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10507791 No.10507791 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your realize link will kickstart the automation revolution
>tfw you realize the age of machine learning will follow
>tfw you realize link is basically skynet

>> No.10507801

worth it

>> No.10507816
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but what shall I do
sell at 3 bucks when it will moon to 3 trillion
or wait until I'm 60 so I can finally buy a gf

>> No.10507882

Sell at $60.
Beyond that the price won't go up anymore b/c of forks. Big guys will fork it, rename it and just use it. Immagine paying 0$/token and using the same platform.
This is the weak link. It's open source bro.

>> No.10507919

someone refute this PLEASE

>> No.10507938

there is no refutation, in normal blockchains the value comes from the hash rate, even if you fork you still don't have the miners.

>> No.10507965

that doesn't make any sense
I don't think it'll happen anyway, we'll see

>> No.10507969

90% 10%
Hash Price


>> No.10507978

link is not a mineable token what the fuck are you on about

>> No.10507989

What Link does is basicly collect info from Apis and deliver them to the caller.
The caller has to pay the Link node and the Api.
They will simply bypass the node, dummy, with a simple fork and some servers. The caller's interest is to collect data from the fucking Api not pay the fatboy for doing it.
$30 is more likely the top for this coin.
MS will include an oracle in their fucking Windows bro, for a small fee. Then you'll be free to collect whatever you want from Apis.

>> No.10507995

link is nothing, exactly, it has no way to self regulate, it is not a normal blockchain, man you so stupid

>> No.10508051
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What the fuck? How can you believe that while also believing link will even hit $60? You realise they can already call whatever api they want?

>> No.10508060

I mean $30. Many of the apis will also be exclusive to link adaptors.

>> No.10508065

Shut up Cryptowski

>> No.10508092

Sssshhh let the linkies stay in their delusion

You can't, back in october this was the consensus amongst oldfags on biz and they sold off their stack while shilling it here. Link still managed to fall to 1000 sats. The memes survived however and I reckon a lot of oldfags who are now rich of ethereum still shill link/make memes to fuck with the newfags. Brutal, but the universe is hostile.

>> No.10508113
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creative fud, I see right through it though. Thanks for the buy signal

>> No.10508169

Buy however much you want. Maybe during the next bubble (2021, a year after the halvening) it might rise above 1$ again when Sergey finally makes another Twitter post.

>> No.10508172

Their networks won't be as decentralized and robust as Link's though. Link has the head start and the partnerships. It's like the difference between Coke and shitty store brand cola.

>> No.10508184

wtf do you even understand what link is m8?

>> No.10508227

Tfw youve been all in on chainlink for months and you still have no idea what it is

>> No.10508244

Store brand coke is an attempted copy. A fork is a 100% exact copy, only lots and lots cheaper to use. Wouldn't you buy a store brand that is 100% the same as Cocacola? Do you really think companies care about the brand name of a middleware software and not about saving money?

>> No.10508271

*highlight posts by this id*
wow... this guy really must care about saving me money, surely he isn't lying to me so he can keep the price down or something

>> No.10508292

You don't understand. You can't fork a large and robust marketplace of decentralized oracles all over the world. You can't just copy/paste that. You have to spend years developing it, working out kinks, getting it to function well. Once your brand has demonstrated itself worthy, people will trust it over others.

>> No.10508332

Nice counter argument:
>"Y-y-you're just fudding to keep the price down."

Incorrect: a fork is a perfect copy paste. Link is basically a test version. A "decentralized" network of big company nodes will be the real Oracle network. Who would you trust: consensus from 10 random persons on the street or from 10 experts on the subject? Right, so the Oracle network will only have properly vetted nodes from reputable companies such as swift or IBM. Sweaty basement dwelling neets will not be trusted to give the input data to a 100 million dollar smartcontract, you're delusional if you think otherwise

>> No.10508350

why do they need to fork it to accomplish this ?
everybody benefits if we all agree a singular oracle..

>> No.10508361

Read my post again, I wrote an ELI5. If you want I'll make an ELI3 just for you.

>> No.10508379
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Again, you demonstrate your lack of understanding.
You can copy/paste code. You can't copy/paste hardware that is in the real world. You can't copy/paste a large and robust marketplace of nodes all over the world.
You also fail to understand how valuation of nodes will work. You won't value an 'expert' node = a neet node. You might value an expert node = 1000 neet nodes in various countries all over the world. Or you would value an expert node = a neet node with 1 million dollars staked in it.
You also fail to realize that 100 million dollar contracts are not the only contracts you can use chainlink to feed data in and out of.
You fail to realize so fucking much that I can feel myself getting alzheimers just talking to you. Now please fuck off.

>> No.10508387

Holy shit I'm literally salivating right now? D-dare I say it??? Lambo confirmed!?

>> No.10508420

just read the white paper senpai

>> No.10508430

Personal attacks won't make me sell, fatty.
please drop dead you insufferable piece of shit, hope you enjoy your link gains, asshole.

>> No.10508440

Dont have the attention span to grasp it

>> No.10508457

ethereum is too slow, gay and expensive. Sorry, chainlink will fail when chained to ethereum.

signed by: ~the link destroyer~

>> No.10508458

ya it took me a few attempts to read it

>> No.10508580

maybe when you want to send link to someone or exchange it to ether but other than that there's no drawbacks

>> No.10509004

Going by this logic everyone should ditch BTC for BCH or some other shitty fork

>> No.10509014
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Ok this is too retarded of a leap for even a linkie

>> No.10509046

Chainlink CASH is the real chainlink and true sergeys vision

>> No.10509244

Wrong. Btc and bch are both mined. Linkforks will have the same technology but only real trustworthy companies that will own the nodes and no dirty neets such as yourself

>> No.10509282

I want an android gf.