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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1532972485271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10510377 No.10510377 [Reply] [Original]

> token value increased by 20% in the past 24 hours
> ETH in contract increased 48% in past 24 hours
> bankroll currently has 320 ETH, half of which will be distributed to holders in divs this Saturday
> over 180k tokens has been gambled in the past 3 days
> slot machine game is coming, poker is coming, blackjack is coming, sports betting is coming.

Where were you when Zethr was at 1000 contract balance? Where were you when Zethr was at 4000 contract balance? Where will you be when Zethr is at 100k contract balance?

The choice is in your hands, /biz. Balance is currently 6k and rising fast. You shouldnt miss out on this.

More and more P3D whales will be cashing out over the coming days to throw their profits into Zethr. A 500 ETH mini whale just arrived a few hours ago from P3D.

It's not too late to board the train.

This time is different. This time you can choose your dividends, choose your risk.

This time you can be the house. (tm)


>> No.10510402

slots is gonna get bareeeee volume

>> No.10510418


Multi-roll coming with slots. Preload credits, make 1 transaction with the blockchain and get 20+ rolls.

>> No.10510447
File: 174 KB, 680x510, zethr_p3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the p3d cultists to flee like rats from a sinking ship

>> No.10510467
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Zethr cultist. Literally no difference from P3D cultists

>> No.10510491
File: 55 KB, 250x276, p3dpoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zethr doesn't:
Ban people for dissenting ideas or discussion of outside projects
Ban people for being negative
Ban people for being in other discords
Make up bullshit about other developers and projects

>> No.10510511
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33% club represent

>> No.10510514

So what, you both are toxic af

>> No.10510532
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>no difference

>> No.10510534


buy zethr. it gets better.

>> No.10510561

I already own few eth worth of. Just can't stand seeing how it's being "promoted"

>> No.10510568

Do a better job yourself then, fag

>> No.10510637

I though this was a meme but I bought in yesterday at 3000 eth and now the contract is at 6000 eth

Thanks biz you actually did me well for once.

if P3D can hit 80k eth I'm sure this pyramid can hit 10-20k easily. China just got on board

>> No.10510710
File: 28 KB, 313x293, zthrme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YES! been shilling this every day since ico. genuinely want fellow anons to make some money off of this together so this make me happy to see.

>> No.10510876


china still missing

>> No.10510923


in 24 hours

Chinese Cora (Zhihu):
The most famous blockchain platform bihu.com:
The upcoming simple book:

>> No.10511149

What are the returns people have gotten so far just out of interest??

>> No.10511254

Put in about $1100 22 hours ago @ 33% divs.
Gotten about $150 in divs.
Token value is ~$660.

So if I cashed out now i'd be down about $300, but with divs going the way they are I should be above water in a few days, pure profit after that.

You'd be closer to profit if you chose a smaller div percentage but then you'd get less divs.

I'd go big on the div percentage if you think this contracts going to go on for awhile, and small if you want a low risk small profit.

>> No.10511270

Same people who are shilling this boomer crap right now are the same who shilled snowdividends. Guess what happened to the latter?

>> No.10511274

56 just moved OUT of p3d and IN to zethr.

Don't get justed when P3D drops to 5k and Zethr goes up to 50k.

Just buy zethr now.

>> No.10511276


I'm 70 Ether in. Was also in the ICO. Up to 100 now.

>> No.10511277
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Couldn't be more wrong, but I guess it's easy to throw out baseless allegations

>> No.10511313


>both were on 4chan so they must be the same

sure go buy some LINK and earn binance divs

>> No.10511671

This is why I'm becoming really skeptical of P3D. I'm invested in both P3D and Zethr, but the P3D team is always spreading blatant lies about competing projects. It's extremely shady and unprofessional.

>> No.10511743


sad part is they lied to their community that every single fomo clone was a scam, so none of their users got to play the games and understand the rules. none of them even realized how the game works when the timer hits 0. then fomo3d quick comes out and they all get justed... meanwhile the guys who were playing clones all week could see the shitshow from a mile away and knew not to participate. they really screwed over their own userbase

>> No.10511892

You are throwing money at the project with devs who already exit scammed on their fomo clones. Brainlets.

>> No.10511904

dude, you p3d fanboi, just stop... no one is believing this fud

>> No.10511915

This is lying too, fucking kek, not everyone got justed...
>P3D lies
>Posts lies

>> No.10511926

This is lie too, actually, but yeah, they are devs of ethpyramid which got abandoned.

