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File: 326 KB, 1080x1440, 547987_v9_ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10511900 No.10511900 [Reply] [Original]

don't ask me why but my sources indicate if pic related wins crypto will boom. Can we kek him into office or is this not possible

>> No.10511921

not possible. more likely this socialist scum becomes the next VP of the GOD EMPEROR TRUMP POTUS.

>> No.10511930

Sadly Hillary prefered Trump.

>> No.10511949

considering the damage trump's troll shenanigans are inevitably gonna do to the USD i'm pretty sure the current president will be more of a boon to crypto

bernie would actually bring legitimacy to the US govt again and improve our economy with basic simple shit like healthcare cost reductions and increased consumer spending via wage hikes, instead of this corporate feudalism thing we've got going on right now

>inb4 triggered maga-tards, just stating facts bozos

>> No.10511971
File: 143 KB, 761x545, 1533129220735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10512041

Nice meme breh
Pretty much.

>> No.10512071

Damn, imagine he'd won... we'd live in fucking heaven right now. This guy has such a big heart, I can't imagine him having a problem with any foreign leader.

>> No.10512340

we'd live in hyper inflation, and us capitalists would get JUST with increased taxes. fuck that shit homiee.

>> No.10512439


Good. US has been top dog for too long and doesn't deserve it. American becoming a 2nd Venezuela would be the best thing to happen for the rest of the world.

>> No.10512447

Crawl back to /pol retard.

>> No.10512458

lol increased taxes are better for you because the government can create jobs and public goods with that money, you get more than you pay generally... and hyper inflation is already happening under trump

>> No.10512479

>mad man
This kike is too low-energy to earn that title. He has no spine, I think the debate with Ted Cruz made it abundantly clear that he can't stand up to anyone in a presidential debate if it comes down to it.

>> No.10512480

He wouldn't be able to get anything done obviously with congress. I doubt it'd be a catastrophe in any case, he's no more liberal than even the conservative parties in any other first world nation. Obviously there are better choices though, and he won't run again being so old.

>> No.10512508

Yeah, no. There's a reason those second-world socialist shitholes aren't superpowers or economic powerhouses and the U.S. is still the most relevant. Capitalism rewards winners and lets the begging-for-handouts scum starve to death like they deserve

>> No.10512510

People still talk about this old jew?

>> No.10512515

yes they will, but anon we have to stop him, that hippie boomer will bring the apocalypse

>> No.10512592

He would tax crypto in at least 50%. At worst, he would ban exchanges in the US.
Let alone everything else he would do.

>bernie would actually bring legitimacy to the US govt again
The US government have been legitimate since it's foundation and the damage that it caused to humanity is unparallelled.
>improve our economy
You can only have one. The state survives on pillaging the economy through theft to begin with.
>healthcare cost reductions
You mean make someone else poorer and pay for the use of the completely broken state "health" system.
>instead of this corporate feudalism thing we've got going on right now
>delusional Berniebitch thinks his tirant jew will save the planet
Socialism IS corporate feudalism, where corporations work with the state to keep massive monopolies. This is the case with all european "socialism".
The state and corporations will always walk hand in hand. Their existence is a symbiotic relationship.
>lol increased taxes are better for you
Nope. It's literal theft, delusional bootlicker.
>the government can create jobs
Imagine actually believing that.
There's not a single bureaucrat in history that has ever created a job. In fact, they live solely on destroying jobs. No politician decides to open a business, they only get in the way.
You are beyond delusional.
>hyper inflation is already happening under trump
You don't even know what hyper inflation is, retarded bootlicker.

>> No.10512659

Nice b8

>> No.10512675

He would try to ban crypto, and sick the IRS on exchanges.

He's constantly clamoring for more tax enforcement so he can milk taxpayers for Dem programs.

>> No.10512713

capitalism was the best choice when it was the best option for allocating scarce resources, which it was and has been for a long time. Even lenin knew this but he didn't want to waste the opportunity to try communism when it presented itself; it's no a god sent be all end all.

Capitalism is coming to an end because as a result of technological advancement scarcity is fading away and we no longer need it. we'll soon have a benevolent technocratic democratic republic and be better for it.

>> No.10512747

I unironically agree, this blatant materialistic culture is really a poison, but if we had less money we would be a happier people. Like in venezuela, most upbeat people I've met.

