 KB, 614x768, onecoinman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw #2 gunning for #1
i love an underdog story bros

>> No.10516114

ubiq? Ya lost me chief

>> No.10516157


>> No.10516207
File: 36 KB, 960x960, gv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor

>> No.10516226

OP is a brainlet

>> No.10516245
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lmao, takes me back to the bitbean days. I miss those days bros.

>> No.10516293


>tfw IOTA and ICX support already announced

Feels good

>> No.10516325
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>> No.10516341

Im not an edgy kid but I honestly cant wait until the cancer u have takes your life just because I hate u shitting up this board.

What a shitty way to deal with your own mortality. Locked in a hospital bed shitposting on /biz/. Just give up.

>> No.10516346

Monero missing

>> No.10516347
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>> No.10516375

xsn is gold though

>> No.10516628

Whew its there. We get so neglected sometimes but I do love the coin sometimes.

>> No.10516652

russian scam project that will never be worth dogshit because the token economics are jack shit. 94k my ass. good luck reaching barely $15 after platform launch

>> No.10516719


all else is larp, though not saying there is not money to be made

>> No.10516800

if your coin is on that list, single digits gains is all that awaits you

>> No.10516913

Native Aion Mainnet Coins will be added next.

>> No.10516927

She has cancer? Also you're a fag

>> No.10517249


Feels bad man.

>> No.10517280

Just because BTG is on that list doesn't mean it isn't shit though. Same could be said about many of those coins.

>> No.10517288


>> No.10517311


Yup, it's a future top 10 coin in the making

>> No.10517321


>> No.10517325


Shit thankfully Woleet is on there

>> No.10517342

yea. I remember a thread in which she admitted she has cancer and shes struggling to pay medical bills so she looks towards cryptocurrency as a way out.

>> No.10517343

XLM is the best on that list faggot

>> No.10517347

Ok I’m a guy who’s just in it for fun
I started out with literally nothing and now after a few months have like 5 dollars in bitcoin dogecoin litecoin dash coin and bitcoin cash via faucets or something
Is it true that this will all crash tomorrow or something
I don’t want my little side project to be all for nothing
I haven’t even tried to trade in the market yet

>> No.10517377

But sirs where is 0xbtc

>> No.10517587

Lol it’s not going to crash tomorrow. Get in BTC, the ETF is aug 10-20th somewhere in there it will moon to mars

>> No.10517632
File: 218 KB, 799x1086, halloween party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even an underdog to be honest, it's the top dog but most people just havent caught on that BTC has changed completely

>> No.10517662

then why isn't monero or decred on there? :^)