>> No.10511947

buy this shit. it’s making me rich. one hoe a day free thanks to this

>> No.10511966


>exit scammed
lol get your facts right

>> No.10512003

fuck dude maybe they did but there are 10 devs in this shit. and you can sell and withdraw everytime. contract has exit function. don’t piss you pants and stay poor. it’s a money machine

>> No.10512286

Has anyone played any of the Zethr games? How are they? I don't fully understand it, so I haven't. But I'm seeing that the dice game has a 69.7% chance of winning

>> No.10512355

zeth is great, unironically got 2k tokens.
the only wild card is it's all on-chain -- which keeps house-edge low (good) but delays gambling by having the whole "Resolve" implementation which requires multiple metamask tx's to get confirmed just to see if you won $5 or whatever. it keeps it fair, but it also prevents it from ever becoming like, say, safedice or fortunejack. TL;DR yungSusLean nibba

>> No.10512758

its fucking dice, what can you possibly not understand

>> No.10513312


yep it's all very early though. i supported them in ico and definitely didn't expect this to blow up in just a few days even though in hindsight it makes sense. but the dice game is still in beta... they are still working out small bugs here and there. fortunately they are exploring off chain solutions to make a smoother gaming experience. not something that will rake in thousands of ether any time soon but with committed development it could very well get there.

>> No.10513367

I put in at 1800 eth. Put .7 eth in and got .15 dividends and can sell tokens for .8 as of this morning. So total profit of .25 I guess.

>> No.10513873

Screen cap this shit for when you realize you missed out on Zethr!

What else you going to do? You can get donged at McCucks any day of the week.

>> No.10514320
File: 52 KB, 897x472, criminalscamartists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Friendly reminder to everyone in this thread that Zethr is actually a ponzi scheme.

The way they "Calculate" how your token is worth has been designed to make everyone who plays it think they are rich. Its genuinely 100% a ponzi.

As soon as anyone sells that money vanishes, you won't be the first to sell.

>> No.10514346

damn fake news liberal media witch hunt

>> No.10514408

thats bullshit and you know it,

the faggot ass developers of zethr botted the game to snag all the early shares like the shitters they are.

>> No.10514432

Cope. Its soared from 1700 eth to almost 7k in like 3 days. It's going to minimum 30k. Its coming etheroll, fomo3d and powh3d all in one token.

>> No.10514474

Literally backwards, the price moves up and down very slowly
If other people start selling you have fucktons of time to sell

>> No.10514502

Made by Scam-Norsefire. Ignore.
Let's check out Norsefire's record shall we?

Charliecoin - SCAMMED & DUMPED
Charliecoin2 - SCAMMED & DUMPED
Charliecoin3 - SCAMMED & DUMPED
Ethpyramid - SCAMMED & DUMPED
Etherworldcup - DESERTED
Pyrebirds - DESERTED

>> No.10514535

Obsessed. Stay mad and go back to snow dividends.

>> No.10514558
File: 173 KB, 375x375, golden_homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor faggot

>> No.10514572

even if it was made by him (which it's literally not) does it matter? the contract can't be stolen from. Same as all other pyramids.

The time to get in is shortening . If you can time it you can profit which is why I am in.

>> No.10514584

what are you retarded it's a ponzi.

There's not enough eth in the bank to pay out 60% of the tokens.

>> No.10514602

>literally "no u" comments
shills can't even do their job properly lmao

>> No.10514639

You people are pathetic and embarrassingly transparent. /biz/ is flooded all day and night with all kinds of shilling and bullshit. Out of all that, only things that are a threat to FOMO3D/P3D have seen such an intense FUD campaign lately. You retards literally took the time to start making fucking graphics. No ordinary person does shit like that unless they have personal stake in it.

You are very likely a P3D dev or one of their devoted cultists. I'm in the discord. I know you guys are browsing /biz/ to intentionally shit talk other games. When the FOMO 3D clones started popping up, you fuckers blatantly lied and started telling everyone they were phishing scams. First on /biz/, then the official FOMO 3D site even started saying that.

You idiots don't realize that doing unprofessional, petty shit like that ruins your credibility. I literally participated in 4 different clones and personally made money from each one. Meanwhile FOMO3D long is paying shit dividends now and FOMO quick was an absolute shitshow. Now P3D is dumping like fuck. You guys are fucking morons. Get the fuck off 4chan and improve your product.

I have no hardcore allegiance to any of these games or teams. I'm just doing what makes money. I still have money in P3D and I'm hoping you retards get it together. As of now, Zethr has made me more money in the last 24 hours than P3D or Fomo in the last five days. There are legitimate reasons people are saying this is superior right now. Stop trolling imageboards like goddamn children and fucking fix your shitty games. Tons of people lost money and are pissed. Get the fuck off 4chan and get your fucking shit together.