>> No.10512761

Bullish as fuck on silver and garlic to be protected against you fucking demons of unlife.

>> No.10513301

bernie 2020

>> No.10513343

>corporate feudalism
surprisingly accurate description for being just two words

>> No.10513346


how does that not sound like every neet on here?

>> No.10513393

Trump should run as a Democrat or start a new party. Partison politics are the great enabler of our elite psychopath overlords. President George Washington warned us of this in his farewell speech and yet here we fucking are.

>> No.10513438
File: 252 KB, 426x420, 6598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that your faggot commie candidate will never be president and Trump WILL win a second term

>> No.10513696
File: 42 KB, 1000x1446, Ameritard friendly crayon illustration bright colours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some polarities sorted.
A similar example to help you read the picture:
Small is not the opposite if Strong
Small is the opposite of Big
Weak is the opposite of Strong

>> No.10513787

bernie has bottomed out on predict it . org only 15 cents a share that he will win

>> No.10513912

>Implying capitalism is the only reason the US became a superpower
What about Russia, how did they get from being a third world shithole to a superpower, even surpassing the US in the first space race? Through socialism? Through state capitalism? There are multiple factors outside of the economic system. How come other countries with even freer markets than the US won't grow as much? Just take off your blindfold.

>> No.10514103

We'd be in a massive recession, guaranteed. It's coming anyway but if comrade Bernie we're in charge the economy would be in free fall.

>> No.10514156

I hope this is bait. The government is the most incompetent, inefficient "organization" there is no matter how much you give them they spend 50% more with the vast majority of the spending being completely squandered in beurocratic bullshit. If the US gov were a business it would be bankrupt and all execs in jail. Seriously name one government agency that is well run and actually does what it is supposed to do with the billions we give them I'll wait.

>> No.10514169

Move there then, faggot

>> No.10514202

Plenty of ultra capitalist countries are growing faster than the US look at Singapore. US population is just much higher so our economic output will always be higher.

>> No.10514220

Who will vote for this clown?

>> No.10514275

Suggesting it wouldn't drag the west and any major trade partner with it

>> No.10514378

What a fucking retard, OP and Bernie. Fuck off, I'm not paying for your healthcare.

>> No.10514485

Bureaucracy is the unbiased enforcement of the law. The alternative to it is direct power, bribery, criminal gangs and anything that undermines the legislature ergo democracy.
It is possible to think, without being stupid, that bureaucrats are failing in their duties by spending too much money and time. Some people complain, nonsensically, that "un-electd" (lmao) bureaucrats have too much power which is to complain about the fact that the implementation and enforcement of the law isn't biased and corrupt.

>> No.10514525

It might make other countries boom, since anyone rich and especially crypto rich will just leave.

>> No.10515048

While I think Sanders' heart is arguably in the right place and he called out the Federal Reserve for its bullshit decades ago, his stance on college and health care isn't as easy as it sounds.

It's not enough to just give free health care to everyone through taxes. All that will result in is higher taxes for many people without attacking the real causes of high health care prices. High health care prices are the result of failed regulation in the providers (hospitals with too many administrators and, unfortunately, some unethical doctors), lack of effective regulation of insurance providers, uncontrolled prescription drug costs (due in part because lobbyists and corrupt politicians ensured that Medicare could not negotiate for better prices), and prescription benefit managers (yet another middle man in this clusterfuck). Whomever solves the health care problem in the U.S. must AT A MINIMUM must fix all of the aforementioned issues.

What would also be needed is some sort of program to make sure Americans are actually healthier and thus less likely to need expensive medical treatment. We could start by charging a lot of more in insurance premiums for obese people who are far more likely going to have high cholesterol (requiring prescription statins), diabetes, and eventual joint problems. Essentially blow out the anti body-shaming whales by hitting them in their pockets. Beyond making Americans healthier, further substantial cost reductions can be had by ensuring that no *illegal* aliens get any health care benefits. The costs racked up in ERs by those turbo-tapeworms is just unbelievable.

That's just the health care issue and you can bet there will be a lot of pushback from the various lobby groups as well as simple-minded fools who think the problem can be solved just by giving everyone Medicare without controlling costs.