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10508591 No.10508591 [Reply] [Original]

We have the best of everything
people literally risk their lives to get a taste of this shit

>> No.10508603

Literally a 3rd world country with nukes

>> No.10508608

>with nukes
we invented the nuke nigger

>> No.10508610

America is utter shit at social support. Canada is a much better country in that sphere. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and won't until you find yourself in the position of needing social services/benefits. No job protection/vetting. No parental workers benefits, etc. Very 3rd world esque.

>> No.10508611

No that was Germany.

>> No.10508618

No that was a Jew, you lying goy

>> No.10508622

What's so great about living in a glorified nigger zoo

>> No.10508626

Must be pretty impressive since it's actually filled with racists and nazis yet asylum seekers are headed there as quick as they can.

>> No.10508642

because ameroica makes up things like lower than open closing being + on wall street. todays dow performance for reference.close 25,306 vs open 25,345 but lets call that +0.43% because numbers are hard like my dick


or apples block buster quarter being nothing but a tax break with a previous year same quarter comparison


i mean we just ooze misrepresentations when you consider how the media talks about things half the time

>> No.10508643

The petrodollar. We send other countries paper, they send us goods

Otherwise America is a corporate-olighargic human farm. Amerifan cities are gridlike labor camps. No history, no culture, just mass consumption and empty lives. The ponzi will soon collapse and I can't wait

t. American

>> No.10508652
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>Canada’s official international reserves last released by the Bank of Canada (BofC) on February 23, 2016 showed gold reserves at zero (0). This is unprecedented. Canada now stands as the only G7 nation that does not hold at least 100 tonnes of gold in its official reserves.
I have more gold than your entire country

>> No.10508671

I know right
white men are so evil but they literally risk death to be in our presence

>> No.10508686

>You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and won't until you find yourself in the position of needing social services/benefits
shit like this is why I hate canada and europe
my family worked hard for generations, I've worked hard my entire life
and all we do is support you brainlet faggots through theft like social services
I can't even fathom the millions of wasted dollars niggers have taken from my bloodline

>> No.10508843

Its an indescribable feeling. Its no use trying to explain to europoors, they get buttmad trying to conceive a life without being fucked up the ass by mohamed.

>> No.10508850

>post about America
>guaranteed replies from /poltards

>> No.10508884

what I'm trying to understand is like why are we continuing to support 3rd world faggits
we built this shit and we're starting to stagnate now that women and minorities can vote

I'm about to start a ethnostate somewhere in NE USA so we can keep our brilliance within our community and achieve greatness

>> No.10508981

I love my country but we have some serious issues such as the prison industrial complex, the opioid problem, and the fact that our republic seems to be degrading from the inside. Though America may be the first great power to live on just because of the very god like power we have in technology..

>> No.10509069

I like you anon
we need to rid ourselves of the cancer like prison industrial complex and opiates all relating to crony capitalism
I'm good with a pharmacy holding whatever drugs we want but the jews got us by the balls