>> No.10514699
File: 73 KB, 360x273, zthr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make ponzi scheme
>Developers are the same developers who scammed shitloads of eth from people on tons of other products
>Wonder why everyone hates them

>> No.10514710

This. It's so cringe seeing just faggots try and fud this.

>> No.10514733

Everyone knows that's not true and the devs are not the same people. You have 0 proof of this picture, but you already knew that didn't you?

>> No.10514744

Proof of weak math, the game that seeded 20 ambassadors to drain the game in 15 minutes from 4k eth.

The guy who deployed it

Literally the head developer of Zethir "etherguy", with tons of account connections to all this other pyramid scam shit going on now.


>> No.10514831

Where does it say it's his address? And if it really is his official address that is well known, why is it at fucking .1 ETH lmao?
And if it is not well known and you're telling us """"insider info""""" then gtfo, your shilling is over
This copypasta that you put everywhere is self contradicting you idiot. I can't believe you guys wouldn't even think through t a little.

>> No.10514833

Stay mad. Bottomline is, Zethr is making money and P3D is losing it. There's not a single thing you can post that will change that. Just checked my P3D holdings, the value has decreased yet again. And I have yet to even make a single dollar in dividends since last week. Why am I not surprised?

Like I said before, get the fuck off 4chan and fix your shit. You don't need to spread FUD. You don't need to shill. The only thing you need to do is create a good, profitable system, and people will flock to it. So get off your ass and fucking do it. Otherwise, shut the hell up and let the superior team collect the profits until you guys can get your shit together.

>> No.10514863

Lmao whether you like it or not this shit is at 6.2K already
What the fuckkkkkk

>> No.10514870

just bought 2 eth worth. hopefully this works out.
i made great good eth with p3d.

>> No.10514876


>its not possible that /biz/
>the website your developers have scammed for assloads of eth
>hates us

>> No.10514910

That really is Etherguy's address, and I'd guess its at .1 ETH because he's balls deep in zethr, almost 60 ETH worth.

But POWM was written by team JUST, I don't know why it was deployed by Etherguy. If I had to guess he was part of team JUST back then.

I don't know what any of this really means but it is true as far as I can tell.

>> No.10514921

Nice refute man. Totally answered my points and arguments.
P3D is done. Get over it and make a better system as another anon said. I really think FOMO long has a lot of power left, you just need to shill it to regular people. $10mil is a lot of money, and there are a lot of idiots left. Focus on that instead of anti-shilling

>> No.10514987

POWM was the first in a long line of copy/paste clones of P3D. Most the people who made copy pastes just left all the text at the top because they were shameless.

Etherguy made a copy, it went to 4k eth and then drained in minutes.

>> No.10515029

Can you point us to where it shows that etherguy made that copy? Or the transaction to that address that drained that contract?
No? Duck off

>> No.10515088

Craig Grant is promoting it.

Other projects Craig Grant has promoted:
- Bitconnect (Scam)
- Davor (Scam)
- Finecoin (Scam)
- Thorncoin (Scam)
- POWH3d (Scam)
- CGNOW (Scam)
- FunFace (Scam)
- POOH (Scam)
- NOW (Scam)
- Zethr (upcoming Scam)

>> No.10515196


I'm going to object to you calling EG "head developer" and ignore the rest of all of this malarkey.

There are eight of us. We all had an equal part to play. Whether that damns or redeems us is for people to decide in the months to come.

Please continue.

>> No.10515209

No you fuck off you cryptoboomer. It's too late to get into the ponzi you are so eager to defend. No one will money back, only early """""""investors"""""""' and devs will make money off of stupid people who buy in so late.

Fuck off you shill.

>> No.10515224

don't be a faggot you and your scam brethren have 1000s of eth off the shit you fucked people over with.

now you own 70% of this fucking ponzi scheme and it doesn't even have enough eth in it to pay out a fifth of the tokens its given out.

>> No.10515251

>70IQ, the post

>> No.10515353



>> No.10515671

Ayooo dev in thread.
Unlike these p3d shits, I want to applaud you on your professionalism above all. None of that meme bullshit

>> No.10515711
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>I want to applaud you on your professionalism

>> No.10515779


good luck anon

>> No.10515904

does your divs get reset after you roll the dice? I had 0.002 divs...rolled the dice. checked back about 30 mins later and my divs was at 0 but i won the roll and got paid zethr

>> No.10515924

They get withdrawn to your metamask everytime you roll