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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10513001 No.10513001 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10513015

I bought APPC @ 3.30 cents and lost 95% of my investment....it was student loan money.

>> No.10513044

I bought into LINK @ 4040 SAT

>> No.10513051

I wish to establish a stable religious community within the united states to protect the unborn from mutilation and destruction. To fulfill the born with purpose and dedication to HaShem. To grace the living with the truth and peace everlasting. Baruch HaShem.

>> No.10513072

I schilled fomo five because I bought 5 eth at the start of the game

>> No.10513075
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I'ts starting to sink in that I'm not going to get rich. I'm not looking for a way to earn 500-1000 each month extra. Not sure how yet..

>> No.10513082


>> No.10513096

What a fucking shitty attitude. I bet you're going out and buying fast food and over-spending at bars because you lost hope and just want to feel good.

What a pitiful display of your intelligence

>> No.10513108

yeah, having weak hands and impatience will ensure you're not rich. make your best picks in crypto and fucking walk away. Stop checking your investment every 30 seconds.

>> No.10513150

>I bet you're going out and buying fast food and over-spending at bars because you lost hope and just want to feel good.

I can almost guarantee that I'm fitter that you. But yes I agree I have a shitty attitude.

>> No.10513155

Bought req at 30cents. Bought more at 22c with a fiat buyin that was originally slated for link because “it was so cheap”. Also bought ven at $5.

>> No.10513176

I'm whitter than you and taller than you and fitter than you. Doesn't change the fact taht you're not going to make it

>> No.10513340
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But lads my dick will Always be the biggest

The absolute size of my hog

>> No.10513371

>I'm whitter than you and taller than you and fitter than you.

That would make you freak tier. You are also not going to make it. Join the club.

>> No.10513420

I bought enough AMB for a masternode a few days ago and then sold it all after the shitty AMA - at a loss.

>> No.10513431

That's the spirit

>> No.10513666
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This is my first post on /biz/

>> No.10513860

>Lucifer get

Oh boy

>> No.10514861
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I still have about $16 in BCH and ETH dust sitting on Coinbase that I haven't converted to King BTC or Prince LTC.

>> No.10514962

I shill against zethr because p3d devs paid me to

>> No.10514975

ATH I had 100k worth of coins, tried to catch a falling knife since february. I now have 5k worth of shitcoins

>> No.10514988

Welcome to biz. Buy chainlink. Now get out.

>> No.10515008
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>> No.10515013

I started masturbating before I could physically cum. The first time I finally did I thought I had jerked off too much and fucked up my dick. Stopped for a year before I realized my innocent ignorance.

>> No.10515027
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I have never owned crypto. Probably never will.

>> No.10515045
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I have all the money i own in my pocket (1.7k). I dont have anywhere i can go so im currently trying to kill time so im sitting in the walmart bathroom literally sharting at mart. Thinking about hitting up a tim jortons to change it up and learn how to proxy mine from peoples computers at starbucks and maybe info phishing. Geez being homeless kinda sucks.

>> No.10515046
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Retard. Never change, biz.

>> No.10515087

I don't in crypto or any other investments.

>> No.10515093

Don't you have any friend or family member who can host you?

Are you like a hobbo or its just life fucking you up

If you want to kys, dont forget to attack a mosquee before you do it

>> No.10515099

>$100 passport
>$400 flight to nearest third world country
>live like a king for ~3 months

>> No.10515147

I bought into the P3D meme and had to sell out the day the value crashed 95% I barely broke even.

>> No.10515262

I have friends but theyre 4-5 hours out of the city. I stayed with them for a bit but im not going to be that person who couch surfs. I sleep in my busted up civic most nights and when im feeling extra adventerous ill rent an airbnb to some super slummy place for $20/night for a couple days. Some places have door codes so i can just come in use wifi and crash on the couch overnight or a room if its empty brcause these chinese slum lords dont keep tabs on who comes and goes. I work odd jobs on kijiji and do whayever i can for cash. Fucked for srudent loans though if i dont pay them back thr interest will be crazy and they garnish my wages i only have 8k to pay left.

>> No.10515302

Probably wont kms unless its out of curiousity or at least until everyone else i love is dead.

>> No.10515391

This is unironically my plan if my life ever falls apart.

>> No.10515507

Bought 40k REQ at $.15 thinking it would be near the lowest. Now, i'm thinking about buying 4k euros worth more to cost average.
Am I going to get fucked? Recent update from AdmREQ was quite insightful.

>> No.10515519

I held ICX

>> No.10515628

Same. Went balls deep and December and still holding. The JUSTing has been brutal.

>> No.10516137

hi Riley
good to see you are taking care of your insecurities in the usual fashion.

>> No.10517011

wish you good luck man. i've been that low before and then everything worked out. got a shitty job and saved all i could and went allin on a project with a friend - current net-worth is 300k. I know it's hard to imagine but U CAN DO IT FAGGOT